in #anarchy7 years ago



Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4


It will not be possible to evaluate the desirability of simple sabotage in every area without having in mind specifically what individual acts and results are embraced by the definition of simple sabotage. Therefore a listing of specific acts follows, classified according to types of target. This list is presented as an example rather than an exhaustive outline. As new techniques are developed, or new fields explored, it should be elaborated and expanded. For this reason feedback from those activists in the field is encouraged, as this information should be evaluated and included in future updates of this field manual.

Special Note on Explosives: With some exceptions, explosives are discouraged as a tool for the simple-saboteur for several reasons. First being the inherent danger of explosives to the saboteur. Second being the difficulty in preventing the innocent from being harmed. Third being the exaggerated response authoritarians exhibit when explosives are involved.

(5-1) Buildings

Government offices, court and municipal buildings, police stations, jails, county/parish utility maintenance buildings, and even corporate buildings of the Military-Industrial Complex or the Prison-Industrial Complex, along with obvious targets in the US like the NSA, FBI, BATF, DOJ, INS, IRS, DEA, DHS, TSA, FAA, etc., or their equivalent agencies in other governments are outstanding targets for simple sabotage. They are extremely susceptible to damage, and they offer some of the best opportunities to such friend-saboteurs as janitors, cleaning crews, and casual visitors; and when damaged, they present a relatively large handicap to our enemy both psychologically and actual.

(5-1.1) Fire

The use of fire is a point of controversy, but most will agree that if fire is to be used as a tool of simple sabotage it must be used selectively and with great care to avoid injuring the innocent or damaging private property. That said, fires can be started wherever there is an accumulation of inflammable material. Warehouses are obviously promising targets as are fuel storage areas, but incendiary sabotage need not be confined to them alone.

Whenever possible, arrange to have the fire start after you have left the area. Use a tea light and paper combination, setting it as close as possible to the inflammable material you want to burn. You may need to trim the edges of the candle to make it as small as is practical. This will leave as little residue as possible for inspectors to find after the fire. From a sheet of paper, tear a strip one or two inches wide and wrap it around the base of the candle two or three times. Twist more sheets of paper into loose ropes and place them around the base of the candle. When the candle flame reaches the encircling strip, it will be ignited and in turn will ignite the surrounding paper. Additionally you may need to use a small amount of petroleum jelly on the strips of paper to help them ignite. Experiment with this process until you are comfortable and can repeat the results with each attempt before you use it for simple sabotage.

With a flame of this kind, do not attempt to ignite anything but easily inflammable materials. To light more resistant materials one could use such a candle as above plus tightly rolled or twisted paper which has been rubbed in more petroleum jelly. To create a briefer but even hotter flame, infuse dryer lint with petroleum jelly and form it into a nest of plain or saturated paper which is to be fired by a candle. Again, experimentation is the key to success.

To make another type of simple fuse, rub one end of a piece of cotton string with petroleum jelly. Rub a pinch of gunpowder over the inch of string where greasy string meets clean string. Then ignite the clean end of the string. It will burn slowly without a flame (in much the same way that a cigarette burns) until it reaches the grease and gunpowder; it will then flare up suddenly. The grease-treated string will then burn with a flame. The same effect may be achieved by using matches instead of the grease and gunpowder. Run the string over the match heads, taking care that the string is not pressed or knotted. This too will produce a sudden flame. The advantage of this type of fuse is that string burns at a set speed. You can time your fire by the length and thickness of the string you chose.

Use a fuse such as the ones suggested above to start a fire in an office after hours. The destruction of paper records and other types of documents can be a burden to the enemy. However fire may not destroy data on computers, so the impact may be more psychological than strategic. Once again, the selection of the target is key to achieving the maximum impact of the simple sabotage. Fire may be more useful as harassment or as a distraction than whatever it may accomplish on its own.

In basements or where waste material is kept, janitors should accumulate oily and greasy waste. Such waste sometimes ignites spontaneously, but it can easily be lit with a cigarette or match. If you are a janitor on night duty, you can be the first to report the fire, but don't report it too soon. Also a clean factory is not as susceptible to fire as a dirty one. Workers should be careless with refuse and janitors should be inefficient in cleaning and in handling flammable cleaning products. If enough debris and trash can be accumulated an otherwise fireproof building will become inflammable. Once again, fires can be timed with other events to draw authorities away from a more important activity.

