SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #29

in #steemworld6 years ago (edited)


This post is intended to cover the server costs for and to enable me to continue my development in the future.

In case you missed the first part:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1


Dieser Post ist dafür gedacht die Serverkosten für zu decken und mir in Zukunft weitere Entwicklungen zu ermöglichen.

Falls du den ersten Teil verpasst haben solltest:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1


I'm in the final steps of finishing the first version of the Post Editor and it's exciting to write my weekly post with it today. It's hard to estimate exactly when the editor will be ready to be used, but I think the testing phase can begin within the next 2-3 days.

After writing thousands of lines of code, optimizing the layout and drawing many button images in the past week, I do feel a bit exhausted, but at the same time I'm more convinced than ever before that this will be a really amazing toolbox for creating and editing our Steem posts in a very comfortable and intuitive way.

As many times before, the journey has been the goal without having an exact target destination for each day. My focus was just concentrated on realizing the next few steps, never on the whole mountain which I need to move. That makes creating new things easier, because there are no limits in my head stopping me from building the impossible.

The editor comes with features for exporting/importing posts and syntax templates in JSON format. Even if I just began to use it for the first time, I already love it. I now have a directory 'steem' on my PC which contains two sub directories 'posts' and 'templates' to be able to access my text and logo snippets in an easy way.


Here is a preview of the editor's post data form:

General Data


In this section it will be possible to setup beneficiaries for our post. The account will automatically be set with 10% (percentage may change in future).

I've planned to use that account for receiving beneficiary rewards without ever making a Powerdown from there, so that it will grow over time and it can later be used to give SteemWorld users a vote on their posts in return.

Adding a beneficiary for a post:

The maximum value of the percentage slider in this case is set to 65%, because 35% are already used for other accounts.


There is not much to see in here yet, but I needed a place for adding additional post related tools and I think an extra tab is a good solution for all things to come:

I created this kind of image buttons, so that users can easily understand what the meaning of the smaller buttons inside the syntax input area is (there is no space for additional text on the syntax editor buttons. More details will be released in my next post).

Just a small addition to show what I mean

The same export/import functionality will be available in the syntax editor box for importing and exporting templates with a click:

I won't describe all the buttons and possibilities in this post, because I first want to change a few things in the coming days. A few buttons on the left side of the syntax editor must go and they will only be reachable via the context menu that shows up when clicking on the '<>' button. More on this soon.

Testers needed

As I've planned to begin the testing phase in the next few days and I want to have some people trying the editor out, before I will release it for the masses, you are welcome to join the testing group.

Just let me know in a comment, if you want to be an alpha tester and I will activate the editor for your account as soon as I'm ready to start.

Stay tuned and have a wonderful week ;)

In the making

   ( A )

  • Post Viewer and Editor
  • Steem Data Service (SDS)
  • Starting a witness node
  • More details in Coming Rewards (number of posts and comments, pie charts)
  • Improved Coming Curation Rewards

   ( B )

  • Different views, no limit in the Posts Overview (requires SDS)
  • Account Operations without limits, custom date ranges and filters, jump to day x (requires SDS)
  • Exact (separated SP, STEEM and SBD) All Time Rewards in the Stats Section (requires SDS)
  • Rewards Overview Tool with searching capabilites (requires SDS)

   ( C )

  • RC costs calculation
  • New responsive SteemWorld that can be run locally (Open Source)


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Thank you for supporting my work!

Positive thoughts create a positive world. It all begins with connecting our thoughts with emotions. What we focus on is what becomes powerful. We are the creators of our world.

Much love,


Perfect mindset:
"My focus was just concentrated on realizing the next few steps, never on the whole mountain which I need to move. That makes creating new things easier, because there are no limits in my head stopping me from building the impossible."

It reminds of this video:

Ich danke Dir für deine Arbeit 👍

Wieder einmal bedanke ich mich herzlich für die tolle Arbeit, die du hier für uns alle leistest. Der Kursanstieg vom BTC scheint nun auch unseren STEEM ein bisschen nach oben zu ziehen, so dass sich die Payouts für dich wieder mehr lohnen. Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass wir den Kryptowinter nun hinter uns gelassen haben und der Krypto-Frühling beginnt. Vom Sommer will ich noch gar nicht schwärmen.

