in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)



Section 1


He is skillful in attack when his enemy does not know what to defend
He is skillful in defense when his enemy does not know what to attack

To the mall ninja, to the barroom hero, to the monster truck aficionado, to the connoisseur of low calorie beer, and to the fly fishing jig expert, camouflage is a fashion staple. To the individual warrior, camouflage should not be synonymous with Woodland, Tiger Stripe, MultiCam, or TACAM. Camouflage should rather be a word synonymous with phrases like "fitting in," "hide in plain sight," and "Honest officer I didn't see anything or anyone unusual."

Our enemy, the State, has the luxury of fighting wars of attrition. He has an endless supply of servants to call upon to pour into fields and down roads to their deaths. He adorns them in impressive uniforms and teaches them to march in ridiculous unnatural ways so that everyone can see how blindly and fanatically they serve him. He teaches them to snap their heads from side to side, exaggerate their steps, and swing their arms like broken windmills. And they obey. No matter what absurd costumes the State requires, servants of the State strut themselves about showing their fervor for service, while proudly whoring their dignity to their master. Watching a military parade should immediately put one in mind of the Paris fashion runways where pathetic brainless drones don ridiculous costumes and march about with a dead look in their eye for the perverted pleasure of a small group of rich women. Except in the case of the military parades, the brainless drones in costume kill on command and throw away their own lives for their rich political masters. And unlike those of the fashion models, the families of the military slaves take great pride when their sons and daughters die senselessly over a stretch of sand or a bombed out hill. Or worse yet, the broken slaves, no longer useful to the politicians, come home with war ravished bodies and minds and are relegated to live out their miserable existence in homeless shelters or under a bridge near a trash dumpster where they can find some morsel to eat. Even in this shameful condition the burned-out souls will often continue wearing some tattered camo-painted remnant of their costume. This is how the State treats its most faithful slaves. And thus we see our enemies; not the broken slaves, but the men and women who use the State to destroy lives, including destroying their own slaves.

We must not use people like this, or allow ourselves to be used like this. The individual warrior is a rare commodity that must be respected and cherished. If victory is to be obtained it will be through each individual warrior realizing that his or her strength doesn't lie in the collective power of waves of dead soldiers, but in the success of staying alive, of moving without being observed, and of striking and vanishing without being remembered. This is the power of camouflage. To appear so much a part of the scenery that no one notices that you are there and then no one notices when you leave. In modern first-world irregular warfare this is not done by breaking light and shadow patterns and mimicking leaves or grass. It's done by looking and acting like you should be where you are.

We will stay alive and we will defeat the State only when we pick our battle, when we strike where the enemy is not guarding, and when we present our enemy with no way to strike us back. In frustration, the State will punish the innocent, and that will create even more of us to strike him again. With more careful strikes against the State, the State will commit more resources to swinging at our shadows. Simple mathematics teaches us that a single bullet only costs us a few small coins, but governments must respond with mountains of cash and dramatic oppression of the innocent. As that oppression rises, faith in the State shrinks. This is our part in the process that leads to the death of our enemy, the State.


”They who employ force by proxy are as much responsible for that force as though they employed it themselves.” - Herbert Spencer

If you're reading this, it shouldn't be necessary to go to great lengths to convince you that preemptive self-defense is always the wisest form of self-defense. Also it shouldn't be necessary to justify the concept of engaging in irregular warfare with proven aggressors like individual violent police, specific decision makers, or military actors who follow orders and kill on command, but the difficult thing about government is that by its very design it's a massive structure created to shift the blame to so many hands that no one can be held responsible. This collectivist notion is perhaps best displayed in the story of the death of Julius Caesar, where each senator took a turn stabbing Caesar so than no one person could be guilty of the assassination. Of course that only works as a collectivist argument. The moment you introduce individual accountability the collectivist argument vanishes like a shadow in sun light.

So how do we determine the level of responsibility of each statist, and how do we determine what our response to each of those statists should be once we accept our role as individual warriors engaging in irregular warfare?