(5-1.2) Water, Sewers, and Miscellaneous

Fire suppression or fire sprinkler systems may seem like the perfect way to commit simple sabotage. However automatic sprinkler systems vary in type, function, and design. Some types can be activated by simple means, others are complicated. Some systems spray water from all the sprinklers at once, others only activate one sprinkle at a time or one zone at a time. Some don't even use water. Some automatically contact the fire department, some don't. Some sound an audible alarm and some don't. Before you assume you can use a fire sprinkler system for sabotage find out the type of system used and make sure it will do what you expect it will do. Research is the key. Do your homework before you commit to a project.

Toilets and sewer systems are always vulnerable to a variety of simple sabotage, and unlike a fire, they are not likely to get out of control and cause unwanted damage or injuries. Every public building has toilet facilities and very little is done to protect them. Also it's reasonably safe to assume that restrooms are camera free zones. One plugged toilet won't close a building, but can be a source of irritation and frustration. However if the entire sewage system of a building can be disrupted, the building will need to be closed until the problem is resolved. A simple plug can be made with a large natural sponge. Moisten the sponge and squeeze it tightly into a ball, wrap it with string, and let it dry. Remove the string when fully dried. The sponge will be in the form of a tight hard ball. Drop it in a toilet and quickly flush it down. The sponge will gradually expand to its normal size and plug the sewage line. Some experimentation may be needed to get the right size sponge, but keep trying until you are successful. Expanding foam, sold at hardware stores in aerosol cans under the brand name "Great Stuff", can be used for more extensive sewer obstructions. Fill a small sandwich bag with the foam and quickly flush it down the toilet. The foam will expand and escape the bag, plugging the sewer line. Be careful, as the foam tends to stick to everything and won't wash off of hands and clothing. It may be possible to attach a longer tube to the nozzle of the can of foam and fish it down the toilet (3-6 ft. or 1-2 meters) then discharge the foam directly into the sewer line. Such an action would take some planning and may involve leaving behind evidence, so always take that into consideration when planning any act of simple sabotage, especially those that involve D&D. Often times, outside of a building or in the basement or service area of the building, there are sewer cleanout access caps that can be easily opened and foam can be injected directly into the building's sewer service line.

Cans of expanding foam are difficult to conceal but can be used in an unending list of applications for clogging or gumming up the mechanical works of office machines, elevators, Heating/AC systems, and even security cameras. Quick shots of foam into computer case fans can slowly overheat computers. Expanding foam and injectable glues may be the perfect tools for the friend-saboteur, as their applications are only limited by the imagination of the anarchist.

Door locks and hinges are a weak point in the security of any building, but they can also be a source of irritation when they don't work correctly. Hardware and auto parts stores sell a product called "Loctite Threadlocker Red 271". This is an amazing product that comes in an easily concealable tube. With a quick squeeze, this product can be injected directly into locks or anywhere a key would fit. It quickly renders the lock useless. Hardware stores also sell a two part adhesive in a syringe, called epoxy. As you actuate the syringe the two parts mix into a hard powerful adhesive. Sometimes a toothpick or some other item must be used to stir the mixture for maximum hardening effect. You can use the syringe to inject the epoxy into the hinges of doors that are not in the viewing field of security cameras. This method can be used on older automobiles and trucks with manual door locks. It can also be used on windshield wiper arms and other locations. Your greatest weapon is always your imagination, so set it free to discover what mayhem you can bring upon our enemy.

In addition to all of the above, late night building maintenance workers can carefully switch signs and mislabel halls, floors, and rooms. Mislabel electrical panels and electrical switches or anything else that will cause low level confusion. Mislabel exits and entrances in parking garages. Move designated parking spaces to different locations, intentionally paint parking lines too close to each other, causing cars to be crammed together. Remove or alter overhead height/clearance warnings in parking garages. Building cleaning crews can randomly remove papers and reports from desks and unlocked drawers at night, or simply move items from one drawer to another or even from one cubical to another. Perhaps make it look like one cubical worker is stealing his coworker's items. Be selective with your targets and focus on the most productive State supporters and decision makers.

