Thank you, Bill Gates, for killing my son by your vaccination

in #health6 years ago (edited)

On 2/09/2014, Yagoub Mosaab was born.
Everyone was happy with him and everyone loved him because he seemed so handsome and so clever...
He was a source of happiness in the house, everyone loves to play with him and some love to make him cry...
Everything was normal even he became 16 months old, strange symptoms appeared on him, his eyes stopped, he could not stand then total paralysis...
I felt a lot of fear for him... I took him to doctors and they all didn't know what happened to him.
This lasted for more than a month then Mosaab returned to normal and he became walking and speaking naturally.

All those symptoms vanished from him until we forgot that he was sick...
He became playing with children in the street. loves running, football and love animals and everything became very normal...

But after a year... When he became more than two years old, the same symptoms returned again ... Stop walking, talking than paralysis total...
I took him to the hospital where was under intensive care in the neurology department, Doctors did a lot of medical tests, and eventually, they found out that there was inflammation in his brain, but they didn't know the cause of the inflammation.
This lasted for two months, then Moussab returned to his normal condition and all the inflammation from his brain disappeared... He started walking and moving but hardly...

On 16 June 2018, the same symptoms returned but it was more severe.
Everything in his body stopped and there was involuntary movement in his hands, feet, and sometimes all his body. Just crying and can't tell me where the pain is... Because he cannot speak or move...
He became in a very bad condition, his face changed then his feet and hands were mutilated...
I thought he would inevitably die....

I took him into the hospital, but there's nothing new in the hospital. All the neurologists around him but no one knows what happened to him...
They gave him some sedatives to make him stop involuntary movements and then they did a lot of medical examinations and returned to the same result: encephalitis.but this time it is more intense...
Mosaab stayed in the hospital for three months and when I felt that they would not be able to cure him.i asked to take out him from the hospital and bring him in the home...

Everything changed for me and my wife...
We live a very sad life...
A life close to death...
Days like water. No taste no smell...just forced to live it
But I did not lose hope...

I asked the hospital management to give me a comprehensive medical report about my son's condition .i waited a month to get the report and found in the report that The diagnosis of ADEM (acute disseminated encephalomyelitis) is the most probable.
I searched on the internet about this disease. the result was shocking for me... A very serious disease. thought to be due to vaccines. I made sure of this when I checked the health file of Mosaab and found that he was exposed to this disease less than a month after the vaccine was taken.....

On occasion, ADEM occurs after a vaccination. This is rare overall, but when it happens, it usually occurs after the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination. In these cases, ADEM may occur up to 3 months after the vaccination.

"ADEM also attacks the nerves of the central nervous system and damages their myelin insulation, which, as a result, destroys the white matter. It is often triggered after the patient has received a viral infection or, perhaps exceedingly rarely specific non-routine vaccinations."

Most cases of ADEM begin about 7 to 14 days after an infection or up to three months following a vaccination. In some cases of ADEM, no preceding event is identified.


Now I want to catch any thread of hope. I don't want to lose hope...
The only solution for me is to take my son abroad...

I thought about migrating to any country and then treating my son in it, but all countries impose very strict laws on us to enter their territory...
I must prove that I am able to speak English or get a contract of employment... This is impossible because no company in the world can employ a person who lives in Algeria and does not speak fluent English...

Then I thought about creating a fundraising campaign, although this solution made me feel some humiliation, there's nothing else to do for my son.....
I found only two sites where I can create a fundraising campaign... I have created a campaign but no one can donate me... I think because I am not American, Canadian or German.....

Now I've thought of relying on Steemit because everyone here has believed in freedom like me and believe in peace like me and can help restore my son's life.


My dear brother; Words will never ease the pain that I know you are working hard to express. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I encourage you to continue to write about it so that others can 'see' what the establishment is doing to us all. These issues have been around for years and all over the world, in every country. There is a program to wipe out 90% of us and you are not alone in the anguish and pain that you are feeling. May Spirit give you strength to stand up against tyranny and give a voice to your son who has none. May Creator bless you all.

Thank you, brother... @wwf
You always feel me as if you live with me...
Yes, I live in a storm of sorrows but make sure, I will never give up... I will do everything for my son even if this is against the largest and strongest authoritarian institutions in the world because I am sure that God is with me.....
I planned to write here... Because here I can find hearts that can hear me, can help me and can feeling me... peace to you

I am so sorry for what you are going through.
It breaks my heart and it gets me so mad at the same time that we rely on the medical fields/doctors etc to help us and heal us and instead it is killing our children and us.

You are all in my prayers and how can I donate to you. Can I just send some steem to you? Will that work?

I don't imagine what you are going through, but please don't lose hope, dear friend. Only God can help and he does miracles everyday and I pray for yours.

Sometimes, the feeling of someone like you on our side makes us stronger... Your words are the best that can help me... Thank you very much. Dear

That is the least I can do, even though it feels hopeless since I really can't do nothing to help during this scary and terrifying time of your life.
I'm thinking of you and praying for your family.

I can't help you with sending money to donate but if it helps I would love to send steem or SBD's if that helps. So please let me know.

Thank you very much.@joalvarez..
I appreciate your support so much.....
I told you before: your comment and your words are more precious than anything and they are the best help you can give me because you make me continue my way to fulfill my dream...

wow this story is so sad. I am so sorry for the pain you and your family are suffering. I hope that one day things will be better. reading this made me thankful for what I have. dont lose hope.

Thank @paulag
.. I appreciate your support and your words... I'm not going to lose hope. I will do everything to save my son and warn people of the risk of vaccination...

@yagoub my dear brother i am so sorry for this painful suffering to your family. My heart and soul aches for you in effort to lessen your struggle if even for a fleeting moment. I pray you are able to find fast complete healing for your beautiful precious son. I wish i could offer more than my message of hope. Please take good care of yourself and your family while you endure this tumultuous journey. Please never give up. With love and wishes of miraculous blessings. Big virtual hugs, Jill ❤

When I find people like you with me... I never give up and the surrender cannot find a place in my heart...
Thanks to you.@yogajill

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