[Original Novel] Mistress of Magic: Morgan's Apprentice - Chapter 9 [NSFW]

in #story8 years ago

  A story of magic, love and loyalty.

Previously: Morgan introduces Lilith to her playroom.

Previous Chapters: 

Chapter 9 – The Flavor of Gratitude

Mason was still kneeling before me as I watched Morgan fasten a collar around Leam's neck as he knelt before her, then lead him to a contraption that looked like an odd wood table. It had benches for each leg and each arm and a raised slab for the torso. The benches had straps and Morgan slowly fastened each, whispering something to her masochistic knight. It looked like a ritual they both participated in many a time.

"You can get up now," I told Mason. He looked up at me, hesitant at first, and then rose to his feet. His knees looked red. That stone floor could not have been comfortable.

"Yes, Mistress," he murmured. The word sent a chill down my spine coming from his lips. Mistress. That word… And those lips… And the things they could do!

"How comfortable is that gigantic bed?" I asked half-jokingly.

"Very," Mason assured me with a smile.

"I think I need to check for myself," I insisted and took his hand. I was just sitting down when I realized this was my first unsupervised conversation with a man since I left my birth home. Mason sat down beside me, silent, still smiling.

I heard a gasp of pain and instantly turned to look. On the other side of the spacious torture room, Morgan was standing behind Leam, smiling at me, as tiny lights of power floated around her. I had no idea where her hands were, but whatever she was doing appeared to be working. I glanced at Mason and he seemed to be flinching away from whatever was happening on the other side of the room.

"Not a fan of pain, I gather?" I asked carefully.

"Definitely not like Leam!" Mason answered quickly. "He… he has a gift." We heard Leam moan again.

"Oh you have better gifts!" I replied softly, smiling at the handsome knight. "It's why I chose you first," I added. He smiled and blushed a little, making me feel terribly proud of myself for bringing color to his pale and skinny cheeks. I brushed my hand against his face, ignoring Leam's occasional moans and yelps across the room. 

Slowly leaning forward I kissed Mason gently, remembering the feeling of his mouth between my legs as our lips met. When our faces finally parted, I was panting. Having never kissed long before, I had a hard time adjusting my breath. Mason could tell, and he was smiling at me. I would have felt embarrassed, but he has seen me in far more compromising positions already.

"There is another reason I chose you," I said eventually.

"There is?" Mason asked.

"I felt I should… thank you," I hesitated.

"Your pleasure is all the gratitude I need, my lady."

"So humble," I teased and we both giggled. It was a strange sound to accompany Leam's sounds of suffering and Morgan's whispers in his ear, barely audible to me.

I paused and looked Mason over. He seemed so comfortable with his nudity, sitting on the bed with me, waiting for my command.

"Do you," I began then stopped. "Do you like being Morgan's knight?" I asked.

"Of course I do. Every young knight dreams of someday being the personal knight of a poweful mistress," he replied. "I can’t imagine wanting to be or do anything else."

"Hmm," was all I could answer. Leam yelped in the background.

"I truly wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but here. Morgan is the kindest, most loving mistress. She doesn't let it show, but she cares about us more than most mistresses care about their knights. We're more than just portable power batteries to her."

"And me?" I said after hesitating.

Mason smiled widely and placed his hand on mine on the bed. "You, Lady Lilith, are a mystery to us. Mistress Morgan rarely lets other mistresses… use us. You must be special to attract her attention."

"Do you think I am special?" I inquired.

"I think you are incredibly beautiful and mouthwateringly delicious," he almost whispered, stealing a meaningful glance at my crotch. I blushed instantly, my heart apparently leaving its intended place in my chest and settling somewhere in my lower abdomen. Mason licked his lips and I stopped breathing for a moment. In the background, I heard Morgan giggle and ask Leam something. He replied, but too quietly for me to hear.

Suddenly I realized I was holding back. I couldn't quite put my finger on why I was hesitating, but I was. I was stalling, avoiding giving in to my desire to feed and fuck. Was it the years of training in the college? Morgan expected me to take charge, to feed, not to sit around like a frightened child, blushing profusely. I made a conscious decision to let go. Same as I did standing on the edge of Morgan's balcony, willing myself to fly. I willed myself to release whatever it was that was making me stall.

