Took this photo in the gym the other day. I’m already much stonger but no weight ...

in #appics6 years ago

... has shifted yet. I’m still around 125kg. Show up every day, work hard and eat well and it will move at some point.


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Muscles weigh more than fat!

I heard that before!

Good job! Keep going!

You look great! I posted today how I'm sticking to my "better me because I'm getting older" routines. I think working out is the best thing I could have done for myself.

You could be gaining muscle and losing fat, which since muscle is heavier, would explain it. A better measure is either body fat %, or just how your clothes fit. :)

Think everything is pretty much the same, but I feel more energetic.

If your primary objective is to loose some fat, gym itself is not an optimal way to do so. Diet (calories in - calories out) does the huge impact.

90% is won in the kitchen I heard before. I do my best.

You got this! Keep it up boss! 💪🏼🙌🏼

Posted using Partiko iOS

Good luck! I have to agree with @cryptoandcoffee, and as I said in your other post, you carry it really well. I carry mine more like an apple or pear. it isn't attractive at all, but for some reason @mrsbozz sticks with me :)

You’re looking great
Take some fat of central bulge and tighten up the neck/ palate muscles.
All the best

Posted using Partiko iOS

Stick to it and it sure will pay off!

Weighloss is such a struggle !

Posted using Partiko iOS

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