I love creating content!

in Comunidad Latina2 years ago

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I have read many times in my life that walking is the best possible exercise for the human body. Today I would like to add that, writing is the best possible exercise for the human brain and mind.

I don’t love creating content… I LOVE creating content! And yes, all my cricket friends, I like writing more than cricket and that says a lot.

How do you feel about creating content? Describe your feelings.

I can write a book by answering this question.

Best I share my top 5 emotions I experience when I write.

  1. Joy
  2. Pride
  3. Gratitude
  4. Hope
  5. Amusement

1. Joy

We’ve all been through a tough period with Covid-19 and the joy was taken away from many of us. There are also other reasons which contribute to us feeling sad. Is that not after all one of the aspects which makes us human?

For me, the easiest way to find joy in my life is by writing. So often when my fingers start moving over the keyboard my smile returns. My stepson has asked me in the past why I am smiling when I am writing a post. I didn’t even realize that I was smiling.

It gives me tremendous joy when I write and it can do the same for you as long as you are willing to enjoy it.

Of course, the biggest joy is when you see readers enjoying your posts.

2. Pride

My mom raised us by telling us that we must always be proud of what we are doing. I never rush my writing. No, I put in all my effort so that when I see my post on my blog I feel proud of it.

Of importance is that as authors we must never become prideful. We must take pride in what we write and make it the best post we can.

There is always a feeling of pride in me when I’ve pushed that “post” button and I go back to read my post.
Oh yes, I can get very cross with myself when I see a mistake after I’ve checked the post multiple times.

3. Gratitude

You might wonder how I can experience a feeling of gratitude in content writing. Easy!

I think that gratitude as an author or blogger is when you take the time to pause and to take notice of what you have accomplished, and the time, and effort you have put into writing the post.
You need to have an emotion of gratitude to be thankful for what you have achieved.

I often also feel gratitude towards my family for allowing me to write and for that cup of tea that finds its place on my desk.

4. Hope

The Steemians who don’t feel hope when they write a post is for sure “far and few” in between. In fact, there should not be any as all authors hope that their content will have an impact.

When I write I hope that my post will be;

• acceptable to my audience
• enjoyed
• educational
• persuasive enough

I hope that I have achieved the goals I have set out for writing the post.

Lastly, I suppose I wouldn’t be a true Steemian if I don’t hope for those votes and engagements.

5. Amusement

Why do we visit an amusement park? To enjoy ourselves.

It gives me great pleasure when I find amusement in my writing. If I can smile about something I have written there is no reason why the reader should not feel the same.


An example is when I write my post for “Wednesday – I spy with my little eye – Mini contest” on Steemkids. There is always a bit of amusement in these post and I cannot wait to see the answers.

Oh my word, the kids and adults are precious!

I do believe that amusement can be beneficial in so many ways, if I am amused with what I have written it wraps off onto my family.


Do you participate in the diary game? Why?

Yip, I do. With my return to Steemit, it was one of the first things I discovered, all these posts with “The Diary Game”. Little did I know what a big part the diary game will play in my life.

Before the engagement challenges, I made a diary post a week and I enjoyed it.

I never wrote more than one post as we had set topics for the week in the communities I was mostly involved in, Steemwomensclub and Steemkids.
Furthermore, I was more than happy to share just one day a week as I had so much else I wanted to write about.

These days, I participate in the diary game in a totally different manner. Currently, I am a moderator and was a curator for three months. When you have tasks to fulfill on Steemit the diary games posts take over.

Steemians absolutely adore the diary game with the result that 90% of the content covers daily activities. That then also the reason why I wrote a post about How to write that perfect diary post...

Sometimes I cannot help to wonder if the dairy posts are not the reason why the quality of posts is not what it used to be. Steemians write a quick diary post for the sake of having something to post for the day.

On the other hand, I have seen some brilliant diary posts with loads of information, on how to grow tomatoes, how to fix a rooftop, etc.

Bottom line, as long as the diary game is part of Steemian it will be part of me.


What contests or dynamics do you usually participate in? (And in which communities)

Oh gosh! Let me think…

Basically, I like anything and I participate in any community depending on the rules etc. I truly don’t have a preference.

Currently, the community I am the most active in is STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE.

It is my opinion that the engagement challenges opened many doors for us.

  1. We are participating and getting to know communities we never dreamed of participating in
  2. We are learning how easy it is to find content to write about
  3. We are getting to know our fellow Steemians
  4. We are building our list of followers

It is then also because of these reasons that I participate in at least two of the weekly challenges. Previously I would take part in all of them week after week but I found myself not enjoying writing anymore. It felt more like I was forced to write.

Creative writing, photography, education, and business-related contest always catch my attention.

PS: I stay away from a contest where you must include selfies or post your entry on other social media platforms. This I do for one reason, it is not allowed in our household.


What kind of content do you like the most and what kind of content do you like the least?

