Africa is Doomed - Especially Nigeria.

in #africaunchained7 years ago (edited)

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Yes. I said it. What?

Africa is largely doomed. Nigeria is absolutely doomed. Now what are we going to do about it?

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Alright. In the fantasy world where I somehow end up in charge of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, I would do ... well, actual me isn't ruthless enough to do what logic tells me would need to be done in order to achieve practical viable progress in a single lifetime.

So let's try this again. Let's pretend I am that guy. First things first would be have every corrupt political figure executed quickly and messily -- and PUBLICLY. You know who they are. Those that survive would be forced to flee the country and banned from ever coming back. This will put the whole country on notice. If this sounds like a dictatorial solution ... then you should have thought of that before putting the likes of my more-ruthless hypothetical self in charge of Nigeria, a country where one of our airlines had a door fall off the plane as it landed and it's really only a big deal on Twitter.

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mwahahahahahaaaa ... ... ahem.

All the funds they looted would have to be recovered of course. They'll be needed for the next phase.

I would call in the Israelis to train up our military (borrowing a leaf from Lee Kuan Yew's playbook - man was a genius of realpolitik) Simultaneously, I would have the military retrain the police by whatever means necessary because their corrupt nonsense must be stopped with immediate effect. The Nigerian police would need to recruit massively, be upgraded with the right gear, paid far better than before and most of all equipped with the right mindset, one where extorting naira from innocent motorists (or accepting it from guilty ones) would be far beneath their dignity. This would be accomplished by both negative and positive reinforcement, the positive being that cops would start getting paid a lot more and equipped a lot better to encourage them to actually do their jobs and to consider it worth doing.

The negative being messy public executions.

Why all this? Because without the ability to genuinely enforce the law for people at every socioeconomic stratum, we will not be able to move forward with any other project without corruption and nepotism dragging behind us like an anchor on land. The new people in government will be aware of what's at stake and operate accordingly, acting in the country's best interests because it is in their best interests to do so. Because their lives literally depend on it.

After that is done, now we can start on positive changes in the country without being held back by drags on progress.

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First actual positive change, we have to keep the momentum going. With well-equipped high-morale law enforcement and military that have both been trained up to international standards, we can now make a serious move on Boko Haram, the Fulani Herdsmen and any other violent idiots that are disgracing Nigeria at home and abroad.

With safety, comes the possibility of tourism. Nigeria has a great many beautiful waterfalls, rock formations and all manner of cool stuff to look at. The kind of thing that Kenya would have made so much national cake off, our idiot existing leaders have allowed to lie fallow and be completely ignored. I will not make that mistake. If Nigeria is safe for foreigners to visit, they will have cool places to take iPhone X pictures in 👺👺👺

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yes, nigeria has waterfalls, amazing ones! this one is in enugu sef!!!

Moreover, those tourists, they'll need locals to sell stuff to them, to be tour guides, to be guides to the stuff you don't find on tours. That's jobs. Tourism dollars buy us a lot. That leads to the next point.


Nigeria for now lives and dies by imports. As a visionary Nigerian leader, believe you me, I fully intend to address that -- but for now, I have to work with what I can improve at high speed. Nigeria needs to lose the bottleneck of Lagos being the only real international economic hub and the best way to do that is to open the doors for other states to do business. Start building ports everywhere that Nigeria touches water, bring in investors to help, GoFundMe at the geopolitical scale, no IMF or World Bank loans (now I'm dipping into the Thomsas Sankara playbook) and it has the lovely side-effect of encouraging local manufacturers to ramp up their game.

But building ports takes too long. In the interim, heavy-lift helicopters and cargo planes and jumbo drones (like the ones the Chinese are testing right now for passengers. Scale that up for high-value cargo and we've got something interesting -- and our skies will become as unto those of Wakanda.


Believe it or not, the lack of a consistent street addressing system in Nigeria is a massive problem. It drastically slows down commerce, censuses and numerous other functions. More interestingly however, it's a problem that today's open-source GPS Big Data world can cheaply and quickly solve. I'd simply invite one of the companies already doing digital street addressing and make them throw a grid across the country that lets even the most remote villages have addresses. Hello, voter registration; hello, e-commerce delivery; hello, document delivery; hello, accessibility; hello, hello, hello in general.

what3words is a particularly cool example that does for real life street addresses what @steemit does for cryptocurrency wallet addresses)


One word: Solar.

Okay, more than one word: Massive Investment in Solar because no time no time. Get this show on the road, subsidize it massively for everyone who wants it from schools to barbershops, hospitals to huts and let the chips fall where they may. Whatever spirit is blocking us from solar when we have more than over-abundant sunlight in our boiling hot country, that spirit should PERISH BY FIRE! PERISH BY FIRE!!!! PERISH BY FIRE!!!!!


Nigeria's education sector is ... okay. Did you ever hear the story about the guy who wanted to paint the side of his house but, instead of just painting the house, dug a massive hole 30 feet deep in front of his house, went down in the hole with a ladder, climbed the ladder and then painted his house? No?

