Archisteem: Collaboration & Partnership - Growing Up

in #archisteem6 years ago

For @archisteem, a solo game is nothing fun at all and it takes a lot of time to grow from plankton, to minnow, to dolphin and ultimately into a big, giant whale. In Steemit, there are a lot of innovative initiatives and support projects that provide different kinds of support mechanism to collaborate and grow new initiatives together. Here, I would like to personally thanks to these initiatives that have supported the @archisteem initiative ever since and hope to grow together with these initiatives.


Team Malaysia is the birthplace of @archisteem. Without the guidance and support from the community, especially the big boss, @bitrocker2020, @archisteem would not have existed. Knowing there is a community backing up the idea of starting this initiative, I gain more confidence in keeping the momentum and continuously better the support mechanism under this initiative. Behind the scene, @zord189 had also given me some great advice on getting support from different parties and helped me by giving me great referrals and recommendation! Along the process, I learned a lot ever since I started @archisteem.

Yesterday, the official Discord account of @archisteem was created for the future, soon to be disclosed usage. In addition, @archisteem had officially registered under @teammalaysia curation support which provides more exposure and value to the post. This will significantly help the initiative to grow and able to support more contributors in the future. Thanks again to @aaronleang for facilitating the process.


Thanks to the minnow support initiative started by @tcpolymath who listed @archisteem as one of supported initiative/project/user. @tcpolymath is known to the Steemit community especially in @minnowbooster and @steembasicincome which he selflessly supported many Steemit users. At the same time, @photocircle is also one of the supported projects too, founded by @archisteem’s co-founder, @funtraveller. Basically, the minnow support initiative is to help the plankton to grow into a minnow (over 500SP) which I think the support itself is significant and impactful. A very big thanks for the generous gesture from @tcpolymath, @archisteem will definitely grow and help to support more.

@creativecrypto under @sndbox

We are lucky enough to be followed by @creativecrypto, an online magazine dedicated to all things creative on the blockchain started by @sndbox. I am surprised by the support coming in under @creativecrypto and @sndbox curation trail, which I have never expected to get any time soon. Personally, I am very grateful as I know it is very valuable to be noticed and followed by the awesome project, @creativecrypto. Furthermore, I love the passion behind the team of @creativecrypto and @sndbox which pushes creativity through the unknown boundary. That is the reason I applied for @sndbox incubator too :P Looking forward to being more involved and grow @archisteem into a more established initiative.

A City A Story by @aaronli

This project was started by @aaronli under the tag #citystory whereby the intention of starting this is to encourage more people to share about the culture and stories of their hometown or their cities. This could help to promote the place’s uniqueness to a larger audience and in another way, to express personal love to our beloved hometown and cities. This project was mentioned to me by a few Steemians and I also came across his project in the #cn and #travel category. I was intrigued by how he manages this project and how the project grows and supported by @sndbox. After approaching @aaronli, we decided to collaborate and share resources under the same contest submission. This will not increase the reward pool for the participants, but also widen the audience crowd to both projects. To us, it is a mutual relationship and we enjoyed the collaboration ever since. A big thanks to @aaronli for collaborating with @archisteem.

@photocircle by @funtraveller

It is amazing to see how @photocircle had grown. I remembered when @funtraveller and I were discussing and sharing about each other projects, especially when we shared how hard to get support from the big guys and unsustainable approach to fork out too much Steem and SBD to maintain the reward pool. Luckily, @photocircle was noticed by @vortac and since then, it has grown and sustained to a great length of time. The earning allows @funtraveller to do more things like creating more rewards, starting a bot to manage the account and more. I am inspired on how @funtraveller manages his project and this could be one of the great references for me to lead the @archisteem initiative. Again, thanks to @funtraveller for the generous support to help me in setting up the initiative and sustaining it.

Lastly, I would like to thanks to both my partners @cklai and @funtraveller who contributed ideas, energy, time and also SBDsss to help make @archisteem works and grow. Without this support, I think the initiative will go nowhere and die off without anyone knowing.

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As shown in the infographic, there are 3 more partners that I am approaching and planning on the collaboration. This is to create a suspension for the @archisteem community, knowingly there will be more support coming up soon. Personally, I am very excited to be able to partner with more projects and initiative to optimize the support that we can provide, be it curation support, exposure and even value creation (upvote). Ultimately, @archisteem will be a multiverse platform that supports contents and projects with a wide range of genre like #architecture, #travel, #culture, #adventure, and so on. The main vision is to form a community that believes in and strives for the betterment of the future built environment.

Read More About:

  1. The Judging Criteria of 1001 Places To Remember
  2. The Progress So Far for 1001 Places To Remember
  3. The Latest Winners for 1001 Places To Remember S04
  4. The Latest Winners for 1001 Places To Remember S03
  5. The Latest Winners for 1001 Places To Remember S02
  6. The Latest Winners for 1001 Places To Remember S01

Please Help By Voting

The Voting Session for 1001 Places To Remember S05


This is an #archisteem post.

A new tag that is to curate our existing built environment and also future built environment development. Want to know more? Read here.

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Find me at @kimzwarch

Thanks @kimzwarch, I had no idea so many people were involved with and supporting @archisteem! I've checked out the folks you highlighted and have started following some of them.

I also didn't know this initiative started with @teammalaysia! Bagus sekali dan terima kasih banyak!!!

Nice, I am from Team Malaysia too, so it would be best to have a local support too :) You are from Thai right? Whoa, you know Malay too.

Ya, to have partners is a great strategy to grow mutually and make the whole project more impactful. It is always exciting to establish a new collaboration with different partners.

I'm from California, but live in Thailand with @suitcasemama :) Tapi, saya tingal di Indonesia di Aceh dan Pulau Nias untuk satu tahun after tsunami, so saya bisa bicara sedikit bahasa Indonesia! :)

Thank you for your contribution to the Photocircle tag!

@photocircle Team

Learn about this photo curation project by clicking >here

To learn more about the new project feature, please click on the quest image below.

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你好吗?什么?你还没参加 齐白石杯绘画大赛 吗?地球人都知道,对绘画感兴趣的朋友快快行动起来哟!奖金丰厚😊倘若你想让我隐形,请回复“取消”。

You've been upvoted by TeamMalaysia Community :-

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Getting stronger. Great job bro and team

Thanks bro!

Cheers bro

Glad to see the family growing. Let's keep it up & running! 💪

Ya, happy to see it grow day by day. It does take time but the momentum is there :) Thanks for the continuous support too. How's your bot running? Stablelized?

I see, interesting crossing with so many cultures mixed together. Saya pun tau sikit bhs Indon. Nice to meet you :) @eoj (replied wrong section, lol)

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