My Actifit Activity Log [11.08.2018] #HighFiveFriday

in #actifit6 years ago (edited)


Today Is * High-Five * Friday!

As you all know by now I've been thinking about how we all can increase engagement and positivity throughout @Actifit and SteemIt. I believe I have hit upon an idea that I would like to try!

On Friday's I will be making a focused effort to read as many @Actifit Activity posts as I possibly can! I'm going to give an upvote and comment with a digital high-five on all the posts that inspire and motivate me to GO OUT MY DOOR AND MEET NEW PEOPLE!

Anyone who, in turn, upvotes and comments with a high-five on this post will be entered in a random draw for 5 Steem! That’s 5 for a high-five!

I will be announcing who won this random draw on my next @Actifit Activity post the following day! [Friday Night]

With the 2nd #AutomaticWin Step Challenge in full swing [COUNT DOWN] let’s not forget the last #AutomaticWin Step Challenge’s Top 10!

#AutomaticWin Step Challenge TOP 10 WINNERS!

  • 1st Place - @practicaleric 231,169 STEPS -> REWARD: [35 Steem] [350 Actifit Tokens] [35% upvote from @Actifit]
  • 2nd Place - @wil.metcalfe 199,095 STEPS -> REWARD: [20 Steem] [200 Actifit Tokens] [20% upvote from @Actifit]
  • 3rd Place - @amico 168,000 STEPS -> REWARD: [10 Steem] [100 Actifit Tokens] [10% upvote from @Actifit]
  • 4th Place - @danmaruschak 147,208 STEPS -> REWARD: [5 Steem] [50 Actifit Tokens] [5% upvote from @Actifit]
  • 5th Place - @nasarakbar 107,903 STEPS -> REWARD: [5 Steem] [50 Actifit Tokens] [5% upvote from @Actifit]
  • 6th Place - @silverfoxx 86,285 STEPS -> REWARD: [5 Steem] [50 Actifit Tokens] [5% upvote from @Actifit]
  • 7th Place - @yousafharoonkhan 85,668 STEPS -> REWARD: [5 Steem] [50 Actifit Tokens] [5% upvote from @Actifit]
  • 8th Place - @arrliinn 74,083 STEPS -> REWARD: [5 Steem] [50 Actifit Tokens] [5% upvote from @Actifit]
  • 9th Place - @roger5120 42,827 STEPS -> REWARD: [5 Steem] [50 Actifit Tokens] [5% upvote from @Actifit]
  • 10th Place - 41,039 STEPS -> REWARD: [5 Steem] [50 Actifit Tokens] [5% upvote from @Actifit]

Please feel free to check out these people’s latest @Actifit activity and give them an upvote and a comment with a digital high-five! In addition, if you want to get even more motivated to make those steps happen then these are the people to follow!

As well! Nows the time to jump into the current #AutomaticWin Step Challenge! Curious? Find out more and read other @Actifit posts that participants are posting about the challenge by checking out the @AdventureReady account!

So to recap. Tomorrow I will be focusing on connecting with you all. I’ll be reading as many of your @Actifit posts as I can, up-voting, and commenting with a high-five on my favorites. Whoever comments and up-votes on this post will be entered into the High-Five Friday draw for 5 Steem! (To be rewarded the following day.)

Tomorrow’s going to be a good one! Keep following along with my posts to read the last post in the S.M.A.R.[T]. GOAL series where I will be discussing what the [T] means for setting effective S.M.A.R.[T]. GOALS!

See you bright and early on the @Actifit Discord everyone!

P.S. I'm usually hanging out on the @Actifit Discord first thing in the morning when I wake up. If you havn't checked it out yet, make sure you head over to there to live chat with the @Actifit team, other fantasic @Actifiters, and myself!


Oh! And here's my proof of #AutomaticWin!

If your curious click here to find out more about about who I am and my Beach Ready story.


  • Get 10,000 steps before 10am.
  • Take a screen shot of your @Actifit step count for proof of an #AutomaticWin.
  • At the end of the day post your proof of activity to the Steem blockchain with the @Actifit app as you normally would.
  • Include (along with the #Actifit hashtag) the #AutomaticWin hashtag and the screen capture proof you took when you got your 10,000 steps before 10am.

Congratulations! You have achieved an #AutomaticWin! Being intentional with your health means the rest of your day is now officially the bonus round! How sweet is that?!

Do any of you guys & girls want to join me in getting your own #AutomaticWin? Simply follow the steps above to join me! The more #AutomaticWin’s around the world the better all around!

💨10,000👟 + 10am⏱ = #AutomaticWin!💥🏅💥

Daily Activity,Walking


I hug you and give you a vigorous handshake 🤝 with joyful respect!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you for the vigorous handshake @amico! Handshakes & High-Fives!

Hey @wil.metcalfe some of your pictures from Wix are not rendering correctly. Take a look at the markdown, it should look like ![url of image]

Posted using Partiko iOS

Strange! Everything looks fine on my end! Is it the first picture? Second Picture? The strange thing is... I have found that if I'm viewing my posts from the esteem app it sometimes won't load the photo urls into the post correctly. But if I'm looking from the SteemIt or Busy platforms on my computer it looks as I intend it to.

Thanks for looking out for me! Your the man of the hour! :D High-Fives!

It might be isolated to @Partiko app. This is what I see for only 2 of the images.