Yeah, that's exactly what Nigeria's higher education system is like.

How do we fix it? Well, once upon a time, our colonizers the British when their country was young were famed for the prowess of their longbow archers. There came a day when the British king of the time met with the king of another nation. The other king, perhaps frustrated, asked the British king: "How do you train such incredible archers?" And the British king answered: "If you wish to train a English longbowman, you must start with his grandfather."

On the one hand, that's the kind of strategic forward thinking we need to improve Nigeria. With that in mind, I would say forget the universities and start lower down at the primary schools. Write off our existing crop of university students and just start over at the roots.

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On the other hand, the version of me running this experiment is far too impatient to play all that.

So instead I would sponsor and promote a show on the scale of Big Brother Naija -- except that instead of having a bunch of sex addled semi-illiterate celebrity wannabes in a house, I'd have a casting call for people like this guy, kids with that natural talent for tech and I'd throw them into a great big lab/junkyard and have them compete (and yes, fuck and fight too, sure whatever.)

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picture taken by me from Sunday Sun Newspaper dated June 15 2016

Get kids excited about science and tech and building cool stuff with our own hands in our own country. Excited about things that aren't money (well, not just money), aren't religion and aren't fleeing to better countries where things actually work. Winner gets 45 million naira, all the computers and tablets he or she can handle and an all-expenses paid admission to any university in the world they can get into, be it MIT or Caltech or something Chinese.

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In conclusion, because if I stay on this matter, matter no go ever end (walahi, Naija problems too plenty 😡), I have chosen measures that are fast and brutal and expensive to ensure maximum change in minimum time. Of course, things like roads and fuel scarcity matter too and of course they would be tackled but I think a rejuvenated Giant of Africa under my leadership (haha) would not be sliding backwards with the sand trying to hold onto technologies and certainties that are being left behind by the world. Instead it would be leapfrogging forward to new technologies and new solutions that render the old problems as the irrelevant obstacles they should be by now.

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created by the amazing @tezzmax for @africaunchained. I dey hail ooooo

(Oga @tezzmax, you have done an incredible work with this contest that enlists the minds of the @africaunchained community to imagine a better Africa and a better Nigeria. It is a powerful and personal concept and I couldn't sleep until I finished it.)

Want a resurgent Africa? Want a doomed Africa that is determined to seize that doom by the jaws and rend that lion's mouth asunder? This is one way that might happen. Our entrepreneurial spirit will handle the rest.


You might enjoy other stuff written by me such as:

Human History X: The Mapmakers

Geospatial Big Data: The Magic of Maps and Money

Barbarian Bushmen of the Blockchain (honestly, this might be my favourite thing I ever wrote on Steemit -- not the best but my personal favourite)

Steemit Animated Thingy - U5dtAVjBETmqw1AAbnbU32TA7BXiwUk.gif


Thanks so much for reading



Your title got me running down here. Well, I know that Nigeria needs a tough determined leadership to move forward but brutality isn't really the answer. I love the plans you have but the approach is no longer used in modern days. You can read the 33 strategy of war and you will hear Robert Greene mentioned it that you should prefer intellect and strategy over brutality and force.

If you used brutality, you won't know when you have over stepped the mark, leading to war and rebellion and innocent lives slaughtered then you will end up like the rest of the dictators.

You make very cogent points and I agree about the dangers of violence begetting violence. However, look at the state of the country. It is the way it is because the people in power know they will never suffer any consequences for their endless legion of crimes. They can spend our schools and roads and electricity and environmental protection "abandex" on homes in Dubai and private jets and Swiss bank accounts and they continue to do so and we just sit here and do nothing. They fly private jets and leave Dana Airlines for us, their kids go to school in UK and leave hot Agbani sun for us, they fly to India and America for medical appointments and leave us to die in emergency room for lack of 5000 naira!!!

Nna eh!

Our hair is on fire and we are combing it while the people with matches enjoy Ghana-must-go millions and billions. We are already in a drastic situation, moderate action will not move that needle.

And the title was very deliberately chosen for that reason hahaha

I completely agree, violence is hard to stop and hard to justify if you make a mistake. Very sensible arguments.

Sincerely, your write up got me cracking... But it contains a lot of truth. Sad thing is, the first step is quite impossible as you would be attacked by activists and the likes...
We can only hope that the real change happens.

Hahaahahah -- you are of course correct and it is amusing that I have basically recreated "being a brutal dictator" without coming out and saying it -- but the goal is to be Sankara or Lee Kuan Yew, not Idi Amin or Charles Taylor.

Or just be Abacha and everyone would behave!

God forbid I should resemble Abacha in any way. Tufiakwa!

Lol i wouldn't want to laugh at your comment. So i wont be the one you would start d revolution with 😁

@edumurphy you wrote well,but the caption (AFRICA IS DOOMED ESPECIALLY NIGERIA ) is what i can not agree on.

