Why We Need a Steemit Ambassadors Tool Kit! Let's Make One!

in #ambassador8 years ago (edited)

Let's Kickstart the Word of Mouth Campaign Back Up

Steemit has some marketing impediments to enticing new members to sign up that include being shadow-banned on other social media so links aren't (easily or all together) seen, having a "too good to be true" appearance or viewed as a scam. I can personally say that had I not been introduced to Steemit by somebody whose judgement I valued (@winstonwolfe,) I wouldn't have given this place much of a thought. To get many of those that would be great contributors on here, they need to have it presented by somebody whose judgement they TRUST.

With the site still in Beta, there is a lot of important development being done. However every Steemit user who can see the immediate use and potential of this site can be a part of helping it grow by reaching out to those you know in real life and/or on social media sites.

We've seen this in the past with people posting about their Steemit Meetups (to non-users vs social for users) where they built powerpoint slides, sometimes putting together printed materials and prepare their presentation. Often we would also get to see the follow up post to report on how it went with most seeming overly successful. So why not best prepare ambassadors as best as possible instead of them 'having to reinvent the wheel' each time on their own.

Lets Put Together an Official Ambassador Tool Kit

The idea here is to put together all of the materials that a Steemit Ambassador could need to successfully introduce, and ideally entice, new users to sign up, stay, and contribute. So far the Tool checklist includes:

  • An in depth, detailed powerpoint presentation (which can be thinned down to target the audience)
  • A number of different digital print material templates for flyers, posters, business cards (with good help links and resources on the back) that a person can download, fill in, and print on their own.
  • Print designs for branded materials like t shirts, key-chains, etc
  • A list of commonly asked questions (by the non/prospective user) such as 'where does the money come from' or 'I hear it's a scam.' (which I saw are in the official FAQ that was just released)
  • An Ambassador Support channel for those needing direction, training or other kinds of help. The more existing users willing and able to honestly talk about our platform the better.

Existing Ambassadors, Please Share Your Materials or Methods with Us.

For those of you that have done a Steemit presentation, we need your help by:

  • Sending a copy of materials you've put together; flyers, cards, designs, etc
  • Video presentations or guides you've created or used
  • Commenting with your methods to present, what you found worked and didn't work, and learned lessons

I Plan To Do This Regardless

I think it's important to say that I fully intend to put this together regardless of shared materials, methods and payout on this post. In my opinion there are highly motivated Steemit users who are some of the best people to represent us, sometimes they just need some prompting, resources and or guidance. These are the users who are already contribute in some way, have first hand knowledge of what it's like to be here and set reasonable expectations, and talk off baseless concerns (such as how can it be a scam when you put no money in?)

I don't have a firm time table on completion just yet due to not knowing what materials will be shared, how many helpers will join in, and how much of my own time I'll be able to devote to this cause while already keeping on top of the Steemprentice group, helping with Project Positivity and our weekly Podcast. But I can assure you it will get done with this being something I truly believe can benefit this whole community.

Please feel free to share you thoughts or suggestions on this, since I don't ever claim to have all the answers.

Keep Smiling and Steem On :D

Image Sources:
Ambassador Training
I Can't Do This Quote


Awesome!! TY! Reading up now. I did get into your chat channel earlier too.
Sry for delays..been swamped last couple days.

Upvoted, resteemed, promoted.
I need this!!! If you appreciate my efforts in bringing new business to steem such as @imaxess and @barbersspa this is exactly what I need to seal the deal.
Build this and I'll bring the business as will many others!

I guaranty I'll get this completed! It just needs to be done. On top of @williambanks gets what @williambanks wants! :P

It's easy to get people sign up once they know about it and believe in it.

Few things I know are holding people from my conversation in trying to bring more friends on board.

They don't understand Crypto currency or how they can pay their bills with it.

Creating a posts and adding pictures takes a some time to figure out it's not easy for people who lack interest in learning.

Once they sign up it's even more difficult to keep them active. We need better retention too.

Will try anything to bring more people.

I completely agree on your points.

They don't understand Crypto currency or how they can pay their bills with it.

To a large degree they don't have to. They don't have to set anything up ahead of posting, which most people don't want to or feel it's worth the hassle. However, once they've got SD's in their wallet, suddenly there's huge motivation to go through the steps. One important things for ambassadors are to have cash something out themselves. In my case it was @winstonwolfe, who if they told me the $ hit their account I believe it, this is the proof in the pudding. The beauty is that they don't have to understand crypto beyond a little with the 'where does the money come from' question.

Creating a posts and adding pictures takes a some time to figure out it's not easy for people who lack interest in learning.

I totally agree on this! While I'm sure it'll be easier in the future, that doesn't help us now. So directing people to editors like steempower.org (or others) helps a lot, even though they have to still upload to a hosting site. I've also personally made templates for users (and working on a handful for the Steemprentice group) that ease the learning curve a bit. We may not be able to get everybody while were in beta and lacking things like the direct image upload into the post, but I'd still figure there are some we can be reaching in the mean time.

Once they sign up it's even more difficult to keep them active. We need better retention too.

This is spot on! The biggest retention impediments seem to be lack of post payout, lack of connections with others/community, and the periodic troll/flagger. Curie and RHW have been doing a phenomenal job in finding and rewarding quality posts. While two months ago users could realistically expect a long string of zeros for payouts...many now can get picked up in less than a week. They may not be rolling in the dough, but imo one 20 or 30 dollar payout is plenty to get a newbie excited and motivated for more.

