Keep calm, drink tea and read books - evening thoughts writing about blogging (and original colored pencils art)

in #art7 years ago

Hi, guys!:)

Today I've spent all day communicating with my mom, travelling with her around the city I live in. She lives behind the city, so our meetings are rare, but they're always fun. So I had no time at all to create some new art, of course I will do it tomorrow, right from the first sun rays in the morning.

May be this post is a god opportunity for me to think a bit about my blog on steemit. Meaning - where it all leads? The more I create writing posts the more I become sure that it's a waste of time. In the beginning of my story on this platform I made friends and communicated, and I continue doing it, but t the moment, with hundreds of new users coming here every day my main goal - to make my blog as personal as possible - looks more and more like a bad idea.

I will explain what I mean. Of course, the first thing that annoys most is seeing meaningless comments under every post. The most varied are "nice" and "good post". What is that? A conversation starter? Of course not. What are they written for? Perhaps just to get attention. Well, it seems so. But with me it mostly leads to opposite effect, cause this is exactly how I feel after reading them:

Image credit 

Such comments get especially silly when I write on some kind of serious topic. Well, at least serious for me. And as I said yesterday - my blog is like my on-line home, as long as I'm within the law I'm free to write about anything I want. So other people do. And I don't come to other people blogs with dirty boots even if I don't like the topics they write about. Because their blogs are their on-line homes, and it's just rude to come there with dirty boots.

On the other hand quite often I'm blamed in being rude. There is an obvious reason for it, you know. And it's pretty simple. I'm not a super nice person. If to show it "on cats" I'm not like this:

Image credit

But more like this:

Image credit

And I don't see a good point to be super nice if it's not in my character. Plus I'm still 100% sure that writing "Nice" and "Good post" is a pure spamming. 

So at the moment I'm thinking about reorganizing my blog again. I wished to make it personal - I managed with the task 50/50. Now I may be have to make a choice. Either I make it 100% personal and don't care what others say, or I make it only about art again, and then everyone is happy, no inconvenient themes, no rudeness in comments, nothing at all - just pure art and this instant silly "Nice" in comments. 

Usually I'm really quick in making choices, so I think I'll probably decide till tomorrow. Anyway, I plan to spend the rest of evening being calm, reading books and drinking tea, cause that's what I do with medication I'm taking at the moment. Imagine that - with no meditation, just medication. And I feel great. 

Or may be I just should avoid writing posts when I'm in a bad mood. But it also is not completely fair, cause after all steemit is for blogging, and I thought that this platform will finally be a perfect place for personal blog. And if bad mood sometimes also is a part of my life, and I'm a daily blogger anyway - why not?

I wish you all the best and will be happy if you'll support me with vote:)

Love, Inber


I Have a similar thoughts in these days. Usually I post about my art or funny moments in my family. Usually I don't write post more "personal", this was my choice since the first time I started to blog (before to stay on steemit ^^), just because I've never found a platform that I can called "home". On steemit is really different, because even if there are many spam comments (too many!), you can easily see people really interested to engage a conversation with you. It could be just a simple comment on one of our posts or the "right words" that make you think that he/she is a nice person to know, but it happens . Yes, everyone started to blog here for the payout, but for many of us it's more than that, fortunately ^^

I don't regret that payout is important too and I like it (who won't:), but I also stayed because of people I met and the friendly atmosphere. And yes, it absolutely worth it even if one comment of 10 will be meaningful. And all these special moments I find here - for example I still remember the first time I saw your houses art and fell in love:)
It's just sometimes when spam is 99% I receive, and when I point that out spammers think that I'm rude I just think "Well, screw that". May be cause it's harder to communicate with no intonation and facial expression.

You would get on with my 2 girls as there exatly the same, there often saying they hate people lol mind im not a big fan of them either :)

We definitely would get on:)

The "easy" solution if you want to keep life blogging is to just mute the people that annoy you :) Other people will still be able to read their comments on you blog but at least you won't have to. I don't know if you have repeat offenders in your comments though.


I wold have to mute about 5-10 people every day lol:) But well, it's a solution:)

Strangely there hasn't been any spam comments yet
maybe you succeeded in scaring them away :D
Just wanted to say that both you @inber and @silviabeneforti were like the 1st two artsy people I started following here and I like your blogs, doesn't matter if it's just art or more personal're cool people :)

Thank you so much for warm words!:)
I doubt that I scared them away, I noticed that my posts receive more spam comments if I post in the morning, and this one I wrote in the evening. Probably they just focus somehow by time zones:)


No seriously, it's a great point. It feels like there are a lot of people out there who just blanket like/comment just to make a couple of cents, that they'll never cash out anyway.
Love tea. If you've not checked it out, rose tea is awesome.


You mean red rose tea, carcade?:)

Love carcade! I actually mean black tea with rose petals. Sounds goofy, but surprisingly nice!

You made my day with the You-cat picture !!LoLminuscule.png
I don't know if you are not super nice as you wrote, but I know that I enjoy your being, so you are not mean, nasty or such, cause I never waste my energy talking to low vibs people ^_^
Indeed spammy comments are annoying, I personally try to not focus too much on them but I confess I have a great skill to not see what I don't want to see...LoL... Yet I understand your concern about them ;-)

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