I draw a portrait with markers. Do you want the same?
Another two months did not pass, as I was immersed in a new fascination with portraits. Yes, I'm more of a beginner in drawing. Somewhere I know how and I can, but most of the techniques and materials for me ... as a textbook of the evidence. Difficult, but possible!

And today I'll show you how from a normal white sheet ... you can make a portrait with markers.
- Sketch by the liner. After the pencil.
- Now the main shade of the skin. Grayish-beige.
- I'm planning a little shadow and a semitone.
- I'm getting even deeper into the dark, adding new details.
- Now the eyes. The portrait is almost ready, I'll return to face only in small details.
- Hair. Well, how could I do it))) I do not quite understand how each hair is going. But on a common hairstyle like it turned out vividly.
- Final touches with a white handle.
Well and that it was possible to compare ... here reference , on which I drew.
Would you like me to draw you? Write me: TG .
P.S. It is hard to write in English, because my native language is Russian. But I'm learning. If you notice serious errors in the text that interfere with the correct perception, please let me know about them.
If you like my work, please follow me!
Аbout me, introduction
Аbout me, part 1
Аbout me, Part 2. Memories from childhood. Apples
10 facts about me
Очень хороший портрет, чувствуется характер
Just so that everybody is clear @amalinavia - "YOU are definitely NOT a BEGINNER!!"
I mean seriously!! the portrait is spot on!!
Just a side note : I am trying to draw your attention to one of my post that you inspired, and I need your help...
Thanks)) Maybe I'm not a beginner. But I'm not a pro. I draw recently. I paint every day, a few pictures every day!))
I answered you in your post.