Let’s start with the latter and get it out of the way.

The content I am not very comfortable with is those posts of the crypto professors. I don’t know much about blockchains and the like but I am learning more with each engagement challenge. I don’t participate in all of them but I make sure that I read the posts, week after week. By doing this I might just become a boffin. I also have my regular authors which will copy me in their entries making sure that I get to know the answer to the weekly questions.

The content I like the most, educational posts. I like reading them, I like writing them, and I like sharing them.
It is very rewarding for me to help other Steemians therefore I put a lot of effort into my educational posts.

I recently posted a whole series on “How to start a business” for the kids of Steemkids.

Business lesson 110 - How to start your own business

I know of one young lady who is well on her way to starting her own business and I can only hope that she has learned from my posts and that she will put the lessons into practice.

As of now, I am busy with a series of posts in which I educate Steemians to improve the quality of their posts. These posts are posted in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE as it is the community in which I am a moderator.

My favorite post so far;

How to write that perfect diary post...

I have seen great improvement in the posts of many of these Steemians and I am convinced that we will still see plenty more.


Do you consider the quality of the comments to be high or low? Why?

When I was a curator with The7Up we started by voting on comments.

For the month of May The7Up’s will be curating and rewarding good comments. By doing this we hope to create better interaction between the users of the platform. We encourage you to comment not only on qualified posts but to also to comment well.

Did we succeed? Yes, we did. There was more interaction on posts. It could have been because of one of the conditions of the engagement challenge and the rules set by the various communities.

Your entry must reach 5 comments and 10 votes, it is important that you visit others.

Did the quality comments improve? Yes, I think so. Unfortunately, it didn’t improve as expected. For me, the quality of comments is still low.

The main reason for me is “time”. It takes time to write a post and it takes time to comment on posts. I often see comments where it is clear that the commentator didn’t read the post but only the “conclusion”.

However, I do think that with applications like https://steemseven.xyz/, the availability of global stats, and curators now openly voting on comments Steemians are encouraged to do better in commenting with good quality comments.


In your opinion, what type of content should be most valued by large and small curators?

There is only one type…. Good, quality posts. It doesn’t matter if you are a curator in a community, a curator in the SC03 – SC09 teams or if you are SC01 & SC02. Quality is key in Steemit!

It breaks my heart when I see a bad post with upvotes and a quality post with no upvotes.


Would you like to see Comunidad Latina in another season of the Steemit Engagement Challenge? Explain your answer

Yes! For sure! I have seen the good the engagement challenges are doing for communities. Communities like, Comunidad Latina needs recognition. They need to earn their stake on the Steemit map.

In fact, I would like to see the return of all the communities previously used. It will be awesome if 30 communities could each give one challenge for the month and we as authors can take part in 30 engagement tasks over a period of one month.

This will allow communities to still benefit plus it will allow Steemians to plan their postings better.

I also think we will see fewer “rushed” posts and more quality posts. It can only be a win-win situation for everybody.

“What really knocks me out is a book that, when you're all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it” J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye

My Steemain friends, we get the opportunity to comment on those “books” and the opportunity to make friends with the author. Don’t lose out!

Happy writing!


The original link to this contest

I invite:

Vesting: 1,959.177 STEEM
Transfer: 23.000 STEEM (contests)

15% for @cotina


I have the feelings that writing is your talent ma'am. In my journey with steemit so far, i have came across good and talented content writers, but with who can i compare your creativity? May be in future, i will find that answer.

It breaks my heart when I see a bad post with upvotes and a quality post with no upvotes.

Considering what i am now facing on this platform, i feel like giving up, but i have come to far, and i believe it is now too late for me to give up. I feel discourage because for the last two weeks that i have been participating in the engagement challenge, the chief curators never visited any of my post. Yet, i normally get good grade. Well.... May be i am not lucky enough, but i still believe that things will get better for me.

 2 years ago (edited)

Don't you go anywhere... I'm going to get back to you a bit later. (•ิ‿•ิ)
In the meantime... here is cup of coffee and a chocolate to keep you busy. ☕ 🍫

 2 years ago 

I’m back!
Take a look at my latest post 😊


This post has been upvoted with @steemcurator09/ Curated by: @weisser-rabe

Don't give up! Don't resign...!

Thank you for this support. It came when i needed it the most to keep my spirit high

Congratulations friends for your contest. Yes, I totally agree with the points you made above. I learned a lot from you to continue to improve the quality of my posts. I had a good experience working on the Lucky Dip Team with you. I didn't apply for community curator in October because I wanted to finish my promotion process in the office which had been delayed for almost 9 years. I will make the application later after the activity is complete. Good luck with this contest.

