in #anarchy7 years ago



To Governor William Tryon, and all such tyrants:

WHEREAS it has become apparent to the citizens of Bavarian Gulch, that there is no security for life and property, either under the regulations of society as it at present exists, or under the so-called law as now administered; Therefore we, whose names are hereunto attached, do unite themselves into an association for the maintenance of the peace and good order of society, and the preservation of the lives and property of the people of Bavarian Gulch, and do bind ourselves, each unto the other, to do and perform every lawful act for the maintenance of true natural law and order, and to sustain those laws when faithfully and properly administered; but we are determined that no thief, highwayman, politician, banker, or murderer, shall escape punishment, either by the quibbles of the so-called law, the insincerity of persons, the carelessness or corruption of the police, or a laxity of those who pretend to administer justice.

Harmon Husband V
John V Brown
John Wilkes
Nat V Kinney
The unanimous declaration of agreement by The Remaining Elders of The Baldknobbers represented herein by this mark: XX


In the first section of this manual titled Peaceful Sedition, a set of definitions was presented explaining some of the wording used in this manual. Since this section of this manual is specifically dealing with ethics-based irregular warfare, the writers of this section have chosen to use that stated definition and expand on it slightly.

Irregular warfare favors indirect and asymmetric approaches. An open and direct confrontation with an enemy who possesses dramatically superior resources is never wise and is usually suicidal. Therefore we must prefer small hit-and-move confrontations where we almost never fight an extended battle and we almost never confront more than one or two opponents at a time. Whenever possible, we should outnumber our opponents by a factor of 2:1 or even 3:1. There are exceptions to this, such as a well-hidden rifleman who can strike a high value target and safely extract himself from the engagement. Likewise, we must never attempt to hold or capture a geographic location of any kind, but we must remain fluid so that at any moment's notice we can disperse into the vastness of the human tide. If possible, every confrontation should be planned and should be initiated on our terms. Targets should be carefully selected based on their priority and their vulnerability. Hard targets should be avoided at almost any cost. Our purpose and focus should always be on the long victory and we must never allow short sighted goals or temporary gains to lure us into believing that this war can be won by military means. Our primary purpose is to agitate and irritate our enemy, not defeat him. In a way, we are simply here to whip the money changers and knock over the tables.

Our purpose is not to confront the might of the legions or defeat the empire. The market will defeat the State. Our job is to erode our adversary’s power, influence, and the individual's will to fight, while economics and the aboveground activists do the job of shifting market demand. Through self-discipline and mutual encouragement we must maintain this style of fighting until the true powers behind the throne reveal themselves and become vulnerable. Then and only then we must shift our focus and descend upon them with single-minded dedication to decapitate the State through direct strikes against the true leadership. When that day comes we must show no mercy, we must wear the edges off the guillotines and run the wood chipper's fuel tanks dry.

The thing that differentiates our version of irregular warfare from terrorism and other government supported guerrilla fighting is that we must always maintain the moral high ground by insisting all of our actions be ethics based. In other words; no matter the outcome, our actions themselves must fall within the limits of property rights and defense as outlined elsewhere in this manual. Unlike our enemy, we must never strike the innocent for the purpose of "moving the herd". We must never intentionally cause fear in the hearts of the innocent, and we must never intentionally sacrifice an innocent life for our cause. Our targets must always be specifically chosen, and not the result of chance. Our strikes must be with precision causing as little risk to bystanders as possible, for that reason we should avoid using explosives as weapons, as much as reasonably possible. And finally every action must be for the purpose of disrupting the State, not to bring glory or recognition to any individual or even to the cause itself.

(1-1) Stomping Sand Castles

We shall not grow wiser
Until we learn that much of what we have done
Was very foolish

We wish it were not necessary to write this manual. We wish the bulk of humanity would not have allowed itself to become content in its own captivity, while forcing that captivity upon the rest of us. We wish those talented in the ways of self-defense and endowed with the independent warrior spirit had stood up and crushed the State and its supporters before the State had the opportunity to systematically dumb them down to the point that so few are left that can still think and fight. But we also know that no matter what each of us may wish, the reality of the situation is that a war is coming, and we can choose to fight it on our terms or we can suffer the consequences of allowing the Enemy of humanity to choose those terms and place this war upon us. Knowing that only the fool and the desperate fight on their enemy's terms, we choose to be neither the fool nor the desperate. We choose to plan, we choose to prepare, we choose to learn, and we choose to fight on our terms and on our schedule.

