Another Steemit Rant, but I'm High and Mellow This Time

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Open letters seem to be the big thing right now, but nah, this is just a post.

I'm not big into these Steemit posts, but I'll try to make an all-inclusive good, bad and the ugly type of post here.

Most of you know I almost ragequit the whole thing a week ago after scrolling through the Trending page, but did eventually change my mind. The severe nicotine withdrawal I was on probably had a lot to do with the tone, now I'm high as a kite, so let's try the whole mellow and at least quasi-constructive route, okay?

Why am I still here, you ask.

The rewards? Of course, to a point. But I don't think the payouts on Steemit are anything to write home about unless you're at the very top constantly. Most of even the three-figure payouts are chump change, which is why I don't always get the big fuzz about them, unless you live in a third world country - and even then it brings forth the question of whether it's somehow Steemit's duty to work as a type of UBI ATM, but I digress.

Actually, no, I don't digress just yet because I thought of something.

In Finland, I've argued for a long time that a big problem with politics as a career is the fact the pay is actually too low, as opposed to too high.

Hear me out.

I don't want politicians to even exist, but let's accept, for argument's sake, that they just have to be a thing.

Everybody wants politicians to be paid less, but my point is that in Finland the current pay rate of around 7000-8000 bucks a month is an absolute failure because it's attractive to those who lack skills to make bank in the real world by running a business, and too unattractive to those with actual skills.

An opportunist whose only talent is bullshitting his way through everything finds a risk-free 7000 bucks a month, that doesn't require any type of talent, to be a godsent, whereas someone who has some actual ambition, talent and the ability and willingness to work hard on his craft can make double, triple, quadruple that amount in the private sector by running his own business that provides goods and services in the marketplace.

This fact will ensure that a career as a politician in Finland will forever only attract the talentless bums, and the potentially worthwhile people will avoid it like a plague, and do something better with their time.

This is also a reason why I don't really trust people posting their TA on Steemit; if you're good at it, you're being published by a legitimate publication, or you run your own, and being paid real money for it. Usually, when you can only give something out for free, it means your craft is not valued by the market. And there's usually a reason for that.

But that's neither here nor there. At least as it pertains to this post.

Let's talk about the good things about Steemit.

So, first off.

Okay, so I need another puff to think this through, I'll be right back.

Well, in all honesty, Facebook has begun banning me for stuff I've said four-five years ago, so there's that. I don't even think it's a person reporting me, I think I'm on some blacklist that gets bots run an automated scan on my profile and if they find a bad word or expression, out I go.

Steemit has that going for it.

And yes, my ever vain, but paradoxically equally fragile, sense of self was flattered by the number of people saying it would suck if I no longer posted here. So, the good guys do exist.

It did make me wonder, though, why is that I only ever see the vast majority of these people whenever there's a big drama going on, or if I announce I'm taking a break or whatever have you.

I guess it brings us to what is probably, still, the biggest flaw of the actual Steemit website: the user interface.

I bumped into interesting folks in the comment section of my ragequit post that I didn't even know existed.

This goes to show that overhauling the user interface in such a way that it makes it possible to find content that one is interested in should be the foremost goal of the development team.

I doubt it is, however.

Communities were supposed to be a thing last year, and we're still waiting.

The reason people use vote bots is simply because, for 99% of the people, all of their posts simply get swallowed by the void, never to be seen or heard from again.

The lucky few get to be on that elusive whale autovote list that means that they've made for life and can pretty much fuck around and do whatever, but most of the stuff here is near invisible.

Followers obviously don't mean jack shit since 990 out of 1000 are either bots or dead accounts.

Visibility always comes down to the whale vote, and nothing more.

After all that rambling, here's my first actual point.

A lot of the dialogue on Steemit revolves and hovers around the rewards. Yes, it's the unique gimmick that makes Steemit Steemit, and it's also the reason we're here. If you claim otherwise, you're lying. Don't be a liar, okay? Let's just acknowledge that. Okay, acknowledged.

But, somehow, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, et al. don't need to pay their users. Millions and millions of people don't need to be paid in order to use those services. Hell, most are so addicted to Facebook and Instagram, they're constantly online. They get physically anxious if their phone battery dies out and they can't check their notifications.

