Part 3 - Bicycle Tour Hobo Style - Lolland, Denmark en-route to Oslo, Norway 2016

in #adventure6 years ago (edited)


I had set off on a bike journey to go to Oslo, Norway from Flensburg, Germany, and Here is the link to the first part. I don't ever travel like you would think. Most take trains or planes, or buses, and stay in hostels and buy food, and most are on a "limited period of time from work" to squeeze in many places they want to see before returning to the shackles. I have been traveling for 8 years, but the last 4 years I have slowed down even more than I already was. I travel slowly compared to others because I was always limited (financially)to the cash in my pocket and anyway was used to having no spare cash, even when I wasn't traveling, which was definitely much worse by far!

We went to Svendborg after leaving the hotel early at around 7am we got there around 16.00 with a break in-between
svend (2).gif

Four days went passed until I wrote this diary entry

24th April 2016 Diary Entry

Im guessing its the 24th because I found a lot of mini salamis in the bin today with the 24th dated on them. After the hotel I went to Svendorg, played on the street in the city center main street and got 20kr in the hour. haha. The coffee I drank cost 35kr. Never bother to play for money on a street. Went to a supermarket and met Tobias, he invited me to go stay at his place. ah yeh exacty.. 420 (20th april) haha that was awesome, my weed was nearly finished and then I go to a jam session that was also a smoke session!

Time flew these 3 or 4 days. Tobias had said that he lived with freaks and that I should come back to his place for food after seeing me outside the supermarket. He lived in Rantzausminde which was actually the way I had came, and had a break there at some dodgy pub next to a spar shop I think it was. I decided as it was busy to play a few songs and get a JD and coke after the first money was thrown in the pot. Some woman in her late 40's was really trying to get me back to her house, this happens quite often, but this one seemed a bit to desperate which means she would have kidnapped me or something!!
Tobias and I went for a spliff in the park and busted out some tunes on the guitar. He was an open guy and was already asking me, or telling me rather, that he had a potential date that night but also it was 420 and he and his band were having a band practice - and he didn't know what to write back to the girl. This is where a street hobo who just does cover songs and sings has to point out that he'd be happy to sing and smoke but has no clue about music!
We went back to his place, well I arrived later than he did. The place was nice, wagons in the garden which is always a homely feeling to see, vegetable gardens and random objects set as ornament's dotted around with a hammock swinging in the trees. At this time there was just Tobias and a woman living there with her son. and the house was a one level cottage really long and thing. Very welcoming people. Later he said that we could get ready to go to his mates place but first he wanted to go get weed. Nice, so did I but I did't have any money. I did have though a fair few grams of pure Mdma that I had taken with me for party's or whenever the occasion would arise. A lot of things that people are eating aren't even the real thing so I personally had my own ecstasy that i had previously tested with a drug testing kit. His eye's lit up when I offered that we swap weed for Mdma. He told me that we could go for a walk through the forest because there was an old hippy guy growing weed there in his home. we walked some distance and I had to wait in the forest on a path whilst he went to the guys house. Fair play. He came back with a big bag of weed and said the guys is so cool he sells it for 25kr a gram.. remember the cup of coffee cost 35kr? I had stocked up , he had stocked up and we went of to the band practice\ jam \ 420 session.
It was awesome, in the beginning everyone was quite and getting stoned and playing there usual songs for band practice a bit later on I invited anyone who wanted to, to take a dab of Mdma. Everyone's eyes lit up like I had pulled a golden goose out of my pocket! Tobias then declared that he had already eaten some before we had left his place and was feeling very nice, and that it was real stuff. They said they only get bad things labelled as Mdma and they all happily took a dab and the bag stayed open on the table for the entire night. Shit it was an awesome night and full moon to add to the energy. I woke up in the morning on the lounge floor, and Tobia's was gone. I hung around for a bit but nobody woke up and so I started to walk back to Tobias place in the serenity of the morning after. He came back 2 days later, and said he had decided to go see that girl with the Mdma that we had swapped for grass and they had a good time apparently. I was just chilling at his place with his house mate, which was nice as I was feeling tired from the energy spent at the jam session and just sleeping anyway and using the small sauna dome built in the garden.

" She left her soul's...... her souls' shadow..... on my mind.... ohhh on my mind...."

" And he played...... Music that just wouldn't go away...."

Maybe today is the 23rd im not even sure.

It was time to depart, heading slowly to Chrisitania.

I was given an address of a friend to go visit, another freak who would be happy if I stayed the night. it was on my original route, but hey , that's how the life goes - Plan's are Just Possibility's.