If you find it necessary to force entrance into a building, a window or door is usually assumed to be the best way to breakin, but that may not be the case. Windows and doors are usually the primary location of security devices, cameras, and alarms. Interestingly enough, often the weakest point in a building is a ground level wall, preferably behind bushes or other landscaping. Many exterior walls are simple wooden frames, or studs set 16" to 24" apart, with thin "chicken-wire" and paper covered over with stucco. An inexpensive stud-finder will tell you where to avoid. Using any of several small hand tools, the stucco between the studs can be quickly and quietly compromised with light tapping and some prying, until the paper and wire can be cut away with pliers. The interior of these walls are often simple sheet rock that will also quickly and quietly break away with light tapping and prying.

(5-2) Travel and Transportation

(5-2.1) Railways and Airports

Make travel as inconvenient as possible for government supporters, media types, and military-industrial complex management. Make mistakes in issuing tickets, leaving portions of the journey unconnected. If a government agent is trying to make a tight connection, create as many delays as possible. Over-book flights, cancel connections, then when the problems surface; slowly hand write customer complaints, ask an endless stream of questions, constantly apologize while doing nothing to solve the issue, prolong every process until the train/plane is nearly ready to leave or has left. Delete reservations, double charge those who are not paying attention, intentionally send them to the wrong airport or the wrong gate. Obtain access to the arrival/departure boards and randomly program small mistakes into the displays. See that the luggage of government supporters is mishandled or unloaded at the wrong locations. Switch address labels on baggage. Add confusing, suspicious, or embarrassing items into the luggage of government supporters. Be imaginative and have fun at the expense of those who seek to be our masters. Flyers for massage services, oversized adult toys, inappropriate pornography, receipts from strip clubs, or explicit love letters strategically placed in just the right baggage can be priceless to our cause. Always remember, these enemies of humanity would do far worse to you if they had half a chance, so show them no mercy.

(5-2.2) Automotive and Roads

Special Tip: Slicing a tire can be a quick down-and-dirty strike against authority. A nastier act is to use a razor knife set to a very shallow depth, not enough to go all the way through the sidewall of the tire, just enough to weaken it. (Use an old tire to practice getting the depth right.) Reach in to the interior side of the tire and make your slice from the metal wheel outward toward the tread. Your cut will not be visible, will not immediately cause a flat, and will likely blow when the vehicle is in motion. Because of the shape of the blowout it will likely appear as a manufacture defect or road damage.

For more fun, reprogram lighted signs to display nonsensical messages or false information. In areas where traffic is heavily composed of government autos, trucks, and convoys of various kinds, remove or change signs at intersections and on/off ramps of freeways. Remove or alter clearance signs on bridges and overpasses with low overhead clearance. Remove or alter weight limit signs on weak bridges. The removal of "DEAD END" and "NO OUTLET" signs can be very important before riots and demonstrations start as it becomes possible to bait heavy police/military vehicles into a situation where they can neither turn around nor escape. Always remember that locals know their streets and ignore signs, however in emergencies authorities move support from other areas and those outsiders rely upon signage. In Egypt rioters baited armored vehicles down narrow alleys then blocked the vehicles in with rubble, tractors, and construction equipment. Then they threw Molotov cocktails forcing the police to exit their vehicles and run away on foot.

More Special Tips: In spite of popular labeling of police vehicles as "tanks" or "Bearcats", the correct terminology is MRAP or Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected. In actual terms, that means nothing to us because we shouldn't be attempting to use mines, IEDs, or any other explosive device against police. But we should understand the inherent weaknesses of these vehicles. They are extremely heavy, roughly 36,000 pounds, which is almost magical for us when mud is involved. They have limited visibility and are difficult to maneuver on tight city streets and alley ways. A well placed Molotov cocktail at the base of the windshield will blind the driver. Some MRAPs have advanced optics, however many of these can be disrupted with fire since they are heat sensitive. Also, Molotov cocktails aimed at the running boards are far more effective than those aimed at the roof. On the topic of Molotov cocktails, remember you are dealing with a tool that can quickly turn ugly.