Even though no one is paying them cent one to use those services.


Because humans are more complex than the dialogue on Steemit would have you to believe.

In addition to monetary benefits, we also crave attention.

And it's that lack of attention - for the 99% - that most likely leads to them giving up on Steemit after a while.

Facebook was better designed in this regard since when you create your account, you get to choose your friends right off the bat. You don't just post and hope that someone interesting decides to add you to his or her feed, you send the friend request right away.

Should he or she accept, your posts are on said person's feed and you're off to the races.

People don't spam other people's Facebook posts with "Good post, thanks for sharing, follow for follow?" because there's no need.

And the problem works the other way, as well: just as the lack of attention for many drives them away, the lack of interesting content for the rest does, too.

Steemit has users struggling to find an audience and an audience struggling to find content.

Now, should it be easy on social media to get noticed? No, I'd say it's always hard work, it's the nature of social media and the attention economy.

But the GUI shouldn't actively be working against people finding an audience. That's my gripe.

The trending page is always the same stuff: it's haejin; people who don't like haejin; adsactly; some more haejin; more people who don't like haejin; a few people wishing for haejin and people not liking haejin to meet half-way; sweetsssj doing a variation of the same post she's been doing since the summer of 2016; Jerry; and sometimes it's something about cooking.

Oh, and Jeff Berwick because you just gotta have Jeff Berwick.

Certain people raking in X amount of money isn't even that big of a deal to me. I respect the fact that people are greedy, people want money, and money makes lives better. It's completely natural to want to make money, and I never really vilify anyone for wanting to make money.

To paraphrase Jerry Lawler, I've been rich and I've been poor, and rich is definitely better. It's not even close.

Whatever the system is - whatever the system is - people will find ways to game it.

Seriously, go watch some Pokémon Red or Super Mario Brothers speedruns. The amount of time and energy people spend in order to break, glitch, and manipulate those games in order to reach the optimal results is beyond crazy. And I'm someone who's really good at that, too.

There will always be those willing to dedicate all of their time and energy into gaming a given system.

Especially with money involved, Steemit will never escape that. And I think we can accept it. There's no point really fighting it, or denying it.

Be the trending page as it is, the problem with content discovery remains. I'd venture to guess most intelligent people simply stay away from the trending page altogether because that's often where the worst content of the entire site gathers to.

Pretty much defeating the entire purpose of a trending page, but hey, Steemit is different. It's "special".

Steemit has lost a lot of the interesting people that were here back when I joined, but some remain and I'd really like a better way to find their stuff. Maybe it could even lead to some, gasp, engagement.

We should also be able to follow tags, not just users. I think this omission after two years is rather embarrassing, honestly.

It's 2018 and expecting people to manually type is just- I don't even have a word for it, it's just so laughable.

Right now, there's a problem where I may post certain stuff 99% of the time, but for instance this morning I was thinking about making a post about why I think infant circumcision is wrong and should not accepted by a western culture. Maybe that post would get attention, leading to people following me, in hopes that I post more about that topic.

But it would only be a one-off, and following me would just lead to the user's feed being cluttered with stuff he doesn't care about.

Leading to awkwardness in both parties.

So, in addition to being able to follow tags, the users should be able to somehow organize their own content, and maybe people could only subscribe to certain type of content by a given user.

I guess we have to talk about haejin for a bit.

I have a different view on the topic every day, but the gist of it is this, at least this is pretty much how I see it:

On one hand, haejin is probably harmful to the overall growth of Steemit. He seems to anger people, exposes a flaw in how the inner mechanisms of Steemit work, and he makes the whole thing seem pretty fake and most of all scammy.

But on the other hand, I do find myself getting frustrated with quite a lot of the criticism he receives in the comment sections, as well.

ranchorelaxo, or whatever the fuck it is, is probably his own account and he most likely just self-votes.


The money for the ranchorelaxo account came from somewhere. It didn't just appear from thin air.

So, effectively, what haejin is doing is just a getting return on his investment.