"Would you like another taste?" I asked teasingly.

"Yes, I would, very much!" Mason quickly answered, obviously eager.

I smiled. I could sense his desire with the tips of my magical senses. I lay on the bed, finding a comfortable spot among the cushions, and flung my legs to the sides, exposing my bare crotch under the wrap-around dress.

Mason lunged at me, burying his face between my legs with what I can only describe as pure lust. I jumped at the first touch of his tongue against my clitoris, but instantly relaxed, my body melting into the sensations brought on by his skillful lips and tongue. For a moment, I wondered how much of it was natural instinct and how much of it was his training.

In the background, I could still hear Leam's moans and whimpers, but now I also heard a whip. It whooshed through the air and slapped as it landed, most of the slaps followed by a whimper from Leam.

I closed my eyes and dug my fingers into Mason's hair. He purred in response, his arms wrapping around my legs. I surrendered myself to the exquisite ecstasy of his skill, letting his mouth and fingers stir alive the hungry heat in my depths. I could hear my moans accompanying the whip cracks and moans of pleasure and pain from the other side of the room.

My mind reached out to Mason and once again, I sensed his pleasure, echoed against my own.

"Can you hear me?" I thought at him.

"Yes," I could hear him think back. I looked down and his eyes were still closed, his brow tense and moist as he continued to lick and nibble me into a shivering state. I could sense his longing, his need for release tucked away behind a wall of patience, of duty, of the desire to give and please.

"I want to fuck you," I thought. I could not imagine myself saying those words aloud. "I want to feel you cum with me."

Mason's eyes opened, and his face detached from my groin, illuminated by the power flowing from him to me. I wasn't sure if he looked more surprised or delighted. I unfastened my dress somehow, and cast it aside, leaving on the corset, the only clothing item I still wore. Mason glared at me and even though I didn't really need to, I looked him over checking to see if he was sufficiently aroused or if it was time for me to use my learned skills. Oh, he was eager and expecting and all I had to do was choose how I wanted it.

I reached up and pulled him onto me, keeping our eyes locked the whole time.

"I trust you," I thought at him. "I want you." We kissed, and I could feel his erection pressing against my thigh and the flavor of my juices on his lips. I felt he wanted me back.

Flipping him over, I straddled him, letting my hair fall around his face as I lay on top on him. Somewhere in the background, I could hear Morgan and Leam and I wondered if at this point she was focused more on him or on what was happening on the bed, between Mason and me.

When our lips parted, Mason was glaring at me admiringly. "Use me," I felt him think at me. "I am yours to do with as you please."

"I will," I thought back and arched my back, my knees at the sides of his hips.

That ancient dance. I've imagined it, I've seen it done, but dancing it myself came more naturally to me than I thought it would. I took the time easing Mason's erect cock into me, lingering on the sensation, the control and power that filled me. The primal instinct to feed led me and Mason's instinct to please mirrored it as I moved my thighs over his hips.

I lifted Mason's hands from the bed and placed them on my hips. His eyes were locked on mine but he didn't need me to think at him what I wanted. Mason's skilled fingers reached into the warms moisture between us with his thumbs and held firmly against my clitoris as I moved in a trance of ecstasy. Riding him came so naturally, so instinctively, I didn't need to think at all. The orgasmic cascade of pleasure was building in me as I drowned in a ball of light and power spinning around us. My mind reached out to Mason and found his very being waiting, expecting, mentally holding its breath for me.

"Do you want to cum for me?" I thought at him.

"Yes, mistress," he whispered with his very being. His voice, his mind and his body only a thought away from orgasm.

"Beg for it," I whispered in his ear and his mind. His lips parted and for an instant I almost hesitated, almost took it back.

"Please, mistress. I beg for my release, I plead…" his voice trailed off as I tightened my muscles around his cock and slowed my dance to a torturously slow rhythm.

"Beg," I ordered.

"I am begging you, I'll do anything you command just… please," Mason pleaded. He looked like he was almost in pain, biting his lower lip. His fingers continued slipping in circles around my clitoris and I wondered how many years of training it took him to be able to continue being so gentle and precise with his touch while on the very verge of orgasm. "Please," he continued. "I beg you, mistress."

