Time for me to join the adoptaminnow Initiative

in #adoptaminnow7 years ago

Time for me to join the adoptaminnow Initiative

Got time for that.jpg
Sony A6500 47mm F5.6 1/250 ISO 400

One of our members in #thealliance, @brandyb, has brought to our attention something started recently by @whatsup. @whatsup decided to adopt @brandyb and show her support to help foster a positive experience here on Steemit.

@brandyb not only got adopted, but she ran with it and is spreading the adopt a minnow concept further and thought discussions on discord and posts the adoptaminnow is spreading, Her post here explains it better than I could

Joining the initiative

I have added my name to the list as a 'foster parent' as I think it's such a great idea. You can find several members from our family over there, take your pick! Most of them will have or are creating posts similar to this one, that outlines what kind of minnow (if they have a preference) they are looking to adopt. Now this is new to me, heck I am still a minnow but one who has been on here a while, and the adoptaminnow idea is new to me so bare with me, let me try and explain what I am looking for

About me

My main area of posts on Steemit is photography related but I do add a bit about the location or my feelings related to the photo, writing something exciting and or fun to read is not my forte, but is something I am working on.
I have become active or taking on leadership roles in a few communities including #steemusa and #thealliance and member in a few others.
I know a lot including me were first drawn to the site because of the ability to potentially earn something for your time on the site and content.
But what has drawn me into Steemit is the sense of community and great interactions that I have found and become a part of on here.
Great! Those are just the basics. Here is what I am looking for in a minnow to adopt, please read below.

My 'Ideal Minnow'

Well as I said I am new to this so not sure what I have to offer let alone what I want, but as this post is meant to be putting myself out for people to apply to be adopted by, I better add something to this section.
I guess it would be natural to ask for someone also into photography and that may be an idea but is not set in stone.

I think ideally I would be looking for someone who is interested in working to post original and good quality content, have genuine and honest interaction with others, and work to build the steemit community, and would look at once building up and ready to expand and adopt other newcomers and help the spread and growth of the Steemit Community.

What’s next

How do you apply to become my minnow?
That's the fun part! I want you to be creative. I like creative. If you want to be considered then I need you to write a post. In the post
answer these questions:
Why should I adopt you?
How will you be a supportive minnow?
Write a nice little blurb about someone you follow, I want to hear something nice about them
Use the tag #adoptaminnow

That's it! Then come into the comment section on this post and post your link. You have a week. My cut off for this will be Saturday, January 27th. I will make my decision and make a post about it the next day.

Thank You

Thank you for taking the time read my post here. I guess we'll see where it goes! If you would like for me to adopt you, please comment below and I'll check out your profile. Big props to @brandyb for expanding on @whatsup's initiative.

This clock is one I came across while walking around Brooklyn one morning and it caught my eye

Unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

steemusa is a growing Community for and supporting those from of in the United States,check out the latest post or join us on Discord

If your interested in thealliance Check out the latest posts Or Chat with us on in Gamma Syndicate of the alliance if you wish to join Gamma Syndicate on Discord**

JJ steemit banner w steemusa.jpg


Hi @tattoodjay! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0.02 SBD @tipU from @dswigle :)

Check out new tipuvote! feature :)

This is an awesome initiative and I am so glad to see people jumping on board!

Anyone who gets you is more than lucky!! Tip!

Upvoted and Resteemed

Thanks your always so supportive and I Am honored to have you as a friend

That goes both ways. Thank YOU.


Can I have him can I can I pretty please with a cherry on top?

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


YAY!!! I love the #adoptaminnow initiative. Having support on Steemit is crucial for newbies, and anyone choosing to devote time to being a foster parent here is AMAZING! There's so much to learn, and community is so important.

I keep wanting to tell my FB & Tweet-friends to jump ship and come to Steemit, but I want to have a really good grasp first so I can help them. (The one person I told about it said she was going cross-eyed looking at the FAQ.) But it isn't as confusing as I initially thought, and I'm having SO MUCH FUN! Someday soon I'll start taking friends by the hand and helping them start their Steemit adventure. When I do, I'll be introducing them to the family that has welcomed me with open arms.

((hugs to #thealliance))

I had to join it so many including me struggle when they first arrive having a helping hand may keep people here longer

Thanks 😎😎

I totally support this idea. I have felt like a papa to a few that I have personally brought over. Its a great feeling to help folks.

its a great initiative and it’s great if we can help new arrivals

Nice initiative, @tattoojay! I think you sell yourself short. You have a lot to offer a newbie.

Thanks mate so nice of you to say

right on bro for trying to help other people. much respect!

Thanks mate just trying to do my bit to help grow the community

Can I be your minnow? ;-)

Well I think we support each other and have been here about the same time 😎

I'd love to be someones Pepsi (Simpsons ref), and to have an adoptive parent with the name of tattoodjay would be super cool, @tattoodjay and @moonunit strike again! LOL

Today we learn something new - learned pepsi learned!

Following you either way Jay, nice pics in your feed. One of these days I'll get a decent camera and learn how to take some awesome shots.


Great Idea, when I get a few mins I might just right an entry,

Thanks I look forward to your post I checked your feed those ice patterns are cool

I have to say though I am not a Pepsi fan I am a Coca Cola guy myself butbyhats not a big issue

Cheers and have a great day

I only wish I had a better camera, although I mess a lot with different levels in hdr mode on my htc 10 and can get some... lets just say interesting results.

Lol ok now I understand the Pepsi lol

I like the sound of this. Finding someone who you believe brings value, and nurturing them, so that they grow into a long term Steemian. I'm kind of doing something similar in the writing community, but not to this degree - just finding talent to share and encourage. This sounds like a large step up from there. I applaud this initiative, and wish you - and your Padawan - well.

Thanks and yes I do similar in the communities I am in but I liked this idea so decided to sign on up for it

Someone who posts with honesty and integrity and brings value will be what I am looking for

Well I'll definitely keep an eye on this development. Very interested to see how it all progresses. I'm very curious about to adopt something like this myself in the future - so I will watch and learn.

Cool I hope it will all work well

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