Daily Steem Price Update 16/12/2020

in #steemit4 years ago

Good day Steemian and welcome to today's Steem price update for 16/12/2020.
I have been posting the Steem price update since almost the very beginning of Steemit.com back in 2016 along with other content.
Many have came here to discuss the daily Steem price's and recent STEEM changes for now over 4 years.

If you tire of addictively looking at the charts every few minutes then instead just relax and look here for the average daily STEEM price for your daily plan or strategy.
And even if you are not planning to do anything with your STEEM I still recommend checking out these updates every so often.
So without further ado lets take a look at today's Daily Steem Price for 16/12/2020.

Should you be trading with STEEM today...?


(Images By: @simonjay)



Steem Daily Price MoonTemplate16122020.jpg


Here we are in December the last month of this crazy 2020 and what a year it's been right? Under 20 days away from Christmas too.

Today wasn't as cold we had some lovely sunshine in the morning which was nice to see and from what I could tell it stayed a little lighter for longer today, while I didn't expect it there was rain today and with that also came some with which made it cold when it really wasn't.

Tribute To My Beloved Tinkerbell

Cat Photography, Tinkerbell Blue Towel, May 5 2017.jpg

Yesterday I didn't have work and thank goodness as I was not in the mood for all their childish ego driven games and the rude bad attitude the superiors have in that place, this was because 2 night's ago I lost my cat Tinkerbell which I felt happened so terribly fast. I had work on the day, was doing the late I got slightly caught up in the rain as I made my way in, this was the day with a mass error with my work schedule as according to the work schedule I was due to of had a shift in the morning rather than the late. When I asked the superiors who were in at the time they seemed just as baffled by the situation, they asked me if I had received any call's from our boss to which I had not and so they told me to carry on with the shift as normal. Everything seemed normal from there on after as when I left home I saw Tinkerbell and she seemed just fine, infact she seemed better than her usual self as she was wondering around outside of the living room in the corridor when I left her. Back at work I later discovered there was some sort of change over but one of the superiors didn't update the schedules correctly on 2 occasions and so it looked like she might get into some trouble for the error to which doesn't bother me as she is not a nice person anymore. Before getting home I went to do some shopping so I guess I got home a little later than usual but when I got home I was very shocked to find Tinkerbell almost motionless and very cold, I knew right there and then she would not make it until the morning and she unfortunately passed away last night. I didn't get much sleep and the following morning when I came down I looked at the place where she rests and I was still confused to where she could be? I could still see her in-print on her blanket it simply felt like she must of got up to get some water and would be returning soon. But as I starred at her in-print for longer waiting for her to come back and fill it suddenly the emptiness of her missing presence really started to cave in on me again. I guess it was from there it really hit me she would not be returning back to me. I'm missing her dearly and what I can't get out of my head is her human hugs, she was one of the only cat's I knew who would give such hugs. I wish I could of given her one more final hug so she knew on her passing just how much she was loved, but I just don't think I would of ever been-able to bring myself to let her go, but I do feel terrible that it had been about 3 weeks since we had hugged as with the other cat's being around plus working at the job and with most of the time her being asleep I guess it sadly just didn't happen. And so I had have spent most of the day in tears without updating or doing much of anything while I want her to come back to me so badly I do hope her soul is in a peaceful happy state and that she knew we adored her very much. "The Diary Game" now continues on with Season 3, you can check it out if you fancy a chance at winning a possible large upvote Steemit Diary Season 3.

Speaking of keeping things running the covid19 madness continues on with us being partially out of lockdown 2. So there will be a lockdown tonight for lockdown number 3 at level 3..now the stupidity of this is that lv3 lockdowns are suppose to the most strict but apparently we are having a relaxed lockdown "level 3" which basically means nothing is changing...I mean seriously what the hell is this nonsense!! The mass vaccination process continues they are vaccinating the 80 year-olds first and those who care for them well they get vaccinated also only if there remains any spares douches. The most effective one is said to be around %94 effective but honestly we all seem to be forgetting this as not even been properly time tested yet which does make me feel apprehensive about it. I have heard that this so called cure infact could possibly only protect those who take it for up to 9 months, at the end of the day we simply don't know that much about this injection. There is also a guy in government who wants people to take the vaccine or get shut out from society by not giving them access to any businesses, meaning you wouldn't be able to go into food shops, school, the cinema or even travel, to which I then don't see how exactly this would then be giving the public the choice it's straightforward blackmail. I also received a letter from one of the health organizations claiming that I have been selected for sending and receiving in a swab test to which I have considered partaking in as apparently many have sent these kits back without even using it and later received a call telling them they have the covid lol. The traffic on most days as got far worse due to more people taking up driving to avoid coming into contact with the covid virus. I have worked all during this crisis as our company used a loophole within the system to keep us all working despite our government stating that all non-essential work places must close for lockdown 1. It was either go to work or be fired kind of attitude. The government are giving us a "Christmas Week", meaning everybody can go round everybody's houses during this "one week" but if possible they don't want us to do it.. They said if too many people take up the offer and the virus spreads they will then enforce a "Hard Lockdown" for 25 days...? And so now most people are baffled and divided by this as always.. They report that new covid cases are down by %30 since lockdown 2 which I would love to know how that is even possible considering everything as been literally running in the same way as before lockdown 2 even started. I'm also beginning to notice there are shortages in product as apparently millions of goods are stuck at the deports due to covid and other political restrictions.

