My Personal Experiences with Alien Contactee Simon Parkes

in #alien6 years ago (edited)

Summing up and sharing the details of my experiences with Simon is something that I have thought about and wanted to write for some time now. I just never got around to summing up all my thoughts, feelings and reactions (of which there were many).

On an interesting side note, as I sat down to begin writing this article, I looked at my clock and it was exactly 11:11pm. I guess someone, somewhere, might be giving me the green light and a slight nudge to move forward with this article, so here we go!

For those of you not familiar with Simon Parkes, he is a lifelong experiencer. From being a young boy he has had experiences with off planet entities, with the two primary groups being the Mantids/Mantis alien race and the Draco Reptilians. He grew up and still lives in England, his mother worked for MI5 and Grandfather for MI6. His mother was a secretary and she typed up classified documents for MI5 with many revolving around the subject of aliens. His grandfather was a high ranking freemason, British diplomat and worked for MI6. Simon went on to be a councilmen in various parts of England where he lived and now works exclusively in the field of Ufology and the paranormal.

So from what we can gather so far, Simon did not have an ordinary childhood and lived within this paranormal world as though it was the everyday. I will not go much deeper than this into Simon and his background (all this deeper research into the man can be done on the internet or looking through all the hundreds of videos about him on YouTube).

Simon is a very special person with a special soul and he is one who is able to tap into the akashic records with the help of his mantis alien family. He utilizes this to have almost an all knowing and very deep understanding of earths history, many alien races histories and many things in and around our solar system and beyond. He also has the ability to look at people (works better face to face, but can also do this skill it via Skype and to a lesser degree via a picture of someone) and see there color vibrations and almost access the soul memory of the person to identify many things. After the soul has been initially created by source (God), he can identify which star system/alien race the soul first went to, he can trace the path of the soul and its various stops along its trajectory to Earth. Within the souls time on earth he can see into past lives, tell the history of that soul, how many lifetimes the soul has been on earth and many other interesting bits of information.

Ok so at this point I have probably lost most of you and everyone is thinking thst my gas stove has been leaking too long in my home, right? Well, regardless of what you might think after reading what this man is capable of, I can tell you that I was a big skeptic to all of this. Everything I hear I usually try to debunk and find holes, fallacies and inconsistencies within anyone's story (especially in the field of paranormal/Ufology), since its so easy to give misleading information. I have done a sickening amount of research on Simon and the things he talks about I corroborated with what other researchers/contactee's have said.

The only remaining thing to do was to actually talk to the man directly and find out for myself if he can truly do what he and so many others claimed he can. Simon does not have a day job and one way he earns a living is he does soul readings. This goes into what I mentioned earlier about what he can do by looking at a person. You go to his website and can contact him to set up this soul reading. He is popular and this took many attempts and over 6 weeks of waiting before someone contacted me back to set up a date and time for a skype session. He charges 40 pounds for a 30 minute session (although the sessions usually go longer at no charge).

The session begins and you can ask Simon anything you would like to go over, so after a little small talk we went into the soul reading. He asks different questions to gauge me better, some of which include eye color, favorite color, hair color, favorite number and so on.

Than he goes into breaking down where my soul first went after being created
The path it took on its eventual trajectory to Earth
Why my soul came to Earth
How long I have been on Earth
The place on the planet my soul has incarnated the most and has the closest ties
Where my soul first incarnated on Earth
And many other areas as well

I might go into my own direct information in a future blog, I'm not ready to share this personal info just yet. But lets just say after hearing this man and what he had to say, My reaction was to set up two more meetings with him and to believe him almost entirely in what he says and what he can do.

As far as the why, well I will give examples below=

He went into personality details of me, traits and issues that he could not have know as none of this info was given to him by me before, or exists online for him to research beforehand.

I showed him pictures of friends and relatives to get a better understanding and catch him in something that wouldn't make sense or be true and more often than not, he would describes peoples characters, personalities and even some life events, all by reading there soul history through their pictures.

I showed him various people through three sessions sometimes more than 4 months apart in between our sessions and his information on these people would corroborate and line up with information he said about them or other close family members from earlier meetings. This just is not a coincidence and no way he would remember or spend the time to review this, even if he recorded the prior sessions and studied before our newer sessions. The amount of money he generates is too small and the amount of people he does these soul readings with are too vast, to put in all the time and detective work to come about his answers by questionable/shady means.

In all the years I have researched and followed Simon, he has never shown inconsistencies to his story, what he said about me and what he says about many topics in the paranormal/Ufology fields. If he was speaking from fiction, then there is no way to keep so many elaborate details and complicated narratives together for so long with no deviation, simply impossible.

Finally, even if we look beyond all the evidence, corroboration, personal verification, well spoken/intelligent nature, it all boils down to one thing. That deep in my soul I believe the man and know that what he is telling is the truth. I have accepted this and believe it and know that there is more to humanity than meets the eye, more to humanity than we are allowed to know! That is why I have started my own mission to spread the truth and get people to open there minds to all the possibilities out there!

Thanks for reading and please let me know what your thoughts are.


Thanks for sharing these thoughts Dill! I really enjoyed this and you can certainly believe that I don't find anything you've written crazy. I'll be looking forward to hearing more about your experience, as I had contemplated having a session with him as well but the opportunity has never arisen. I am especially curious about the personality part as I am a very passionate student of human nature and the many arcane systems out there that help to explain why we humans are the way we are.

And thanks for helping to keep Exoteric Wisdom alive and progressing. I've been keeping an eye on Onstellar and like how it is changing. I can't wait until the wallet is active and we can learn about the reward system.

Really glad to see that you are gaining more supporters!

Hi my friend, good to hear from u, its been a while. thank you yes I really enjoyed writing this article and you should definitely set up a meeting if inclined. It takes a while to set this up so I would get started sooner rather than later.

I can tell you Simon is the real deal, very smart, articulate and passionate about what he does. I probably believe what he says more so than anyone else. I do believe in our hash tag and am curious if this can grow or not. Either way the message needs to get out and I feel I have been doing this and am happy with the current growth of my blog.

As always steem is hard to be noticed within and I have used more bots to aid in this. Onsteller is looking better and also am curious what the wallet looks like. I sent u a friend request on there btw (see if u can spot mine)

one thing please tell me was alien existed?

There are no guarantees in life. But what I can say is that from years and years of research, and looking through countless evidence/research I can almost positively say that there is Alien life. Various aliens have been visiting Earth and other planets in our solar system for at least millions of years. And most likely certain alien beings have had a hand in our genetic evolution from basic primate, to what humanity has become today.

But do your own research and see what you will find, this topic will be more understandable once u yourself see the evidence. Thanks

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if there are Aliens, then why don't we see it?. I won't believe until i see it personally.

You ask a great question my friend, I wrote an article recently that deals with your specific question in great detail. Please take a look if u wish and let me know your thoughts.

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