[Original Novel] Mistress of Magic: Morgan's Apprentice - Chapter 5 [NSFW]

in #story8 years ago

  A story of magic, love and loyalty.

Previously: Morgan shows Lilith how power is drawn and uses her magic to show Lilith her birth home and family.
Disclaimer: This chapter is very NSFW and is not intended for the consumption of persons under the age of 18 or anyone offended by hot hot steamy sex scenes.

Previous Chapters: 

 (Image via Pixabay)

Chapter 5 - The First Taste

Bathing in the college was a daily task shared with many other initiates. We had a small tub to stand in, some hot water, a washcloth, a bar of soap and zero privacy. So being nude in front of Morgan was not an issue for me. What troubled me was the prospect of my naked form in the eyes of a man. What if I am not attractive enough to invoke a reaction in Morgan's knight of choice? I glanced down at my average-sized breasts and thick thighs as Morgan and I descended the steps of the pool-sized tub in the middle of the spacious bathroom on the first floor of Morgan's home. The water felt perfectly warm and smelled of flowers and freshly cut wood. There must have been oils in the warm bath water. 

The bath waited for us when we returned to Morgan's home from the garden. Seemed like everything was planned and ready for Morgan. I guessed that her knights were probably so attuned to her that they could sense her every need and whim from a mile away. Scented candles and oil bottles of various sizes decorated one of the walls right next to a marble table. White marble statues surrounded the steaming pool.

Morgan sat down on a step in the pool and stretched her legs forward, leaning back. Her naked form seemed to shimmer as the water moved.

"A man has never touched you," she stated as she moved her arms slowly in the water, submerged to the neck. I sat beside her. "Has a woman?"

"No," I replied almost automatically. Pleasuring oneself was not strictly forbidden in the college, although not encouraged and frankly not very possible, engaging in sexual activity with other lady initiates could get one in serious trouble. It was a big no-no. Not as big as speaking to a man, obviously, but even if it happened in the college during my years there – I never knew about it. When I did touch myself, it was in the dark of night, when the other initiates around me slept. I learned to be very quiet and quick about it. It helped me sleep and itch an itch I knew was normal and just a sign of my puberty.

"Theoretically, would you prefer the touch of a man or a woman?" Morgan asked. She eyed me and I blushed again, suddenly wishing I wasn't so naked or so close to her.

"How can one compare two things one has never tried?" I retorted with a question.

"As you well know, technically the pleasure you can feel with a man or a woman is quite similar. A well-skilled lover will make you forget their gender. They can make you forget yourself, for a short while." Morgan looked away from me and blinked slowly. "Would you know how to touch a woman?" she inquired. Did she expect me to… do things to her?

"Theoretically. It's not that different from touching a man. You just learn as you go, I guess." I tried to choose my words carefully. "Each person is different."

"That is true. And speaking of different people, meet Mason," Morgan spoke just as the door opened and a raven-haired young man entered. He closed the door behind him and scanned me and Morgan with deep brown eyes. His body build was slender, but he looked fit in the loose cotton pants he was wearing. "Mason is very skilled at what he does, and very enthusiastic about pleasing and has the patience of a saint," Morgan added and Mason smiled. I liked his smile. This was to be the first man I would ever accept power from, or feed from, as Morgan put it. I guess I could do much worse.

"We will share, and indulge, and I will guide you when I feel my guidance is needed," Morgan said, her voice soft and warm. "We will feed together, and if at any point you wish to stop or ask me questions, just say so. I won't be judging you on performance, dear. Forget the schoolbooks and instructions. Let nature take over and do what feel right to you." Quite a disclaimer. I nodded in acceptance and eyed Morgan with all the confidence I could project.

"Mason, come join us," she instructed the young knight. He unfastened his trousers and let them fall around his ankles. He stepped out of them and walked toward us, unashamed of his nudity. I didn't think he had anything to be ashamed of at all. The hair of his pubes was neatly trimmed and his smooth chest looked almost boyish. 

Once in the pool of water and oils, Mason positioned himself before Morgan in the same position I saw Draken yesterday – on his knees, hands clasped behind his back and legs spread. Did all knights welcome their mistresses like that?

"My mistress," Mason said quietly, looking down at Morgan's legs in the water, resting between his spread knees. She smiled and raised her leg a little under the water, brushing it against Mason's inner thigh and genitals.

"My treasure," Morgan purred. "How about you give dear Lilith a massage, show her what your hands can do? She looks a little tense." She made it sound like a suggestion, when it was clearly an order.

"Gladly, mistress," he said and left the tub. He dried himself and fetched an additional warm towel when he finished. I followed him with my eyes as he folded it and placed it as a pillow on the marble table next to the oil shelves. Mason took another towel, then neared me. I looked up at him standing over me on the edge of the pool. He knelt and reached out a hand to me.