Unfortunately a portion of this manual must be dedicated to correcting the mislead, reprimanding the arrogant, and mocking the foolish. Before we can show you how to arm yourself and how to fight a winning war, we must first destroy those precious sand castles that so many have spent so much time and resources building. It would be nice if we had the talent, the time, and the media outlets to carefully walk everyone though this process without offending anyone, while at the same time being entertaining and making everyone feel good about themselves. But we don't have that luxury, and neither do you. We have serious business ahead of us and we need to clear out of our ranks those who can't handle the challenges that are coming towards us at an alarming speed. Preconceived notions, pride, machismo, and ego need to be set aside and a realistic understanding of our resources, our strengths, our weaknesses, and our character need to be examined. Then you need to ask yourself if you are suited to step up and accept this challenge, or if you would prefer to adjust your chains and go back to enjoying government bread and circuses while passing the State on to your children.

At least one of the sand castles we will be stomping will be American-centric, but we will try to make this presentation broad enough that non-Americans can still find it useful. To clarify what is meant by that, too many Americans simply don't think of the rest of the world as even existing when they think about things like police brutality, property confiscations, and other forms of tyranny. When they think of the State, they only think of the DC government, rather than the bigger picture of the State as described in this manual. Somehow they have developed the mentality that Washington DC is the center of their problem, and if a few politicians in that city were subdued or replaced then we would all live on the Big Rock Candy Mountain where gum drops grow on lollypop trees and trained monkeys ride unicorns delivering ice cream sandwiches to all the happy children. Many Americans ignore other governments around the world that are every bit as evil as DC, and that would be more than happy to rush in to fill any power vacuum that would develop if DC fell. They also tend to ignore the fact that governments around the world oppress the local populations, often times with the aid of the DC government, and incredible numbers of people are ready to stand up to their governments today, they just lack the knowledge of how to do it successfully. Many Americans don't understand that a successful march to freedom must be a worldwide action by the friends of freedom in every land. We must tear down this Beast everywhere he resides. We must give him no quarter and he must find no sanctuary. Once this process begins and as long as the fight for freedom continues we cannot rest and we cannot let our enemy hide and regroup behind the borders that politicians have drawn on maps.

Many Americans often ignore the local government employees who enforce both the will of DC and the will of local tyrants, drunk with power and hungry for glory. These same types of Americans often idolize the American military, made up of some 1.3 million of their own families and neighbors who carry out the orders of the DC government. Many willfully forget that when the DC government sends its Hellfire missiles to murder in faraway lands and sends its agents to rape and torture in hidden camps around the world, those Hellfire missiles are guided by young men and women taken right out of American high schools and universities in their own neighborhoods, and those US government agents who crushed the testicles of a small boy to punish his father are also recruited right out of the local American schools. These Americans who often hate the DC government choose not to realize that the most evil things a government does happen because someone they know obeys orders.

Often these patriotic Americans deeply believe that their precious American military will stand with them and protect them from the DC government, ignoring the countless lessons from history proving the exact opposite. They choose not to realize that their cousins and their neighbors, whether wearing the uniform of the DC legions, their state's National Guard, or the uniform of the local police, have been trained and conditioned to not only obey orders but to believe they are doing so for the greater good. This is why 19-year-old Ohio National Guardsmen were able to take aim and kill 19-year-old Kent State students in Ohio on May 4, 1970. This is how Massachusetts National Guardsmen were able to go house to house aiming automatic rifles at old people and children in Watertown Massachusetts on April 19, 2013 under the guise of a search for a teenager that, at the time, was only suspected of a crime. This is how a church in Waco Texas was burned to the ground on April 19, 1993, while children were contorting in pain from the chemicals being pumped into their storm shelter. And this is how American soldiers of the 12th Infantry Regiment and the 3rd Cavalry Regiment, commanded by Douglas MacArthur, and supported by battle tanks commanded by George Patton, attacked and murdered retired and disabled American veterans and their families in Washington DC on July 28, 1932. The sand castle idea that when times turn bad, the US military will disobey orders and come to the aid of the people of America is delusional at best, and extremely dangerous under any circumstances. Those of us with our eyes open should avoid any kind of reliance upon people who insist upon believing such ridiculous myths and fantasies.

