Great news for animal lovers: my homeland about to ban animal circuses

in #animals6 years ago

Hi there my Steemit friends and followers!

I would like to share amazing news with you today. As a devoted nature lover and animal rights advocate, I have always been against shows where animals are forced to do unnatural things just for the joy of ruthless audience and profit of even more ruthless owners.

Image source: Flickr (Creative Commons)

I never understood how the crowds could applaud and cheer on lions jumping through fire rings, bears riding bikes or elephants doing handstands (yes, you read this right). In animal circuses, sights like this are very common and I am therefore so glad that more and more countries from all over the world have been banning this practice.

Just a couple of days ago, the Ministry of Agriculture of my homeland Czech Republic, finally decided to propose this ban too. If the Czech Parliament approves the new law, use of all wild animals will be banned in Czech circuses.

There is strong resentment towards the proposal from the owners of the circuses with some of them even threatening to let their animals loose on public in protest against it but most people here in the Czech Republic want the circuses without animal cruelty and so do the politicians so I am pretty confident the new law will get adopted.

How is the situation with animal circuses in your countries, my fellow Steemians? Let us know in the comments below.


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I don't visit circuses, I hate it .. and thank you for your post because I didn' t know such a good new! It is a big theme for me because I've been in an elephant rescue and rehabilitation center in Northern Thailand as an volunteer and I helped elephants to recover and give them back their normal life. They had depressions, they couldn' t sleep.. it was horrible. You could see sadness in their eyes.IMG_1748.JPG

This is just so sad... You can literally see all the misery and sadness of their lives in their eyes :( Hopefully, new laws will be adopted that will ensure all animals the right to live peacefully where they naturally belong.

No idea how it is in germany at the moment, as far as i know there is still in circus coming into town every year. I hated to see what they do in Thailand. Every Country should ban it.

Yeah, I was surprised to find out that animal circuses are still legal in so many of the world´s most developed countries. Hopefully, we will live to see a worldwide ban on these things.

This is good news. Such a barbaric practice.

Glad they're banning it! Where are you now? Not in Czech I think

Currently in the Czech Republic actually but just about to relocate to the Caribbean :) Thanks for stopping by!

oh this is great news! To be honest I don't know how it is in Luxembourg since I left so long ago. Here in Panama it's still legal unfortunately. I've seen circuses, and whenever I see them I stay far away. It affects me too much seeing this misery.... =(

I hear you Eve. Seeing animals abused by humans (for whatever reason or purpose) is one of the most heartbreaking experiences for me too...

Looks like Luxembourg is yet to ban circuses. But I was surprised to see so many Latin American countries in this list. I was definitely expecting more European countries to be there.

This is great. Animals don't need to have a master and be enslaved because that's what it is!

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That´s right. How about just letting them live peacefully in their natural environment... I think that´s all they want.

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As a child, I do remember going to the circus on a school trip (early 80s) and I enjoyed the animals, not so much for what they were doing but that I got to see such interesting animals up close. At that young age, I didn't think (or even know, probably) the torture they endured.
These days I'd love to go to one of those elephant sanctuaries and cuddle with one ;)

I think my grandma also took me to a circus when I was a little kid. Of course you don´t realize all the bad things behind that at such a young age. Now, I try to watch animals in their natural environment only. But sanctuaries and rescue centers are also a good choice I believe :) Thanks for stopping by!

Awesome news!!

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