He put money into the system, in hopes to milk it try, and that's basically how Steemit works anyway. As things stand right now, this is the one and only incentive of powering up: to milk STEEM dry. Everyone is allowed to do the same thing: buy STEEM, power up, and self-vote to one's heart's content.

Of course, most everybody can't afford it, but just because someone can, doesn't mean he should be hated for having money.

Having said that, I can't escape feeling that, on a more personal level, he feels rather obnoxious - I always raise eyebrows when someone uses a word like obtuse unironically, in an attempt to seem intimidating and intelligent - and I wouldn't place a lot of trust on his TA. Although, if some people truly find it beneficial, great. But see my earlier point about giving stuff like TA for free.

It's just that the people who are angry that they're not making X amount of rewards just by being here are almost equally infuriating, to me.

Things like "You should give back to the community" and some such are just silly, in my opinion.

Although burning some SBD is always a good idea that benefits everyone, including the one burning it.

One of the issues here is that the community still doesn't understand downvoting the way I think it should. Flags are always taken as personal attacks - and, to be fair, often used as such - even though they should simply be used as tools to control the allocation of STEEM, no different than upvotes.

This has been a problem on Steemit since day one, and flagging here has been equated to pushing old women down the stairs and other equally ridiculous shit like that.

Heck, done flagged two of my posts at 100% the other day, and you didn't see me make a mile long whine-o-rama about it.

Even though I obviously should have since those things always make it to the trending page.

It's his right as a stakeholder. Maybe he felt my posts were shit, more power to him.

But even if you find haejin to a problem - and I've made this point before - he's just a symptom, not the big bad in and of itself.

Hell, I'll make fun of him if I want to, just like I'll make fun of anyone else, including myself, but he's not doing anything the blockchain doesn't allow him to do.

That's what I feel a lot of people are forgetting.

The big problem is the fact that several of these part hardforks have moved Steemit away from what was the original vision, and that original vision had checks in place for all the behavior that we today deem harmful to the platform.

But I haven't answered the question: why am I still here? Why am I here ("just to suffer?"), despite the fact that this place pretty much sucks, in my opinion?

I already talked about the money, though the amount I make on Steemit is rather pathetic, but then again I don't feel my stuff has a big appeal anyway. I write fiction that's so convoluted it makes Twin Peaks look simple.

So, it's something else, but what?

Okay, here it comes, you ready?

Drum roll.

I'm too fucking lazy to build an audience elsewhere.

Boom, there it is: me breaking Steemit's #1 rule: always lie, about everything, all the time.

I don't expect things to change, I don't even think Steemit is a priority for Steemit INC anywhere, it clearly lacks vision and is just kinda there. This is what it's gonna be, folks. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

No, we're not getting communities, and no, we're not getting a sleek mobile app, or anything like that.

What you see is what you're always going to get.

Maybe it's what Steemit was always going to be.

In the meantime, I'll just wait and see what happens when dan launches his own version of Steemit. I'm pretty sure it's going to be a lot better - mostly because it's been the deviation from dan's original vision that's always made this place take a step or two back in terms of quality.

But it may be the exact same thing, too.

Edit: Something I forgot to mention in the post was the the Promotion feature should just put posts on the Trending Page.

Say you promote a post with $100, that $100 should just be treated by the algorithm as being part of the payout, placing the post somewhere on the trending page.

So all of the money now being thrown into the promotion services would just get burned.


So I went through about half of your post, thinking "Yes I agree" , "Oh, I need to quote this and say how much I think you're right here" on basically everything you said. That's when I figured I'll start with this:

I wholeheartedly agree with basically everything you have said here and you make excellent points.

Now, about the discovery of interesting content here. I think tags should indeed play a much larger role on Steemit. Actually, I would love to see a big UI overhaul where not only tags play a big role, but where all feeds can be filtered and sorted on many things. I want to be able to filter in/out tags. I want to be able to filter on a reputation range, heck even a Steem Power range, so I can filter out types like sweetsssj and haejin. I want to be able to sort on payout, votes, views, time, reputation, or a combination of those.

Content discovery could be so much better here and it is really shameful that this hasn't been further developed yet.

I'm too fucking lazy to build an audience elsewhere.