That can be a question of extreme complexity if we allow it, but it's simply not necessary to allow it to be complex if we narrow our fight to targets where no question is present. In other words, don't allow yourself to be caught up in such a target-rich environment that you fail to see the obvious shots. Think of the lion in the field with a thousand gazelle. Once he reveals himself they will all bolt, and his vision will be filled with moving shapes and bouncing targets. The wise lion doesn't just go for whichever gazelle jumps. The wise lion picks out one easy shot. He takes his time. He prepares. He knows a wasted attempt is wasted energy, and he knows he can't afford wasted energy. Failed hunts mean starvation. So he fixes his eyes on one target, and when the moment happens he refuses to be distracted. For the individual warrior, the State provides such a target rich environment that it's easy to be distracted. It's easy to chase philosophical rabbits down never-ending rabbit holes, debating about which cops are good and which are bad, and if the mailman is robbing you through taxation, and if the parking enforcement officer has crossed some line; or you can stop, clear your mind, focus, and do your job. There are plenty of violent cops who have been documented and filmed beating homeless people for no reason, and killing anyone who crosses them. There are plenty of bureaucrats enabling and protecting those violent cops. We don't need to attack a collective any more than we need to be distracted by that collective. We need to (1) carefully do our homework, (2) review our decisions with a verifiable process, and (3) take the needed actions to secure our freedom. These three points are critical.

(3-1) Pause and Review

(3-1.1) Do Your Homework

We are not concerned about justifying our actions to a government court. If it comes to that we are sunk. In the minds of the statists, we're already criminals just for discussing these things, and much more so for acting on them. Our concern should primarily be what is right and what is wrong. We shouldn't take action against any target where there is doubt of guilt. We should take our time, research accusations, and be slow to make our judgment. The exception is a situation where time is pressing and the target is actively a serious threat to the innocent. But under normal circumstances, where we have time to rely on the investigative process, the individual warriors can work with trusted noncombatant members of the underground. Activity like gathering video evidence of crimes, hacking personal files, gathering of private data like addresses, shopping habits, and any other information that will help the underground build a fair and honest profile of the accused target and the activities in his private life would be tremendously helpful. This process is especially important for the less obvious targets like bureaucrats, key corporate enablers, and even drone operators who do their murdering behind the cloak of government secrecy.

(3-1.2) Review Decisions with a Verifiable Process

Again, assuming the target is not an immediate and serious threat to the innocent, then we can consider two options; the first being the best practice, and the second being a less desirable practice that should only be used when absolutely necessary.

The best practice would be a reviewable documentation of the accusations followed by a specific statement of the charges, then followed by a review by at least three reliable parties, and finally either a unanimous decision of the three reliable parties or a delay until a unanimous decision can be agreed upon. If a unanimous decision is not directly forthcoming, that target should be dropped from consideration and the next target up for review should be considered. This process could be done both privately and secretly, while the overall process can be recorded in the Bitcoin blockchain for later review and public scrutiny. It would cost a very small amount of Bitcoin to make a transaction with an encrypted transcript imbedded in the transaction, so that after the fact if the results of the "trial" needed to be reviewed, the encryption key could be released or even shared on a need-to-know basis, and opened to the public if anyone challenged the trial or the process.

The less desirable practice would be a direct private conversation between two or three individual warriors working together as a team, and if an agreement is made as to the target's guilt, then the team does what they need to do. Circumstances my dictate that this process is the only one available. That would be unfortunate, but sometimes a perfect world is simply not available.

(3-1.3) Taking Action

In a perfect world, we would make our strike as the target is attacking a victim. A public display such as this could work in our favor, but if botched or if there is some public question as to the guilt of the target, then this could become a publicity nightmare. Also if you consider the structure of the State, the obvious killers wear police uniforms and usually only kill one at a time, but the real murderers in government kill dozens or even thousands with a few words or the stroke of a pen on paper. The best practice is a quiet, preferably private situation when the target is alone and it can be made to look like an accident or a suicide, or the target can simply vanish. The longer the individual warriors are working without being seen or even suspected of existing, the better we are doing our job. In this process we can take a lesson from the CIA and other such crime syndicates that operate in the shadows.

