Speed Drawing for Album Cover: MODEL M - "Vengeance"

in #art6 years ago (edited)

A process video for my drawing of the album cover for Model M's new album "Vengeance". The music is as heavy as the picture! Music selects are from the album, which you can download for free and listen to on Bandcamp or Soundcloud.


Model M - Vengeance


Drawn on my iPad Pro with the ProCreate app and an Apple Pencil. Total work about 20 hours, spread out over a couple weeks.


The Lord of Vengeance and Destruction laughs as he watches America annihilate itself with corrupt politician gangs, their fake fiat currencies, and weapons.

There's a lot of symbolism here - I'm sure I don't have to explain it all to most people on Steemit, but if you're interested in learning more about what Model M wanted me to try and convey with this piece then leave me a comment and ask away!

I'm so glad that I finally got DTube working for me. But if you still have trouble with DTube, it's also on Youtube here.

Thanks for watching, if you want more slam that upvote button :D



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You are just chockful of talent, aren't you!!

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Wow, loving the results! You are very talented :)

Thank you so much! :D

I used to have a Wacom but I seem to have lost it at work somewhere. I sadly don't have time to draw anymore and it sucks for me as I also am a 3D Artist. Specializing on Airport Design makes me only draw textures. Not as interesting :D

I like the fact that you are having a blast drawing, and I think you are really good. And I like your music, I actually listened to most of it lately, each time it grows on me, even if it's not my particular genre.

awe thanks @alexdory! I'm really glad you're enjoying our tunes and thank you so much for the nice comments :3

3D is definitely not my hat - I understand the fundamentals but if it's beyond SketchUp I'm a mess, lol!! But I do have a tremendous amount of respect for 3D artists.

I hope you find your wacom though, those are the best. Mine actually died a little while ago and I'm hoping I make enough this year to buy another one. These drawings are done on my iPad so fortunately not having the wacom doesn't prevent me from doing my thing.

I am not overly gifted at drawing but if would have kept to it daily, I could have been better by now.
One of my regrets :D

It's never too late to pick up that pencil.... (or tablet pen, lol)

well this is unusually fantastic for steemit! :)

Thanks @stahlberg! That means a lot coming from another great artist on the platform :3

This is like devil's in disguise, the picture is really colourful. I needed to know more about the message of the content of this post.

Thanks for stopping by! The nutshell version: It's basically a commentary on the state of the USA - the leaders of the two major political parties are dressed as gang members, standing to the left and right hands of the Lord of Vengeance along with their respective party mascots. He sits on a throne of weapons, and laughs as he watches them destroy each other and the old ways of thinking. He wears the "bling" of fiat currency, and on his hands wears the currencies of the future as rings.

Ah, this explains why I didn't think of it as 'evil' perhaps...the Lord of V is an agent of change then is he? And as such, not evil (maybe not even dark?)... does he wear Steem as a ring too? :D

Well I'd say he's pretty evil - though he doesn't actually commit acts of evil himself... he just brings out the worst in humankind and encourages destruction. And he does wear a steem ring, though it's on one of his pinkies ;)

Ohh wow! 👏👏👏
I remember seeing this before, a couple of weeks ago...it was darker in the visual light spectrum back then...I think, glad to see it finished 😃
Congrats @derosnec! really awesome art 🌹

Thanks so much @melooo182! Yeah I gave it the ol' spot overlay treatment to help bring contrast focus to important spots. I'm pretty happy with it :D

Utterly fascinating @derosnec! Watching the vid I was also able to see a lot of the objects as they were created, which I had missed in the finished version - there's lots of symbolism as you say :D ...I get the Clinton Donkey 😉 , but I didn't understand why Trump had an elephant behind him (which is looking at him with what looks like alarm?)!!? And the final minute, where you bring the sparkles, the glitter, the chain and jewellery to light really delighted me. It's really dark though as is the music. Doesn't feel evil somehow (I actually wonder if such a thing even exists!).

Thanks very much for sharing this, it is superb. I do shudder though, at the thought of the recesses of imagination that you must have to access for such visions! Powerful stuff!

Thanks for the comment, glad you found it interesting! To answer some of your questions, here in the states, the political parties actually have animal mascots - so the Democratic party (clinton)'s mascot is a Donkey, and the Republican party's (Trump) is an elephant. Both animals are braying as loudly as possible in this picture, kind of like their leader counterparts...

Haha and yeah I don't recommend anyone try to explore the dark and dusty corners of my imagination, LOL

Haha, that's funny! So Clinton's donkey is a Democrat mascot and not a derogatory symbol (as such), and the elephant for the GOP - poor elephant, no wonder it looks so concerned :D

lol! Yes not (necessarily) intended to be insulting to either of them - but definitely intended to be a cheeky commentary!!

Great post and awesome artwork! Really cool to see how you created this and hear the music simultaneously :)

Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed the clip! :D

You're welcome. Featured on Daily DSound & DTube Discoveries #3 | March 26th


WOW this is so metal * ___ * Really awesome and very cool <3


Thank you so much! \m/ Glad you dig it!

Impressive. When did you learn to draw?

Thanks for stopping by! My formal drawing education began with some private lessons when I was 8 or 9, but I've been carrying a sketchbook around with me on a daily basis since I was easily 5 or 6. I even still have all of them, haha :D I love drawing to no end!

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