Before building, supplying, or using such a tool, ask yourself if you are willing to burn a man to death. Are you willing to cook a man alive? If not consider the alternative. A glue/glitter bomb may be able to disable the MRAP without the danger of killing the occupants or accidentally setting yourself on fire. The glitter bomb can be as easy to make as a Molotov cocktail while accomplishing the same task and far more humorous in execution. A simple balloon filled with a mixture of 50% Elmer's glue and 50% large glitter, carefully aimed at an MRAP windshield may have the same effect as a Molotov cocktail, that being the forced abandonment of the protection of the vehicle. However rather than burning the cop, we cover him with fabulous glitter much to the envy of stylish coproaches everywhere. After all, why kill when you can humiliate?

If you can initiate damage to a heavily traveled road, passing traffic and the elements will do the rest. If you have access to heavy equipment, use it to cut small ruts in asphalt roads; passing trucks will accentuate the ruts to a point where substantial repair will be needed. Newly paved highways can be easily damaged with a simple pickax. A few strikes in the new soft asphalt is all it takes to begin the process of destruction. This kind of sabotage is very important near capital cities, supporting the fact that governments are incapable of maintaining roads even for their own capitals. Once again, these activities should be done secretly so that when State supporters accuse us of sabotage the aboveground activists can accuse them of being paranoid conspiracy nuts. "As if anarchist have nothing better to do than go around digging pot holes in the middle of the night! Come on what next? Bigfoot masterminded 9/11? Crop circles are aliens sending anarchists coded signals?" This is the game they play with us, why not reverse it on them? Taxi drivers can waste the enemy's time by driving slow, intentionally driving into congested areas, or by taking the longest possible route to the destination. When called for a pick-up take as long as possible to arrive. Create delays, make excuses, and pretend not to speak the language. Anything to delay and agitate the government supporter.

(5-2.3) Lodging, Hotels, and Motels

Front desk staff, food services, housekeeping, and building maintenance infiltration are extremely important in this sector of business. Travelers are at their peak of vulnerability, and typically have a high level of trust in the professionals in this industry. Friend-saboteurs who obtain positions in the hospitality industry should do all they can to keep their jobs and not be found out.

The list of simple sabotages available in the hospitality industry is only as limited as the individual imagination. Many of the same baggage handling sabotage suggested under (5-2.1) Railways and Airports” above can be used here.

  1. Two taxies are loading baggage at the same time, one guest is catching a flight at the airport the other is headed into the city for an extended business stay, and somehow the luggage gets blended.

  2. The good reverend and his wife are in town to head up the congressional prayer breakfast and somehow a list of escort services appears in his bag along with a receipt dated from the last time the reverend visited the city without his wife. It has lipstick stains and the words; "Who's my favorite naughty sinner? Ask for Mercedes when you come back baby."

  3. The four star general is in town to make an appearance on national television to answer questions about drone strikes on civilians in foreign countries and somehow three drops of phenolphthalein make it into his breakfast. A few hours later he rushes off camera and almost makes it to the men's room before he publicly soils himself. Oh, how embarrassing. Hopefully no one happened to be standing around with their cell phone in hand catching that for posterity. Side note of caution: phenolphthalein is very strong and will absorb through intact skin. Unless you want a case of screaming diarrhea, use caution when handling it. Perhaps consider rubber gloves.

(5-3) Targeting Humans

Of all forms of simple sabotage, targeting humans may possibly turn out to be the most controversial practice, definitely the most dangerous, clearly requires the highest level of skill, and when done correctly is likely to be the most productive to our cause.

(5-3.1) The Media

The media have been the primary propaganda tool of the State. One can imagine five thousand years ago, a talented story teller garnering the king's favors by weaving a tale about how the king's mother may have been enticed and wooed by a tricky deity, and the king is actually a half-god. And looking back one thousand years ago, a troubadour singing a catchy tune about the merciful king that forgives a criminal every year at the grand feast he throws for the poor. Then as now, governments steal the wealth of productive people and use it to brainwash those same productive people into loving the government that robs them.

