"Ithaqa" Comic Book Update #122 Steemit Has Officially Paid For Issue 3 Of "Ithaqa"

in #art7 years ago


Steemit has made a personal dream of mine come true, and financed my ability to pay Theresa (@la-fumettista) for the next issue of "Ithaqa", titled: The High Priestess.

The freelancing lifestyle has not been super great to me this year, and Theresa and I had assumed that issue 3 would be put on hold until we found a publisher. Then, last week, one of my posts about a short story I wrote went viral just in time to collect that excellent upswing in steem price!


I was flattered as all hell! I hadn't managed to get that short story published anywhere, presumably because it featured graphic violence/sex, but on steemit it found a home, and I was compensated for one of my best pieces of writing to date!

So of course I decided to use that money to fund more art, so about a month from now, expect to start seeing new pages from issue 3!

Hopefully we'll get a publisher by then, but as I've submited to different places I've noticed that a lot of these indie houses want the works completely finished, and they also prefer graphic novel format to monthly installments. My editor and I are going to have a talk about re-working the structure such that each "issue" becomes a chapter in a single book.

If we end up going with that format, it would allow us to add a few pages here and there to flesh out the story more...in the meantime, thank you for your upvotes, and please keep them coming because that steem goes right back into making more of the content I've been sharing with you the past 6+ months!


Theresa Chiechi's (The Artist @la-fumettista) website is here: http://www.theresachiechi.com/

Sign up for updates on our website: https://www.ithaqacomic.com/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/pg/IthaqaComic/about/?ref=page_internal
Twitter: @IthaqaComic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ithaqacomic/


uaaoo that good!

Yes! I'm looking forward to seeing what's next. It's good to see things are finally panning out more for Ithaqa and for Assembled. Exciting times!

Thank you :) I'm hoping that people will get really excited about the colors for issue 2, if another post goes viral, maybe I could pay for issue 4 as well...

Dare I dream of a steem funded graphic novel series?

Congratulations Dr. Watson! =)
Great to see your creativity being rewarded and new doors opening.

Thank you!! It would be a dream if I could quit my other jobs and write full time for steem, maybe someday...

It looks like your paintings are coming along really nicely too!

Steem has turned out to be a nice addition to the painting. Painting is the main gig, but it certainly is exciting to be paid to promote one's own creativity. =)

Tip: start writing full time (as near to) now before you quit the job. You will find the change over will happen quicker then, but as long as you treat it as your side job, it will forever remain that way. It is the hard lesson I had to learn with painting.

Thank you, that's very good advice. I've been steadily increasing the number of hours a day I write/edit my comic, and I think you're right. I'm a full time writer, who also does some other things on the side to make money!

You might have to sacrifice other things in your life to win the extra hours you need rack up "full time" for your comic each week.

I work from home, so mostly I'm sacrificing other paid gigs haha

That's awesome news! That is the hope and the promise of this place - to use the gains made here to create great stuff.

Nice bro! Will you give us a story on #DreamsComeTrue perhaps?

I'd be happy to! What would that entail?

Well, it's all in This Post. A sort of "guide" to making dreams come true.

You could just tell how you make yours come true...what is the thought process or simply a story of a dream come true, just make sure the #DreamsComeTrue hashtag is there so we can see it.

More wonderful sketches and inking. Love as usual.

Thank you! I couldn't be more lucky to have Theresa backing my words up with her art :)

awesome bro i really wish i was able to be consistent in my comic as you are but college wont let me... sobs

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