August ProgBlog #2: all the small things

in #aer5 years ago

An unbelievable amount of crazy has been happening.

Comp season starting was just part of it (aka there went one weekend, spoiler alert 12yo did well).

We're now onto the last few tail feathers with the pink and purple.

Close up of the middle feathers (which shows I need to cover more grey in the purple section!)

Didn't get as much visual stuff done as I wanted/probably should have mostly due to crazy and partly because I was doing a fair chunk of data entry which I can't even screenie now as I'm catching up to myself and am currently in 1988AER which is when a lot of the stuff that triggers some of the main events in the current arc happens so too much spoilerific.

Also been doing not as much work on the witchies as I should but I am up to the second fire shadow layer and being amused at how many blacks it takes to make black.

I haven't failed at lighting this wtf since Black Fingernails and am never doing it again! (I probably said that after Black Fingernails and then I went ahead and did Stars Glow, It gets better and Changing the world, the latter two of which had the additional craziness of being excessively long and so maybe should know better than to say never).

This post also appears on my blog.

I'm not sure why I bothered digging up the links to keep y'all onsite when there's no perpetual payout here and search is virtually non-existent, should have continued being lazy and linked to my blog where things are much moar easier to find XD

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that tail end is looking really nice, fyn ! love it!

also congrats to 12 yo mini-fyn to have done well at comp :D

and that witchies picture is wow.... so many details :O i DO like the lighting !

Thanks spodey ^_^

I'm always happy to get a comment from you XD

Glad you like the lighting, it's driving me insane, I hope it looks good at the end aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh x_x lol XD

I’ve been following your progress of this tail feather for some time now. I think it’s great that you showed us the progress from time to time and we get to see it closer and closer to completion :D.

And you don’t fail at lighting, wtf are you saying. Pic looks great :O.

Screepy scrawly 😄

I’m onto the last tail feather! If I can concentrate long enough I might be able to finish them and do the wings aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh...then shadow layer 😵

Thanks glad you think so, these dark pics with multiple lighting sources always do my head in 😅

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