Anyway the focus of Steemit continues on with their new "1000 days of Steem" after the initial success of the "100 Days Of Steem Announcements". These have now became motivating for many Steemians as the SteemitTeam offer winners prizes in the form of a large upvotes. Well Justin did say he would continue working to make STEEM a success but whether this is the right way is debatable, but the BIG news now is also the opportunity for all Steemit users to earn TRON tokens for partaking on the platform. I do feel that this adds alot more value to the whole Steemit platform as you can now earn another crypto-currency just for being part of this ecosystem. But other things that give me hope are Expanding the Country Representative and even more so Steem Entrepreneurs Program. So with the Diary Game 3 running.. what else?

Firstly you can check out A Better Life With STEEM along with some other challenges like the Huobi 7th Anniversary Challenge which will run until 23:00 UTC on Thursday, December 18th, if you fancy your chances at winning some big upvotes from the SteemitTeam but also the extra Rewards Worth $170 then check it out.

💚We are beginning to see a Steem and SBD price decline after we saw it go to $0.21 to which I guess could of been because of bitcoin falling slightly but Bitcoin did hit $20000. Since the price rise back in February unfortunately not much as changed over the months, and while yes it did go down to $0.09 it's still mostly stayed between $0.18 and $0.20. There was also that mystery spike rise on March 19th taking Steem to $0.40💛! Infact Steem had not fallen to around $0.15 since sometime last November. I must say that last time Bitcoin was this high we saw a much higher increase in Steem's value, and so I assume this means many were still selling as the price was raising from bitcoin going up. Well at least people can't complain about the price being too volatile as Steem as been mostly steady over the whole year. Still this opportunity is a great price to "power-up" your account cheaply and if you are under 10000 SP as you may want to consider getting some, I don't say this as a way to improve your financial situation but rather to enjoy the benefits of having Steem, like speeding up your account's Steem accumulation and now also how much Tron you can earn etc, as after-all a small bump in price with those holding's would bring-in some nice noticeable benefits to those with some skin in the game.

💛 So we reached "🐬TRIPLE DOLPHIN🐬" in November which means our collective STEEM POWER is now over 💚15000 SP!! We will of course continue to collect and lock-up even more STEEM! My new goal 🌍 is now to reach 20.000 SP🏆, hopefully by June 2021. This is not possible in our current situation but if I can get a few whale votes along the way during these next few months then we might just be able to get there. We are already off to a great start much better than the previous run-up. I also want to of course thank everybody who votes in and for their kind support. I have now been on here for over 4 years and have never powered down once, I also continue to invest into STEEM in small quantities, meaning your votes are safe with me and help retain Steem's value. We totalled 7.841 SP at the end of 2019 and reached 15.000 on November 24th and so if you want to help me on this new quest at locking away 20.000 Steem Power in order to support and retain more of it's value then please consider leaving your best vote below.

As for Bitcoins back on March 13th we saw a huge Bitcoins downwave to $4225, on July 26th it hit 💚$10000. Bitcoins as been going slowly upwards since March this year despite the covid19 virus, even hitting $20000 this December. As for the SBD's on Feb 13th it hit $1.00, and so we can't deny SBD's have been doing very well since getting past that Bitcoin drop, we even saw SBD's go up to $1.24. That was a few months ago and more recently we saw a jump to $1.84 on November 18th, but it even got better as this December in time for Christmas SBD's hit $5.23! It's now been hanging above $2 which is amazing and I'm very happy💚 with it.

🌍If your a business or interested in marketing and finding a community of active users thanks to this wonderful platform 💚 you can do just that, and all for free! But it is advised by many to purchase some initial STEEM Power as this will gain you more trust and viewer-visibility within the STEEM eco system, and right now the price is still dirty cheap to get yourself established!

Always do your own due diligence the above is only a opinion.

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1Up Or Down Today 14122020.gif

Source: picgifs.com

Our Ship Is Now Triple Dolphin Powered

Source: giphy.com

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So if you like this page I need you guys to do me 2 easy things.

1.First please upvote this page.
2.And secondly dont forget to follow me below.

Also since votes don't always = $ and you if want to see more you can send me Steem Power Tips to @simonjay to help support me along with the value of the STEEM currency as I have not powered-down once in 4 years.

[Follow Me Here @simonjay


That is so sad that Tinkerbell died. Death is the cruelest thing. I can imagine how you suffer.

Thanks very much suntree and you are correct death is terribly cruel for the love that is taken away, it's been tough but I'm beginning to move forward slowly.

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