Day 28 Water Fast Update.

in #health7 years ago


Me at all time high of 235lbs. I started water fast at 215lbs

Long week. I had pretty much a healing crisis for the entire week. I started feeling nauseous on Saturday and throwing up bile about once a day. Just did it again writing about it right now lol. What is good about this is this statement from Herbert Shelton (water fast expert) Shelton quote of which I'll highlight some key points here:

"The liver, among other things, is an organ of elimination. The products it takes from the blood are made into bile and poured out as such. When the sick man fasts the liver greatly increases the production of bile and this is poured into the intestine. The quantity and character of bile secreted during a fast as well as its degrees of alkalinity or possible acidity seem to be dependent upon the toxic overload under which the patient is struggling. Habitual hearty eaters, particularly those who consume large quantities of proteins and carbohydrates, produce the most bile and suffer most discomfort as a result.

Observations upon thousands of fasting cases have convinced me that the sooner the "over-production" of bile commences, after the cessation of eating, and the more bile is thrown off, the more rapidly the patient recovers his or her health. The patient is cleaning out. It is doubtful if such bile would have much value as a digestive fluid. In many cases, at least, its alkalinity is greatly reduced and it may even be slightly acid at times. When vomited it ranges in color from almost that of water, having but little bile pigment in it, to very dark. It often has a very offensive odor, not an odor of decay, and is commonly mixed with large amounts of mucus, this latter coming largely from the stomach, no doubt. Such bile must be considered as almost wholly a product of the excretory function of the liver. The secretory function is probably at rest like that of the glands which secrete digestive juices."

So in Shelton's view, the bile is an excretion from the liver of the rubbish that the liver extracts from the blood which is dumped into the intestine but often winds up getting into the stomach from which it is vomited out.

My weight is at 177lbs currently from a starting point of 215 ish. I have done myself no favors in my previous lifestyle, heavy drinking, drugs, over eating, lack of exercise you name it my body took a beating thanks to me. I really am moving towards a mostly raw food diet maybe 80% 20% , there are thing I enjoy that are cooked that I am not yet willing to think of giving up. Who knows maybe one day.

Up to this week everything was very smooth, this week tested me a little but I think (and hope) the worst is over. I do not want to discourage anyone from water fasting when I mention how difficult this week was, this information is to make you aware that you are not dying when you feel sick while fasting and to continue on because the sick feeling will go away and leave you FAR healthier. Sorry for the short post and I will update on my final 40th day hopefully with a video. PEACE


About Me
My name is David Hicks. I think many of my beliefs are considered not so "normal" to the majority, and I envision a day when that will not be the case. I love people and life and look forward to this new age of knowledge that is just beginning to take hold. Please join me on investigating the ENDLESS wonders of a world that, up until I left the SLAVE SYSTEM, I never had the time or energy to appreciate. Life is BEAUTIFUL .

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Previous Day 19 Water Fast Update:

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Flat Earth Debunked or was it?


Holy smokes man!!!! You’re my hero! I’m doing a juice fast and I thought it was tough. My dream is a 40 day water fast. How long are you going for?

Great job!!! I’m proud of you.🙏🏼😌

Here is a link to my progress pic at 9 day’s juice fast. Today is day 12 for me.💪🏼😅


Healing can be an ordeal but its outcomes are so worth it! It has been a while since I voluntarily did any fasting but In the past year I have caught myself forgetting to eat for a few days. I'll have to give the water/ juice type fasts a look they seem like an interesting approach. @zoomtruth do you add meditation along with your fasting?

I have been too tired this past week to do anything, even tv is too much. I think it is difficult for me because I was so polluted for so long. I may be through the worst, I have puked every day for the last 7 days but today I am feeling quite a bit less nausaus. I am sure I am healing myself which is very exciting.

TV is always to much. The Brainwashing becomes extra toxic during a fast. :) I'm proud of you Brother.

Thats awesome! Your healing journey will reach a well earned conclusion. Keep up the good work and stay strong.

How are you feeling today?

Hey Anthony, I love to hear that you are taking control of your health also! In my mind it is easier to stop eating altogether, as you know I am sure, when you stop eating your digestion turns off pretty much completely. I am POSITIVE I am no stronger than anyone who wants to get healthy.

I want to go 40 days and it looks like I will at this point. They say that the most amount of healing occurs in the last 10 days of a 40 day water fast (if you need it), so we will see soon!

Stay strong on your juice fast, you WILL BE REWARDED! And remember- we cannot go back to the poison that got us here! PEACE- Dave

I will stay strong thank you! I’m glad to have come across your post. Thank you for sharing and for the great information!! Now I’m thinking my 30 day water fast can easily turn into 40. Please keep posting progress and updates! The world needs to know all about fasting and the healing that comes with it. You are a shining of example of what is possible.💪🏼🤩⭐️

Thanks, seriously everyone here is so kind and inspiring I am not sure I would have made it without posting.

I’m loving Steemit!!! The positivity here is out of this world. It’s a whole different energy here. I posted my fasting post, hoping to connect with more powerful people like yourself and BOOM. Blockchain magic✨

Following @anthonygigital1

I am so proud! 😊

Although most people commented on the weight loss, there are tremendous health benefits that you will derive from this.
Keep it up!

100%. That i why I really want to go 40 days, MAXIMIZE the entire body CLEANOUT! (including my brain!)

Well, I think the sick feeling one gets while fasting is due to a lack of energy gotten from food. Water is a good purifier and it should be taken with a whole lot of generosity. Keep living healthy because good health is the wealth you need to enjoy wealth.

First - let me just say the Cheez-it's on the refrigerator in the first picture made me crack up. Second - Wow - I'm so impressed by your commitment! Third - Please listen to your body. You've done some amazing healing thus far, please don't put your health at risk - vomiting makes me worry. You can always re-feed (healthfully) then fast again after a few weeks of re-feeding. I'll be following your journey! In Peace, Love and Health - T

@tamala Thanks for all your concern. Everything is going fine and vomiting bile is part of the process for sick people such as myself. Sorry for the late response, I have been exhausted for last few days. Feeling better today though so fingers crossed puking part is OVER!

Glad you're feeling better! Fingers crossed!

Wow! Are you going through a lot emotionally? I have fasted for up to 36 hours, and it makes me look at everything so differently!

Very cool, it has done the same for me- no more more milk, cheese or fat for me!

Much respect my man! Stick with it, you got this. It’s not easy but focus on your plan and keep the course.

We all support you.

Thanks and you are correct, I just stay focused! Peace-Dave

OMG That is great! My friend just did a 20 day water fast and really transformed inside and out.. Makes me want to try it myself but Im too into fitness right now

have u considered intermittent fasting? its great if you are constantly working out!

@cyb3rcrypto I have done intermittent but my eating was not right. I am moving to 80% raw when finished I hope.

May god help you..

He inspires me.

Watch some vids on youtube when you are ready, lots of knowledgeable people. Also check out distilled water (andrew webber), very very important, I think.

This requires lots of discipline. Keep it up, David!

@mirella Thanks! First few weeks were not hard, this last week was a bit of a test bt I made it! Everyone here really helps inspire me, AMAZING!

I really like this post zoomtruth! keep it up!

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