 2 years ago 

Guess what?
I didn’t apply either for curating in October.
I just felt that I still have too many Steemians who I’m helping.
For me that is my priority for now.
I would love to have a 2nd round with you as curator. Fingers cross for months to come.
Thank you for your engagement and kind words.
I wish you all the best for your promotion process 🤞🏻


When I write I hope that my post will be;

• acceptable to my audience
• enjoyed
• educational

You have achieved all that my teacher, not only me, hundreds of other steemians also embrace you as a teacher, motivator, and supporter of the spirit in creating a content, I am very grateful and grateful for it, even you deliberately created a wa group only to educate and guide us juniors, I am willing you to be angry as long as you are not really angry with me

And regarding curation, I think they have done their job, don't know if there is cooperation, why good posts don't get upvotes and vice versa, the answer is only those who know, maybe the problem is time

Success is always for you my teacher🙏

 2 years ago 

GEEZ!! You made me cry!
Your words of gratitude mean so much. Thank you!!
It is only a pleasure helping all of you.
As for you, I've spoken about you when I was writing the post telling my husband how much your posts improved. You WERE a star pupil. You have graduate with flying colors and you are no longer a junior my friend.
PS: I will never get angry with you (•ิ‿•ิ)

Is that right, your husband must be a good person too, greetings to your husband ma'am

Oh yes, is your husband also a steemians, I will find the teacher father, My teacher's mom already has it😅

 2 years ago 

I read your message to him.
He gave a big smile 😊

Thank you very much, I will prove to him that I can💪🙏

 2 years ago (edited)

Whoop whoop!! 👏👏

Today I want to rest first, I didn't sleep from last night, 😅

 2 years ago 

Very good

 2 years ago 

Hello friend @patjewell, greetings, excellent publication.

I have left a vote in your favor with the account @ecosiynthesizer, thank you very much for participating in our community and for betting on its growth.

 2 years ago 

Oh wow it was you! Thank you! It is appreciated.
It is nice to know who the person is behind the vote.
It makes commenting so much nicer (•ิ‿•ิ)
Keep up with the good work!

 2 years ago 

¡Saludos amiga!

Me encantó su manera de iniciar esta publicación porque, eso de que la escritura es el mejor ejercicio para el cerebro me parece muy pertinente porque, siempre he escuchado comentarios que afirman que lo más fácil que existe en la vida es escribir sin embargo, quienes nos dedicamos a esto sabemos que esto no es así ya que, se requiere de mucha agilidad mental y creatividad para poder escribir algo de calidad.

Usted es una excelente autora amiga... Desde que llegaron los challenge y cuando estaba en la curaduría de The7Up tuve la oportunidad de leer algunas de sus publicaciones y me gustaron mucho. Considero que es una de las usuarias que cree y apoya el contenido educativo y le aplaudo ese gesto porque no es muy común verlo.

¡Mucho éxito! En la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo

 2 years ago 

Awh thank you!! Today I don't have a melted heart. I have a warm heart and that all due to you.
You have motivated me with your kind words.

I've curated some of your post and I know that you are very talented. You go a llloonngg way on Steemit. Just carry on with what you are doing.

As for educating our fellow Steemians, it is the way to go. If 50 of us just help 1 person and they help one, and they each help one... the quality of post will increase tenfold!

Thank you for your engagement with my post! 🎕

Indeed, your emotional experiences creating content on Steemit are all great. I am sure your mom really raised you well. Having such emotions while creating content would definitely make you produce the best in you.

I've learned a lot from your content and discovered something new, which is https://steemseven.xyz, brought by @alejos7ven.

I must say that the application is extremely wonderful.

It breaks my heart when I see a bad post with upvotes and a quality post with no upvotes.

Indeed, no sincere user would love to leave a quality post and upvote a post that is not of quality. I trust you on that. Thanks for inviting me and best of luck to you. Indeed, you have written so well.

 2 years ago 

Whoop whoop! You have discovered something new from my post. Awesome!
I know that your comments are always good. Thank you for that. It is through our upvotes and comments that we will make user stay on this platform.

Thank you for your kind words. I hope I will see your post soon.

You are welcome and I most say that things that are done best deserve to be awarded.

 2 years ago 

Very good

 2 years ago 


Thanks for this well detailed entry. You really like to create content and that with the right motive and reasons. You have proven to be one who loves exercising her brain and minds.

I love those contents of yours you shared in steemkids. Thanks for keeping the kids busy with them.

Success in your entry

 2 years ago 

It is for me to say THANK YOU!
Your replies are always something I value. Gosh! Now I think back to that 1st post you helped me with and that first comment of yours... Guess what? I am going to look for it! (•ิ‿•ิ)

Ps: Steemkids a must community for Steemit!
How I would love to see them back in action.

When it comes to content creation on the platform, you are a pro in this. You contents are always eye catching to read. Thank you for the invite to participate in this challenge.

 2 years ago 

It is amazing that the two of us were thinking of each other tonight.. You were writing to me.. I was writing to you... Life how strange yet awesome it is!
Thank you for the visit to my post and the kind words. It is appreciated! 🍫

What a coincidence🤗🤗🤗.

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