Scares Are Like Tattoos With Better Stories, The Wisdom And Beauty Of Imperfection - Wabi-Sabi (侘寂)

in #breastcancerawareness7 years ago (edited)

It was an immense shock when I heard about my Indonesian friends, Ishimine's story, loosing her breast, diagnosed with breast cancer at such young age. I will not write a lot about her path since then but she is one of the bravest women I know! 

Strong and resilient, yet so gentle, soft and beautiful! 

All photos are original with Cindy's permission to post in the name of Breast Cancer Awareness!

Cancer Warrior on Instagram

2016  - October 29th found a lump, Nov 4th biopsy and Nov 17th Mastectomy. Grade 2A invasive lobular carcinoma. Double positive. Last chemo 4/4/17

Stunning Artwork by her friends on Instagram"arnismuhammad "photo by "nomad.dex"

Distance yourself to see things clearly. When everything feels like an uphill struggle....just think of the view from the top - Cindy 

I love and respect you so much for spreading a positive message for all cancer victims, Cindy!

Follow her Instagram and see for yourself. My words would not be enough to express as well as she does. 

Her message is deep, honest and loud!

This girl only sleeps with butterflies

Thank you for this Wabi-sabi gift. "The wisdom and beauty of imperfection." 

Wabi-sabi nurtures all that is authentic by acknowledging three simple realities: nothing lasts, nothing is finished, and nothing is perfect.

 4th Chemo - Pre medications and I'm just having fun with apps

Bring Wabi Sabi in your life as well as Cindy did 

It doesn’t require money, training nor any special skills. 

"When a friend can hear my thoughts, he gave caption to the photo he took" Photo by Dex

"Rethinking, what sexiness is, What attractiveness is...."

It takes a mind quiet enough to appreciate muted beauty, courage not to fear bareness, willingness to accept things as they  are without ornamentation. It depends on the ability to slow down, to shift the balance from doing to being, to appreciating rather than  perfecting.- Source 

Wabi-sabi reminds us that we are all transient beings on this  planet—that our bodies, as well as the material world around us, are in  the process of returning to dust. Nature’s cycles of growth, decay, and  erosion are embodied in frayed edges, rust, liver spots. Through  wabi-sabi, we learn to embrace both the glory and the melancholy found  in these marks of passing time.

Image Source 

"4 weeks from my 1st chemo and 5 days after my 2nd chemo - hair basically  began dropping off and decided to let go. I've done goodbye with my  boob so this is far easier knowing it will grow back anyways. Bye hair, see you next year. FYI, thanks to my mom for taking good care of my head  shape since born" - Cindy

Cindy and her son Nakula : "All I wish is to see my sons children one day" 

Wabi-Sabi: The Art Of Imperfection

This Japanese tradition offers an inspiring new way to look at your home and your whole life. 

Wabi-sabi reminds us that we are all transient beings on this  planet—that our bodies, as well as the material world around us, are in  the process of returning to dust. Nature’s cycles of growth, decay, and  erosion are embodied in frayed edges, rust, liver spots. Through  wabi-sabi, we learn to embrace both the glory and the melancholy found  in these marks of passing time.- Source

Follow @mammasitta

Join Mammasittas channel 

PS : Warriors, We Are! Men Of Knowledge


PS : It was really difficult to write this article, please forgive if I can't reply right away to answer to your feedback and thoughts.
I have to admit that I am crying even though I am so proud of Cindy. Her only wish : "I want to see my sons children ".
She will!!!! I pray for her and maybe you decide the same for all women effected by this horrific disease.

Cindy : Beautifully written by @mammasitta "Silvie ILuh Cempaka"
Thank you for taking the time to write about my story. You have been one of my support even before this whole thing started. I must say I'm very touched and I couldn't help my tears from falling down my cheeks. Tears of gratitude and love. God bless you. ✨❤️✨✨

@mammasitta can you check ur

you did it well...@mammasitta

I have no words. Pray is good...

From all the reading and videos I've been watching, I'm convinced that people should not do chemotherapy. It destroys your immune system and it is a weak immune system that allowed cancer to spread in the first place. The post has a graphic that asks God to cure all cancer. In reality, God already gave us the cure; it is the corrupt medical systems that are killing us. Our bodies already have the ability to kill cancer cells, but it is the junk we put into our bodies that is preventing that system from working. Chemotherapy has a 97 % chance of ultimately killing you... the cancer will return, and stronger than before! DO NOT do chemotherapy and go somewhere where alternative therapies are allowed. Not every therapy works for all cancers, so do your research. This message needs to get out so people can stop dying of cancer. Do not trust any doctor that tells you to do chemotherapy or radiation therapy; those are both very damaging to your health. There ARE alternatives.

