Life Collage

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Life is a messy collage of bits and pieces. I'm a bit angry as I lost my last article I wrote on Steem because I was highlighting the whole post while uploading photos which then turns everything highlighted into the photos you upload. It gives you a trade, a Linux swap. Everything I wrote in this post disappeared. Can I take that back? Can I start over?

No, because there was no backspace, no undo. I pressed undo and nothing happened. So, I lost my last hour of writing and everything here. I'm kind of rewriting some of it right now, right here. Normally, you would be able to get back your work in Word, or maybe other programs and browsers. Sometimes, in life, there is no reset like you could with the Super Nintendo. This is not a game, this is real life, and sometimes people do die.

We are collages and we are oatmeal. We are a collection of whatever people we may love and like. We kind of steal from the people that came before us and we stick them on the pages of our collage, our masterpiece of life. You are the star of your life, your own movie film or collage. I might be a guest star in your film. But I'm probably not the star. And in life, that is called perspective. We are always adding and removing from the collages of our lives like raisins from bowls of oatmeal.

Here are some of the photos and collages and drawings I have made in 2004 when I was 18 and some of these came from before that maybe. Our lives are jars of clay.


About Me -

My name is Joey Arnold, my email: [email protected]: I'm the original oatmeal, from Oregon. I'm for smaller government, less taxes/ regulations/ bad laws, more freedoms. I'm all for family values, community, nationalism, patriotism, freedoms of speech religion, arms, property, press, privacy, sovereignty, borders, decentralized free markets, cryptocurrencies, blockchain networks, Bitcoin, Steem, Gab, Minds, and L4OJ hope over dope, joy over circumstances, encouragement articles (EA), Trump, Brexit, and capitalism over crony capitalism, technocracy, tyranny, corporatism, monopolism, plutocracy, oligarchy, progressive liberalism, socialism, communism, democrats, and I do hate Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Bill Gates of Microsoft, Oprah of depopulation Agenda 21 programs, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, Amazon, Walmart, Clinton, Obama, Bush, Bilderberg, NWO, EU, UN, NAU, CFR, and more.

Art Time

2018-02-18 Sunday 08:50 PM LMS: created
2018-02-18 Sunday 10:05 PM LMS: Life Collage
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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My Biography

My Life - United States - Oregon - Vietnam -
1900s - 2000s - 1980s - 1990s - 2000s - 2010s - 2020s -
1980 - 1981 - 1982 - 1983 - 1984 - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989
1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999
2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009
2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019

My Social Media

About.Me - Bitchute - Blogger - Busy - CouchSurfing - Disqus - - Facebook - Foody - Gab - Google - Linkedin - Medium - Minds - Periscope - Reddit - Steemit - Tumblr - Twitter - Vidme - Weebly - WikiTree - WordPress - YouTube -

My Favorite Websites

Info Wars Store - Appalachian Bible College - Above The Law - American Center of Law & Justice - Answers In Genesis - Agenda Of Evil - Bill Still - Breitbart - Conservative Army 88 - Cernovich - Citizens For Trump - Climate Depot - Compound Media - Deplorable Radio - Daily Caller - Dispropaganda - Dr. Berg - Drudge - Diamond & Silk - Earth Sky - Eagle Rising - Free Geek - Freedom Press - Duck Duck Go - Hot Air - Half Past Human - Hagmann Report - Hillary Clinton Leaks - Intelli-Hub - Jeremy Robert Walker - Lionel Media Nation - Lisa Haven - Louder With Crowder - Make America Great Again Pill - Mark Dice - Milo - Natural News - News Wars - No More Fake News - One American News Network - Offended America - Out Kick The Coverage - Outlaw Morgan - Patriot Fires - Pirate Bay - Rogue Right - Rebel Media - Right Side Broadcasting Network - Salvation Army - Survival Blog - Stefan Molyneux - The Citizens Audit - The Daily Beast - Tactical Insider - The Truth About Guns - Ubuntu - Veritas - What Really Happened - Wiki Leaks - Word Of Life Bible Institute - WND Yes I'm Right - Zero Hedge - Moon Bit - Shelton Music LLC -



wow this is a very big post but quite interesting!!

Hey, thanks. But as long we can comprehend it all. Hehe.

this was a good one I've read today so far and you know what my favorite quote in this? is WE ARE COLLAGES AND WE ARE OATMEAL, it made me smile somehow. Thanks for this and I hope I get to see more of your big words

Hey, thanks Oatmeal Comet Girl, haha, and cool. Yeah, I have been going through my art, and old photo albums and I love oatmeal and daily bread and fundamentals, roots, to life. Yeah we are collages as we are bits and bytes of this and that. We are edits and covers. We are Reddits and lovers.

great post! enjoyed all the pictures. good luck to you!

Hey, thanks Oatmeal Kenzi. Take care, hehe.

you are certaintly welcome :):):)

Nice post
Please vote me


I was so happy to read your post and even more happy to hear you are from my old stomping grounds, Shelton, WA. I graduated from Shelton High School in 1976. I then went into the Air Force after graduating, but still remember many good things while I lived there.

Thanks for sharing your post.

May you continue to be blessed with success upon success!

Shelton seems nice. I'm from Forest Grove, Oregon, which had less than 20,000 people before the 1990's. So, I'm from a small town like Shelton around forest and farms. We have a garden. We all do better with gardens and farms.

Wow, reading this has been long, but such a unique experience for me! It's interesting to see, how you view world around you and interact with it.

Thanks so much and yeah, art is the best, and perspectives are so interesting as well.

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