Always remember, we are not in this for the gore or the glory. We're in this to free the world of those who relish in gore and glory. We must always guard that we don't become what we fight. One method that may be helpful would be for a strike team to come together for a specific job, within a specific timeframe, then once the event is done the team could disband and return to normal life, with no team contact until a preset time. With enough teams working in rotation, the burden of such actions can be lightened and it can be harder for our enemy to discover the functioning of our networks.

(3-2) Target Acquisition

Politicians are generally thought of as the powerful in the world, but this is part of the illusion of government. When we look at politicians, we are looking at the grass on a hill. The grass is not the hill, and in fact the grass adds very little to the hill. But it's what we see. Like grass, politicians are seasonal. They sprout up quickly, put on a show and then vanish into the soil, their demise bringing life to the next seasonal explosion of drama as a new generation of politicians reach for the sky. Politicians hold a temporary but obvious position that, no matter how it appears, has very little power.

If you dig deeper into the hill you find the grass is rooted in the soil and the soil provides the nutrients that determine if the grass lives or dies. The soil is critical to the dramatic performance of the grass, so in that sense the soil, or better stated, the dirt in our metaphorical hill is the massive network of unelected bureaucrats, party bosses, lobbyists, and the permanent understructure of men and women who actually run the day-to-day functions of government. The grass comes and goes, but bureaucracy stays. These people, the dirt of governments, do the actual development of policies and laws. They hand down the regulations. They introduce the politicians to the right lobbyists, donors, and power people in corporations and banks. These people determine when, where, and how tall the grass grows.

And yet, the dirt is not the hill. The hill is in reality the rocks that thrust up from the valley floor. The corporate giants and the banking cartels are the rocks that are almost unmovable. The rocks determine if there is or is not a hill. The rocks are the true power. Everything else is on the surface protecting the rocks from exposure to the elements. So long as the rocks remain covered they don't erode and the hill lives on. Take away the dirt and the grass vanishes and the rocks begin to crumble and weather away.

If politicians are like the grass on a hill, police are like the annoying insects that crawl all over the surface of that hill. Watching a video of a violent cop beating a pregnant woman by kicking her stomach and stomping on her face should infuriate any sensible person. Seeing the video of the handicapped man in Florida handcuffed to a wheelchair while police walk by and casually pepper spray his face until he asphyxiates and dies should be a source of outrage and should make anyone want to act against these brutal murderers. Studying the case of Kelly Thomas, the disabled man beaten to death by Manuel Ramos, Jay Cicinelli, and Joseph Wolfe while wearing uniforms of the Fullerton California Police Department on the night of July 5, 2011 should fill your heart with both pity and rage. But the uncomfortable fact is that if there were a magic trigger we could pull that would cause every single violent murderous cop in the world to suddenly drop dead, the actual power brokers of the State would hardly blink as they simply hired another hive of violent ego-driven hate-filled idiots to replace the dead ones. Unfortunately there is an endless sea of angry morons who would just love to have a legal excuse to beat weak people while wearing a uniform and collecting a fat paycheck. So as temporarily gratifying as it may be, simply pulling that magic trigger on a world of violent cops won't stop the process that makes them. It does little more than crushing a few ants to stop an infestation.

That's not to say that given the opportunity to stop them, murderous scum should be allowed to continue their rampage upon the defenseless. Stopping the senseless beatings and killings of the innocent is one job of the individual warrior, assuming he can do so safely without exposing himself or his network. But the better target is the police chief who places the violent cop in that position and then publicly defends him when he does his evil deeds. A better target still is the politician who appoints that chief, or the even higher power broker who uses his influence to say who the next mayor, senator, or president will be. The deeper you dig into the darkness the more important and more difficult the target becomes. So violent dangerous police are easy targets that deserve our attention, but dealing with them won't solve our problem. As much as we would like to spend our time crushing bugs, those bugs are simply a symptom of the problem of the hill. We must expose the rock so that the forces of nature can follow their course.

