Nungbon_art : Hi there, My first interface with steemit platform - Introducemyself - artwoker -bilingual(Ind-Eng)

Hello people in the world

imageVery happy to get to know a new platform that is very foreign to me before.Honestly this platform is very interested in me to try it. How come? This platform that can give appreciation to the users, them say so and I really want to prove it.


Sangat senang rasanya bisa kenal sama plarform baru bagi saya, jujur saja saya sangat tertarik untuk mencobanya . Bagaimana tidak? Platform ini bisa memberikan apresiasi bagi penggunanya, mereka bilang sih gitu dan saya benarbenar ingin membuktikannya.

Whats made me interested with this platform :

Who doesn't want money? Iam sure there is no one.
It is because we really need it to continue this life. Well so that I know this platform is very unusual, opens opportunities for those of us who want to benefit. Is it easy to get the benefits? I said yes for someone who really want to spend time for this platform, because success is not instant, I think so:)


Siapa sih yang enggak mau duit? Tak ada satupun yang tidak mau. Ya memang hidup ini membutuhkan duit. Platform ini memang sangat luarbiasa, membuka peluang bagi kita yang ingin mendapatkan keuntungan. Apakah semudahitu? Saya bilang begitu bagi mereka yang sungguh-sungguh dan mau meluangkan waktu nya untuk platform ini, karena sukses gakada yang instan, kalaupun ada toh itu gak bertahan lama:)

Motivation :

  • In line with the hobby

    Well, As an art worker I love all about art Whether it's like writing, drawing, painting and everything else but what I am doing now is only on painting and writing.I had time to make a classic comic that is very thick with Indonesian culture as my country. And the comic is still the stage of work has not been completed because that's my own that do it, I just want it is only the result of my own hands there is no interference of others so when it is finished I feel proud, original made by own.


Baik, saya sebagai pekerja seni sudah pasti saya sangat mencintai seni seperti menulis, menggambar,melukis dan lainlain. Tapi yang saya geluti sekarang adalah melukis dan menulis. Saya lagi membuat komik yang sangat kental dengan kebudayaan indonesia. Tapi komik nya belum selesai sepenuhnya masih tahap pengerjaan, karena memang saya membuatnya sendiri tanpa campur tangan orang lain, jadi ketika komik itu diluncurkan/selesai saya bisa sangat bangga atas jerih payah saya sendiri.

My hobby is a lot of time consuming
Comic culture of indonesia

  • Got appreciation

    Surely everyone wants a confession for himself. But it means positive not to be arrogant but to motivate ourselves to continue to give the best so that can make people smile and like our work. And if necessary they will pay for each of our work because they like it:)


Sudah pasti setiap orang ingin mendapatkan pengakuan untuk dirinya sendiri, tapi itu berarti positif bukan untuk menjadi sombong tapi untuk memotivasi diri supaya bisa terus memberikan yang terbaik sehingga membuat mereka tersenyum dan menyukai karya kita. Dan kalau perlu mereka akan membayar setiap karya kita karena mereka suka dengan itu :).

Traditional Indonesian dance
Traditional Indonesian jathil dance

Where i know this platform :

I know it from my friend, my friend suddenly came to tell me about this platform, initially I do not really believe because in my mind this is like selling a product say like a multi level marketing(MLM) business, but I do not immediately turn a blind eye to it then I immediately search Knew it from google, and finally i was interested after i read it from some blog person who wrote about this platform. Yes I am just curious and there is no mistake of it as well I tried it. And as an art worker I am very happy if this platform is right to pay for each of our work, and this will be a new channel for me to be able to channel hobbies and get paid. But actually we do not have to think about money because money will follow us if we deserve for it


Saya mengetahui platform ini dari teman saya, tiba-tiba dia datang menjelaskan tentang platform ini. Saya gak langsung percaya karena saya pikir alah itu pasti seperti Bisnis MLM saya sangat tidak tertarik untuk bisnis itu. Tapi saya tidak seketika langsung menutup mata atas apa yang dia katakan, saya coba mencari tahu tentang itu semua lewat google. Dan akhirnya saya tertarik setelah membaca blog orang yang membahas tentang steemit ini. Yaa saya tentu penasaran dan tidak ada salahnya juga saya mencobanya. Dan sebagai pekerja seni tentunya saya sangat senang jika memang platform ini benar-benar membayar setiap karya kita, dan bisa menjadi penyaluran baru buat saya untuk bisa menyalurkan hobi sekaligus dibayar/digaji. Tapi sebenarnya kita gakperlu memikirkan duit nya karena duit akan mengikuti kita jika kita pantas mendapatkannya:)

Little about me

Let me introduce myself, My name is Nungbon lam 43years old. My wife name is Sri kanti(beautiful women in the world). I have been majoring in art of pure at the art institute yogyakarta, indonesia. I live in ponogoro, indonesia
My qoute :

I'm not one of the stars in the sky but I'm not street dust either.

My little family
Draw my wife
Draw my wife(2)


Sedikit pengenalan saya, Nama saya Nungbon umur saya 43 tahun. Istri saya bernama Sri kanti(wanita tercantik didunia,hehe). Saya pernah berkuliah di institusi seni jogjakarta mengambil jurusan seni murni. Dan sekarang saya tinggal di ponorogo, indonesia.
Qoute saya :

Aku bukanlah salah satu bintang dilangit tapi aku juga bukan debu jalanan.

That's a little introduction from me. Hopefully I can feel at home in this platform. And want to Invites you to love art, because art makes your life is beautiful.

Follow @nungbonart


Welcome to Steem @nungbonart I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Welcome to Steem @nungbonart I have upvoted and sent you a tip. Check my blogs if you are looking for tips on how to earn more Steem and SBD.

Nice, a new Steemian, more or less ^^ Hello @Nungbonart I hope you have fun at this place. feel free to contact or follow me at any time :-) Greetings @chrisx

Welcome to the Community, Nungbonart!! Wish you much luck! Cheers! Follow me !

Hello !I am @minnowhelp, nice to meet you Nungbonart ,
I do track some @booster upvote runs and try to figure out, if this booster upvote really giving a value.
With this upvotes you can earn some money here, if they provide a value. That's what I am testing for new Steemians !

Im my session#1 I tracked amongs I tracked amongst other users the upvote boost of @digital-gypsy, he boosted his post value to $5.06 , which was $3.56 more than before the booster upvote !
And that with just an investment of $1.28478 !

So if you want to see the results of my work, feel free to follow me @minnowhelp

Welcome to Steemit Nungbonart !

Hello Nungbonart - welcome to Steemit ! i am @digital-gypsy - nice to meet you and all the best !

Welcome to Steemit @nungbonart!
I'm a bot-helper, and I'm created to help. Congratulations on the registration on Steem - you really like it here! If you like me, make an upvote of my comment and follow me. Your upvote will allow you to give more money to new users, such as you. Let's make Steem better together!
I follow you, and to get more upvote and resteem - follow me!
All the money I earn will be donated to charity.
Steem on!

Welcome to steemit @nungbonart
Follow @animelovers to get to know each other
Do not forget vote, comment and resteemed my post

Greetings @nungbonart! smart move becoming a member of steemit!


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