Another sand castle that needs to be stomped into the dirt is the notion that at some indeterminate point in the future, the DC government will cross an imagined, completely undefined "line in the sand" and brave patriots will rally around the flag and restore the republic. If you once believed this at some time in the past don't feel bad, many of us have been fooled. If you still believe this nonsense today, stop reading this manual now and seek to educate yourself on the nature of the State, because you are not mentally equipped for this fight. First, the DC government didn't suddenly turn bad. It was the bastard child of evil from the day it was conceived in the twisted minds of Hamilton, Washington, John Jay, Henry Knox, and other founding members of The Society of the Cincinnati. It was planned from its conception to eventually be a totalitarian government, and with the exception of a few stumbles along the way, it has faithfully followed that path ever since. Additionally, this process was clearly warned against and predicted at the time of the "founders" by the writers of the Anti-Federalist Papers. In other words, the American government you see today is exactly what its designers wanted when they designed it, and the excuses given by American "patriots" not to burn it to the ground today are the same weak excuses they gave at every stage of its development since 1787. The Constitution of the United States of America was and is a document of enslavement intended to fool the weak minded while pacifying those who possess the moral fortitude and intelligence to stand up to tyranny. Second, if there actually was a magic "line-in-the-sand" it was crossed long before anyone reading this manual was born, and no one has risen up yet. Third and finally, the idea of patriots rising up is usually tied to the idea that another revolution is the answer to our problem. This is false because revolution, by definition, is simply a turning around to arrive where we started, and we don't need to start this tyrannical process over again. We need to kill it once and forever.

The next sand castle that needs to be kicked into the air and scattered into the wind is the crazy notion that large sections of America, or perhaps states like Texas, Alaska, or New Hampshire, can secede from the DC government and freedom will somehow abound. Set aside the obvious problem of the aforementioned 1.3 million federal troops in the hands of the DC government, along with the ability and motivation to send death from the sky to visit every rebel state house, VFW lodge, and back yard BBQ where the "terrorist rebels" gather, and the idea becomes laughable at best. But add into the equation that the very idea of establishing a "free state" is self-contradictory. Then consider the contradiction of having a "free" society with government-established borders, and you enter the realm of collectivist hallucinatory delusions. Secession is the path to open geography-based war, the one type of warfare Washington DC actually knows how to win. These notions of state secession are generally pushed by "leaders" who fantasize of being the next "father of their country" and would lead their followers right back into tyranny once the irresistible temptations of power take their natural course, assuming the DC government doesn't just round them up and exterminate them wholesale. Secession and revolution are the battleground the DC government is best suited for and clamors to fight. Give them that fight and you secure their tyranny for generations to come.

If you haven't already noticed, this manual is not written as a gentle persuasion to nudge you toward freedom. It's a hard primer to snap fresh troops into action so that they may stay alive, yet have the greatest possible impact against our enemy, while remaining within the confines of the Zero Aggression Principle. This manual is not all-encompassing, it is not an exhaustive text book, it is not the definitive authority on anything, and it should only be an introduction to irregular warfare. In reality this manual is nothing more than a drill instructor screaming his lungs out so that you will not do something stupid that gets you or others like you killed. This manual is the glass of ice water down the back of your neck to wake you up from the hypnotic stupor your "liberty leaders" have seduced you into. This war is ours to win if we do it right, or ours to lose if we refuse to use wisdom and ethics. As much as the soft-world wants you to compromise, get along, and unite, you must stand on principles, inflict justice, and scatter the collective into the dusts of history. Otherwise you should return to the cotton fields and keep your head bowed low until the master decides he will let you have an extra chicken.