Evil doesn't look the way the State has taught you to expect evil to appear. When you look through the eyepiece of a scope you will not find Adolf Hitler or Hannibal Lecter. You will find someone who looks very much like you. You won't see that person as he or she kicks in a door or throws a flash-bang in the crib of a baby, you won't see them as they torture and torment a prisoner, and you won't see them as they authorize a Hellfire missile strike on a family during a wedding. You will be more likely to see them as they sit in traffic listening to morning radio or as they open their mailbox.

This is the reason fighting and killing the State is so difficult: it usually doesn't appear as it really is. The people who are most important to keeping the State alive are the ones we have almost no chance of reaching, and most of the ones we can easily reach don't really matter to the continuation of the State. Other than the untouchable few at the tops of the banking cartels and corporate consortiums that make the State possible, the most important targets that can actually make an impact in this war are the people referred to by Michael Glennon in "National Security and Double Government" as the Trumanite network. According to Glennon:

...Trumanites can have no real discussions with family or friends about work because nearly all of their work is classified. They hold multiple compartmented clearances. Their offices are located in the buildings’ expensive real estate-the Pentagon’s E-Ring, the CIA’s Seventh Floor, the State Department’s Seventh Floor. Key pads lock their doors. Next to their desks are a safe and two computers, one unclassified and the other classified. Down the hall is a SCIF167 where the most sensitive briefings take place. They speak in acronyms and code words that the public has never heard and, God (and the FBI) willing, never will hear.

Finding and touching key members of this Trumanite network will be difficult because the camouflage they wear is the best kind of camouflage. They are a subset of the most abundant part of government, and as such they are almost impossible to individually spot and verify simply because there are so many who look like and work at similar locations to non-targets and neutrals. Here again we see how important the role of the non-combatant underground can be in helping the discovery and exposure of the individuals of the Trumanite network.

However, once discovered we must ask.”is worth the risk of targeting an individual?” The true answer to that question is that it is rarely worth the investment and risk to target them. There are exceptions that should be targeted as soon as possible, but most are no more important to the State than the violent police mentioned earlier. Most will be replaced by another Trumanite before they can assume room temperature, and investing that much work and risk into a target that will be instantly replaced is not wise. We should always do a cost/benefit analysis when selecting targets, and again the non-combatant underground can play a critical role in that process. We'll need to have a good idea of what they do, who they work for and with, can they be easily replaced, and can we reach them with alternative methods better suited to our friend-saboteurs network. After all, a powerful murderous bureaucrat who is in the middle of a massive mental breakdown due to a carefully crafted gaslight operation is more valuable to us than a simple dead body.

Once again, when you look through that eyepiece and see a Trumanite they won't look like Adolf Hitler or Hannibal Lecter, but just keep in mind that their words and actions rain death upon the innocent, while the worst part of their day is sitting in traffic trying to escape the Beltway to get to their McMansion in the suburbs. Before you feel sorry for that State Department slug, do a StartPage image search of the children they murdered this week. Then realize that if no one steps up and stops them, they will kill by proxy again and again and again. However, always remember how these people reacted when Michael Hastings exposed one of them to the public while planning to expose more. Now imagine what their reaction would be if we targeted six Trumanites in one day. If you think the LAPD went nuts when Dorner killed a few coproaches, you won't believe how the dirt on the Hill in DC will react when Uruks start dropping in Mordor, and the same goes in every other capital city around the world.

(3-3) Non-Human Targets

Garnering less immediate reaction from governments, but possibly having a greater long term effect, will be the targeting of nonhumans, including both the physical infrastructure and the corporate supports of the State. In these operations the individual warriors can work hand in hand with trusted non-combatant members of the underground. Ideally there should be friend-saboteurs working with hackers and other members of the underground to expose flaws in corporate security and weaknesses in key places like the communications infrastructure and the electrical grids.

