in #adsactly6 years ago


Long write on the Game Changer series....
Guess what? After being absent from steemit for a few months, I'm right back with the final episode of Game Changer

Enjoy it and do well to read up on the previous episodes.... Links are pasted at the end of the writeup


Dave glanced at his wristwatch for the umpteenth time in ten minutes. Where was Claire? She was already twelve minutes late for their dinner... not that he was counting .

He'd wanted to pick her up from school but she'd insisted on coming herself.

He found himself looking down at his watch again and consciously stopped in time. What was the matter with him? These days he no longer understood himself nor his feelings towards Claire.

After their experience at the party and subsequent hangout with Sam, he'd made sure to keep in touch with her.

At first it had been to make sure she was really alright. He'd discovered he really enjoyed their conversations. Claire was a very deep character who hid behind her books and in the past months he'd seen so many sides to her that he was kept intrigued.

It wasn't until a few weeks ago when he'd caught himself smiling at work over a text she'd sent that he'd come to the realisation that something was changing.
He didn't know if the change was yet complete but he knew it felt really good. He was falling in love with Claire.

Dave laughed out loud and sobered almost immediately. Yes, it really felt good admitting to himself his feelings for Claire. It was quite another thing admitting it to Claire. As yet, he couldn't really tell what she felt about him, she was really good at hiding her feelings.

The one thing he could be sure of was that she liked him because like him, she enjoyed spending time with him amongst other things. Dave heaved a sigh…..her answer to his question tonight would determine where they went from here.

He glanced at the already set up dinner table. He'd taken time to personally shop for groceries cook dinner and he couldn't wait to serve it with their favourite wine.

The doorbell rang and he rushed to open it stopping just in time to compose himself. He couldn't believe he was this nervous over a woman. He'd never come close to being like this in his previous relationships.


"Hi." Claire greeted him as she walked into his open arms for a hug. Hugging had become quite a regular thing for them and she enjoyed it very much because it brought him closer to her - a form of torture and treat.

Over the past months as they'd grown closer, her feelings for him had deepened so much she didn't think it could go any deeper. She was completely heads over heels in love with the young man….it was a pity she didn't know the extent of his love for her.

Dave tugged on her arm bringing her out of her reverie. "How was your day?" He asked leading her to the sofa.

Claire replied in the positive, telling him how her day had gone and how she'd forgotten to take lunch because she'd been buried in her books preparing for her final exams. "I actually screamed when I checked my watch and discovered I was running late for our date. I'm so sorry I came late" she concluded.

"That's alright. I didn't wait for long. I figured you may have been delayed. Anyway I prepared something special for you and I'm a little glad you skipped lunch. That'll make dinner more enjoyable" he smiled mischievously "On an empty stomach you won't really notice if the food is a bit bad"

Claire laughed "I'm sure it'll be fine. I'm really famished"

Dinner was long over and they'd enjoyed the simple meal of jollof rice, salad and chicken along with a chilled bottle of red wine. They'd teased each other all through dinner and it had been an enjoyable experience.
They sat cuddled up on the couch watching a movie.


Dave found it difficult to concentrate on the movie knowing he was still to ask her. Now that the time was here he didn't know how to go about it. Not knowing her possible reaction or answer only made him more nervous.

He excused himself on the pretext of going to ease himself and went into his bedroom.
He opened his safe and pulled out the jewelry box he'd purchased some days ago.
The simple but classy jewelry had caught his attention through the window on his way to lunch. It's simplicity had reminded him so much of Claire that he'd gone in and purchased it before he could change his mind.

Dave shook his head. This wasn't why he'd come upstairs. He needed to practice what he'd say to Claire as he presented her the jewelry. He cleared his throat to begin "Erm Claire. Ever since I met you, I've ne.….."

The opening of the door startled him and the box dropped off his hand. Claire who had just come into the room to find out why he'd stayed so long bent and picked it up. She looked it over and asked curiously "what is this?"

Dave heaved a sigh. He might as well get it over with. He took the case from her and opened it. Claire gasped at the sight of the intricately designed necklace.

Dave knelt down before her and took her hand in his. "Claire my darling. I've been dying to ask you this for a while now but didn't know how. It's unfortunate we had to experience what we did before getting to know each other better but sometimes I thank God for that.

I've come to know and admire you a great deal these past months. I find I can't stop thinking or dreaming about you and that's when I came to the realisation that I've fallen in love with you.
I don't know how much you feel about me but I want you to know I feel a great deal about you and would love it if you'd accent to dating me."


He paused hoping against hope that she wouldn't reject him. When she didn't say anything, he looked up to say tears streaming down cheeks.

Dave felt his heart sinking. He summoned courage to add "If you don't want to or you'd like some time to think it over that's fine. I don't want to pressure you into anything"

Claire smiled through her tears, knelt down and hugged him tightly "Yes… oh yes!. I'd love to date you - you don't know how much. I've been in love with you like forever. I never dared hope you'd love me back."

Dave stared in shock "Seriously?" At her nod he continued. "I had no idea. Why didn't you say anything?"

"I began loving you from the first day Susan introduced us but you were in a relationship with her and I didn't feel I could compete.

It was why I never came out with her whenever she was to meet you. I wanted to forget you and move on but I couldn't.

These past months have been torture and treat for me. Torture because I didn't think you reciprocated my feelings and treat because I was closer to you than I'd ever been."

She looked at him shyly from beneath her lashes and hugged him again just to reassure herself that this was real "I love you so much."

"I love you too" Dave replied. He lifted the necklace and placed it around her neck. "I didn't know you felt this way, I'd have gone for an engagement ring.
I just didn't want you to feel pressured into being in a relationship with me that's why I chose this. No strings attached if you said no plus it reminds me of you."

"It's very beautiful. I love it, Thank you" Claire said running her fingers over the adornment.

"Not half as beautiful as you are" Dave replied. "I love you, Claire."

She lunged herself into his arms, hugging him tightly..... "I love you too...."




Previous episodes

Game Changer #1..

Game Changer #2..

Game Changer #3..

Game Changer #4..

Game Changer #5..

Game Changer #6..

Game Changer #7..

Game Changer #8..

And there we have it readers, the final episode of Game Changer. It's been quite a journey ....through friendship, betrayals, mistrust, love and laughter....and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as I did writing it. Thanks for keeping up with the story. Until next time.…love @bennyjay


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