In the current manifestation of the State, news and entertainment are so intertwined that sometimes one wonders if it is even possible for the news media to fabricate a story so blatantly absurd that the general public would question its validity. And when a wildly inaccurate portrayal of news events is accepted as fact, often the entertainment industry steps up with a major motion picture retelling the same lie, thereby reselling it to the gullible masses, including the ones who don't pay any attention to the news media in the first place. This presents a problem for those of us dedicated to the truth and committed to revealing that truth to as many people as possible. Our competition, the State puppets in the media/entertainment industry, are extremely well funded and well-motivated. Like the king's jesters, minstrels, and bards of old, they enjoy their spot near the royal banquette table and are always a part of the royal ball.

Trust in the media must be broken for us to succeed. The entire media con and all of its propaganda are like every other con job; it stands or falls on the rocks of trust. The phrase con job is short for "confidence job" because the only way a con job can work is if you have and take advantage of the confidence of the "mark" (victim). The moment the mark loses confidence in the con man, the con man loses the con. It therefore follows that if we are to beat the State's media puppets we must break the public's confidence in their version of current events and history. On the surface that would seem like an easy task. The media typically employs simple minded clowns who only seem to be talented in chattering a continual stream of nonsense fed to them in their earpiece. But in fact it is far more difficult than it seems. You see, the relationship between the con man and the mark is not as simple as one might think. The mark wants to believe the con. Similarly the public wants desperately to believe the media/entertainment industry. Deep down inside the public knows that if they question the media and if the media is found to be lying, then they (the public) will be forced to do something. And the public hates it when they have to do something, especially if by "do something" we mean research the truth, weigh facts, learn new things, and then act on that newly found information. It's easier to just trust the guy with the perfect hair and gleaming smile that they watch every night on the magic talking box.

The key in defeating the media is the same key that must be used against the State on every field of conflict; that being to fight the enemy according to our strength and his weakness. To do this we must examine the strengths of the main stream media and entertainment complex and discover its weaknesses. We must avoid the temptation to fight the media on its choice of battlefield, and we must lure the media to our choice of battlefield.

In practical terms, as incredibly silly as it would be to invite the US military to an open battle, or as stupid as it would be to attempt something like an armed march on Washington DC, it is just as foolish to directly take on the main stream media by pouring money into our own media outlet designed to directly compete with NBC, CBS, CNN, Fox, BBC, etc., based around some dynamic personality or team of talented onscreen personalities. Liberty minded people who choose these kinds of foolish ventures should not be trusted in decision making since they clearly don't have the first bit of wisdom to understand how competition in a State controlled market works. These ventures are tantamount to a person who plays on-line sword fight games taking on an actual sword master in a real fight with real swords.

The mainstream media rely on the big production. The studio with the perfect lighting, the host with the perfect elocution, the seemingly informed experts on every imaginable topic, and the cut-away to the two minute and thirty second video clip reinforcing what the talking head just explained. This is not our battleground and these cannot be our weapons. On this battlefront, the aboveground activists can win the field, not by standing toe to toe with giants, but by an unending barrage of spit-balls fired from a million cynical straws poking out from behind every leaf. The aboveground activists must do what they do best. Mock authority, photo-bomb the man-on-the-street interview, laugh at the experts, pick every news cast apart on thousands of web sites, and disrespect the mainstream media in every peaceful way possible. Use humor and parody to show the absurdity of the main stream media. Use inexpensive podcasts, cell phone footage, and live streaming content of actual events. Debunk the media and have fun doing it. Then, dear activists, leave the dangerous part to us, the underground.

(5-3.1.01) Deceive the deceivers

Recent history provides for us a hint of a massive inherent weakness of the main stream media. Adnan Hajj, a Lebanese freelance photographer, worked for Reuters for over ten years, supplying the news giant with at least 920 photos. In 2006 many of these obviously fake and altered photos were publicly exposed as such. It still took Reuters two years to purge them from its collection. Looking back on these old photos, it's amazing how bad the Photoshop work looks, and yet the media and the public believed them because they fit the narrative that Reuters was pushing.

