WITNESS VOTING - DID YOU Vote for Witnesses ? Why Not ?

in #witness6 years ago

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source @abh12345
I have written mostly about how we as minnows need to support each other . Help in making our posts and engagement better to maximize our experience here on Steemit . To build a foundation of your own that will sustain your work here on Steemit . After all this is work and you will reap what you sow .

Over the past month I have been involved with @thedarkhorse with Pay It Forward curation contest that he set up as a weekly contest to help minnows get some support . A team effort by @energyaddict @erodedthoughts and @lynncoyle1 . The results is that Payitforward feature 600+ posts now over the last 7 weeks . This is not enough and you, we must go a step further.

Witness voting is something that us minnows have not been involved in and one that we must consider . This is an area that I have been struggling with . Getting information on how one is to cast their votes is only second to who we should cast are vote too . After all we do not run in their circles . I myself have only been in contact with two witnesses that I know of . Both who help minnows . @guiltyparties who helps minnows recover/ and or work with hacked accounts and works with Military Veterans on Steemit . The second is @abh12345 who helps not only minnows but those who help minnows . One way he does this is with a weekly post The Curation and Engagement That comes out every Sunday .

It is our responsibility being the majority in this community to vote for the people who we intrust to keep this platform running in a smooth manner . Not only in a smooth manner but in the right direction . That is where we come in . We could in a sense change the status quo into a system that benefits all . Not only does your vote have that kind of impact but not voting keeps the status quo in place . I urge you to use your votes in a manner that will improve not only this platform but your fellow minnows and yourself .

@abh12345 post stated "Accounts classed as a 'minnow or smaller' make up the vast majority of accounts not voting for any witnesses," This should be an eye opener for each of us .
I recommend you read his post Who holds the VESTS that are not voting for Witnesses? I read his post and it compleded me to do this artical in support . I also resteamed it . Voting is that important and to the right people is critical .

If you are like me , how to vote and who to vote for is a complicated issue . I proxied my vote until I got a better understanding of it . I recommend you do the same . Find a person that has your interest at heart and let them vote your proxy vote until you gain enough insite to vote on your own .

Just because someone is in the top 50 doesn't mean that they are looking out for your interest . You can follow the crowd , the fake news or you can take the time to research on your own to come to the correct decision . Ask the question and see the response you get or not get .


I will put out a list of those who I voted for here under the witness tab for those who don't know how to look it up . (its public information)



Some must-witnesses for me are @curie and @themarkymark, I don't even think that the curie vote and the buildawhale have to be commented. Thank you for your article, I'm always looking for some good witnesses to vote and will surely check @abh12345 ! Congrats also for the growth of your worthy curation project.

Thanks big team effort going on there
I didn't think about @themarkymark have to add him . I seen some of his work a while ago . thanks for the info. Check out @abh12345 but I not sure that's his witness name because he is doing it as a partnership . I wrote it down before but a dog ate my note . have to find that out again

I think @abh12345's witness account is @steemcommunity, with @paulag.

This is correct, thank you :)

Markymark is doing a lot against abuses and plagiarism .. plus he replies and he's a human witness, had a recent experience about it. Your efforts are under the eyes of everyone, keep up the good work.

I found that I continued to put my witness votes on the back burner, waiting for time to research them all! Then I got smart and made @abh123435 my proxy; I trust him 100% and I trust his vision of what steemit should be :)

yes I did to . It seems to be one of the last things we do or learn . I am going to dedicate this week to it . I proxeyed mine to @thedarkhorse and that was just before you mentioned about it the last time (couple weeks ago)

Thanks for the positive mention @wolfhart, just for clarification to other visitors, my witness (partnered with @paulag) is @steemcommunity. Cheers!

I have a feeling that most of the new accounts don't know about this aspect of Steemit. So it is really a topic that needs to be constantly surfaced.

I didn't and really did not pay that much attention to it

Congratulations! You have been recognized as an outstanding member of the #greetersguild by @terminallyill, the creator of the #greetersguild! I will continue to upvote your posts until I reach 7.5 SBD worth of total upvotes on your posts!

That being said…


The ground shakes as incredible power lights the sky. The thunder tests the quality of your post and deems it worthy, rewarding it with a 300% upvote, comment and resteem from @thundercurator.

Increase your chances of a 100% upvote and support the project by:

Investors who delegate SP to @thundercurator are entitled to 75% of @thundercurator income after curation. Get on-board early and grow with us!

I've been slowly picking through the witnesses and voting for the ones I think fit the best. I'm not in a hurry to finish, though, and I feel like I may end up changing votes as either witnesses fall out, make statements or moves that I don't agree with, or others step up and join the fray. So, it's going to be a fluid, ongoing thing.