I am not sure why I asked him to beg or why it lit a dark fire in me that merged with the fire of lust and threatened to burn me from the inside out. His words sent electric shocks through me, unlike the shocks his tongue would send through me when it touched my clitoris. The stream of power from Mason to me felt warm, almost liquid in texture as is spun around us and into me. 

I began to move faster, without even thinking about it, and as the flames inside turned into an inferno, I managed to speak and think at Mason "Now". And it was enough.

Mason gasped for air, his eyes glossing over as waves of contractions rocked us both over the edge. I think I screamed, or perhaps it was he who screamed, I couldn't quite tell. I felt his ejaculate fill me, a warm and odd sensation as my vagina convulsed around his manhood. As the last spark of power absorbed into me, I let myself drop on top of Mason, panting into his shoulder. We lay there for a few minutes, bodied and minds wordlessly entwined in post-coital warmth.

"Thank you, Mistress," Mason whispered as I began to feel his member soften and begin to slip out of me. I barely heard him over the noises still coming from Morgan and Leam. In the corner of my eye, I could see her standing over Leam, still fully dressed. I wondered if perhaps I wasn't doing quite what I was supposed to be doing. Or was I?

I smiled at Mason and moved a moist lock of hair from his forehead, tucking it behind his ear.

"I should be thanking you," I said. "You… give me something special."

"And I receive something special," Mason replied, stretching under me. I rolled off him and he instantly reached for a towel to clean us both. He turned to wipe me, but I stopped him. He seemed puzzled.

"You are something special," I murmured at him and reached down between my legs. I scooped up only a few drops of our mutual fluids and brought the fingers to my lips. As I licked the semen and vaginal fluids of my fingers, Mason sat there frozen, with the towel in his hand and his eyes fixed on mine. He had a very particular kind of expression on his face, between surprise and awe.

It tasted salty. A distantly familiar flavor of my own juices mixed with something different in both taste and texture. I licked my lips, smiled, and took the towel from Mason's hand to wipe the oozing mixture of fluid dripping down my crack and onto the bed-sheets. As I finished, I glanced at Mason's crotch only to realize he was hard again. I raised an eyebrow.

"Now, that must be magic," I joked.

"You're the one with powers," Mason retorted with a smile. "So if it is, it must be your doing." 

I laughed and reached to hug Mason when I noticed Morgan slowly walking toward us. Leam was nowhere in sight.

"Are you kids having fun?" she asked gingerly.

"Quite," I answered with a smile. Mason lowered his eyes to the floor as she approached.

"I am glad," Morgan added and sat on the bed beside me. "But there's something else you need to experience here today," she added. I knew where this was going. "You need to learn to inflict pain. In practice. Because theory means very little, as you've noticed so far."

I frowned. The art of pain as part of pleasure was never my cup of herbal infusion. When I confided in my teachers at the college about that, they assured me that it's the sort of thing that comes with the experience. That you kind-of connect to your partner's needs and desires, and if pain is one, you give it gladly. I felt weird about it.

"You seem hesitant," she observed.

"I am," I answered and paused. "How am I to know if a man desires pain from me?" It seemed like bedding a man has given me some degree of confidence I didn't have before. Magic? Probably not.

"Normally, you do. But this is a test," Morgan explained slowly. I glanced at Mason sitting beside me. I didn't want to hurt him. Why would I? He's been so kind. So sweet and such an amazing source of indescribable pleasure.

"No, not him," she said dryly. "Mason, say goodbye and get Neal."

Mason nodded, then knelt before me. He kissed my hand gently without looking at my face.

"Thank you mistress," he said half ceremoniously. I didn’t know what to reply to I just nodded at him. He rose to his feet and left to get Neal from his cage, giving me a last glance of gratitude as he walked away.


 Hungry for more?  Follow me to read the next chapters!


Much gratitude flow out your way too for this beautiful piece of writing. The title caught my eyes and off I went with it. ;) Namaste :)

Breathless and speechless

Good. It means the magic is working.

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