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RE: Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Anyone out there?...)

in #aliens5 years ago
  1. Yes, I think there is life somewhere out there.

The Drake equation is a probabilistic argument used to estimate the number of active, communicative extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy

I'd guess you could say that the Fermi paradox, referring to the apparent contradiction between the lack of evidence for and various high probability estimates of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations elsewhere in the Milky Way galaxyis kind of like a tag-a-long, obnoxious, contrarian, little brother to the Drake equation...of course, depending on your own personal views, that relationship could be reversed!

So, considering that the number of stars (the base of the Drake equation) is close to infinite, you could say that the chance of life existing elsewhere is infinite, or closing in on 100%.

However, that doesn't mean anything if we are talking about the possibility of life forms that have a chance of interacting with humanity in the near term (say, our own lifetimes). Those considerations cut the odds tremendously with known variables.

Then again, our idea of known variables could be absolutely wrong ;>

  1. Should we advertise our fat, helpless, supine presence to potential life out there?

Absolutely not.

We have no idea of the power level, modes of intelligence, morality, or taste for juicy human flesh, that possible tourists/conquerors/genocidal experts could bring to bear against us.

I think we should avoid making any assumptions on what aliens can or will do. The fact that they could get here at all indicates power greater than our own.

OTOH, there is a funny scifi story by Harry Turtledove, The Road Not Taken, which opens up possibilities of a different sort.

Outstanding topic, Bengy! Re-steemed happily


No cringe have to advertise and promote your contests for folks to find them. I have resteemed this one!

And thank you for the SBI. A unit here, and a unit there, and I shall soon (or not so soon LOL) become a steemillonaire.

I'll dig up that story and comment it here, i think.

Thanks! Actually, the cringe was the topic for the next one!

Agreed, both Drake and Fermi have some pretty hefty inbuilt assumptions about the settings of the variables that they use... however, there still is the idea that there is a close to infinite amount of stars, which does mean that a small chance short approach certainty over time. However, that doesn't take into account other problems of communication... perhaps, light speed really is the limit...

LOL... I think you slightly changed the wording of my second question! I figure that they can't be any harm in trying to contact aliens... after all, we have been passively sending out signals anyway... so it isn't really as if we were hiding anyway!

That scifi story... I had a quick look at the wiki page... it's hilarious! Ah, I remember loving all these short stories from the Golden Age! I really should rediscover more of them again...

Extra SBI share for you, thanks for the thoughtful reply!


I've got a copy of the story in digital somewhere, let me know if yuo want and I'll dig it out

I must have read the question the way I wanted to answer it lol.

sending out passive signals is different than active communication. that could the trigger for any of the negative consequences. And I admit the beenies of contact could be tremendous, but the risk factor is just too great for me to want and roll the dice ;>

it was a great contest!

That would be cool if you can find it!

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