"Lady Lilith," he said my name and a small shiver raced down my spine. I glanced at Morgan briefly before taking Mason's hand and letting him pull me up out of the tub and into a warm towel. That was the first time in my life as a lady that I felt the touch of a man on my skin.

Mason dried me with the towel as I stood there. Kneeling before me, he was thorough but gentle and respectful. I felt pampered. Morgan watched from her spot in the water, her arms resting on the edges of the pool.

He led me to the marble table, and I climbed onto it expecting it to be cold. It was pleasantly warm.

"Lady, please lay on your stomach and make yourself comfortable," Mason said, his tone somewhat emotionless. I eyed him and proceeded to do as he asked. I rested my face on the towel pillow so that I faced Morgan. Her eyes followed intently as she soaked in the steaming pool, a soft smile across her lips.

The knight gently brushed away the hair from my eyes and back. I tried to command myself to relax and focus, but my mind was racing. As I continued to stare at Morgan, Mason took an oil bottle from one of the shelves and rubbed in between his hands. I took a deep cleansing breath as I felt his hands on my shoulders, then down my back. The touch was gentle at first, spreading the oil over my back, legs, arms and buttocks. He was thorough and gentle. Slowly, he began to apply more pressure, kneading my muscles with his fingers as his hands slipped and glided over my oily skin. I closed my eyes and relaxed again the warm marble. When Mason's hands found a particularly sensitive spot on my lower back, a tiny moan escaped my throat. I opened my eyes and Morgan was there, still sitting in the water, smiling softly.

"Mason is incredible with his hands, is he not?" Morgan said, rather than asked.

"Yes," I whispered, but knew she heard me.

"Each of my knights is special. You will learn now special each one is, and what makes him so," she almost boasted. "Mason here is a fairly unique treasure not only because he does what he does so well, but also because of why he does it so well."

I glanced up at Mason as he paced around me, giving every inch of my muscles a thorough deep rubbing.

"Mason takes pleasure in pleasing. Real, genuine, power-producing pleasure," Morgan purred. "All you need to do is let him pleasure you however you want and as much as you want and his power is all yours."

Mason stopped and detached his hands from my back. I instantly wished he hadn't. I raised myself from the marble bed to look at him, and he stood at my side, his erect penis drawing my gaze for an instant before I eyed him.

"May I pleasure you, my Lady?" he asked gently. He suddenly sounded young, almost as young as I was.

"You've done a marvelous job so far," I answered and sat up to face him. My knees pressed against his erection and I ran my hand on the side of his face. He leaned into my touch. I spread my legs, pulling him closer until his body was pressed against the marble. I drew his face toward mine and kissed his lips. I closed my eyes, thoroughly enjoying my first kiss. I began to feel a little dizzy. When I slowly pulled away and opened my eyes, I could see Morgan grinning from the corner of my eye. I count almost sense her approval.

I took Mason's hand in mine as I lay on my back on the table. He oiled his hands while I noticed shapes carved into the tall ceiling that I did not see looking around when we entered the bathroom. Was the room brighter than it was before? Mason stood next to me and began running his hands over my body as I watched him. He was as thorough as before, but his hands lingered longer on my breasts and inner thighs. I spread my legs a little, welcoming his touch. His fingers slipped against the lips of my labia when that small familiar heat began to form in the bottom of my stomach. That itch that kept me awake at night in the college, until I rubbed it silent. I closed my eyes and breathed slowly. Behind my eyelids was not darkness but something else. Something I cannot describe.

When Mason's finger slipped between the lips of my womanhood, I was surprised at just how wet with arousal I was. I gasped as he massaged me with his palm, my moisture mixing with the oil on his hand. He bent forward and kissed my inner thigh, still gently rubbing at my crotch. The heat in the bottom of my stomach grew in size and strength. I mentally hushed it. I wanted this to last. Mason's hand was replaced by his lips, and I gasped again, the strange warm light behind my eyes somehow brighter.

Once again, Mason was slow but thorough. His lips and tongue explored my folds and the nerve endings of my clitoris, making my body respond before I could stop it. I surrendered to the sweet ecstasy of it, no longer fighting the sounds and involuntary movements of my muscles. Mason's arms hugged my thighs, resting on my pubic hair, gently pulling up to expose my clitoris to his tongue. My hips moved on their own as my feet pressed into the sides of Mason's chest. I could hear myself moan, as though from a distance and felt my hands rise and my fingers dig into Mason's hair as I tried to pull him closer, harder. The movements of my body were echoed by his, the soft but firm touch of his lips meeting me halfway there. We slipped back and forth against the warm marble table.

