in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)



Section 1
Sections 2 and 3
Sections 4 and 5


Algeria was invaded and conquered by France in the 1830s. For over a century, Algeria was a military colony where land was stolen from its traditional owners and handed out to waves of European immigrants, who were then favored by the French legal system over the indigenous Muslim and Jewish Algerians. All that changed on November 1, 1954, when guerrilla fighters began a war that lasted until France was humiliated and forced to resign in 1962. During that brief war from 1954 until 1962, France was so devastated that France itself almost erupted in a civil war. And all of this was made possible by a small group of irregular warriors called the National Liberation Front.

By 1960 the French force in Algeria was in excess of 300,000 highly trained combat troops supplied with the most modern equipment. At its peak of power during the war, the National Liberation Front numbered less than 30,000 fighters, poorly equipped with only light weapons when they had weapons at all. At one point in the city of Algiers, the clandestine warfare organization was comprised of approximately 1,200 armed men, and 4,500 persons unarmed. Yet the Algerians soundly defeated the French. They did so by using hit-and-run tactics, avoiding open conflict, and hiding in plain sight. At one point a major leader of the NLF had his operation headquarters only a few hundred meters from a French stronghold in Algiers. The French could neither see nor understand their enemy, so the French never had a chance.

As the respected French authority on the Algerian war and on irregular warfare, Roger Trinquier stated; "We know that the sine qua non of victory in modern warfare is the unconditional support of a population. According to Mao Tse-tung, it is as essential to the combatant as water to the fish. Such support may be spontaneous, although that is quite rare and probably a temporary condition. If it doesn't exist, it must be secured by every possible means, the most effective of which is terrorism." When Trinquier speaks of terrorism, he is speaking of a situation where local fighters harass both authority and the civilian population, and at the same time the authority is unable to maintain security for the local population. So the population both fears the terrorism and hate the authority for failing to provide security.

In our version of ethics based irregular warfare, the attacks would be on authoritarian individuals and on infrastructure, but never directly on the civilian population. As attacks increase in number and effectiveness, the population more and more will blame authorities while authorities have no one to "crack down" on except the innocent civilian population. Reading Roger Trinquier's analysis of the Algerian war and his assessments of the French Indochina war are fascinating and informative, but not completely applicable to our purposes. The two assumptions of authoritarians regarding warfare are that either geography must be controlled or populations must be controlled, with the goal to control both. We must reject this. We can never attempt to control either. Our path to victory and the death of the State will rely upon our practice of never directly engaging the might of the State while always respecting the lives and property of the civilian population. Whenever possible, we should avoid terrorizing the public or inciting panic in any way. Whenever our target must be a public one, that target should be hated, otherwise don't let it look like a hit. We must never incite sympathy for the devil.

The final lesson of Algeria is the lesson of every revolution throughout history. When the French abandoned Algeria, the old far away tyrant was replaced by a new local tyrant, and the cycle of the State continued. This is what revolutions always produce. Therefore we must not engage in revolution. We must strike, we must agitate, we must provoke, but mostly we must provide the framework for the aboveground network to teach and advertise a better option than the slavery of the State until the day that the market demand shifts and people stop wanting the State.


Tom works at the Pentagon, and Tom loves his job. Last month he moved to a window office that looks out toward the lagoon, so he can watch the boats coming in and out of the marina. It took Tom 18 years to get where he is, and he knows he deserves this job. Tom has a nice place out in Warrenton. It's a hard hour drive each way without traffic, and there's always traffic, but it's worth it to get his family out of the Beltway and into a nice area out in the country. Tom makes the sacrifice for his kids, and he feels good about that. Tom's wife, Betty volunteers at the kid's school, so most mornings Tom and Betty load the kids in the car and they all ride together. It's just down the street on the way to Lee Highway. Betty's mother comes by the school in the afternoon and gives them a ride home. It's nice to have family nearby. Most mornings Tom goes down Faiquier Road, drops the wife and kids at the LDS church school, and then stops down the street at the Exxon to fill up before hitting the Lee Highway and heading into the grind. Sometimes Tom cheats, but don't tell Betty. There's a donut place just around the corner and sometimes Tom slips over and grabs a coffee and an apple fritter. The truth is, Tom doesn't cheat "sometimes". Tom cheats and gets a coffee and a fritter every Friday, but Tom feels like he has earned it. Tom has worked hard and made sacrifices to get where he is and to achieve this life he's made for himself.

