Top UFO Incidents and sightings proving that we are not alone

in #deepdives6 years ago (edited)

Many UFO skeptics have one major argument related to UFO's and the ufology field and it usually is something like this, "If UFO's are real, than where is the evidence!"

Now, if they are talking about a little dead alien Grey body being dumped outside there home, or a extra terrestrial craft landing on the lawn of the white house, probably this type of "evidence" will not ever happen.

But, if we are looking at photography, videos, radar tracking data, declassifies documents, high level military and political whistle blowers, contactees/experiences, than maybe we really do have some evidence to begin discussing this subject matter from a credible footing.

Astrophysicist, Dr J.Allen Hynick, referred to it as an “embarrassment of riches”, when looking at all the vast amounts of data we have to corroborate that we are not alone in the universe or even in our own very solar system! Astronauts that were on the moon including Edgar Mitchell, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong, all corroborated publicly or privately that they saw "things" both on the moon and around the moon they couldn't explain.

In no particular order I will go over sightings and incidents that have given the ufology field hard data, visual confirmations and lots of credible witness testimonials. some of these incidents I believe were not actual extra terrestrials, but man made reversed engineered crafts that were spotted. This still gives credence to Aliens, because if these are reversed engineered crafts, than they were reversed engineered from actual alien crafts.

Roswell New Mexico Crash 1947

This is probably one of the most famous incidents where two UFO crafts went down with alien bodies being recovered. Most were already dead and reports vary but 1 or 2 were still alive for a short while before eventually dying. This crash was confirmed by the army until they changed there story and said it was a weather balloon.

Closest picture to the actual appearance of the downed Alien Craft

So much has been said about this, that i wont go into this further, but this is definitely one of the best recorded and talked about cases out there. This case was the catalyst to the modern ufology movement that we have to the present day. If anyone wants to start researching into this field, this incident is the perfect place to do it.

Rendlesham Forest 1980 England

Probably the most famous British UFO case. A security patrol spotted light in the woods where nearby are the twin NATO air bases, RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge. The men saw multi color lights and went closer to investigate.

Initially these men thought it was a downed aircraft. Sgt Penniston approached a triangular craft and saw something similar to hieroglyphics writing on the side of the craft.

He touched the craft and than heard a voice in his head, telling him that the craft are humans 500,000 years into the future. Also later a binary code was embedded in his head, that was later decoded. This binary code=

There was also 4 hours of missing time for these men with the craft. Lots of evidence with records on the base and many many men on the base confirming this case. Very well documented.

Japan Air Lines flight 1628, in 1986

Japan Air Lines flight 1628 was a UFO incident that occurred on November 17, 1986 involving a Japanese Boeing 747 cargo aircraft. The aircraft was en route from Paris to Tokyo. The Japan airlines pilots saw two UFO appear below the plane and rose quickly to follow them. Than later a third much larger almost mother ship looking UFO in size appeared and began trailing the plane. The pilots were so scared that they requested to traffic control there route be changed and it was. This went on for about 50 minutes before all UFO's disappeared.
The Pilot

A day later at FAA headquarters they briefed Vice Admiral Donald D. Engen, who watched the whole video of over half an hour, and asked them not to talk to anybody until they were given the OK, and to prepare an encompassing presentation of the data for a group of government officials the next day. The meeting was attended by representatives of the FBI, CIA and President Reagan’s Scientific Study Team, among others.

This event is important because of the tracking of these UFOs on both ground and airborne radar, while being observed by experienced airline pilots, with the subsequent confirmation by an FAA Division Chief.

Phoenix Lights Arizona 1997

The Phoenix Lights were a mass UFO sighting which occurred in Phoenix, Arizona, USA and Sonora, Mexico on Thursday, March 13, 1997

were seen by thousands of people between 19:30 and 22:30 MST, in a space of about 300 miles (480 km), from the Nevada line, through Phoenix, to the edge of Tucson.