(3-3.1) Targeting Infrastructure

The problem with targeting infrastructure is that it's a blade that cuts in all directions. In one sense, much of the faith the general public holds in the State rests upon its ability to provide roads, electricity, public water and sewer, and other such services. If they appear to slowly break down and the State is shown incapable or unwilling to keep them functional, then faith in the State is eroded. However if "terrorists" can be blamed for power outages and system failures, the State can use the outages to increase tyranny and oppression. Knowing this, government agents have been documented over and over attacking their own citizenry and infrastructure for the express purpose of using these attacks as an excuse to gain more power over the people, thus we have the phrase "false flag event" to describe such actions. Yet again, that oppression gives rise to more resistance, especially when the aboveground activists focus on the rise of oppression and show that the "terrorism" is just an excuse of the State to produce more tyranny. Ideally if the "terrorism" that actually causes the outages can be linked to government agents, it can be a propaganda victory for the forces of liberty, or it can just lead to more oppression.

That means any strike against infrastructure is a delicate dance between success and failure depending on so many variable that no one can calculate a guaranteed outcome. Of course, calculation problems never stop government actors from barging ahead. Perhaps the perfect solution would be to stage a false flag event and frame government agents for the attack. Or even better, to bait a government agent to commit and bungle a false flag so that it could be exposed as such by the aboveground activists. That sounds almost impossible, but if it could be done it would truly be a grand accomplishment. FBI agents do the equivalent of this all the time in America, as they lure some mentally challenged desperate Muslim or militia member into a cockamamie plot that the FBI then uses as an excuse to arrest more Muslims or militia members.

The best practice when it comes to a direct strike on infrastructure may be to coordinate the timing with some other event. The mainstream media is not good at following more than one major developing story, so an infrastructure failure could be used to distract coverage from some other event, or the other way around.

(3-3.2) Targeting Crony Corporations

Many avid hunters dream of taking a safari, hunting the big game, taking down an African cape buffalo or an Alaskan grizzly bear. Likewise the fisherman may have dreams of bounding across Atlantic waves on a fishing boat with an 800-pound blue marlin on hook. It all sounds very romantic and brings to mind great manly men of the past like Ernest Hemingway or John Huston, sucking down Cohiba cigars while swirling cognac.

The reality of hunting and fishing is much different when you do it to stay alive. Survival and sustenance hunting and fishing typically don't depend on big game, and the further you are from drama and conflict the better chance you have of feeding the mouths that depend on your success. For this reason survival and sustenance hunting and fishing are more likely to focus on rabbits, squirrels, minnows, and catfish than any big game. This is hunting from necessity, not entertainment.

The same is true when we think of fighting the State by taking on the corporate wing of the Dragon. We may all dream of sinking our lance deep in the heart of the military industrial complex or the banking cartels by striking some famous member of the Rothschild or Rockefeller families, or bagging a descendant of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, but we must live in the real world where even the mention of their wealth and power make people think you're crazy. They are the untouchables, and it's pure suicide to chase them. No, we are fighting for survival and sustenance. Someday when the State is in its death throes, we will hunt the big game. But today, while the State is relatively healthy, we must hunt that which can be taken.

In 2014, Tonje Hessen Schei was released a documentary titled Drone. That film contains an interview with Andy Von Flotow, founder of the government surveillance drone supplier Insitu. Insitu was a small company that was eventually absorbed by its long-time partner Boeing. In that brief interview Von Flotow makes several disturbing statements, but topping it off he brags; "War is an opportunity to do business." This little slice of truth shows the nature of the people who facilitate the wholesale slaughter of humans for profit and power. Echoing what Major General Smedley Butler said in his 1935 book titled War Is a Racket, Von Flotow proudly admits his guilt in the crimes Butler described, and Smedley Butler was a man who knew about war. By the end of his career, Butler had received nineteen medals, five for heroism. He received the Medal of Honor twice, was one of only three Americans to be awarded both the Marine Corps Brevet Medal and the Medal of Honor, and was the only Marine ever to be awarded the Brevet Medal and two Medals of Honor, all for separate actions. Von Flotow has also made his contribution to war but has made a fortune in the process, so targeting him now would be “closing the barn door after the horse done run off.” But a lesson can be learned from the man and the small company he founded. When Von Flotow founded Insitu, the focus of the company was in the development of unmanned weather reconnaissance vehicles, it wasn't until 2003 when Von Flotow and Insitu shifted to military applications. The time to slam the barn door on Von Flotow and Insitu would have been between that shift to militarism in 2003 and Insitu being swallowed by Boeing around 2008.