Regarding community connection, help and guidance, projectnewbie works tirelessly to search through intro posts and new user posts in other tags specifically to give a slight curation, but more importantly a welcome comment with instructions of where to find help. Steemprentice (my group) has been going strong over the last month and have nearly 200 users in the channel. We try out best to find those in need of help, but out time is limited, leaning on project newbie and other groups to direct them out way. Our group is solely there to provide that handholding when needed, have collected and knowledge of resources and methodology, give feedback/suggestions on content, marketing, formatting and networking (the big four needed to succeed here.) Being a crowdsourced mentor group we have plenty of people to help (many get immediate help, worst case within a day.) Exposure to the newbies has been our biggest impediment but were getting there.

It's true. I've been on Steemit for two months now, and have tried numerous times to explain it to my husband and my brother, who are both interested in maybe posting here. My husband is a musician with lots of original music and videos to show, and my brother is a scientist with a Ph.D. who specializes in longevity, so he's got lots to teach us. But, both are a bit wary of this place because they don't understand where the money comes from on the posts here, and I don't know enough about crypto to explain it to them.

I also tried to show my husband how to cash Steem Dollars out for cash, through exchanging them for Bitcoin. He was so hopelessly confused, he said he would either need a manual with written instructions to use each time, or he would have to transfer any SD he earns to my account, and have me cash out for him.

The learning curve here is pretty steep, and is definitely a deterrent to many newbies, even really smart ones.

The crypto side and the cashing out is definitely one of the bigger pieces to get across.

In while I'm sure we can get very detailed answers from a lot of users here, these are the two video posts I refer Steemprentice users to:

What are Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies, and Why Do We Care?

The Fastest and Easiest Way to Withdraw Your Steem Dollars

We use regular fiat banks everyday but most people don't really understand where that money comes from either (it's no longer backed by gold) or transactions like wire transfers. We just trust that they work. The best sell to somebody is in my opinion is "Lets go buy dinner on my Steemit Earnings" or anything where the earned steeem/sd's are now cash in your hand. Hard to people to argue with what's in front of them.

Besides, the whole point of this is that they don't have to understand at the start. As soon as they have say 50 SD's in their wallet...the motivation to 'deal' with setting up the btc/bank accounts seems worth it when looking to cash some out.

Another good argument is that being an earlier adopter here makes making a name for yourself way easier, which you can then 'ride' as things take off. Nobody would have a clue who I am if I had joined a couple of years in..the roles I naturally play would have already been filled.

My husband saw me use cash I withdrew from my Steem Dollars to pay a nearly $300 veterinarian bill, and he still asks me, "So, where does that money come from that you're earning on Steemit?" Lol! I just tell him to read the whitepaper now. It explains it much better than I can. But, you're right. You can't deny cash in hand. :)

You mentioned your husband is a musician. Perhaps he has some songs here could enter in the Steemit OpenMic Night We need talented musicians and he could earn SBD.

Thanks for the tip, @luzcypher. He and I met at an open mic night at a coffee house across the street from my university. This is something he'd probably be interested in. I'll let him know.

I'm sure he would love it and thanks for passing it on.

Great post! AND GREAT IDEA! Full Steem Ahead! Upvoted and resteemed!

Excellent idea. I support this initiative and if sponsorship is needed to help cover production costs, etc., please reach out to me on steemit.chat and I'll try to fit that into my witness promotions budget.

That's awesome! TYTY!! I always like to see what can be done for free first, then see what holes there are and then look if costs are needed. I'm gonna be working on flushing this out and gathering more submitted/found resources today and tomorrow to get a bit more organized outline/checklist.

I'll def let you know if/when the need occurs.

Ditto of "Upvoted, resteemed, promoted."

Concerning powerpoint presentations, maybe under the form of pdf files so that people without any attachment to microsoft could read them nicely as well (there are always issues when converting powerpoint files to any free alternative format).

I finally agree with the above comment on having material on how cryptocurrency works. This would be a great added value for convicing sceptics.

Great call on having a PDF option as well as the powerpoint. I completely agree and have that added in, tyty!

Yea, the 'how crypto works' question is the biiiig one. I'm thinking we'll need a set of beginner/intermediate/advanced categories to fill. This one is going the big one of the biggest area's we'll need to fill out with multiple approaches for the ambassador to choose to use.

Wow! Thank you so much @officialfuzzy for the donation!! I am absolutely floored! TYTY! :D

Good article. But let be realistic. As today people are looking to earn instant funds. Long term earning is not reflecting any hopes as no one knows what is stored for tomorrow. So the thing is just because one is investing in others to just signup people love that but the very next moment they panic when they see the value of steemit drop. Today people are not worried what their retirement funds will look like such as SSN. They are more excited to buy new cars or new phones. Their pride stands not in the bank balance but in the wear and tear of their physical needs. How do we convince such people to join and stay on board of this platform?

I would say don't focus on the fact that we'll never be able to get 100% of people to join. That's just a fact. So what we should focus on right now are the people who just need a little push. The nuts that are harder to crack can wait. They'll either come around on their own when the rest of the world moves toward Steemit, or they'll continue to say "no". That's beyond our control. All systems, all organizations, all social media networks have to deal with that fact. While Facebook has billions of people, they don't have ALL the people, so they're dealing with it too. No system can be 100% effective and make 100% of people happy or interested, so let's work with what we know we can work with.

I agree that Steemit (especially while in Beta) isn't going to be for everybody. There isn't a short term way to break those you spoke of out of their fog and 'turn on.' While I'm all for them voting if they want (more than likely from very low SP accounts) I don't really foresee a huge contribution from these people in the creation or even the curation side (to a degree.)

I do however want to focus on those that do have something to say, that view the world with interest, or have something truly interesting to share. While I would love to able to cause the whole population to 'turn on' and become more aware of non-trivial things, we can only do so much at a time, and I'd rather focus on what I see as more 'low hanging fruit.'

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