We left early in the morning and was in Nakskov in no time. I was well impressed with my dog's they were really enjoying it running along side the bike, much fitter than myself..


23rd or 24th April 2016 Diary Entry

Im now in Nakskov. The ferry was surprisingly cheap! I found a supermarket and started to make some noise with the guitar, and suddenly after half hour, it got windy, grey sky and terrible weather. Right at this moment I had decided to pack up and go find a place to stay the night camping because there was definitely a storm coming. Just as I was packing up, I looked behind me and saw a guy had stared playing with Sniffy my black dog and she had befriended him. We chatted a bit whilst I was still packing and i asked him where the free camping site was that I pointed to on the map, but he didn't know of one and left. sniffy even followed him to his car and i had to call her back. The guy got back out of his car and came back over and gave me a piece of paper with an address on it. He said that he didn't know why, but he felt to invite me to come stay at his house if I wanted to. It was quite far away over 12km if I remember and I thought it was better to find the campsite that apparently was 1km away because firstly I was tired and secondly the weather looked like it would get a lot worse. I spent around 45 mins looking for the non existing campsite, and rummaged through my pockets for the piece of paper to find the address. I found it luckily.. there was one time where I lost a contact on a piece of paper of a guy who had the list of boats going from Belgium to worldwide and I could easily start boat hitching.. but I lost the paper already an hour after meeting him hitchhiking, Frank his name was!

It took a while to get there but I found the road then had to search for the house checking to his name again as I banged on the door. A happy man answered the door, "Dan , You decided to come!". I walked in and he started almost embarrassingly apologizing for the mess of renovation and wet paint on the walls still but welcomed me in and I sat at the table on a chair. I really do love it to meet people, especially people who live alone and took a chance of meeting some traveler with his dogs. He made a tea and offered me a cigarette, but I said was happier to smoke hand rolled ones. He was a plain guy. Single, around mid 50's and had brought the place very cheap, as is every house in Lolland. This place was a shop, well used to be before everyone moved out of Lolland and it became useless!
He showed me a small room that lead out onto the garden and said that I could put my things there and lay out my sleeping bag on the floor and then we sat at the table again to drink tea and smoke. I had the feeling that he wouldn't notice if I rolled some of the weed from the hippy guy in the forest, it wasn't strong smelling stuff anyhow and after sometime we did get onto the topic of cannabis. I admitted that i was smoking joints right in-front of him, and was totally surprised when he said "oh is that weed? I didn't notice because I only smoke hash!" He then came back with a hundred gram bar and said I could make a joint. Haha- another freak, but a closet freak this time!
I remember we drank wine also and ended up having very in-depth conversations about things not many know about. God dam was he a Genius and an Anarchist. Very, very cool guy. After we had drank and smoked and I had told him why I live like this, he took me to his garage behind his house and said he wanted to show me something. There was a car, quite old, nothing special looking about it. He turned on the engine, and said, do you notice anything? I didn't, it all seemed normal..

"THERE ARE NO FUMES!!" he exclaimed, and I realized that he was correct - we were standing in an enclosed garage with a car inside with an engine running and we weren't suffocating and couldn't even smell any fumes either!

"It runs on WATER!"

Really - if somehow , I could have documented ALL of my hobo travel story's, and wrote about the people I have met, There would be 100's of Gb's of data on the Steemit blockchain of it all!

The Next Part is fresh from the fingers- CLICK HERE!

Recent post's.. Oldest first!


Damn bro, this story was awesome! I always say everyone smokes weed at one time in their life or another lol.. I have heard a lot stories about people who have made engines that run on water. I totally believe it as the hydrogen (in H2o) is an extremely powerful element, I mean look at the hydrogen bomb and lets not forget H2o even powers us humans, even more so than food!
Unfornately most people who try to come out with this information usually end up dead rather quickly. Oil companies (and some countries governments) can't compete with an engine that runs on water and doesn't produce pollution. I hope your buddy can safely share this information with the world someday.. It could change the world as we know it! Can't wait to hear the next chapter of your adventure.

hihi it was a cool trip for sure. the guy reluctantly showed me it but he obiously realised that I hate the government and would never tell the location of the car (ive forgotten anyway, that's how i keep peoples secret they tell me or show me lol..)

Ha, as a stoner I totally get what u are saying! LoL.. for some reason people like sharing their secrets with me too, and i always forget after a few blunts! Haha

What an excellent read here. Smooth and flowing. I could see all of what you did. (Well not all obviously, but present). Such adventures. I think it’s great that you come across warm hearted strangers and they invite you to their homes. Well written @movingman. Happy travels

Thanks dude!

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