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RE: Anarchism: The Best Thing I've Tried Yet-- Decentralized Authority

The constitution of The United States is an evil, evil document.
It is written at a 25th grade level, so most people do not understand it at all. (and an even larger percentage haven't even read it.)
Basically, it says, that all of us people (not "the People") within the borders they defined, are their slaves.

We do need a say in our community. However, voting (51% telling the 49% what to do) is not the way to do it. Also, waiting for 100% agreement doesn't work.

So, I am waiting for a far better alternative to show up. And it will probably be half, do what you will with your property, and half feedback from the community in an online forum.


The Constitution is definitely designed to enslave 'people' within their own minds. I remember reading it from an esoteric viewpoint instead of political, and was still momentarily mesmerized by the feeling of empowerment that it instilled. This dog didn't realize then that there was a nasty pill inside of that tasty treat, but it was written as a recruiting platform for willing soldiers, and it does a fine job of that to this day.

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