Anarchism: The Best Thing I've Tried Yet-- Decentralized Authority

in #anarchism7 years ago (edited)

I think I might have been a Socialist once.

At the age of 20 years I was laid off from a job, leaving me with several choices: I could sign up for unemployment benefits and collect State checks for as long as possible while sitting by the swimming pool all summer... Whatever the other choices were, they were never even considered, I couldn’t think of anything better at the time, so that’s what I did.

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I had it figured that the State owed me, and I fully expected to be nurtured with motherly tenderness by my caring government while I was idling by the pool, lying there in the weekday sun. I may have been what is known as a Socialist.

Becoming a Democrat

After nine months, the State plucked me from her tit, and I was forced to find work again. This was when I found a job drawing political cartoons for a college newspaper, and there I was taught who it was that I should righteously slaughter each week in the publication.

While I was in this college working on the newspaper, I was taught their formula for what they deemed news, which began with the premise that the Republicans were terrible people, and that all Democrats were heroes.

The Apathist

After that college training, I lost interest in the obvious theater of politics, and I wandered off to do other things. I was off enjoying some apathy, and could not have cared less who everybody was supposed to like or hate.

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I Was a Constitutionalist

It was right after September 11th, 2001 when I noticed that a technocratic security apparatus and police state were being erected around me, and it was when I found a little pocket-sized version of the US CONSTITUTION. I read it one day, and was surprised to discover that the authors of the document had recorded some esoteric wisdom which I was already familiar with: each being on Earth is born with the same “Divine Right” that all of the kings and queens claim to have inherited through a noble birth. We were rulers of our selves, with a sort of internal Monarchy.

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The Metaphysicist

Each individual has no master, and is inherently the royal master of themselves, responsible for their actions, thoughts, and their conduct towards other individual beings. Until I actually read the US CONSTITUTION, I’d had no idea that it was a metaphysical treatise on self-realization. It was an exciting discovery for me, but nobody else seemed to care.

The Libertarian

Regardless of our divine inheritance, I was still under the impression that a few rulers would be necessary, though I had already been living in a world where the powerful rulership that had been selected to reign over this populace was absolutely in the way of any real cooperation or voluntary interaction between the subjects of the USA.

Every voluntary interaction that us little kings and queens chose to partake in was overseen and taxed by a cumbersome golem that the inhabitants of the States had become completely accustomed to, and had even created the monster with their collective belief in the authority of the government, and it’s alleged necessity. Where did anybody get this idea that a centralized government--large or small-- was useful in any way?

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NOW they want to talk about the CONSTITUTION!

The general understanding is that this magical document gives Americans their rights, and also gives the protection of a government, for without a government’s protection we would be all be speaking (insert language) by now.

It was then that I realized that the US CONSTITUTION was possibly the most powerful mind-control device on Earth, even rivaling the brain-scrambling psychological manipulation mastered so long ago by the popular religions of the world as a way to bring misery to us all.

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When so spellbound by these abstract concepts and popular beliefs, the sorcery (there’s no other word for something that will compel millions of individual humans to accept the idea of sending destruction, death and war to so many faraway places, year after year, hiring soldiers to cause untold suffering to countless innocent beings and irreparable damage to themselves as their sense of morals and understanding are cast away, all logic aside, all because we have a document saying we are a nation, united and indivisible, with liberty and freedom and other patriotic words) that is maintained by this misunderstood document generates a spell which allows individual responsibility to be delegated away to the rulership, so that the proud US Citizen can feel relieved that they have done their patriotic duty by doing essentially nothing.

The Anarchist

Mass mind-control. A fascinating subject, but once it is seen working on a large group of individual beings with such inevitably deadly results for everyone, we have to reexamine what it means to be patriotic or nationalistic, when the fruit of that belief system (BS) always ends in violence and otherwise destructive interference in the lives of innocent people.

The politicians are simply parasites, and they feed solely on the erroneous beliefs held in the minds of other individuals which support this presumed authority of government. They exist only by abstract ceremony, and a politician can only exist because of the tendency for the population to hand their own authority over to the state in this sentimental ritual, where the State becomes the surrogate parent of the citizenry, strong and protective like dear old dad, while also giving, caring and nurturing like a precious mother.

This Could Lead to Anarchy!

A random glance at daily life practically anywhere in the world is a glimpse of what anarchy really looks like; when there are no rulers present, the individuals tend to perform voluntary transactions as if it such a thing was completely natural.

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Like any prison, the voluntary transactions between individuals is rampant throughout the complex, and life finds a balance when unhindered by the illusion of a ruler or master. Since most of the violence in the world is caused either directly by the State through wars, or indirectly with things like the Drug War, the world would appreciate the State’s absence more than might be realized.

The Voluntaryist

It’s that voluntary world that naturally happens all the time, the actual world where logic is allowed, and various beings are free to associate as they please, and are all born with the right to defend themselves and their families from outside aggression if needed. Outside aggression will be rare though when the beings here retain their own authority and perhaps remember their own power to influence the physical world, or the power to finally decentralize authority, and get on with life.

all images here thanks to Pixabay

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Nice post @therealpaul. It is good to finally choose favorable position.

It took me a long time, but I chose a position of mental freedom in the end.

Your journey must have been a wonderful experience my friend.

It is! Still is, thanks!

Thanks for commenting, I appreciate it.

Hi Paul,

Thanks for this beautifully described and illustrated chronicle of your progression through these belief systems. It sounds roughly parallel to mine.

I think blockchains and similar data structures will ultimately be very helpful in aiding us in the construction of decentralized, non-coercive societies.



Yeah for me the idea of decentralization, or a sort of fractal system, feels natural and most of us would operate in such systems with ease.