That's the thing for me aswell. Steemit was the best place to build an audience a year ago, when I was looking for one. The instant flow of (small) rewards was a nice incentive. And even though I still don't earn loads, Steemit is giving me some much needed rest to get over my burnout, without feeling completely useless. I bring in a little money and that eases my mind. Even if it's only equivalant to a small part-time job.

I am also still here because I like my followers. They comment on my posts with more than just "Great post, plz check out mine link".

I'll just wait and see what happens when dan launches his own version of Steemit.

Reluctantly, I'll have to do the same thing. I still hope Steemit will improve and these magical SMTs everyone's talking about will be some kind of game changer. I don't know enough about them though.

I would probably go with both platforms, because I wouldn't want to just leave my followers here.

Anyway, I'm digressing. Basically what I wanted to say was: Great post!

He put money into the system, in hopes to milk it try, and that's basically how Steemit works anyway.

I suspect that 99% of the wealth accumulating with 1% of users, and a few users getting the bulk of the rewards because of that accumulation, is the inevitable endgame of the financial part of Steemit, whatever rules you put into place, be it the original Dan ones or the new ones.

There is also no recourse against this, because the power and the witnesses are where the accumulation is, and at some point, no group of whatever size is powerful enough to stand up against the 1% unless they invest a lot of money (which they don't have) and violent revolution doesn't work well online and is frowned upon by many.

I don't understand how any AnCap, or any other super-duper Cap As Seen On Steemit, could have a problem with that. It is what will happen in all semi-unregulated Steemit-like systems; it is their economic belief system at work, whatever No-True-Scotsman arguments they throw at it.

That doesn't mean I myself have to like it, or even resign to it, as for me "cap" is just shorthand for "capacitor" and I find all economic theory equally ridiculous. To me, current happenings are not good for Steemit's image, they eat into other people's rewards, and it drives people away because the money is also attention and appreciation, apart from being useful to many as, well, money.

It's not about being somehow entitled, but about having a place that at least functions in a workable way financially also, like I think the original vision was. And dismissing "three-figure payouts"as "chump change" is too arrogant to consider as an argument, even when qualified as you did.

Because, as you say, if Steemit isn't very good at being social media, its one attraction would be the rewards. If the financial bit is also FUBAR except for a happy few, then eventually even those who are reluctant to build a new audience elsewhere because lazy will leave.

So I would still like to see some attempts to fix the financial bit, but I think that will not happen, because to the powers that be, it is working as intended.

And I don't disagree.

That's actually what I meant: that there probably never was another type of endgame.

And you perfectly described the dilemma at hand: nothing inherently "wrong" - according to AnCap theory - is taking place, but somehow the end result is still a negative for Steemit.

If we are to go with the AnCap theory, then the market decides. And what's happening with Mr. Haejin is indeed the result of the market deciding that this is what takes place.

Should the market react differently, we would see an increase in downvoting, but downvoting is simply not part of the accepted culture on Steemit. Powerful stakeholders are reluctant to do it, even though the downvote was added to the blockchain for the exact purpose of allocating resources differently.

And the chump change statement was not intended as an argument. It was a defense from what usually happens here when someone complains about a large stakeholder taking harmful action, which is that people say "You're just jealous".

My intention was to make it clear that I'm not.

I get it that it's not chump change for many.

And indeed, maybe Steemit was always going to end like this. Not with a bang, but a whimper. The code allows for what is taking place and there's no regulation in place, so it is what it is.

I love that you mentioned ancap theory. This is basically an ancap experiment, and I’m kind of enjoying watching it fail because ancap are all mostly good people who somehow don’t realize that centralized power is centralized power and is usually going to act the same, even if you don’t call it “the state”. The market doesn’t give a shit about any of us. A dramatic change in values is the only way people are only going to be decent to each other, and I would like to see as little rule and regulation as possible to foster that, and I suspect a healthy algorithm that fights against the tendency for money to attract money would be more than enough to achieve that. That’s all it would take to make this place real.

I didn’t say any of that though. I’m not afraid of expressing my opinion but I don’t want to get into heated debates that don’t go anywhere.

