in #vlog7 years ago

There has been quite a bit of talk about me lately...

Sure, I may have donated some STEEM to a steemian in need and I may have taken a drive to help a steemian who needed some money.... I may try to encourage and help others, and bless them when I can... Doing things is one thing, but today I want to tell you why.

Simply put, other than what I have already shared, most of you know very little about my past. Even what you do know is only what I have chosen to share or present. I may seem like a good example and a caring, loving guy, but there is much more to the story than that, and I certainly was not always the way that I am now.

I used to be a very greedy, deceitful and selfish person. I would not have cared much about any of you, seriously. So what made the difference, and why is @papa-pepper the way that he is now?


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with steemit.com



Wow you really changed your life, I can see the intensity and passion in your eyes, you made me cry, but in a good way. Isn't it amazing to look back and see how far you have come because we all have struggles in life and when you are strong enough to overcome them, especially when you believe in yourself and the big MAN upstairs nothing can stop you.
Thanks For Sharing papa

Wow nice word . Many as argued that Christian posts won't attract reward on steem but they forgot that the word of God is light . Seek he first the kingdom of God and all other things will follow.

That's correct @crownsamuel
@papa-pepper is knows how I feel about censorship lol God Bless

Life is tough, and thats why people become greedy. Survival. anyways Im new around Steemit so really I don't know pappa pepper but hey, nice to meet you all!!

I just wrote a story here on Steemit about something I witnessed back in 2011, the Fight At The Long Beach Pier

Dear @papa-pepper, would you please let me add something else to your amazing video?
1- your mentality of GIVING instead of just RECEIVING is what i praised the most! Us humans continue to reinvent technology and wealth but we tend to centralise everything again and again, selfishness looks like to be inherited in human DNA. All this STEEM thing...man... its an opportunity to everyone become a little less selfish, and realise that GIVING is the only way to change the world and ourselves!
2- you are brave of coming here to share your story. The decision you made of changing your life (being enpowered by the life of Christ) id a daily decision we all must do; should I tell the truth? Shoould i pay my taxes...or should i help that person in need... its a matter of choice we make every single day. Today, 5am in Australia, i want to choose to live for like Christ did.

Thank you for that!

my goodness! you have sticken the love chord here on steemit! It absolutely thrills me to see you doing so well on here and becoming a staple in the steemit community. You are exactly what this platform needs more users like you. Engaging, encouraging, and informative always. much love and success to you. I really see a great future ahead for you and the fam. much love always
I still sing meet me at the bottom of the cross randomly from time to time..... mostly while walking through super markets and standing in check out lines.. strange really....lol

I have met some people in life that have only been around for a very short time yet have touched so many peoples lives. It's amazing what we can achieve in even a short time here on earth.

The reason I write this is because no matter how bad your life has been you always still have time to make a huge positive difference here.

A truly inspiring post.

Can't live in the past or the future only the now............ You're a good guy. Heart felt and honest. Not hard to sit and say but we've all been there in one form or another. Keep doin' what you do. I think we all appreciate it and your efforts. Thanks. Enjoyed.

wow man..... just saw your video you are one of a kind and I am grateful for your video.. I am trying to change my self as well to be more I guess human.. seeing this made me cry and damn it was deep for me.

Thank you a million times.

I am glad to hear that. I have been around a lot and in a lot of different situations. I would not trade what I have in Jesus Christ for anything. Thanks for letting me know!

Suspense or Investigation or are we doing some kind of Crime Patrol with @papa-pepper's life...sounds interesting 😊

We know @papa-pepper you are the 'steem-star' 💥
We are not interested in what you were in your past as we know that you will never reflect the negativity of you past in today or future. I am sure you are an inspiration to many on this platform.

LOL, thank you @bhavnapatel68. Hopefully I can inspire honesty and humility too.

Whoa! Just joined Steemit and already ran into a star? Cool!!! :)

What a testimony! Thank God for change that we know can only come from the power of God. At some point in all our lives we come to this crossroad of choosing to serve our own fleshly desires or the will of God. I haven't met one single person who has regretted the choice to let God lead their lives. Change them for the better, turn their life around 180 degrees. He protected you from you own self destruction.
No matter what others belief we can all be thankful for the impact of God in your life and the faith that you have that has brought about this change for the good. We are all indeed blessed because you allowed God to change you and use you to help others. He's given you a giving and compassionate heart to serve others. Thank you and be bless papa pepper!

Thank you for that!


I had a feeling, man.

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