On today's drawing table: Commision Piece of an Animal in Chair.

in #art6 years ago (edited)

A finished study for a commision of a basset in a chair in my "animals in chairs" series/style.


The fuller image.


I don't take many commissions, but sometimes someone will be persistent and when they say they want it like my series I have done (and enjoyed doing) and really the interpretation is up to me, I'll take it. The only brief was a Basset Hound. I love Bassets!

In my Animals in Chairs series I always tried to have something happening in it, albeit in a static way. Maybe a wallpaper hinted at the animals origin whilst his chair belied his farm life with an urban chic of an Eames chair as I did in my Pig version.


Or sometimes demonstrating the larger than life personality of the Dog over his surroundings as I did with the Frenchie atop two doll house chairs, surveying his world.


So, with this one I wanted a little tongue and cheek with a cup of tea/coffee and a book. Have we just disrupted the fellow from his afternoon read and cuppa? Or are you, the viewer, the lucky owner of this bright eyed fellow, about to indulge in reading, sipping, and all kinds of puppy snuggling?

I've always loved animals and felt an affinity with them from an early age, so I do focus on them in my work often or at least make then secondary players.

Here is the more finalized sketch with various lines removed and ready for watercolours.

Here is a gif of a quick buildup

I love doing studies of pieces but have also learned to accept them as finished pieces. I consider this a 'done' piece, even though I will most likely do it 'again' in digital oil/oil pastel.

I hope you have a lovely day and get a chance to appreciate an animal and a chair even if just virtually.
If you like my work please upvote and feel free to resteem and by all means leave comments.

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My bitcoin wallet as per the @slothicorn request to provide it with your artwork.


Dogs and pig on chairs! What an interesting concept. I like that you imbued meanings behind the picture also, I think a meaningful art makes the picture itself much more interesting :D.


Thank you, I like art that has a bit of story to it.

I love Bassets too and you gave to him a lot of attitude. I also like that you almost use mono-color, today I am gonna try a face mono-color. Let's see what it comes up.

I cant's wait to check it out.

Busset! He's too sweet:) I heard that in England he's called "a gentlemen who's pants are a bit too big":)

I've not heard that one, though they have wonderful loose skin and they can trip over their own ears, silly too :)

They are fun to draw, being naturally absurd creatures.

I would say Basset In A Barkolounger, but I know my chairs well enough to know that is NOT what it is. Though I could not place the name, without help from DD across the terra firma pond. Love the whimsy, as we all know, but that one is really fun. Then again, they all are. I've got to keep this short, and go do a BUNCH of things. Sigh, the joys of life. Have a peachy Sunday.

I also did my computer time in the morning yesterday and then 'shut off' the digtial for a big chuck of the day. I'm continuing my buidling/garden project seaside, I'll share when I'm done or maybe just another update :)

Don't know anyone who does animals the way you do. You really capture their essence, their personality, their soul.

Although we had a dog when I was a teenager and I really loved it, I am more of a cat lover. We always had cats and even now, that I don't have one of my own, our neighbors cat always hangs out in our back yard. Seeing a cat just "lounging around" in a cozy place in the sun just gives me a real warm and wonderful feeling and great memories of worry free childhood days.

I think its nice, that you too brought in a picture of your garden. Still a way to go, until I can plant something like you do, but I'm really looking forward to that. Is that the coast in the background or a lake? Living by the water was always one of my dreams!

Oh that cat!! I love it 😍

Thank you so much, @reinhard-schmid. In many ways animals have been my friends and confidents growing up as I was always a solitary being and they somehow 'got me' more than humans ever could :)

I am thinking that I might use @sublimesunday tag as my day to talk about my garden projects, chickens, general things I'm doing that isn't just art. It'll be my focus up by the end of the week.

That body of water is the sea. We live on the East Coast in New England in Massachusetts, so that is the Atlantic, Buzzards Bay to be exact. I often sit and dream out over the sea wondering what lovely things are happening in the UK and Europe, where my heart often lives.

I was never a cat person, but boy do cats like me. Our current darling, Puss, (who is in the cat painting you see at the bottom of the post) simply came with our house and went from feral to fast friend pretty fast. She is by my side all the time. Sometimes I try and lock her out of my studio by quietly sneaking away as she sleeps, but she always finds me and waits patiently for the next petting session. She is more dog than my dog, including she loves taking beach walks with me, she is an odd bird.

I hope u finish the sketch of the kid with the doll and two dogs next to it...rly dig that one.

The dog is ofc all fancy...i doubt i could pull that allure of sophistication having my cuppa lol

I will do. In fact, I'm toying with placing them in a larger painting with a Singularity lady bot. That world is growing larger in my head. :)

The dogs are so lovly! I love this minimalist stye done with digital art.
Nice work!

Thank you so much. I love to do both cleaner pieces, more almost pop art, and also to do more intricate digital oils (as in my Singularity series). I sort of see it as two halves of myself. I am the same with drawing and like to do some very graphic black and white inks but also more 'scratchy' drawings as well. :)

Its a nice style, I hope to see more of your work here!

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

I like that Basset, we almost got one once but the deal fell through.

They have a distinct howl.

lovely work , i love colors , i like your dogs have a book beside them always :)

I like them to be well read :)

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