It's easy to say when you are healthy.
What would I do?
I totally agree with you but I guess it's a very difficult decision to take when you are confronted. This would be a topic for 100000 more articles.
Our medical system is a big mess!
All I can do is trying to prevent
I wrote here what I believe in

That is very true.
I watched too many friends die because of the treatment rather than the cancer itself. If you are told you are going to die anyway, or that the chances are 97%, then there really is not that much risk in trying something different.

I've been told I may have an aneurysm in my brain. I did the research and I don't like either option. I chose to do nothing except to try and keep my blood pressure normal and stay healthy. If I die, at least it will be quick!

I am so sorry to hear about this but admire your attitude. I agree with you once again but can't and don't want to imagine what I would decide

If (and hopefully you don't need to make that choice) the day comes, you will likely find the right choice.
I watched a Ted Talk where a first aid responder talked about how he used to lie to people he knew would not live. One day he decided to tell the truth and he was shocked by the response. All the people he told that they were going to die did NOT freak out. Instead they accepted death and were at peace with it. He stopped telling lies and allowed those about to die to say the things that were important to them; generally forgiveness and something they are proud of and feel would leave their mark.

Not sure about that. My mother did both, chemo and then later no chemo..she passed away. My father didn't do chemo..he passed away anyway..

Simply doing NOTHING is also not going to cure the cancer. You stated that your mother and father didn't do chemo. and both died. What you did not state is whether or not they tried alternative therapies? The cancer will NOT go away on its own. It was created because of some reason and that reason needs to be reversed or removed.

Lately (after having written all the above) a tumor was found in my body, so I now get to actually live by my words. I am trying 4 different angles to shrink that tumor. Hopefully I will be successful. Time will tell.

Sorry to hear about that. Hope one of the angles work or a combination.

They tried many things and spent a lot of money on experimental and alternatives..

Thanks for the clarification.
In order not to re-invent the wheel, would you be able to say which alternatives definitely do not work? This would help me to sort out what I should be doing versus what is a waste of time.

My plan WAS to use the ketogenic diet and cannabis oil, but it seems that cannabis oil is not the silver bullet it is claimed to be. I'm still trying the ketogenic diet along with exercise and bouncing to move the lymphatic fluids around in the body, reduce stress, eat apricot seeds for the cyanide and Reiki.

This story really hits home with me. My mother is a breast cancer survivor. She's over 80 years old and had her surgery over 30 years ago. Actually the doctors had to go back in a second time. I've gained so much strength and inspiration over the years watching her.

❤️ To you and your awesome Mama!!!

Thank you very much!

My grandmother was diagnosed with cancer back in 2006. I have watched her hair falling off, nails getting malformed and immense pain she has gone through is above words. Despite all these, She is the most beautiful lady on the earth to me.

But you know what? She is a fighter and It's been 11 years she is winning the game and enjoying her life with her grandchildren. I am so proud of her. :)

I am sending you and your Mom many more wonderful years together. I guess it brings families even closer and appreciate life even more. She is blessed to be one of the survivors image

Yes, she is. Nice photo though. Did you capture it?

Yes ! I had so many every day in my garden, falling of those wonderful Bali trees

I truly believe that all kind of sickness come to our lives to teach us something.. to love ourselves, to appreciate what we have and to stop and look around for a second.. It is always hard to accept that it is exactly you who are sick.. but I will never forget how I read that our best gifts are in the ugliest wrappings..

Beautiful post, really inspiring! ♥ I am sure Cindy will have a lot of precious memories to live for..

Sending lots of faith and light :)

our best gifts are in the ugliest wrappings..

Touching comment and words!
Thank you for sending the light we all deserve. 🌸
I am grateful every day what an exciting life I lived so far and that I am personally not faced with disease.
Cindy is a true warrior, sharing her story the way she does. It will help many women!

Dear @mammasitta

I think nowadays a lot of people are fighting with this illness... But they missunderstand that it is a blessing telling them they have done something wrong till now and they should find a better way to live!

Cancer awareness is really important, it should be reminded to all women that they should check themselves and should find time to care for their health!

This is the most beautiful post. Namaste

Scars on our body is just the line. And even if they are ugly....they will heal. But, it's better than the scars in our souls. They is unhealed everlasting wounds. May God give her strength and endurance, patience and will. Let Cindy never break a rod in her soul...Amen!

Beautiful feedback and wishes for a warrior woman . Thank you so much! She is reading all your messages and grateful for your compassion.

Damn! Great article. I must admit that while I knew something like breast cancer exists I never pondered the implications

Cancer sucks. But we can always find beauty behind the scars. Thanks for your post.

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