The Night Gods II- Chapter XXVII: Countdown To Disaster

in #fiction7 years ago

Artwork by @marty-art on Steemit... With many thanks!

[I know this chapter is a bit shorter than usual... Generally I write until I come to the end of a particular scenario. While writing this, it occurred to me that "This is the perfect place to stop," something that hasn't happened before]

Naida's funeral was a small but touching farewell. Przybysz had taken care to order several floral arrangements and a pink granite headstone in the shape of a heart... Engraved with Naida Bozic- Beloved sister of Anica. An Orthodox priest was also on hand to perform the ceremony, throughout which Anica sat between Ann and Przybysz clutching his hand in both of hers. His relationship with Anica had grown over the days- he had become like a father in her eyes. Anica was also getting more comfortable, settling in as a part of Dick's impromptu family... Ann loved her like a second daughter and Przybysz had obtained documents for her. He was even considering adoption.

Denning warned Przybysz to stay quiet about the incident that had cost Naida's life. Fleming made no secret of his animosity toward Przybysz and Denning allowed the man to threaten Przybysz openly. So, Przybysz, in his usual fashion, decided to give Denning a gift... a photo from his collection accompanied by a smiley face.

When Denning saw it he panicked. He had to move and he had to move quickly... He needed to head off any threat from Przybysz so, at nearly 10:30 at night he called an emergency meeting of the SecNav, Sec of State Minnick and the Chair of the Joint Chief's of Staff to meet him in the White House Situation Room. It took only about 30 minutes for the men to assemble after receiving Condition Red notifications.

"Gentleman, we can wait no longer... We need to immediately initiate the launch procedure," Denning spoke addressing his top military advisors. Vice President Beck and SecDef Wade had been dispatched on Air Force One in accordance to emergency protocol. He turned to Adm. Aubrey Stehle, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs: "Admiral, you've already been read in on the plan, who do we have close by?"

"The Nevada is in the South China Sea, Mr. President," Stehle replied, "SSBN, an Ohio Class- she has everything we need."

"Excellent. Mr. Secretary," Denning went on, "do you concur?"

"Yes, Mr. President," James Mitchell, SecNav informed the President. "The commander of the sub, Capt. Petrie is standing by, waiting for orders."

"I want a controlled strike," Denning said, "as little collateral damage as possible- particularly to the South Korean Peninsular and surrounding nations."

"Understood, Mr. President," Stehle said. "We have the meteorological data here, Sir... There's an Asiatic high this time of year. The prevailing winds are from the NE and should push any fallout to the southeast into the Korea Bay and Yellow Sea dissipating over the water."

"Very good then gentlemen," Denning began, "then under the Two Man Rule..." Denning reached around his neck removing a lanyard with a card attached, handing it to a Marine Sgt. sitting at a computer who swiped it in a slot in the computer. "My number is third from the top," he said.

"Next?" The Marine asked.

"Secretary of State Ralph Minnick," Minnick replied removing a similar card. "My number is fourth from the bottom."

"Very well then," Adm. Stehle replied. "The Two Man Rule has been satisfied." He turned to the young Marine: "Proceed," he said solemnly.

Captain Petrie's face emerged on one of the large telecommunication screens in the Situation Room.

"Capt. Petrie," the Sgt began, I am at the White House with President Alan Denning, Secretary of State Ralph Minnick, SecNav James Mitchell and Adm. Aubrey Stehle of the Joint Chiefs. Under the Two Man Rule, authorized by the President and Secretary of State, witnessed by SecNav and Adm. Stehle the launch against the predetermined target has been authorized... Please authenticate."

The face on the screen began to speak: "Capt. Lawrence Petrie, United States Navy- Commander, SSBN USS Nevada. Authentication code..." He broke open a flat plastic container he had removed from his safe and read the code. The Marine Sgt. opened a three ring binder to a page marked Nevada and confirmed the code typing it into the computer. He looked at the President...

"The code has been read and verified, Mr. President."

"Proceed," said Denning.

Petrie turned to the helmsman: "Take her to launch depth, Helm," he said.

"Aye Sir," the Helm replied. The look on his face told the entire story... He was terrified.

"Launch time 30 minutes and counting, Mr. President," Petrie said.

"Very good Captain," The Commander in Chief said.

"Weaps," the Capt. began, "Prepare tube 4 for launch... Launch time 28 minutes and counting."

"Aye Sir," came the reply. Every face in the con was as white as a sheet, looks of intensity on every one... this was it- the moment they had trained for... The moment every man prayed would never come.

The Adm. turned to Denning: "I'm surprised Duke Nukem didn't insist on being here for this," he said with a grim smile. "This is what he's been living for these past 20 years."

"He's with the VP in Air Force One," Denning replied, "as part of the emergency protocol."

Przybysz phone rang... it was Yuri: "Sorry to bother you. I just got word from my government. Denning has begun the strike- we're 25 minutes from nuclear Hell."

Przybysz had to move fast: "Send your President the picture of Fleming with the girls in the hall... only that one." He gave Yuri Denning's private cell number. "Tell him to send it to Denning with a stop order and "More to come, or he sends it to the media. God help us all if it doesn't work."

In the White House Situation Room Denning and his advisors anxiously awaited the conclusion of the countdown and ensuing launch. Denning's private cell began to ring... he considered ignoring it, but retrieved to from his pocket. When he saw the picture, his face fell- particularly when he saw the source. More than the threat of the media exposure, the 'More to come' is what got to him. The photo of Fleming with the girls in the White House hallway was damning enough, but the 'More to come could spell total disaster.

"Abort the launch," he said forcefully.

"But..." Adm Stehle began.

"Call a halt," Denning cried. "Immediately!"

"I'm not certain we can, Mr. President," the Adm. said.

"We have to stop the Goddam launch," Denning shouted. "Now!"

Adm. Stehle turned and instructed the young Marine who began typing furiously.

"The sub is in a comm blackout, Sir," he said. "I don't think I can get through."

Denning began pacing nervously. The tension in the Situation Room was palpable. SecNav Mitchell, Secretary of State Minnick and Adm. Stehle looked at each other anxiously. The young Marine continued to type.

(For links to previous chapters- go to Chapter XV)

GIF by @papa-pepper




Yah... something told me- stop writing now and leave 'em hanging!

What a suspense? Nice one...i shall stick around for more

Thanks... there's links at the bottom to previous chapters.

Thanks to this chapter I just learn a new (for me ^^) word in English: cliffhanger! Great!!! Always excellent chapters from you, dear friend ^^

Thank you my dear Silvia... I always wait for your comment.

Oh man, it might be too late to call off the launch now. You've got us all on the edge of our seats Rich - perfect time to end the chapter and leave us with a cliffhanger!

Tune in Wed. for the thrilling..... LOL!

Darn it's still Monday lol - can't wait!

Oh yeah, I read this as slowly as I could... Excellent place to end the chapter. And I thought this was over some 7 chapters ago... Excellent!

I'm working on Wed.'s now... It's good too I think!

Scaryyyy. 😱😱😱

damn that give me creeps :D

oh "Yah... something told me- stop writing now and leave 'em hanging!

nice story, thx for sharing!

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