Let's just pause and recap these points, as they are the cornerstone of this part of this manual and cannot be overemphasized. Washington DC, although a disgusting swamp of corruption and tyranny, is not alone in its crimes. Local tyrants and their servants enable the federal government to be what it is and absent the federal overlords, those locals would become just as badas, or worse than, their DC masters. The myth that the US military will come to the aid of the American people is counterfactual and a deadly mythology that history has disproven. Outside of the political borders of America lies a world on the verge of meaningless revolution that can be redirected to join us in a meaningful war against the true enemy of humanity, the State. But we must realize there is no magic line-in-the-sand somewhere in the future. Slavery is upon us now unless we stand up and free ourselves. We can fight the war our grandfathers failed to fight or we can pass this slavery on to our grandchildren and accept the scorn we rightfully deserve. We must never accept the morphine of half measures, nor settle for a slightly more comfortable slavery under a local master. And we must not be baited into open confrontation with the strongest military the world has ever known, fighting an old style geography-based conventional war. We must never attempt to take or hold a physical location or geographic area. We must never let our enemy decide the battlefield. We must fight unseen, undetected, without glory or recognition for our victories and without sympathy for our losses. We must punch the enemy where he doesn't expect it and move before he can react. This is how we fight this Beast and this is how we kill him.

The final sand castle to be crushed is the so called "castle doctrine", perhaps the most precious castle in western culture. Since pre-Roman times, a man's house was his castle, a place no tyrant or his lieutenants had the right to enter without permission. Even the vampires of European myth and legend could not breach the door posts uninvited. This foundational property right was the basis of our conception of privacy and the idea that government agents needed a warrant to enter our homes. In today's world, the castle doctrine, no matter the platitudes, is de facto dead. If you, the individual, are brave or foolish enough to exert your right to protect your home and regulate who enters and under what circumstances that entry takes place, you may enter the land of the dead on the express train as SWAT teams cut you down, or unmanned unseen aircraft rain death on you from above. A right ceases to be a right if it is impossible to enforce. If that sentence offends your sense of good and bad, then good for you; there is hope for you. Currently this right of property is dead, but there are those of us who will see it resurrected. But before we can do so we must first remove the power that has crushed property rights at every turn. We must kill the State, and the State lives so long as its enforcers and benefactors live. Therefore seeing that we have been systematically attacked, we must defend ourselves and our property by killing the threat and those presenting said threat. But we cannot do it standing in our doorways. That battle ground has been lost and we must fall back and proverbially "head for the hills" where our safety has always been. We must shift the battlefield to our advantage and become a fluid force that cannot be detected, cannot be pinned down, and cannot be defeated.

The individual warrior must embrace ethics-based irregular warfare and learn the lesson of Buppert's Law, roughly stated; "A mountainous people with a rifle culture cannot be defeated by conventional forces." That said, in many cases the individual warrior may not have access to actual mountains for refuge, therefore many will have to adapt their methods according to circumstances. However it is the opinion of the authors of this manual that a rifle culture is imperative to our victory. Keep in mind that in February 2013 former Los Angeles coproach Christopher Dorner, one lone actor proficient with a rifle, froze the entire "law" enforcement complex in southern California in fear for nearly a month. One severely disturbed man had that kind of an impact with no support network and a horribly flawed approach and method. Consider what he could have done with a clear mind, a solid philosophy, a dependable partner, a network of sympathizers, and if he had not confined himself geographically.

We have both the moral high ground and the logistics on our side if we fight an extended series of individual battles using wisdom and a disciplined ethics-based irregular warfare approach. We have found ourselves in this position, not because we chose to be aggressed upon, but because we choose to stop the aggressor.

Part 1:

Sections 1 and 2
Section 3
Section 4
Sections 5 and 6

Part 2:

Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5

This post has been edited and abridged from the original SEDITION SUBVERSION AND SABOTAGE FIELD MANUAL by Ben Stone.


For more articles and podcasts on liberty, the zero-aggression principle, and property rights, go to, and thank you for reading.


Some nice detail and thinking in this series. The underling political religion is mediocre but isn't really any worse than most other pop-governance ideas. In that way it does a good job of encouraging discussion about the how, what and why of improving society. Good timing and thanks for your work in finding better paths to the future.

You might say the Bad Quaker is a political atheist. The State does not actually exist except as a popular myth justifying violence against peaceful people, but there are people who will act on that myth, whether through ignorance or malice.


I was referring to it in the more general sense where it is a belief system that has crossed into a religion. A belief system crosses into a religion to the degree that it ceases to question its own tenets and structure and actively resists questions to those tenets as an attack.

Its not an overly critical observation. Even portions of science have crossed that line into religion - such as questioning the scientific method itself.

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