Brother , we are not doomed just that we are unfutunate to have bad leaders,that dont not have the matters of its citizens at heart.but that does not mean that we are doomed.

remember Rome was not built in a day.

it takes gradual process to achieve that not by force. i like the point you came up with on how to resolve those issues.

sometimes we blame government for everything but we the citizens fail to do our own part in national progress.

Guy, I am 35 years old. I have been hearing that line about Rome wasn't built in a day since I was 9. Rome wasn't built in a day but are you telling me that in 26 years Rome made no forward progress?

No. Listen to Fela's music, listen to his complaints and his humor. Now tell me, what has improved in Nigeria since 1992? Name one thing.

Oh, and as for Rome? They used force. And crucifixions. You might recall.

And they fell.

Everybody falls. At least they got to be a pinnacle of civilization for hundreds of years before falling. Nigeria didn't just fall, it lay down in the deepest pothole it could find and started digging with a 10 ton shovel.

What a wonderful dream for Nigeria! Honestly, we need a change in this nation, the type that can only be possible through aggressive struggle to take over from the current big brothers.

Which will never happen because deep down we know the truth: all of us have given up on Nigeria. We just have the people exploiting it, the people escaping it and the people trying to survive it. The exploiters, the escapers and the endurers.

very well articulated.. the situation especially in Nigeria requires drastic action in order to at least bring to a halt the negative slope in which we seem to be sliding as a nation.

That is eh!

Hahahah, your musings are hilarious @edumurphy.
Look, I'm sure all of our leaders know about this, most of them sha, if not all - they know about this, but they are prevented from doing it by a lot of factors, a good leader can overcome most of those factors though.

But I've seen an instance where a Nigerian leader embarked on something good but he was stopped in his tracks by some of these factors. When Goodluck Jonathan was the president, he was building a big plant that would supply a large amount of electricity but this plant kept being vandalized and parts of it were stolen. So what could have caused all these? Maybe the generator importers who don't want enough power supply in Nigeria because it is bad for their sales? Or the opposition party who don't want him to achieve something as big as that so his chances at the polls would not be increased? Stuff.

Hope you know I'm not justifying any of these politicians, I'm just carrying out a discussion. Solar may have been the shit though ☺

@nevies, the son of Aphrodite

Oh that's normal for Naija na. Our people have absorbed the corruption down to the lowest levels of society. That's why I chose the Step 1 that I chose because that's the only thing that will put everybody on notice that things are now different.

I totally agree, bro. This stuff about Jonathan did you know it before?

Not Jonathan specifically but I have heard similar stories and it fits the facts. Who gains more from our electricity supply being sabotaged than the generator dealers?

Oh and let's not forget Chimaraoke building that mighty conference center in Enugu only for the two governors after him (Sullivan and the fool Gburu-Gburu) to leave it to rust away into a dead hulk of wasted potential.

That's some shit, really though.

@edumurphy I love your writing style... may it be "Driven by More Fire!!!" :)

I have been to beloved Nigeria twice! You must be thinking... "why this china-man-from-aussie-land wanna cum to me country... so sharp-sharp na?"

Because 4-5 years ago, I had a "Call" to Coach Social Entrepreneurs from a few African nations pro-bono and I have been doing so thus then. I founded an initiative called #IAmCatalyst and every year we do a Conference to ignite local country-men/women to rise up for the hope and change of the future possibilities.

Fyi, I will be there again this year in Sept/Oct and I hope to meet up with you.

Will support #AfricaUnchained... in the near future when I post on Africa.


Mel @coachmelleow

Exciting! Thanks for the comment and very happy to have you involved with #africaunchained!

Also, yeah, I bet you don't want to come to my country half as much as my countrymen want to come to yours 🤣

Yes, do come to Nigeria. Can't guarantee I won't have fled myself by then though 🤣

Nice! Will read over it again when I get the chance (not busy).

I like your approach... if I were concerned with preserving the Nigerian state I would take the same.

As a Libertarian / Anarcho-Capitalist type... my own solution would probably be entirely different. I would look to decentralize and carve up the region by interest groups, clans, ethnicities, etc.

I wouldn't stop with Nigeria of course... I would do this to the entire globe.

I like the meta-approach. You're thinking way bigger heheheh seek first the human commonalities then build up to the differences from there. Not too dissimilar from what I theorized albeit I'm starting from a point of "let's get some actual infrastructure and some institutional memory of things working properly" first before we start to dig into tribal and ethnic worries.

The first part of this post sounds like the best solution to end the corrupt practices in Nigeria. Most people have thought about this too,even myself but who's ready to embark on this journey.

2019 is by the corner @edumurphy, we hope to see you flag off!!

O di mma. Mmadu gwa gi i kwelu 🙄🤣

Yeah right. If person tell you say I go contest, you go gree? 🙄🤣

Abeg, I go run comot men. If I'm the only one who cares that Naija is already on fire, then we are already fucked. Let it burn. Things cannot change until we all acknowledge how bad things are and all refuse to accept it anymore. A lot of us including me have done the first but the second? We including me are too afraid and too concerned with our own lives to take real action.

Na like this we go dey dey 🤷

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