The SteemFest Blues - an afterthought | plus tip for those that want to attend SteemFest4 in a year

in #steemfest6 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: The SteemFest Blues - an afterthought | plus tip for those that want to attend SteemFest4 in a year

Dear reader - Steem has been renamed to Hive since May 2020. My content therefore has moved with me to Hive, and I hope to see you there:


I’m also feeling SteemFest blues today. Yesterday I was very happy to be back with my family and in warm Tel Aviv but now the SteemFest high is wearing off.
Please sign up for the Crypto Class Action to give me a buzz! :-)

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Yes, I feel you @apshamilton! Being back home must feel good, after that the realization it's really 'over' starts to sink in... I've opened the link in my browser so will sign up ASAP! I'll even write a post coming week to try to gain more attention :-) It was great meeting you and seeing your passion! Hope to see you next year and until then around the Blockchain ;-)

i was super happy spending the last evening with the people that we were with...

Reflection time girlie girl! Saving up for next year starting now

Yes, that evening made me happy as well <3 It was more intimate and the stress of 'I need to see more people!' was gone :-) Made for some great conversations.

Reflection time starts indeed! I hope you are finding the time at your families home and after that work again... See you soon girl! Absolutely awesome seeing a fellow Dutchie for the first time in Kraków :D

Lovely to meet you Rosa! Thank you for organising the food-drinks-meet on the last evening.


Next year I hope STEEM will be 2/3/4 times the current price and everyone who wants to come will be able to no worries!

Likewise @abh12345! Seeing your friendly face really made up for all the numbers in your name! :D

Yes, I'm absolutely believing the price of STEEM next year will be in our advantage - so even 50 STEEM saved up could pay for your ticket and who knows what else :-) I'm counting on a wild ride the next 12 months! Cheers Asher! (Now go make some Mash.)

aww thank you :D

Maybe next year i'll go as the witness, that may (or may not!) help - no numbers at least!

Powerdown cancelled, saving up starts tomorrow :D night!

Next year you and @paulag should both go and your t-shirts (or tanktops, I'm hoping Asia :P) should read your names and your witness :D

Good job on stopping the powerdown! Good night :D

So good to have met you and hung out over #Steemfest @soyrosa!

I took have the Steemfest blues - first day back at work today was a tough one after such an intense few days. See you this time next year at #Steemfest4 I hope!

It was so so good meeting you @goodwithtravels! I just for the first time visited your profile and it looks like you'll be going to share with us awesome content - I totally feel you about needing a break but then come back revived and inspired - the new mindset will absolutely help you in the long run :-) The fact you were at SteemFest will also mean I don't believe you're ever going to take a huge break again - you're in now ;-)

absolutely! Steemfest helped provide me with a whole new perspective, and I can't wait to spend next year travelling and hopefully meeting many steemians along the way. As you say, I'm in. See you next year, if not before.

It was a pleasure to chat at least for a while with you! You seemed to be a very warm and good-heaerted person and that post just confirms my intuition. Enjoy the rest of Kraków if you're still there and hopefully see you on some other crazy part of the world ;)

Hehehe - it really was a pleasure talking to you! Being an Iceland traveler really makes me super jealous, but after speaking to you I know you deserve it ;-) I'm still here for another day, and I will enjoy at least a bit more of it before going back home :D Then it will be a week of sleeping - at least.

Good luck with all your travel plans! I'll follow them on the Blockchain <3

I gotta say, you are a pretty damn awesome human in real life. I saw you here and there online, but, you're even cooler in person.

I start to feel the blues for sure! I completely agree with you; there is no alone time at SteemFest. I remember that on the second day of the conferences, I just decided to sit down and have some food, and I was alone. A few minutes later I was surrounded by three other steemians that joined me for a bite! That's SF right there. :D

Hey dear @guyfawkes4-20! Thanks so much for your pretty damn awesome comment! I've had such a great time with you - from going out to having dinner to getting cheap and good breakfast together - thinking back of all these moments makes me smile! You rock!!!

There's no alone time, that's the thing that is hard and I even was not sleeping in a house with 7 other men ;-))) I had my own apartment and was able to hide for a few hours a day :-) But yeah, totally part of the experience and totally worth it! Why miss out on chatting with more Steemians?

See you next year for sure!

We, indeed, all had plenty of fun, I can't wait for the next SteemFest! I loved the fact that we had no alone time, it was a bit, but just a bit, energy draining but, I loved it.

Not much to say to such a feeling filled post. I also have a slight blues + tiredness but it was definitely worth it. It was great meeting you and I hope we get to meet again :) Hugs.

<3 I hope you slept and rested a bit in the meanwhile. I'm hoping we'll meet again, but actually I know we'll meet again! I have a strong feeling that this event has made us long-term participants of this lovely space we are building for ourselves and the world - so whenever, wherever, we'll have a chance to meet and chat and hug again @mrlightning! <3

I truly was sad to miss SF3 but honestly the things I've been through while it was going on with house hunting, dealing with legal papers, managing a move across the Atlantic, getting furniture, getting phones, internet connections...the list could go on but I won't bore you any more with it.

Now my hope is next year SF4 is at the same time but in London or France, as it'd be super convenient for me (Selfish I know, but a gal can dream) but we shall see.

It seems you had a great time and it must be such a wonderful way to meet all our fellow online friends!

Hey dear! I've missed so much of YOUR journey! I am going to read up on it :-)

Aww just such great words! I love your sentiments here and had to laugh at the invitation and reassurance to the hermits. ☺️

Hahaha - Thanks dear @mountainjewel! Would you consider joining next year? :D

The blue hits me today... My first day back in Malaysia... Oh... Miss everyone badly... More hugs (virtual ones for now, till we meet again the next time)!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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Ohhh I miss everyone too! It's been hard today haha. Although the sleeping was good :-) More hugs for you too! We'll make some real ones happen next time :D Glad you arrived back home in Malaysia safely!

Yup... See you the next time!

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