The idea of a corporation sharing the guilt of war with governments is hard for some people to accept until they make the whole connection between governments, the banking cartels, and the military industrial complex. Some will say that what the corporations do in supplying governments through military contracts is no different than what the rum manufacture does in selling rum. It's not the rum makers fault when someone drinks rum, drives their car, and kills someone. But has Bacardi Limited ever sent company representatives into Alcoholics Anonymous meetings with rum samples? Do Bacardi sales representatives get a bonus in their wages based on increases in drunk driving death statistics? We know from a wide variety of inside sources including former US presidents, former high-ranking military officers, and former leaders in the corporate world, that select corporations directly lobby for war in a wide range of ways.

Then there's the problem of choice and intent. As Kant teaches us, intent is the basis of judging an action. It's almost never the case for a man to buy a bottle of rum with the full intent and purpose of drunkenly killing someone. That's not to say the drunk should be excused for his actions and his poor choices, but he never intended to kill, and Bacardi didn't sell him the rum knowing ahead of time that he would kill. After all, the vast majority of rum drinkers never kill anyone. However the modern weapons of war are sold to governments exclusively, knowing full and well how they will be used. When Raytheon developed "millimeter wave source weapons," it wasn't so people could relax on a beach and enjoy a sunset, it was so government agents could use the equivalent of a cattle prod to move the human herds, and to single out individuals for direct punishment or death. Coupled with the fact that the decision makers in these corporations are the very same people who place the politicians in their offices, and the corporation decision makers know that "War is an opportunity to do business," we can establish both choice and intent when we judge the corporate leaders who supply the means of war and encourage the decision to engage in those wars.

Now let's consider one more way Bacardi's rum sales to the public are different from Raytheon's relationship to governments. Setting aside whatever questionable business practices Bacardi Limited may or may not be guilty of, Bacardi's primary product is produced and consumed through voluntary market interactions with the general public. When Raytheon develops a product for warfare, even the original research funding is provided by governments and originally stolen from people through taxation. So Bacardi primarily depends on voluntary market activity while Raytheon depends on taxation and buying influence. Without dedicating a whole paragraph to the international banking cartels, suffice to say the military industrial complex and governments who engage in war never act without the involvement of the banking elite. So those corporate and banking executives who profit from war and death by guiding governments into war for the purpose of profits are guilty of the murder that comes from their wars, yet the financial burden of those wars are involuntarily carried on the backs of taxpayers. Therefore we see that war is a racket and the racketeers are the corporate and banking executives, the politicians, and the Trumanites who profit from wars; whereas the victims of war are the dead on all sides, and the taxpayers who are forced to pay for it all. Bacardi Limited, as we have shown, carries no such burden of guilt.

Just like Bacardi Limited is used only as an example here, so is Raytheon just one example of the military industrial complex. And it's worth noting in the metaphor of the hunter, Raytheon is not an easy catch like a rabbit, a squirrel or a catfish, but they are not a bull elephant either. Raytheon is simply one scale on that dragon we call the State.

Part 1:

Sections 1 and 2
Section 3
Section 4
Sections 5 and 6

Part 2:

Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5

This post has been edited and abridged from the original SEDITION SUBVERSION AND SABOTAGE FIELD MANUAL by Ben Stone.


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Targeting... yes an important dilemma to solve.

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