SteemWorld blocked by some ISPs? TOR works. Locally running SteemWorld Version now available.

in #steemworld5 years ago (edited)


As expected, my hoster says there is nothing wrong with the configuration and they tested accessing the site from different points worldwide without any issues. Hard to say why the ping is not going through from some locations, but it looks like it's being blocked by some ISPs.

@glenalbrethsen found an easy solution here by just using TOR, which circumvents any censorship. Maybe it's working, because it uses different routes and therefore the blocking ISP cannot know where the data came from and what the content is.

@cityofstars's solution or @pixelfan's one might also work for some of you. The question is, if that will just fix it temporarily.

Anyway, I've seen enough to say that there is something going wrong with today's ISPs and their newest 'Security Updates'. If that's a technical issue, it's one of the strangest I've ever seen. I'm no networking expert and maybe it relates to kind of a mask-mismatch, but I cannot check it from here.

Even if it looks like the issue is related to my hoster's recent 'Security Update', there is something to be considered:

There are people who were no longer able to access days before the update took place already.

For people who don't want to use TOR, I prepared a locally running version of SteemWorld that can be downloaded here:

Just download the zip, extract it and double click the 'steemworld.html' file to run it.

A few minor things still need to be done, but overall it should work on most systems already. The Currency Ticker may not work for blocked users, because it still makes use of the domain. I will change that in the coming days.

On Chromium-based browsers (Chrome, Brave) it's not possible to access the browser's local storage from a local HTML document, therefore the settings won't be stored permanently. In Settings is a 'Create Link' button, which can be used to create a Settings Link. That should also work for Chromium users.

I hope this helps. There is always an option ;)

Thank you for supporting my work!

Positive thoughts create a positive world. It all begins with connecting our thoughts with emotions. What we focus on is what becomes powerful. We are the creators of our world.

Much love,

Test @lurhdsjkfhsdjkfh1


Lieber Chiller,

was ich sehr seltsam finde:

  1. Wenn ich in deiner SteemWorld unter Account Operations den Permlink zu einem Kommentar anklicke, wird dieser problemlos geöffnet.

  2. Wenn ich den selben Kommentar unter Posts / Replies öffnen möchte, kommt diese Meldung: "Sorry! This page doesn't exist."


geöffneter Kommentar zu 1)

Öffnungsversuch zu 2)

Ich kenne mich auf diesem Gebiet ja null aus, aber es sieht für mich nach einem kleinen Fehler aus.

Ich benutze Google-Chrome.

Vielen Dank für deine ganzen Bemühungen!

Liebe Grüße, @double-u

Vielen Dank für den Hinweis @double-u! Wäre auch zu schön gewesen, wenn ich bei meinem gestrigen Umbau für die lokale Version in der Eile nichts kaputt gemacht hätte... ^^

Sollte jetzt wieder laufen ;)
LG, Chiller

Super, danke, geht wieder! LG

(Man muss sich nur trauen, dir so was zu nennen ...) ;-)

Hey, SteemWorld funktioniert bei mir seit gestern Abend nicht mehr bzw. ist nicht erreichbar.

Vermutlich hat dein lokaler DNS noch nicht auf die neue IP aktualisiert. Normalerweise sollte das innerhalb eines Tages der Fall sein. Bekommst du eine SSL-Sicherheitswarnung oder funktioniert es inzwischen wieder?

Inzwischen funktioniert es meistens. Eine Sicherheitswarnung kam bisher nie. Vielen Dank für die Rückmeldung 👍


My IP is one of the ones banned. I'm using Xfinity ISP near the Bay Area.

I was easily able to access the site using a free VPN called TunnelBear.
Already had it on my computer from when I was trying to buy EOS ICO ERC-20 tokens.

I've been using TOR since yesterday; up until the update this week, Steemworld worked fine. I haven't noticed any change in functionality when using TOR, but starting a computer from an incorruptible DVD is a bit of a hassle.

As always, thanks for a great site and keeping us informed. Cheers!

If you are only using Tor for accessing steemworld, then why not run it as a 2nd browser by installing it on your hard drive? Are you really worried about someone seeing your steemit account details? Anyone can do that anyway

Hi Arthur, no I'm not worried about anyone seeing my I'net activities, you wouldn't be reading any comments from me if I was that paranoid. After Steemworld had it's update, it came back for about 20 minutes and then shut down permanently. I asked a few others if that was the same for them, and when they answered they were not having any issues, it dawned on me that my IP might be blocked. To test that theory I made a TAILS DVD and was able to access Steemworld as per normal.

Since I don't really have a need for TAILS or TOR at this time, rather than installing TOR or TAILS, I'm using Steemworld's html file instead. This has worked fine so far.

(When needed, I run TAILS/TOR from a DVD because the DVD can not be corrupted once burned, it's like having a fresh install every time you start up. Doing it that way is very secure, but since much of the OS has to run from RAM, it takes a lot longer to boot up, so it's not really convenient. I use TAILS as a live OS when checking out old computers, running it usually tells me right away if I'm dealing with hardware or Windows issues)

tells me right away if I'm dealing with hardware or Windows issues

I've used tails etc, but never knew it could be used for identifying problems.

How about a post teaching others also?

I have in the past written posts on how to run machines without so much as a hard drive, but found very little interest.

Maybe next time I rework an old machine, I'll document the entire process.

I wish there were a bulletin board, where, under various categories of interest, we could learn about posts of interest. Looking at the feed is not effective, there are too many posts per day for anyone to discover more than one gem now and then.


I agree, but with the current set up I'm not sure how to fix that. There is a diytube channel here on Steemit, but it faces the same issue: who knows it exists, and can it find the content it wants to bring to the forefront?

I had hoped Steemit would address this with the community and point out the limitations we'd face in correcting this issue, and make this a more effective publishing platform. I guess we wait.. Have a good one.

ISP Telekom and 1und1 also don't work.
Mobile internet with T-mobile works fine.

Telekom is updating many things here at the moment, maybe this can cause something.

In New York my dedicated line cannot access, but my mobile provider is not blocking.
The local version runs fine for me.
Thank you for the update and your hard work @steemchiller, Steemworld is an amazing tool, and many of us depend on it for various uses.
I feel like calling my ISP and raising hell, but I'm just gonna chill and wait for an update for now. lol
Is it safe to transact through the local version?

Is it safe to transact through the local version?

I'm using it myself ;) There is not much of a difference in the local version. Transactions are being signed locally as it is the case for the online version and KeyChain should also work.

Thank you for your response Steemchiller.

I thought this was the case, as this is how I understand keychain to work, but I don't like to assume if I'm not 100% sure.

I'm very curious to know what is causing this. I'll be watching for future details.

Best wishes getting this worked out, and I hope stress is minimal.

Take care :)

I also get no connection.

I think you should switch providers.

i was looking for the open source of your project, if one day something happened to your website then we have a the copy of it in our machines

thank you @steemchiller for your efforts, it's my best tool to manage my account ever ;)

if one day something happened to your website then we have a the copy of it in our machines

Yes, that was the most important step for me. Now I will register a new server and move SteemWorld to that one.

Currently the zip file only contains the minified version of the code, but I consider adding the full source in future (or provide it on GitHub).

well github is a great place to do that, you could put it there and modify it when you release new updates

I still wasn't able to connect to SteemWorld via my regular Chrome browser, even after clearing both browser and machine DNS caches on multiple devices from different locations... so I'm guessing it's related to my service provider (same at home and at my place of work).

Anyway, using @glenalbrethsen's fix — installing the TOR browser — does the trick, so I'm going to just work with that for a while.

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