Ghosts and Old Memories (A Pandemic Story) - Part 1

in #story7 years ago

Hello, and welcome to the first of several short stories set in the world of my novel. I'm using these as an opportunity to improve my writing skills and help to build the world of my novel. You will meet many of the characters that are part of my novel's world, though none of them are main characters. These short stories are exercises designed to help me bring more life and vibrancy to secondary characters. Please let me know what you think, and I will answer every comment (as long as you give me something more than "Good Story".

Eric Briggs looked around his empty home. Its quiet halls and dark rooms were beginning to weigh heavily on his mind, and the isolation was getting to be too much for him. Set on an acre of prairie land not far from the city, he had been alone now for close to a month. A few days ago he had realized that there was nothing left for him in this house except ghosts and old memories.

His wife and daughter had both gone quickly, if not quietly, just days into the pandemic. After a week, almost everyone had gone. He hadn't seen any sign of another human in almost three weeks. He'd gotten sick but recovered fairly quickly, having had only a slight cough and headache that kept him down for a day or so. Since then, he'd spent most of his time inside the house, trying to keep in touch with the dwindling number of people online. He hadn't even been able to bury his family because of the frozen ground outside. He'd had to settle for building crude stone cairns to serve as their final resting place.

Despite the best efforts of those few people who had survived, the utilities were starting to fail. His power had been flickering for days before finally quitting a week ago. The fuel for his generator would run out tomorrow or the next day. He'd been able to connect with a few other survivors over the internet, but that had failed for good a couple days ago. He'd told them of his plans, and left a post on Facebook, which had kept running until the bitter end.

Not far from his house, just outside the city limits was a rail yard. Parked there, since the start of the pandemic, were a series of trains hauling all sorts of rail cars. Contained within and upon these cars were products of every description, he was sure.

He'd loaded his SUV up over the past couple days. Thankfully, it still ran and with the results of the pandemic, there was lots of gasoline around. He got in and started the engine before backing away from his house. He stopped, got out, and retrieved the sign reading "The Briggs Family" from the front porch. Wedging it into the passenger seat beside him, he drove down his driveway and away from his home.

Until today, the cold weather had largely worked in his favour. His stockpile of frozen food had grown as he had raided his neighbours houses once it became clear that they weren't coming back. He'd had the misfortune to find some of his neighbours who had tried unsuccessfully to escape the pandemic by hiding in their houses.

Today, however, was a different story. As his SUV pushed through the unploughed roads, he was thankful for the 4-wheel drive that kept him from getting too badly stuck in the snow. As it was, he still felt the SUV sliding around beneath him as he navigated the snow-covered roads.

Before long, he reached the outskirts of the large business park where the rail yard was located. He paused, looking out at the warehouses and commercial buildings dotting the landscape in front of him. As the idling SUV rumbled beneath him, he considered the fact that all it would take is one person with a rifle to ruin his plan, and end his life.

But the only vehicle tracks were his own, and despite the power appearing to still be on in most buildings, there was no sign that anyone had been around in a long time. As he moved the gear shift back into "Drive", he slouched down in hiw seat and moved the car cautiously to the parking lot of the closest building. As much as he would like to explore the entire area tonight, it would have to wait. His first priority had to be food and shelter.

He parked the SUV and put on his winter gear. Pulling his rifle from its spot beside the passenger seat, he exited the vehicle, keeping its bulk between him and the building. He put his rifle to his shoulder and cautiously scanned the side of the building closest to him. He saw no signs of anyone being there, so he slung his rifle and carefully withdrew his hand gun.

His neighbour on the next acreage over had been a cop, and after finding her body, he had decided to put some of her equipment to good use. His slim frame had easily fit into her vest and jacket. And, while it had taken some getting used to, he found her tactical belt to not only fit him but also carry a plethora of useful items.

As he moved forward, he held the gun as he had seen in movies - one hand holding the gun with the other supporting the first hand's wrist. As he approached the door, the hand without the gun reached out for the door handle, not surprisingly the door was locked. He quickly considered his options before deciding to break the glass on the front door. Hopefully he would be able to find something to cover the hole with, but there seemed to be several layers to the building and he figured he would be warm enough.

After breaking the glass, he ducked into the lobby and quickly took cover out of sight of anyone coming into the lobby from inside the building. When nobody appeared after the first few minutes, he breathed a sigh of relief. If the sound of breaking glass hadn't summoned the occupants, then they likely weren't here.

He quickly scouted out the rest of the building before settling on an office on the second floor as his new home. He hauled his gear out of the SUV before making himself some supper on a camp stove and rolling out his sleeping bag. After making sure his rifle and handgun were both close by, he attempted to fall asleep.

To Be Continued...

