in #story7 years ago


Dave locked his car behind him and moved towards Susan's apartment building. the lights were on in her apartment and from his vantage point, he could see a shadow moving behind the drawn curtains. He had come here straight from the office and after a stressful day at work that wasn't helped with his secretary fielding several calls from Susan, he really wasn't in the best mood to come see her.

However, here he was. It was long past time they had a little talk.

Susan had to understand that the fact they were seeing each other didn't give her the right to insult his staff whenever her wishes were not met. He understood she could act spoilt at times and he certainly indulged her in some cases but there was a limit to what he could accept.

He pressed the door bell and waited. When there was no answer he pressed it again. He was sure someone was in after all he'd seen the shadow move.

'Susan,' he called 'open the door. I know you're in there, we need to talk.'

Her voice answered him through the door 'Go away. I don't want to talk to you. You told your secretary to tell you were not available. I'm not available now, come back later.'

'Stop being childish and open the door. If my secretary told you I was not available, that was the truth. Today was busy as hell. Let me in so we can talk about it.' he said

Something hit the door from the inside. 'so you've joined your staff in insulting me. No problem. I like being childish so I'm not going to open the door. You can go to hell for all I care. How am I even sure you're not seeing another woman. you don't pick my calls nor take me out as you used to. All I get is one excuse after another. Go away. I don't want to see you'.


Dave let out a sigh 'i can see there's no reasoning with you tonight. I came here straight from work hoping we could talk and resolve some issues but it's a wasted effort on my part. I'm leaving. When you get tired of your tantrums and are ready to talk. Come find me. Goodnight.'
Without waiting to hear her response, he went back downstairs, got into his car and drove into the night.


Dave always met his buddy Sam at the club some week nights to relax and be relieved of the day's stress. Today was one of such nights. He had called Sam to meet him at the club after he'd left Susan's place in anger.

Dave and Sam were childhood friends and their friendship had continued over the years through college and matured into what they had now. They were best friends. They understood each other pretty well without having to say anything.


Growing up, the pair of them had been referred to as twins from different mothers. their friendship had also brought their families together resulting in a marriage between Sam's elder brother Ken and Dave's younger sister Vivian. As it was, they were not just friends but practically family. And Sam better understood more than anyone else his relationship with Susan.

He was on his third shot of whisky when Sam came in. 'Hey bro.' Sam patted his shoulder and sat down next to him at the bar. Being a week night, the club was less crowded and noisy than it normally was at weekends and it was at times like this they preferred to visit it.

'what's up? You sounded quite upset when you called. Work Stress? Or a more accurate guess... Susan stress..? He signaled the bar man and turned back to his friend. ' Spill it. Though from the amount of liquor you're consuming,

I'd say it was definitely Susan Stress. What has she done this time?.

Dave downed the contents of his glass before replying. 'honestly, I think I'm tired and fed up of my relationship with Susan.'

'Bravo bro' Sam cheered ' I could have told you that a long time ago. What happened to suddenly clear your vision.'

Dave shook his head. He could already feel the effects of the drink. He had no head for alcohol unlike Sam who could down a whole bottle of whisky and remain standing. 'there's nothing wrong with my vision. Susan created a huge scene and insulted my staffs today when they refused to let her into my office as I was in a meeting with the board. I don't know what she was thinking. I went over to her place just now so we could talk and she refused to let me in. I honestly don't know if I can go on with the relationship. If she's not causing scenes or being rude to someone, she's partying hard, being daddy's girl. Sometimes I wonder what I saw in her to begin with.'

Sam scratched his head 'well, she's very beautiful, rich and fun to be with. That could have been the attraction.'

'initially, yes. But of what use is beauty when the core is rotten.? I no longer enjoy spending time with her because all she wants is a good time. She doesn't want to know about my day, neither does she care if my business is doing well. We hardly converse, she keeps going on and on about the latest ride one of her friends bought, or the fashion show she needs to attend or what makeup and dress would go for what. Man, I'm seriously tired. It's time to define my future.'


'I agree with you on that' Sam said 'but I don't want you to make any rash decisions. Talk to her and give her another chance to change. She may come around. It's quite possible she's not aware she's doing all you said.'

Dave shook his head 'I have tried'

'I know.' Sam interupted him 'But try harder. At least once more. Then you can satisfy your conscience.' Sam well understood what his friend was going through. He wasn't particularly fond of Susan but what was a man to do if his best friend happened to be in love with the wrong woman.

Secretly, he was glad Dave was coming back to his senses but he also knew Dave was a slave to his conscience and would not be happy untill everything was properly resolved. Hence, his advise to go talk it out with Susan. Left to him, his friend was better off without Susan in his life. Whatever way it worked out, he had his friend's back.

.........To be continued

Original works by


Game changer is a new story featured on @airhawk-project.

It'll come in series/episodes and each series will be posted every three days with links to the previous episodes.

Please stay tuned for the next episode.....thank you

It takes a lot of guts to advice a friend against following a girl he loves even when you know the girl ain't worth it.

True.. but most times we have to watch out for our friends and that includes advising them against things that are likely to hurt them

Nice story..

Thank you pelvis


My moral lesson :
"Love is wicked" sang by a musician. lolz waiting for the next episode 😊

@bennyjay great job👏👏👏💯✔

Your warm visit on my post is most welcomed too @Airhawk-project 👊👊👊

Lol... Thank you udezee

I really like people to realize their mistake

Because talking a friend out of something sends different msgs

Sometimes friends can misunderstand your motives in advising them .... Be that as it may, i do believe we should never keep quiet and watch our friends make bad decisions

Nice story. I'm here with my popcorn and malt, patiently waiting for the part 2.

Thanks Paige...part 2 should be out later today. Please keep my share of the popcorn

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