On the topic of fitting the narrative, that brings us to the infamous Islamic Rage Boy, Shakeel Ahmad Bhat. Even if his name doesn't sound familiar you will almost certainly know his face if you were to see him. He has been used all over the main stream media and the alternative media as the poster boy of Islamic hate. And yet his personal story doesn't even begin to match his internet and media persona. But truth doesn't matter in an industry that sells lies.

Still not convinced that the mainstream media and its followers are gullible and given to overreact? Consider the 2007 Boston Mooninite Panic. Such a stunt repeated in a different city every six months will both stimulate more rebellion to authority and drive the authoritarian stuffed shirts out of their tiny minds. In the case of the Boston Moominite Panic, almost everyone between the ages of 10 and 30 got the joke at the time, while almost everyone in government was aghast at this act of terrorism.

It's one thing to expose the main stream media lies or play up to their ignorance and fear. It's another thing to feed them lies intentionally to discredit them. Greed, prejudice, ignorance, and lust for attention drive the media. Their hunger for the outlandish causes them to accept any crazy lie so long as it serves their narrative. So we should feed them as much as they will swallow. Then step back and let our friends, the aboveground activists, expose their mistakes. The two pronged attack; we feed them fake news and our friends mock them for publishing it.

Would you care for some more down-and-dirty examples?

Learn the lesson of the Carlos Hoax from 1988, when a small lightly funded troop of merry hoaxters demonstrated for the world to see that the main stream media were stupid, desperate, and gullible. Now, feed them fake news, fake pictures, fake reports, fake tips to the local and national media, as these are only the beginning. Disinformation during tragedies will humiliate the media, fake scandals on politicians, fake witnesses, hoax after hoax in a never ending barrage for as long as they will buy what we are selling. Friend-saboteurs should take acting classes and practice fooling the media. We can be crisis actors for freedom, getting on camera spinning incredible tales punctuated with a flood of tears. Expose local and national media as the buffoons and shrills of government that they are. Make throwies and mimic the Mooninite Panic. A throwie consists of a button battery, a diffused LED and a magnet taped together. Be creative. Tie Mylar balloons together, covered in LEDs, and release them as a fake UFO. Then call the media with UFO eye witness reports. Shark week may be over, but what about all the camel spiders that are invading the Southwest? The opportunities are only limited by the imagination of the individual. The media constantly falls for the fake drug crazes that pop up from time to time, so feed them more of the same. So the "choking game" was a hoax, but what about all those kids getting high from "Ketchup LSD", made from fermenting ketchup and regular button mushrooms. (Fake! Not a real thing!) Imagine the impact of a "news crew" that interviews a local police spokesperson about the success of the local school D.A.R.E. program, but unexpectedly asks the cop about local kids taking the Ketchup LSD. "Does your police office keep track of the children who have been admitted to the local hospital due to the Ketchup LSD fad?" "Do your D.A.R.E. officers warn the children about the deadly Ketchup LSD?" Now sit back and watch the pig squirm on camera. How about a call-in campaign to the local media about the growing problem in local hospitals with the Ketchup LSD fad? How many beds are occupied by these victims? In northern climates, the local news media may be vulnerable to fake school snow closing reports. What? An avalanche has engulfed the local Quickie Mart? Oh no! Apu Nahasapeemapetilon is dead!

Shall I go on? Do I really need to go on? You are only limited by your own mind.

(5-3.2) Psychological Operations

All successful warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when most active, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy feel safely out of our reach; when far away, we must haunt the dreams and the shadows of our enemy's mind and appear to be around every corner.