That's so strange! Do me a favoure would you... Can you at some point check what this post looks like from

Image with your portrait looks good on Steemit. The 2nd one is an empty square.


hmmm! That's so strange! Well! I guess I'll keep an eye on this for my next post to see if it does the same thing... Thank you for checking into this from that end! I really appreciate this! :)

HIGH FIVE!! I love how enthusiastic and supportive you are to the Actifit community. You have made some comments on my posts that I have really appreciated. Congrats on being in the top 10 in the AutomaticWin challenge going on this week!

Thank you for your kind words @blueeyes8960! Let's all keep this energy going! I'm really excited to find out our top 10 winners! I know that everyone has really worked hard! And like you said the other day... Anyone getting their steps in is already a winner! (Especially if they managed an #AutomaticWin!) Thank you for the High-Fives!

Ahoooy!!! It's Friday again. I love it coz it's my day off. Haha.

Hope everyone is having an actifantastic day. Goo for an #automaticwin. I'll just cheer you on for today as i just missed mine. 😅it's already 10.27am my part of the world.

High fives peoples!!! 👐

Posted using Partiko Android

hahaha! Hi @arrliinn! I was wondering where you were off to! I know those chocolates can be tempting... But at least you got a couple #AutomaticWin's this week! :D High-Fives!

Oh dear! I've been slacking @wil.metcalfe 😅

Yeah, 2 #automaticwin's so far. I hope to make it 3 tomorrow. Gotta burn those extra loads of calories i had recently. 🍝🍕🍗🍤🍫

Posted using Partiko Android

Congrats on providing Proof of Activity via your Actifit report!
You have accordingly been rewarded 67 AFIT tokens for your effort in reaching 19753 activity, as well as your user rank and report quality!
You also received an 7.60% upvote via @actifit account.
Actifit reward structure has changed recently, and the new rewards and upvotes are based on your:

  • User rank: which depends on your delegated SP, accumulated AFIT tokens, rewarded post count and recent rewarded activity.
  • Post score: which depends on your activity count, post content, post upvotes, quality comments, moderator review and user rank.

To improve your user rank, delegate more, pile up more AFIT tokens, and post more.
To improve your post score, get to the max activity count, work on improving your post content, improve your user rank, engage with the community to get more upvotes and quality comments.

Actifit is now a Steem Witness. If you believe in our project, consider voting for us

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TGIF @wil.metcalfe and what a great high five Friday I am having. Still pushing on with the automaticwin challenge. Let's keep stepping 👍👏😀

Posted using Partiko Android

Well! Guess what @practicaleric! You the winner of this weeks #HighFiveFriday! I just sent you 5 for a 5! And hey! We are only about 3 hours away from finishing up the #AutomaticWin Step Challenge! I'm so excited to see who our top 10 are this week! Everyone has really poured themselves into the challenge! I'm thrilled! You got 50,000 steps yesterday Eric!? Nice going! Those are some seriously AWESOME numbers!

Thank you for the 5 steem, I am really grateful. Big high five and hug from me😀🔥

You all have been so amazing! I'm so impressed with all the personal bests this week! I'm feeling A LOT better now (95%) so I think I'm going to go for a personal best on Saturday! I can't let all of you guys and girls run off with the prize that easy! hahahaha!

So! Question! How do you like my daily updates from the @AdventureReady account! I have the TOP 10 loaded into the bar bellow the top banner. I'm wondering if the daily update has contributed to the competitive stepping we are seeing? Or perhaps it's just a perfect storm of steps this time around!

Keep on stepping Eric! :D High-Fives!

I like the top 10 bar below the banner. It’s a nice touch!

Posted using Partiko iOS

The daily updates from @adventureready have been amazing. They have made it more competitive as everyone can see their performance and where they stand. This time the competition is stiff I must confess, let's wait and see how it ends up 💪😀

Posted using Partiko Android

Great! Thanks for the feedback and @practicaleric! I'm glad the day by day step update has been adding to the #AutomaticWin experience! That's what I was going for! More great things to come! :D

@practicaleric: It has been competitive hasn't it!? hahaha! I'm really glad people have been stepping up with their #AutomaticWin's and personal bests! As a personal trainer I couldn't ask for better energy! :D

Howdy there @wil.metcalfe and all Actifitters. I’m glad to be a part of this Actifit group, slowly assimilating and getting to know what everyone loves to do for fitness. It’s wonderful to be around with people who loves to promote good healthy lifestyle through fitness and wellness. Big High Fives to everybody 🖐👐🖐👍🏃‍♀️🏃🏽‍♂️

Posted using Partiko iOS

I'm glad to be a part of this group as well @roger5120! It has been so good getting to know all of you as well! Thank you for dropping by with so many kind words this week! You are the best! :D

Hello there wil.metcalfe. Yes, I can sense and see your deep involvement in this program, which is great and fantastic. I also sense that you're very much well liked by's wonderful to get to know others who enjoy doing some or few things that are similar.

Thank you as well. I hope to get to know you and others more.

Oh, I'm not sure about being the best, I just want to be me, but thank you that is very kind of you.

Have a wonderful night.

Congratulations @wil.metcalfe! You have achieved an #AutomaticWin, a 100% up-vote, and a re-steem from @AdventureReady! 11,977 steps before 10am and 19,753 steps by end of day is GREAT!

Being intentional with your health really pays off doesn't it!? It also means that the rest of your day was officially the bonus round! How sweet is that?!

By the way! Here at @AdventureReady we believe that the more #AutomaticWin’s around the world the better all around so don't forget to tell your friends all about how you made those steps happen this morning!

💨10,000👟 + 10am⏱ = #AutomaticWin!💥🏅💥.

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