The light behind my eyelids grew stronger, echoed by my moans. I felt it starting. My head was spinning and I opened my eyes to try and find something to focus on to ground myself. The room seemed brightly lit. So bright, it blinded me at first. But there was clarity to my vision I have never had before. The shapes on the ceiling above me were perfect lifelike drawings of men and women engaging in sex in various positions in various combinations of couples, triads and groups. They seemed to be moving, or perhaps it was just my overwhelmed mind playing tricks on me. Their facial expressions of ecstasy reflected what I probably looked like, lost in bodily pleasure.

The orgasm came over me like waves of warmth, brushed against my nerves from the outside in. My back arched and my mouth opened with a silent scream, only loud breaths escaping me as I convulsed. I heard Mason make a sound, something between a purr and a moan then everything began to dim down as the waves weakened, my body still convulsing against Mason's touch.

I let the dimness embrace me as Mason pulled his arms from around my thighs and up my stomach. His cheek rested against my thigh and I could feel his warm breath against my pubic hair and the pulse in his neck. I could sense him watching me without looking. I could hear the water of the pool move. I could smell the flowers that bloomed to give scent to the oil on my skin. Everything felt more real, more… magical.

My pulse was still racing and my face flushed when I saw Morgan standing next to me, a soft knowing smile on her lips. I somehow propped myself up on my elbows. Mason retreated, slowly slipping away from between my legs. Morgan glanced at him and he nodded in reply. Did they just think at each other? It felt like almost hearing a whisper in the distance. We they thinking at each other while he was… down there? I watched him hurry away without a word, still naked and aroused.

Morgan brushed her fingers against my sweaty cheek. "Do you feel it?" she asked.

I felt it. A warm force in me, quiet but deadly and so full of potential. Like there was an empty pool in the center of my being and suddenly it filled with colors I could paint the world with. I nodded, still getting used to how different my body suddenly felt, how lighter everything was.

"That feeling. That sharpness of your senses. That never goes away. No matter how low your reserves run, some power stays with you. Becomes part of you and changes you for the better," Morgan explained. I licked my lips. They tasted salty.

"It was magnificent," I managed to say finally. Even my own voice sounded different to me.

"As it should be," Morgan said and put her arm around me. I slipped off the table and was surprised that my feet agreed to carry me. Morgan's arm still firmly around my shoulder, she led me back to the pool and I stepped it, letting my body sink into the hot water. I slipped further, letting my head sink too, and emerged a moment later, brushing back my wet hair.

"But you are not full," she stated. I blinked and looked at her, at first uncertain of what she might mean. "Reach in," her voice, like the velvety texture of the oil-infused water of the warm pool wrapped me as she sat down beside me, submerged. She took my hand. "The place that now glows with power inside you," she said. Suddenly it seemed she knew exactly how I felt at that moment. It must be how all ladies feel at this moment. "You sense it. But it is not overflowing."

"It's… yes," I mumbled. "The color wants to come out and paint the world but there is room for so much more color, so many more shades..." I trailed off, but the door opening drew my attention. It was Mason, still naked, carrying a tray with two crystal chalices of fruit wine. I suddenly realized I was thirsty.

"It's a beautiful metaphor, Lilith," Morgan flattered me and I smiled. Mason walked toward us and knelt, lowering the tray so we could take the drinks. I eyed him as I took the chalice and sipped from it. The coldness of the fruit wine was a pleasant contrast against the warmth of the water we sat in. Mason put the tray away and joined us in the pool.

"You share a mental link with your knights," I stated at Morgan as we drank. Mason knelt before her in the water, massaging her submerged feet. She didn't verbally ask him to.

"You can't really help it after a while. Their minds are open to me and all I have to do is reach," Morgan said as she paused her sipping to enjoy Mason's thoroughness at her feet.

"Like when I opened my mind to you in the garden," I checked.

"Somewhat," Morgan answered and finished her fruit wine. "Our minds touched, and will touch again, but if I pry too deep or try to alter your will you would probably feel it."

I finished my fruit wine and put the crystal chalice on the side on the tub.

"You can trust me, Lilith," she said as she did the same with her chalice, and reached into the water to pull Mason closer to her. "Share with me, and I will let your magic touch my mind, pry away," she added. "Let's get some more color in that pool of power in you," the mistress purred almost playfully.

"More?" I asked just as playfully.

"Mason, put a towel on the floor and lie on it," Morgan said and the young knight obeyed quickly. His wet body glistened as he hurried to carry out his mistress' orders. Morgan climbed out of the pool, leaving a wet trail as she slid herself closer to Mason and unceremoniously wrapped her hand around his semi-erect cock. She stroked him and he responded almost immediately.