There were two distinct events involved in the incident: a triangular formation of lights seen to pass over the state, and a series of stationary lights seen in the Phoenix area. The United States Air Force when asked for comment identified the second group of lights as "flares" dropped by A-10 Warthog aircraft that were on training exercises at the Barry Goldwater Range in southwest Arizona.

Witnesses claim to have observed a huge carpenter's square-shaped UFO, containing five spherical lights or possibly light-emitting engines. Fife Symington, who was the governor at the time also witnessed this incident and he later called the object "otherworldly."

The lights were reported to have reappeared in 2007 and 2008, but again these events were quickly attributed as military "flares" dropped by fighter aircraft at Luke Air Force Base and flares attached to helium balloons released by a civilian.

This was the largest mass viewing of a UFO in recorded history with lots of evidence. You all can look into this for yourselves and see if this was truly "flares"

Battle of Los Angeles 1942

In the early mourning hours of February 25, 1942. A UFO flew across LA county that set off air raid alerts in the surrounding area. This was during world War two and the army was vigilantly watching the skies and when this UFO was seen spotlights and lots of anti air artillery were fired at this craft for over an hour.

Several buildings and vehicles were damaged by shell fragments, and five civilians died as an indirect result of the anti-aircraft fire: three killed in car accidents in the ensuing panic and two of heart attacks attributed to the stress of the hour long conflict. The incident was front-page news along the U.S. Pacific coast and earned some mass media coverage throughout the nation.

One witness described it as the following:

"They sent fighter planes up and I watched them in groups approach it and then turn away. There were shooting at it but it didn't seem to matter. It was like the Fourth of July but much louder. They were firing like crazy but they couldn't touch it.""I'll never forget what a magnificent sight it was. Just marvelous. And what a gorgeous color!" she said

There was some field around the craft perhaps from the electromagnetic propulsion being implemented because all fired bullets just deflected off the craft. This went on for about 1 hour and than the craft slowly moved away and out of site.

Washington D.C Incident of 1952

On the night of July 19, 1952. Air traffic controller Edward Nugent was at his radar screen at Washington National Airport in Washington, D.C., he saw seven unusual blips on the screen. No known aircraft were in the area and there was no explanation for the presence of the objects. Nugent called his superior to come and see the objects on radar. They watched the mysterious objects dart across the sky and checked to make sure the radar was working properly due to there disbelief

Both controllers in the tower had also seen the blips. They called nearby Andrews Air Force Base, where controllers also saw strange objects on their radar screens.

Two of these UFO's hovered over the white house and another craft over the US capital. They were tracked at going over 130MPH and would appear, disappear and reaper again. These crafts would zip around, make 90 degree turns, some would suddenly stop and go in reverse. No known crafts could do anything near that in those days (and to this day).
Airline captain, S.C. Pierman, was on the tarmac in the cockpit of a DC-4 at the National Airport for authorization to take off. While waiting, he saw six objects moving in the sky. Over a 14 minute time period, he would see the objects and then they would disappear only to reappear moments later. He was speaking to flight controller Mr. Barnes this while observing these objects and every time Pierman reported a sighting, a blip appeared on Barnes’s radar screen.

The Washington post covered this news story as well, saying the UFOs hovered 1,700 feet above the White House lawn. Air Force spokesperson said that their organization took steps to properly investigate the event, but the newspaper found the investigation was veiled in secrecy. An unidentified traffic controller said the radar signals ruled out the possibility that the objects were due to weather conditions. He said that they looked like an "aircraft in flight" on the radar screen.

So in summation, at the very least we can say that without a doubt we are not alone in the Universe, Earth has been visited by beings not from here, there is a technology that these beings posses that is much more advanced than our own (not including the classified stuff) and the government has been lying to us since at least the 1940's.


yes i remember reading this and voting on it when i had the deliberator account. :-)

I see, well much obliged!

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