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I am so pleased! I have discovered another good writer!
Finding the odd good writer on Steemit inspires me, making me want to become better than I am.

I was, at first attracted to checking this post because of the comment about these stories being from the world of your novel (are you going to tell us the name of your novel?). It is exactly what I am doing. A novel size story is not A story, it is a gathering and a chain of stories that combine to create one whole. My novel(s) have reached about 25,000 pages, written over 18 years - and thus, there are many stories for me to post.

It does mean I am not still honing my skills by posting here (I do re-read and correct or fill in where needed, so it does help improve the story). Mostly I just wanted to know there are a few people who have read my story and enjoyed the reading.

The verdict is still out on that, though I've just had my first reader comment and ask for more, so I am feeling a bit high just now.

It is now time for me to go on to the second part of your story, so, thanks again and I hope to be communicating many times. Have followed. Please only follow me if you check and think my writing is deserving of you following, as I did with you.

Well thank you! I look forward to checking out your blog! I'm always on the lookout for new people to follow and great content creators.

Based on my experience here and the feedback I've gotten, I'm considering changing the structure of my novel...but that's a story for another time!

I will likely post the third part tomorrow as I've drafted most of it but haven't had the time to write it in the last few days.

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Thanks for being an original and creative content creator! You rock!

I really liked your story!
You know, I was so upset when I reached the end of the text.. What's gonna happen next?? And then I saw "To be Continued..." :)
You've caught my attention and now I eager to find out how the story ends :)

I ended up splitting the story into two parts as I felt it was getting a little long for a single post. The second half will be coming later this week!

O conto até aqui está muito bem conduzido, gostei. O tema é rico e o personagen está sujeito a inúmeras situações que pode exigir muito dele para poder sobreviver no cenário em que ele se encontra. Parabéns.
Eu tenho diversos contos e também comecei a publicar aqui. Você acha que vale a pena publicar aqui?

Por favor, desculpe meu idioma, estou usando o Google Translate para escrever isso.

Obrigado por seus comentários! Sim, você deve colocar suas histórias aqui no Steemit! Provavelmente não será capaz de lê-los devido às minhas habilidades linguísticas pobres, mas há muitas pessoas que serão capazes de ler e apreciá-las!

Cool this grabbed me right away. Of course Facebook was running to the bitter end. And Steemit, I am sure ;) This is a fun idea to flesh out the lives of minor characters, and I am sure will pay dividends in the main book as well as you know more about these people and the world.

Happy to have found you - following! Cheers - Carl

This was a lot of fun to write! I'm basing it off the area that I live in as this area will be a stopping point in my main character's journey. It also provides me with other possibilities for new stories set in this world. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, I've also added you to my feed!

It's always a pleasure to read the work of another writer. I'm digging the thought process of using side characters to develop your writing skills. You might already be aware of these but thehemingwayeditor dot com really helps my efforts online. Yoast seo has helped a lot too, though I think people might wonder why I would say that. It's so technical.
I have you on follow and will keep an eye out for the next episode. Personally, I have yet to even consider writing a book. That makes you an inspiration. Keep it up and thank you! :) Geoff.

I can't really say that I put a lot of thought into this process, I just knew that I didn't know some of my secondary characters like I knew my primary characters. When I write, I have the general arc set out, but I let my characters develop and dictate their actions. I'm on my way over to your blog to check out what you've got...good luck with your writing, and thanks!

Thank you sir. I'll put some content down here on Steemit too. Just trying to get my feet wet, learn the ropes, and meet a few people first. :)

Well then, it is nice to meet you...and welcome!

I was intrigued and tried to go to thehemingwayeditor dot com (I did edit to a .) but I get: server not found. Am I doing something wrong?

Sorry. That wasn't the right url. Here you go.

No affiliation there, just a good resource.

Fantastic! So great to see this getting noticed. Thx for adding such value to #teamcanada

Thanks! I'm glad to be part of such a varied and versatile team here! You guys are doing a great job with all of your msp work (I've been lucky enough to get a few upvotes here and there!)

I genuinely can’t wait to see what happens next. I love the idea of meeting side characters for a novel that I haven’t even read yet. Awesome idea. Thanks for sharing your story with us! I’m following, with hopes to read more very soon.

Thank you! As an aspiring author, it means a lot to me that people are interested in the story I'm telling! I'm hoping to have part 2 up later this week (free time and workload permitting!)

I understand free time being a scarcity. I’ll wait patiently. I consider myself picky when it comes to reading. You are an amazing writer, and I think you should definitely push forward with it.

So far I like this story. I want to read on, so I am hooked. Eric seems like a resourceful person. Can't wait to see what his plans are for survival.

Ahhh...those are coming up soon...Eric is very resourceful, but he's only human and that might come back to bite him in the next part!

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