@agneslaczo's ART CONTEST 6 Entry.

in #art7 years ago

This week's topic is -


I am a huge fan of @agneslaczo's work.

It is cute and playful and a bit naughty.

An absolutely gorgeous and a consistently brilliant, huge body of work.

I have been well intended with her contests, motivated even, but the weeks just seem to run away from me, and the days and weeks blend into months.

I did enter during the a cat in the hat week, but it was a drawing I was coincidentally doing at the time.

I didn't want to miss this one.

It is fabulously signature @agneslaczo.

So here's my first attempt.


I frequently draw and forget to do progress shots, but I did remember to do one.


I did a basic sketch and then blocked it in with oil pastels.

Check out the contest.

draw me something related to
the bathroom. It can be a woman in the bathtub , or someone
taking a shower, or a man shaving.. or pretty much any
creative idea will do. Maybe a woman doing her makeup...

I hope you like it @agneslaczo



Is this yours ??? it is flipping brilliant!!

Yes it is mine. I can't spend too long on any one task at the moment, and I never complete things. My body betrays my racing mind.
I love @agneslaczo's contests and am a big fan. Every week I say I'm in, and I miss the deadlines. So I smashed this out then had a lie down lol.

I have written so many half poems for contests lately and not entered.

You have given me hope that I will be capable of more again one day x

I work hard to be capable - I could take more medication of course but the medication makes me sick. Initially it also wasn't working. What I do now is pretty extreme and I've been doing it for 4 years and sometimes it's hard and frustrating because I'm still on medication and I still struggle a lot. I spent 3 hours cooking a delicious vegan tea for my extended family tonight for my father's 78th birthday (!!!) - I couldn't eat any of it because I am so strict with my diet and I don't eat any oils or fats or processed foods or dairy or wheat or yeast or too much fruit or anything high in protein... and definitely no meat - yuk - but I've never eaten that. I have my food routine and it suits me well most of the time but can be very alienating. Still I'm probably an alien so who cares :) I've no idea really how diet affects other illnesses. It has no impact whatsoever on my thyroid and I do not believe it has any effect either on anxiety levels - or even fatigue. However it definitely affects progressive autoimmune illness. I love this picture btw and I love how you are expressing yourself even though it might feel rushed / hurried to you it feels very Direct and Powerful and immediate and authentic to me.

I still love this by the way :) sorry if I'm not in so much I'm having another injection tomorrow I'm really struggling with hands. Love you xxxx

I'm heading to the surgeon in the morning. Just a consult. Can't sleep, after 2am. So much invested and don't even know what choice to make.
I am heading back after my spine injections last week. I hope to get a plan.
I feel better when I put down the device, but then I have no vice...
I end up doing some equally crazy crafting that I pay for anyway.
I'm a bit frustrated I have to say. Putting a hyperactive person in a defunct body is some kind of sick joke. The gods are having a laugh.

I have a hyperthymia personality! My doc wants to medicate me for it!! I just want to be able to move freely then there'd be no issue :) Yes sicko gods lol that's for certain. Good luck that sounds very sucky :( . Xxxx

There is a label for everything. They are designed for doctors to categorise and analyse but not for patients well-being. If hyperthymia helps you understand yourself and get through your day being kind to yourself, then wear it, if not, then disregard it.
Your perspective is a gift, I imagine applying a mood stabiliser to it would blunt the shiny bright lights, however... It is about you. How do you feel? Do you think you need levelling out to enjoy a more balanced life?
I don't care about diagnostics and terminology, I like to talk to people about them. Ask them how they feel, who they are.
The labelling is the basics of psychiatry. A good clinician sees past that. Depression for instance, it is experienced and expressed in many different ways. That is the failing of mental health in my mind. It is an individual experience but like all area's of the health industry it is treated with a one size fits all marketing approach. Because illness is a business.

It's lovely, bright and funny. Her eggshape is wonderful.

It's kinda funny

you are very creative, your painting is very good

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