The problem is, since it's based on MVests (or we could just go with what we know and say high SP), those with higher SP control who will be among the Top 20 witnesses, much like they control everything else here.

So, I think it's important that we know where people stand, take our time to choose who we want, but know that it's going to take a lot more than our vote to get the witnesses we've voted for who are not in the Top 20 onto that list, which means patience, our own SP growth, and a lot of help. :)

I agree it will be fluid and an ever changing issue with changing votes . The minnows who have not voted can not put anyone in the top 20 , that is true but combined with what is already out there can shake up the standings .
I have the patience and have been putting a lot of effort towards plantons and minnows . They can as a team have an impact on the witness standings . The 1st step is always the hardest and the most important . Get them to vote or proxy their vote . A vote wasted is also a vote casted . Most of the new people have no idea about witnesses let alone voting for witnesses . just like the dust votes . At least it's out in the open and discussed and now we have @dustsweepers
I like you look forward to the future here as our SP and Vest grows . One step at a time .

I think this is the place to give a shoutout to @socky, the tireless promoter of Steem/SBD.

I hope more orcas like you will vote for Witnesses who will ultimately benefit the blockchain. The Top 20 hold the keys to make important changes of how everything functions.

Someone of your stature needs to be involved in this politic. If not for the social aspect, for the investment aspect.

I will look at @sockey . Thank you for pointing him out . Yes the top 20 do hold the keys . It is us who put them there in that position . We need to be accountable for that .

I hope more orcas like you will vote for Witnesses who will ultimately benefit the blockchain. Someone of your stature needs to be involved in this politic.

I am just a minnow like most of us with a small Steemit stature . :) I will and am involved and will continue to help wherever and whenever I can .

Thank you for your comment and recommendation I will look into it

Oh man! Sorry for the confusion. I meant to direct that at @socky, who is doing a lot of promotional work for Steem, but he is not involved with voting as an orca.

If you want some recommendations, I would head over to


or the post I wrote here


I went and looked at both links . some very good examples on your post :)
thanks this will help me out in promoting witness voting but my voting also

Wow the situation is even rougher than I first though! :( Time to get it in gear. Thanks for the reminder.

Its an area that we all put off . mostly because we are all learning the basics of the platform . I to am as guilty as everyone else and took the lazy way out and proxy my vote . Which is better than not voting . :) Thank you

@wolfhart Very true. Sometimes I wonder if I should just vote the others in the meantime until I figure it out.

You can find someone you trust and proxy your vote . That's what I did for weeks . currently I have 21 witness that I have voted for . having problems with the last nine :) 30 votes is a lot . it should be cut down . so voting for what you know now then increase it over time is a prudent thing to do :)

@wolfhart I won't dare proxy my vote. But I'm doing more to find the remaining witnesses.

@omitaylor nothing wrong to proxy . when you remove the proxy the votes come back to you to cast as you wish and removed from the witness your proxy voted for . I did this until I got a better understanding of who the witness are and what they do
you can also cast as you go along you don't have to vote for all 30 at the same time

Hey @omitaylor :) I just wasn't finding the time to research all of my witnesses, but I did however know @abh12345 and I fully trust that his vision of steemit is very much like mine. So I asked him if he would be my proxy and of course he said yes. He also is very transparent with his choices and any questions I've had about them, he's been awesome about answering them. Just an option for you. He's also told me several times that if I ever decide to want to take my vote back, it's no problem to do that either.

I know absolutely zilch about witnesses and voting for them, so I find this article absolutely essential.

Before I issue a proxy for someone to select witnesses on my behalf, I'd like to know how to recall the proxy. Could you shed some light?

The "set proxy" button changes to "remove proxy " .
I have used it and it works instantly when removing your proxy .
Happy voting :)

Awesome! Thanks for the assistance!
One often hears tales about abuse of power - so best to to know your exit strategy before you enter into something...

I agree . have to know what happens when you get out of something and if there is a penalty or cooldown period

For the minnows it takes lots of time to understand how this platform works. Understanding about the concept of witness and why we should vote for a witness is going to take some time. Being here for about 160 days, I still have lots of gray area regarding witness.

I have upvoted only the witness I know personally doing great things for the community.

For the minnows it takes lots of time to understand how this platform works. Understanding about the concept of witness and why we should vote for a witness is going to take some time.

You are absolutely right . !!!!!! That is one reason I wanted to bring it into a conversation . We will not have a 100% correct vote casted and we will have to change it as time goes by . But at least we are talking about it and getting it out in the open where at least some are thinking about it .

Yes, that is definitely true. I would not have known about something called steem witness if I had not seen a post about it. So it is good that we are talking about it and discussing the significance of voting.