(5-3.2.1) Gas Lighting (Targeted Psych Ops as Simple Sabotage)

When several friend-saboteurs are working in the same location, be they coworkers, building maintenance, cleaning crews and janitorial staff, or any combination, you can work in harmony to disrupt the productivity of a target. Single out a specific target for your gas light operations. Use discretion in choosing your target. Look for someone who is actively involved in State aggression, a person highly productive in their field, but displaying signs of emotional stress, over-work, alcohol/drug issues, relationship issues, etc.. Take your time, observe his habits and look for weak points in his day to day routines. Perhaps your target can become unstable by something as simple as moving his most used items from one place to another on a repetitive basis. Move his coat or sweater to the opposite side of his office or cubical. When he steps away for a cup of coffee or a restroom break, move his chair into his closet. On a different day, remove one wheel from his computer desk chair and place it in his coat pocket. If he keeps his window blinds open, close them. Unplug his computer monitor while leaving everything else alone. Once your target begins to show signs of self-doubt, you can step up your operation. If you have ongoing direct visual with the target it may be possible to place very small wireless speakers in two or three locations in his work area. Control each speaker separately with your phone. Have five or six separate recordings of strangers saying his name. Alternate playing them, changing from one speaker to the next.

This process may seem cruel and heartless, but if your target's work directly facilitates the robbery, incarceration, torture, or death of the innocent then he has brought this on his own head when he entered such a field of endeavor. He should not be the recipient of our mercy if he makes his living from the suffering of the innocent.

(5-3.2.2) Hit Them Where They Live

Let's say you have developed a friend-saboteur network of five active friends all in the same general area. Let's say all of you have some outdoor or yard and garden tools, mowers, a wheelbarrow, a leaf blower, a small utility trailer, and a pickup truck. Or even better, one of your group owns a lawn service company. Let's say you have a target that is the subject of an active gas light operation in a near-by town. Let's say you do a little inventive printing and place fake company identifications on your truck and while the gas light subject's home is empty and everyone is at work or school, your crew of fake yard service workers remove or destroy the landscaping of his fine upscale home. Then send him a fictitious bill for the work. Then begin spoof-calling him from a fake bill collector.

Let's change that scenario slightly. Let's say none of your network of friend-saboteurs is talented in the ways of yard work, however one of your group owns an automotive towing and wrecker truck. Change the identification on your truck and when the subject goes to a store or other location where they will be away from their car for a few minutes, tow the subject's car to a no-parking area a few miles away and dump it there.

You say; "But none of my network of friends has a yard business or a tow truck." Well, that is the beauty of a distributed network with no central planner. Ask your friends what they have, what they can do, and make up your own plan.

(5-4) Identities

The Department of Homeland Security has revealed that during the 31 months from October, 2012, through April, 2015 more than 1,300 badges and credentials, 165 firearms, and 589 DHS cell phones were lost or stolen.

Having multiple identities is generally illegal. Using such identities in the commission of a crime multiplies the punishment that governments hand out to those who are caught and convicted. Skilled teams working with false identities can and have walked into prisons and walked out with prisoners. Having false identities can be a source of income for a subversive movement. Identities listed with the US Social Security Administration as being permanently disabled may receive monthly payments from the government of $1000 or more. Simple mathematics and logic tell us the US government hands a lot of money to a lot of accounts, and all of those can't possibly be legitimate.

One more note of caution in regards to identities: Do not simply jump on the dark net and grab the first fake identity someone is selling. It's far better for a member of the underground to develop the skill to produce false identities than to rely on a supplier of questionable motive.


The practice of hacking is intentionally not covered in this manual for a number of reasons, however this small word of encouragement is added for hackers and would-be hackers. Two types of hacking that require very little to no computer skills are often referred to as social hacking and visual hacking. (some would place visual hacking as a subset of social hacking) Social hacking can include such things as the practice of getting people to let you in where you're not supposed to be, or to give you information they shouldn't. This is often done over the phone, but the skilled can do it in person. Visual hacking can include grabbing sensitive documents from an office printer or unattended desk, watching someone log into an account and remembering their login info, or searching through trash for private documents or personal information. The more a person practices social hacking the better he gets and eventually it becomes second nature to constantly be on the alert for opportunities to use your skills.

It shouldn't be necessary to explain how handy it is to have sensitive or personal information or access to private or secured locations, so we will simply add this; even if you don't know what to do with the information, someone in the friends network wants that information. Someone can use it.

