RE: My Personal Experiences with Alien Contactee Simon Parkes
Thanks for sharing these thoughts Dill! I really enjoyed this and you can certainly believe that I don't find anything you've written crazy. I'll be looking forward to hearing more about your experience, as I had contemplated having a session with him as well but the opportunity has never arisen. I am especially curious about the personality part as I am a very passionate student of human nature and the many arcane systems out there that help to explain why we humans are the way we are.
And thanks for helping to keep Exoteric Wisdom alive and progressing. I've been keeping an eye on Onstellar and like how it is changing. I can't wait until the wallet is active and we can learn about the reward system.
Really glad to see that you are gaining more supporters!
Hi my friend, good to hear from u, its been a while. thank you yes I really enjoyed writing this article and you should definitely set up a meeting if inclined. It takes a while to set this up so I would get started sooner rather than later.
I can tell you Simon is the real deal, very smart, articulate and passionate about what he does. I probably believe what he says more so than anyone else. I do believe in our hash tag and am curious if this can grow or not. Either way the message needs to get out and I feel I have been doing this and am happy with the current growth of my blog.
As always steem is hard to be noticed within and I have used more bots to aid in this. Onsteller is looking better and also am curious what the wallet looks like. I sent u a friend request on there btw (see if u can spot mine)