Original ArtwarenesssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #art7 years ago

Steem Whales,

I found a portrait of you in my art pantry!!

Looking Gorgeous AF!

I'm Just playing =P My friend loves whales and I like spreading awareness about endangered animals, so compassion and artistic endeavors collide.. to form what is now called "Steemy".

There is over 18 Species of Whales that are endangered!!

The main causes of endangerment are human related.
Over the past century, whale hunting almost caused numerous of species extinction, luckily humans smartened up and banned whale hunting in many parts of the world. However it still takes place! The whales are recovering from such low populations.. thankfully. But is that enough?

Aside from purely hunting and killing these beautiful beasts

  • Large ships including cruise, cargo, and warships often hit whales causing a fatal blow.

  • Pollution in the ocean is massively ignored and continues daily, whales not only ingest trash, but chemicals too! Countless of whales have washed up on the beach, only to find tons of trash in their bellies =(

  • Even if hunters are not intending to catch whales in their fish nets, whales get caught in them and sometimes can not get free, causing them to die of starvation..

You might think that helping these beautiful creatures is out of your league, but its not! Its as simple as creating less waste, bring reusable bags, straws, reusable take out dishes. Try sourcing package free items, second hand shop, boycott companies that use whales for oil, food, and clothing. You can do this, every person helps, tell your friends!

As for the steem whale portrait reference, I actually painted this months before I even heard of "steem". It belongs on steem though, how could I not share Steemy on Steemit?

In the mean time, if you havne't already seen these art works of mine and are still reading this, check them out! Steemy is my first Artwareness painting, hope you like it! <3


It's awesome!
That would be cool as a greeting card or a print too.

Thanks TarotbyFergus!! I've been thinking about making prints for awhile now, need to find a reliable local printer!

Very cool painting, great job, love it

Love the word "artwarness" ... Good thing that there is still people bringing awareness to others :)

Thank you =) I have to give cain credit for this new word :P <3

Love the art work! From one artist to another- please check out my dragon and vote up if you like it . Thank you and your right "steemy " does belong here as the social awareness about whales endangerment.


Thanks Pancheta! I'll check out your work!

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