Night Vision anomalies flying overhead • Update 4

in #anomaly7 years ago (edited)

Regarding observation of the sky with Night Vision devices:

Just hear me out on this… and tell me what you think..

The infrared light which these devices allow us to see is at a frequency range just a bit lower than that of the darkest red which the human eye can see. This makes it invisible to our unaided eye. It’s long-wavelength low-frequency character is produced by heat, thus it is energy.

Things or objects that appear in infrared light - but not in visible light - are by there very nature anomalous to our current understanding of terrestrial matter. Of course in deep space there are things that appear brightly in various frequencies other than visible light… but in our own sky there really isn’t supposed to be invisible critters like this.

If these infrared “balls of light” zipping around our skies have no satisfactory natural explanation, then they might very well contain no mass as their movements demonstrate a complete lack of inertia. Coupled with an apparent intelligence controlling their trajectories, one can’t avoid being baffled as to how they are able stop on-a-dime and accelerate so quickly.

Following my brief video introduction below, I’ll present three fresh clips that I captured just last night. The clips feature pairs of playful infrared orbs flying together.

Short introduction to this group of three new videos:

A pair of orbs nearly collide as one proceeds to loop around the other. Very nice example of a pair of… whatever they are, interacting:

Two bright balls of light cruise gently across a starry night sky directly overhead.. never drifting to far apart from each other:

A wandering individual “orb” seems to find it’s mate (at 20 second in) and quickly moves to join him/her/whatever in a slow promenade into oblivion:

Here is my Yukon Ranger with digital video recorder attached for direct viewing and capturing from this window sill:

Please see my earlier posts where I discuss the phenomenon further:
OrionsBeltBuckle Night Vision Post #1
OrionsBeltBuckle Night Vision Post #2
OrionsBeltBuckle Night Vision Post #3

So the question remains: Technology or Life Form? or?

I appreciate your interest and look forward to reading your comments!

Equipment used:
Yukon Ranger 5x42 Night Vision scope
output & captured in realtime to a JXD318 media player (704 × 448)
Downtown Bridgeport, CT USA

John Deecken


Intruiging! Are other people recording these phenomena? Especially someone in your neighborhood? It would be good even to record with a second camera from the next window over. But just wondering if other people in Bridgeport or even in other places are documenting this. Please keep posting!

I will post updates often as I'd love to get to the bottom of this mystery. There are many many people from around the world capturing similar objects in the sky, but as far as Bridgeport, CT is concerned... nobody that I know is into this stuff. 👽

I've always been an amateur astronomer, so this is very natural and exciting for me. 👁👁

I do enjoy "showing off" what I've captured on video, but I really need people's honest opinions on this.

If there are so many of these in the small patch of sky that I observe from my location, imagine how many more of these things are flying around in the rest of the sky!

I love a good mystery! Keep on digging!

Well, that is a mystery, for sure! I love it!

Interesting for sure. I have no explanation for this so, despite being a follower of science I am not going to try explaining it lol. I do believe that there other dimensions than ours and in fact quantum physics supports this in many ways. Maybe there are things/energies/lifeforms that interact in multiple dimensions at the same time!? Ha ha, I really don't know, perhaps that is the fiction writer in me reaching for the answer 😉

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