My Actifit Report Card: October 8 2019 Roxanne -You don't have to put on the red light

in #actifit5 years ago (edited)

Roxanne -You don't have to put on the red light

This morning I was planning to head to Time Square to get some shots as the forecast was for the rain to stop at between 6 and & do I brought my tripod into the city, but the best laid plans of mice and men, as they say, when I got to the city it was a light rain and now forecast to stay that way till between 9 and 10, so instead I headed to the office, so not photo walk as such today but between meetings ad such I managed to get over my 7.5K step goal.

Todays theme I went or are street lights, but before getting to that writing the first paragraph made me think of two things.

  1. Why did I get into the Telecoms and IT field where everyone expects you to get it right every time, if the phone or network is down for even just 5 Minutes people are in an uproar, but if a weather forecaster gets it wrong, well that's just expected.
    and 2. What is the origin of the saying I use now and again ** the beat laid pains of mice and men**

Now I know it means no matter how well you plan something can and often may go wrong, but I didn't know or had forgotten the correct saying is The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry and is adapted from To a Mouse by Robert Burns who was a Scottish Poet, sometimes referred to s the National Poet of Scotland and lived from 1759 to 1796.

And the Full wording as originally written is

The best laid schemes o' mice an' men Gang aft a-gley, An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain For promis'd joy.
And if your wondering about the start of this post you will have to read on and see why I went for Roxanne.

And onto Street Lights Starting with a couple of shots of Street Lights Lamps I have seen around the city, I don't know why I am always looking at them and getting shots of the Street Lights and lamps, but maybe I could say that about many things :)

This first one is on one of the buildings in the Tudor City area

1 Street Lamps.jpg

Sony A7iii 90mm F9 1/60 Sec ISO 160
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And this next one I think is along Sutton Place also in Midtown East

1 Street Lamps2.jpg

Sony A7iii 90mm F9 1/60 Sec ISO 125
Click here to view larger

I took a few shots on my walks today and here they are

This first shot is when I came out of Grand Central Terminal, it was still fairly dark and the street Lamps caught my eye and led to all of todays shots


iPhone XS
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Just down the street I spotted more lamps and additional light bing added by the flashing lights of the Police car, which is what brought up the title for tonights post, when I saw the red lights flashing (although I did this shot in Mono) I thought of the Police Song Roxanne, which has a line Roxanne you don't have to put on the red light


iPhone XS
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Now I liked the last shot better in mono than color, even if it had the reds and blues of the Police car lights, but for this next shot I went with a closer in shot of a street light which has some reds from the police lights.


iPhone XS
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Now the first few shots are of fancy or stylish street lights but some are more functional such as these under some scaffolding I passed by today


iPhone XS
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Now back to more stylish lamps, one in color, which is kind of cool, but also kid of Creepy with the dogs head coming out of the wall in the background


iPhone XS
Click here to view larger

And one in Mono


iPhone XS
Click here to view larger

And here is a link to the song i mentioned

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.


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Daily Activity,Moving Around Office,Walking


So many different designs, material used to manufacture whether ornate or for good purpose, well photographed.

The Police song Roxanne was a big hit, another one from yesteryear.

Ohh yeah When I think of songs on my walks it seems always be ones from yesteryear I guess I am showing my age LOL

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Oh thanks I'll be singing that song all night, lol Too funny! As for the choice to work in technology...I really feel for you. Mr. Bird was in the same field for 30 demanding, and not appreciated. I feel your pain! Good reason to take walks, helps to keep you sane! Love these street lights, they are beautiful and I'm certain quite expensive. Great shots! Take care!

Thanks and sorry for the song in your head, not sure why I have got into adding them into posts lOL

I have been working in this field for coming up on 42 Years now, was easier back when it was radios, then phones added more expectations and not in the IT area it has to be everywhere all the time LOL

I love your streetlight collection, @tattoodjay. Beautiful! Thanks for that little cultural/literary lesson as well. I would not have been able to come up with that source!

Thanks and not sure about a lesson, my mind just wanders all over when I prepare a post, well always LOL

Nice shots! I really need to get over to that Tudor area next time I visit the city. It looks like the architecture and finishes are really cool!

Posted using Partiko Android

It is a cool little area to explore :) Maybe if its another grey damp day tomorrow and I don't get out for a morning walk I will head there again :)

Some cool lights, That first one is a tiny bit like the one I made in Metal Shop in High School, or I should say the one I made in Metal Shop in High School was sort-of kind-of like that one, but not with as much of a fancy top. I did have fancy sides and bottom edging though.

Thats so cool you made one in shop in High school, I never did anything like that myself, but I am not that handy with work like that so it nmay be a good thing

We had a nice High School, I'm not sure if they even have shop in High Schools any more.

I remember we had a woodwork shop but not a metal work one, mind you that was a long time ago LOL

Hey stranger! I've been a bit busy offline, but just found something new going on with TipU, and thought of you! First off,

@tipu curate

Upvoted 👌

Hi there I hope a good sort of busy 👍
Thanks fir the Curate I just went and read about it an interesting development for sure

I like them !

The first two close ups are super nice. A few down, I like the long sconce-like one on the side of the building.

What is that saying, something like "Live is what happens while you are making plans"

The world twirls and we think we are going to plan.... and decide what is going to happen. Sometimes it does, but sometimes there are plan mine fields scattered about that like to blow up you plans when you least expect it.

Gotta luv those.

(no you don't)

Thanks for your visit
Actually for the most part where I can I like to go with the flow where I can so that way I don’t get to frustrated when as they often do initial plans go astray as for Times Square it will be there for another day
Weather wise today would be good but I did something to my ankle last night and I have no idea what just got up off my chair and it was hurting when I walk or move it in a certain way and still the same this morning so will probably take it easy today


Okay, now I'm giving this a shot. Still not sure I'm doing this the right way, but this post will give you more information about the new TipU Curation Project -

@tipu nominate

Thanks again I just read up on it and not sure I understand it all yet but it’s still early lol
Thanks for nominating me 👍😎👍

Great photos. !tip

Thanks and thanks for the tip

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