(5-5) Forbidden Plants and Booze as Simple Sabotage

A wise man once said; "It is in war that the State really comes into its own: swelling in power, in number, in pride, in absolute dominion over the economy and the society."

This is a true statement.

However it is in the trinity of prohibition, regulation, and taxation that the State owns the productivity of the individual, therefore facilitates war. When the State marries war with prohibition, regulation, and taxation, then we see the Beast stand to its full height.

The "War on Drugs" has been a ruse from the start, and only the simple minded or the intentionally-fooled ever believed it otherwise. It is an excuse to militarize the local police while using basic economics to create a Bogeyman (drug gangs/cartels/minorities) for the purpose of scaring and controlling the ignorant masses. The war on drugs provides the backdrop for rampant racism, as the prohibition is unequally prosecuted. At the same time, it's a method for funneling unimaginable amounts of undocumented cash into the pockets of select operatives in the intelligence community. In addition to all of the above, the alcohol industry and the incredibly powerful pharmaceutical industrial complex have long been supporters of the drug prohibition. When the time comes, governments will back down and allow more and more legal recreational drug usage. The move to "legalize it and tax it" and "legalize medical marijuana" are nothing more than a continuation of the same ruse, using pacification techniques to control public resistance. Eventually marijuana will become more mainstream and will be corporately controlled like the alcohol industry. Only a small handful of crony corporations will be allowed to grow it, transport it, or sell it. The price will be fixed by regulation, and taxation will be built into the price structure on multiple levels. That will not be a victory for freedom. It will be a successful act of pacification and neutering. Before then, during this window of opportunity, the drug war can provide several methods for simple sabotage.

Farmers, gardeners, and horticulturists can do a great service for our cause by hybridizing a strain of marijuana so that it reproduces faster and grows shorter in height. Activists can spread this weed on "public" land. Wooded areas of city parks, highway medians, fence rows, or anywhere that doesn't get mowed very often would be a great place to throw seed bombs. Imagine if marijuana grew rapidly and spread like dandelions. Now imagine trying to regulate or tax dandelions. If it's in great enough abundance the crony corporations won't be able to monopolize it and governments won't be able to eradicate it. But they will try. They will throw money, in crazy proportions, at a fight like this.

Much the same argument can be made for papaver somniferum, the opium poppy. This plant would be a beautiful addition to any flower garden, and few people would have any idea its purpose. Imagine if some industrious gardener were to start heavily producing seeds for seed bombs. Much of California and the western mountain states have a very similar climate to Afghanistan and Turkey where it grows and viciously self-seeds. The gardener that did this service to our cause would be a true saboteur.

Hooch, moonshine, white lightening, white liquor, or any other name you want to use, can be safely produced on a countertop with a device not much bigger than a coffee maker, for a fraction of the cost of corporate alcohol. Current to the writing of this manual, a counter top device like described above is being sold by several independent manufactures on the internet for about $200, and can consistently produce a safe, decent quality vodka for about $5 per gallon. Now tell me about growing your tomato garden for agorism. Why is any anarchist buying government liquor?

Like Bitcoin, agorism in the production of forbidden or restricted products like these undermines the authority of the State, creates funding for more projects, and stimulates the black market economy. So what are you waiting for? Super glue that cops wiper blades, glitter bomb that mayor, and let's all throw our shoes into the gears of this machine until it grinds to a halt!

More ideas? Okay, how about these for future chapters: Baiting politicians, judges, and police chiefs into honeytraps for extortion, profit, and fun! Developing a transportation network to move activists and dissidents away from government reach and into safer areas.

  • Drop phones
  • VOIP
  • VPN
  • TOR

Do you like these ideas? Great, write the chapters and add them to this book.

To The First Lego Brigade
Be safe, have fun, do your best, and be proud of what you do.


Part 1:

Sections 1 and 2
Section 3
Section 4
Sections 5 and 6

This post has been edited and abridged from the original SEDITION SUBVERSION AND SABOTAGE FIELD MANUAL by Ben Stone.


For more articles and podcasts on liberty, the zero-aggression principle, and property rights, go to, and thank you for reading.


It is a very good post and I aslo try to make this kind of post..... Please fellow me

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