It doesn't have to be a heated debate. :)

It can be a civil conversation. That said, I'm off to bed now. I just wanted to acknowledge your comment and tell you I'll get back to you later.

I usually only read posts from my feed and somewhere along the line I guess I started following you! Most new follows, however infrequently they happen, are from re-steems that I enjoyed from people I already follow. Perhaps this is backward from the 'intended' content delivery route but it works for me.

I seem to only catch your rant/drama/truthbomb posts in my feed.
(Edit: I forgot I was supposed to make a point here.)

Welcome back.

Hah, thanks, although to be fair I only used the site less.

Something I forgot to mention in the post was the the Promotion feature should just put posts on the Trending Page.

Say you promote a post with $100, that $100 should just be treated by the algorithm as being part of the payout, placing the post somewhere on the trending page.

So all of the money now being thrown into the promotion services would just get burned.

Your name is Elliot? You should take a photo of yourself waving and make a post named Elliott Waves, and you should be trending in no time.

Coming to Dlive soon :)

That was fast who is going to pay me back my tears when you first announced quitting ?

I just sent you 10 SBD for your troubles.

Allah be with you.

Thanks my Memri Brother I will spend it to new shoes and don't powerup

This is the moral level you stoop to!"

I wish there were these kind of videos on trending section :(

I agree. If MEMRI TV was trending, STEEM would be worth:

Also about the money it is not worth if you are not living in a 3rd world country like me as you stated above :D

Seriously, I like your writing style even more when you are high (and I've never said that before to anyone) 😀
You just need to stop thinking about Steemit as being some kind of Facebook, because it's not. This is a blogging platform and people won't spend their valuable VP for just daily life shit. There may be social media apps similar to FB when SMTs are introduced, but as of now, this is not a social media site.
This is also the reason, why the 90% of people who are just passive consumers won't earn a dime here - simply because they are not used to write anything at all - doesn't matter how high they are. You are different and like it or not, you are part of the 5-10% elite, that are content creators.
This may piss you off, but take my word for it - you are part of the freaking elite! 😀
Anyway...please continue to write - it suits you and I'm already a big fan.

Hah, thanks.

And you make a point. Yes, Steemit is different. And sometimes it's different in a really good way. But I'd argue that one's Facebook experience varies greatly depending on one's friend list.

For instance, I have a lot of "content creators" on my friend list. They link news articles and add extensive commentary to them. That's my favorite stuff on Facebook. Oftentimes interesting conversations spark up in the comment sections.

The same thing could happen here, but right now the incentive doesn't seem to be there. For whatever reason. I have my guesses as to where the lack of incentive may lie, but it could be something else entirely, as well.

And cool that you enjoy my writing style and engage. :)

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dude, I'm totally calling you out on this, just for fun. What happened to your break from steemit? hahaha

Dude, I just wrote this entire post answering that question.

sorry, Im drinking. this bear cant always be sober.

You did in your last rant post that if it weren’t for the money, no one would be here with this much bullshit. That may be true but get rid of the bullshit and I’d be here even without the payout. Sometimes I see my payout as a reward for dealing with the bullshit.

I don’t understand how anyone thinks we don’t need some checks and balances as part of the algorithm to counteract the fact that, in capitalism, money attracts money and power attracts power. As long as you don’t actively try to prevent this, the same thing always happens, all the money/resources flow to the people who have the most money or resources or the ones who game the system the best. Nothing is genuine unless it’s not really playing the game.

Not all of us are playing the game, however. I actually have a whole bunch of really amazing comments on most of my posts and it’s the first time I’ve been able to share my ideas without “whoring myself” through advertising and trying to be a brand. So I still appreciate this place despite all the bullshit on the side.

I do sometimes want to give a big fuck you to all the dolphins who say “work hard and itll all pay off in the end”. While this may be true for me because I guess I kind of have what it takes to be a leader (despite not believing in leaders), it’s not going to be true for everyone who works hard and produces quality.

The system is broken, but it’s the same kind of broken as the rest of the world, it’s just an ecosystem that’s easier to influence, so we might as well stick around and try to fix it if we are better off since joining (I sure a second he’ll know that I am)

If you don’t want to fake it, just don’t. I try not to, and I call myself out when I do.

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