Vielen Dank @freiheit50! Das klingt wunderbar und das umso mehr, wenn du es sagst, denn meistens hast du recht mit deinen Prognosen :) Ich bin auf jeden Fall gespannt, wann wir die 1 USD Marke wieder erreichen und endgültig halten werden. Danach kann es eigentlich nur noch gut für uns alle weitergehen, denke ich.

Lieber Chiller,

wenn du mich als Tester gebrauchen kannst, dann mach' ich das ;-)
Du kennst ja meinen Blick auf die Dinge.

Ein schönes Wochenende wünsch ich dir!
Hoffentlich nimmst du dir auch mal Zeit für Privates!

Liebe Grüße, @double-u

Super @double-u, das wollte ich hören! Da ich weiß, dass du oft Dinge siehst, die andere Leute in Jahren nicht bemerken würden, kann es gar keinen besseren Tester für mich geben ;)

Vielleicht würde es sogar Sinn machen, wenn du vor den anderen Testern freigeschaltet werden würdest... ^^ Ich sage dir dann in den nächsten Tagen Bescheid, sobald ich mit den wichtigsten Änderungen durch bin.

Wünsche dir auch ein schönes Wochenende! Du weißt ja, ich kämpfe mich hier irgendwie so durch. Habe vorhin auch erst gemerkt, dass schon wieder Wochenende ist. Na ja, für mich ist schon seit langem jeder Tag wie der andere. Aber du hast schon recht und etwas mehr Zeit für Privates sollte ich mir wirklich nehmen. Zum Glück ist bald der größte Teil geschafft und ich kann es dann mal etwas ruhiger angehen. Bis dahin gilt noch dieselbe Mission wie bisher.

LG, Chiller

Dear @steemchiller, you are in the same gap as me with SteemWki. Nobody wants to test your new Editor. I saw it working, now I'm very interested in testing the software. Please give a test-account to @afrog.
Thanks a lot Chiller!

I love your editor already! Since I am on steem(it) I am using as editor, which is for me perfect, but I am very curious to see the one you have created.

I would like to be an alpha tester (@actifit-peter and @peter2017, my second account, if possible)!

Thank you!

My focus was just concentrated on realizing the next few steps, never on the whole mountain which I need to move.

Good idea. Now i understand how you can manage so many things just for steemworld! Your work is amazing! Lieben Gruß Kadna

It will be interesting @steemchiller ...

"After writing thousands of lines of code, optimizing the layout and drawing many button images in the past week, I do feel a bit exhausted, but at the same time I'm more convinced than ever before that this will be a really amazing toolbox for creating and editing our Steem posts in a very comfortable and intuitive way."

... to see what your vision of a post editor looks like, once you are comfortable it is ready for testing.

I am willing to help with the testing, with one important caveat. I simply don't have the time to spend "in here," as much as I might like. So ... My input, accordingly, would likely be limited. But, hopefully useful, as I believe I do have a pretty sharp "eye out" for details that you might find of some benefit.

Also, very much looking forward to what you have in mind with the SDS services, as I have long wanted the ability to query Steem data for ad hoc information.

Until next time, I hope all is well with you and yours!

Thank you @roleerob!

I am willing to help with the testing, with one important caveat. I simply don't have the time to spend "in here," as much as I might like. So ... My input, accordingly, would likely be limited.

Let me tell you a secret... :) I didn't plan anything regarding to how exactly the testing should proceed and I think by giving the process a name like 'alpha testing' I was able to avoid a flood of too many willing Steemians knocking on my 'testing door' at the same time... ^^

So, I don't expect much feedback and no input would also be a good input, because then the editor seems to work. I just want to make sure that it's possible to create and edit posts with the editor using different devices and browsers. And maybe there will appear one or the other idea for taking the whole thing to the next level in future.

I will let you know in the coming days, when it's ready to be tested ;)

Okay, very good @steemchiller ...

"Let me tell you a secret... :) ..."

... your secret is safe with me. I won't tell anybody ... 😉

Appreciating your hard work for us. I have lot of expectation form you, some day ago i was thinking about thinking about this thing if chiller make an post editor for us, it will be the best one, because chiller know that what will be the best for user.

Thank you so much.

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