"Come sit on his face," I heard Morgan, but I was sure she wasn't speaking out loud. Another round, then. I climbed out of the water, leaving a trail as I made my way to Mason. I knelt over him and looked down at his reversed faced below me. He eyed me, and I could see his pleasure, his readiness and the reflection of the light of power in my eyes in the deep brown of his irises. I inched forward, so that my pubes were right over his face and smiled as I saw his neck tense, reaching up with his head to lick me. I let my knees slide to the sides, lowering my labia to his lips until he made that purring and moaning sound as his arms wrapped around my thighs again.

Morgan watched me and continued to stroke Mason's cock slowly, her touch almost too soft against the stretched skin of his erection. As her hand came down, she let her fingers slip over his ball-sack, teasing. I blinked slowly and tried to focus on the pleasure I was receiving while maintaining eye contact with Morgan, even though the eye contact seemed unnecessary – I could feel her, sense her. Was it my magic or hers?

Mason's tongue writhed against my clitoris and keeping balance as I sat on his face became increasingly harder, especially when my hips began to do their involuntary dance. I slouched forward and placed my hands on his chest for balance. I was breathing heavily and for about a moment I wished the room wasn't as hot. It was instantly the perfect temperature.

I watched Morgan straddle Mason, rub her pubes against his penis, then with a sigh, take him into her. I swear I could feel a chill of pleasure run through me as she did, as I watched her eyes gloss over for an instant, before the light inside them grew brighter. The light of power bathed us as our bodies moved in a slow steadily increasing rhythm.

"Take my hands," I heard Morgan think at me as she reached out to me with her hands and her mind. I lifted my palms from Mason's chest and took Morgan's. Touching her was as electric as the first touch of Mason's tongue against my clitoris. I sensed her very being. What her collection of memories and experiences had made her. Who she truly was. It was indescribably beautiful and yet dark. Her lips parted as power swirled in and around us, her power reflected in my eyes and mine in hers. I could sense her pleasure, her desire and her hunger – so similar to mine we were like a mirror in the act in which we were participating. I knew she sensed mine.

Our movements sped up as our bodies communicated pleasure and desire over the mental link Morgan and I shared. Mason's purring moans into my groin grew louder and the sound against my clitoris felt like little vibrations. I was getting close. So was Morgan, I could sense it. And obviously Mason. I didn't need to see his pelvis rise on its own to meet Morgan's halfway or his abs contracting or even his pulse, which I could now see in the blood pumping through him. I sensed his pleasure. I felt his desire.

"Now," Morgan said loudly in my mind and whispered into the air of the room. In an instant I realized that I was almost waiting for her to say that. I came, shaking as waves of power and pleasure washed over me and swirled in my center. I felt the energy gushing into my power reserves and could sense Morgan experiencing the same. A second later, as the darkness wrapped me and my grip on Morgan's fingers weakened, I felt a pang on self-hatred. I suddenly realized that I had been so trained to obey and please, that a part of me was waiting for Morgan's approval to have an orgasm.

"I sense you," Morgan thought at me as her panting and sweaty face stared at me. I stared back. "You were there as much as I was. You didn't need my approval," she continued to explain in my thoughts. "Your pleasure is yours. You owe it to no one, and the fact that you released with me just means that you are in control even when you are not. This is a good thing, Lilith."

I suddenly became aware of Mason's presence between my thighs. He was gently kissing my moist pubes. It tickled a little and I smiled.

Morgan rose to her feet, still holding my hands. As she got up, semen oozed down her thighs. She ignored it. I got up and faced her, never taking my eyes off hers. Mason retreated to clean himself in the corner and Morgan led me back into the pool, letting the water wash the sweat and cum off her.

"Over the next two days, I may have to do things with you that you might not like," I heard her voice in my mind still. "But please believe me when I say that I am here for you, Lilith. I want to help you become what you can be."

"But I am not your apprentice," I thought back. Morgan hesitated and took a deep breath.

"You are a sister. And you will be an apprentice. I see something in you, child," her thoughts whispered hesitantly. "I am rarely wrong. And that something in you needs protecting."

I was confused and I am certain that Morgan felt it. She drew me closer in the water and hugged me, her warm and honest embrace almost drawing a tear from my eyes. When she pulled back, I half expected to see tears in hers.

Before I could ask what that something in me Morgan could see was, a smile spread over her lips, like a wall to hide what she sensed I wanted to know. The power in me stirred.

"Let's go get dressed and stretch our magical muscles," she said.


 Hungry for more? Follow me to read the next chapters!


Well now. That's some excellent pacing.

Thank you and.... Elaborate. A lot. What did you like? What will be left on the editing room floor in the rewrite before actual publishing?

Your writing skill is stunning :D

I'm not sure if I could. Just keep doing it! :-D

cold shower please ......

Finally catching up with some reading...and... damn, where is my husband and why does he have clothes on??? I'm hungry.

You let your man wear clothes in the house?! How progressive of you!

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