I see tech-enabled decentralization as a very strong tool with the potential to free us from coercion. Removing the gun from my head would go a long ways toward enabling me to operate with ease... ;)

Once I wrapped my brain around decentralized currency, I started thinking of how to decentralize everything.

The constitution of The United States is an evil, evil document.
It is written at a 25th grade level, so most people do not understand it at all. (and an even larger percentage haven't even read it.)
Basically, it says, that all of us people (not "the People") within the borders they defined, are their slaves.

We do need a say in our community. However, voting (51% telling the 49% what to do) is not the way to do it. Also, waiting for 100% agreement doesn't work.

So, I am waiting for a far better alternative to show up. And it will probably be half, do what you will with your property, and half feedback from the community in an online forum.

The Constitution is definitely designed to enslave 'people' within their own minds. I remember reading it from an esoteric viewpoint instead of political, and was still momentarily mesmerized by the feeling of empowerment that it instilled. This dog didn't realize then that there was a nasty pill inside of that tasty treat, but it was written as a recruiting platform for willing soldiers, and it does a fine job of that to this day.

Excuse my redneck, but out-fucking-standing ! You just nailed perfectly the path it took me fifty years to travel, and I couldn't have expressed it any better.

Nice! I'm in Arkansaw, so I speak some redneck. Thanks, and it's nice to be here in this nearly-complete anarchy with y'all!

I'm in the Hot Springs area.

Was just down there (Mt. Ida) playing piano at a wedding by the lake this last weekend, first time I'd been down there in many years.

The pitting of democrats against republicans or just political parties in general in the US has been terrible for our country. Especially lately, it seems to have reached a point where even if someone says something that makes sense others won't listen simply because of their political affiliation.
I don't know that I'm willing to call myself an anarchist yet, but I have most certainly been moving that direction over the past several years!

That left-right paradigm is just a control system, a 'divide and conquer' mentality that is taught to the group mind, using sentimental tradition and the voter's emotions to manage the crowd.

The word 'anarchy' though, it had been turned into something else by the media, on purpose, so that we won't look at such an option as 'no rulers.'

Back ni the 2008 campaign, a saying got started... "You know the difference between a Ron Paul supporter and an anarchist?" Answer: "About 2 years." Even Ron himself uses the word "voluntaryist" these days...
Truth is winning.

Yeah I used to hear that 'the difference between a libertarian and an anarchist was about 6 months', but it took me more like 2 years realistically.

I remember my great-grandparents and their generation, and none of them seemed to expect much of anything from anyone outside their community. The government was a thing far away. (They also had the benefit of a non-US Govt controlled school.)

When I was young I thought this simply provincial, maybe even backwards. And now as I approach 60 years walking this planet I find that I am more like them than I ever expected.

I too had a journey through the various levels of bullicus shitticus that had been carefully laid out for me to find. I used to participate heavily in the 'political process' - now I refuse to even vote. I was fairly vocal about it for a few years, but it became obvious to me that the people just don't care enough to learn.

So I too eventually reach the place you mention above - I realize that to see the world a better place I have to get busy making it a better place. Words will not bring it into being when no one listens - we have to create it. Our success is not guaranteed - it is necessary.

I like to think that such a community element of self-sufficiency is still dormant in humanity, and it does show up when there are emergencies, when we see strangers helping one another in ways that show that a voluntary society is what we live in already, and it has just withstood a full on occupation and mental invasion by a State.

Great thinking, yes every individual should be their highest othority, who should have the right to express feelings and protect his highest esteem and his family. The voluntary world is the best place to stay and live happily, without any intervention of govt or so called organising factors. Thanks for the nice topics. Have a very beautiful time friend.

Yes, we already are the highest authority, it takes a clever politician to persuade a lot of individuals to give that authority away to a criminal organization like a government.

Great story. Sounds like a nice evolution you had there. Most of us here are on a similar trajectory.

I learnt a while back that when you go vote, it's a ritual to give up your power to someone else, so they can suck it up and use it to gain power and control over you. The vote come from volt, poll from a power poll, you put someone in power, so you power up a poll with your own voltage of energy to give to someone else.

Whether this is true or not, it got me thinking about my low energy and how we all line up in a row, like obedient little slaves, and one by one, check off a box, and then that person, who promised things that would help us, does other things and nothing actually benefits us in the end, they are still taking our money. A King's Tax Man from Robin Hood stories or from medieval times is seen as something bad, but when you tell a person making that very same point about extortion that taxation by the government today is the exact same thing, they scoff at you. The only difference between today and then is that back then, they went door to door to collect the money, today we have to send cheques. Back then, they took your belongings away if you didn't pay and took your crop and sheep. Today, they fling a gun at you while they take your flat screen tv.

There are people who don't mind giving taxes and the voluntary system would allow them to continue to do so, but then those of us who are less able to give monetarily at the moment, would have the option to keep our money, sort ourselves out, and give what we can when we can, at the time of our choosing. It would also allow us to give for specific projects to which we would want to contribute. So maybe person A give a few buck for the roads reconstruction, person B prefers to give for the bridge, while person C wants to give to support home schooling parents. Oh yeah, and the schooling system would be voluntary too. Not all of us are Neurotypicals who can "live" soundly and happily in a neurotypical system. But I digress.

Thank you for sharing your story. Saw your post resteemed, now I am Following you. I'm glad to connect with another like-minded soul :)

I like the elect -rical analogy, and it again shows that we individuals have a 'volt' to give, real power, or energy that could have been used more locally, but the voter willfully gives it away, year after year.

And then we wonder how it is that people are burning out day after day, feeling depressed and have so little energy for themselves or their families.

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