One Friday morning, as Tom pulled into the donut place, he saw the drive-through was backed up with some kind of utility truck that clearly shouldn't have tried to go through the drive-through. No problem, Tom just nosed into one of the open parking spaces and hopped out of his car. Then everything in Tom's world changed.

He hadn't seen it before but a white utility van was right at his rear bumper and the slide door was opening. Tom felt a heavy hand on his left shoulder and another strong hand grabbed his right arm.

"Come with me Mr. Smith, we have some questions. This won't take but a moment and you'll be free to go on your way."

The van door finished opening and a man stepped out, "No problems now Mr. Smith, this can be quick and easy and you can go on to work."

In a flash they were all in the van and the door was closed. There were more men inside.

"I apologize sir, but this is absolutely necessary, I can assure you." said one of the men as he began frisking and searching Tom. No doubt about it Tom was scared, but somewhere in Tom's mind he was justifying what was happening. These men seemed like agency men. They seemed very professional. Tom asked a few questions trying to determine who they worked for and what their purpose was, but there were no direct answers.

"Don't worry sir; we have no intention of harming you. We only have some questions and some things to show you and you can go on to work." The contents of Tom's pockets and his phone were put in a small tray. One of the men took Toms key fob and Tom's phone and handed it out the window to someone Tom couldn't see. Then the van started moving.

Over the next twenty minutes or so, the van was on some highway while the men stripped Tom to his underwear and socks. Then he was placed on a small metal seat that jutted from the van wall. When the van stopped a man in the back of the van that had been doing something on a laptop spoke up; "We're in." He barked. The laptop was spun around. There was an image of a small child's body, cut in half and partly burned. "There are some things you need to look at and then we'll have some questions for you, Mr. Smith."

For the next few minutes a little slide show was displayed for Tom. Pictures of dead children, an old woman torn apart but still struggling to live, a wedding party blown to bits by a Hellfire strike, before and after pictures of an upscale home in Syria, now nothing but rubble, and finally a close up picture of a small boy that had been tortured with wire pliers. Then the pictures changed. Here was Tom standing at his mailbox. Here was Tom walking out of church. Now a picture of Tom sitting in traffic. Finally a close up picture of Tom standing on his back porch, sipping orange juice from a glass, except there was a bright red dot on his chest.

"Mr. Smith, it's important for you to face what you really do for a living." stated one of the men. One of the others drew very close to Tom's face and said quietly, "Wouldn't it be sad if something like this happened in Warrenton? That little boy is about the same age as your son."

The first man pulled the other man back and said, "Now there's no need to worry about something like that, Mr. Smith. We would never let that happen." The laptop image changed and Tom realized he was looking at his bank's homepage. Over the next few minutes Tom, with the help of his captors, moved money out of Tom's accounts into a Bitcoin account. Then the van began moving again. Tom was allowed to get dressed as the van moved down the highway. No one spoke.

When the van stopped again, Tom was fully dressed. The first man that had grabbed Tom's arm in the beginning spoke clear and slow, "Now here's what happens next. Your car is here waiting for you. You will be free to go. You will not speak about this to anyone. We want that to be vividly clear. You don't want us to come back to visit you again because we won't be nice the next time. When you step out of this van a kind of timer will start. That timer will tick for exactly six months from today. Then that timer will pop your name up on someone's schedule. You need to have quit your job by that day. Otherwise a process will start that can't be reversed. You have six months to get out of your government job and you must never work for the government or any government contractor again, otherwise very bad things will happen. And again, you need to stay quiet about what happened today, otherwise what will happen Mr. Smith?"

There was a pause. "Mr. Smith, I need for you to say it. What will happen if you talk about this?"

Tom slowly spoke, "Bad …"

"Bad things, Mr. Smith. Very bad things."

The van door opened and the man handed Tom the items from the tray. Tom stepped out into the light, while the van door slammed and the van drove away. Tom looked around. It took a second, but Tom knew where he was. Tom was standing in front of his car in the Dick's Sporting Goods parking lot just down Columbia Pike from the Pentagon. His key fob and phone were on the hood of his car.


Part 1:

Sections 1 and 2
Section 3
Section 4
Sections 5 and 6

Part 2:

Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5

This post has been edited and abridged from the original SEDITION SUBVERSION AND SABOTAGE FIELD MANUAL by Ben Stone.


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great...your post deserve upvote and resteem...

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