Sacred Plants And Natures Vaccine - Why Do I Believe In Healing With Kambo Frog Medicine?!

in #healing7 years ago

Do You believe that there are sacred plants and natural medicines helping to get rid of chronic or life threatening diseases or that you actually could prevent to get badly sick ......I DO! I will not support the corrupt Pharma industry to get more wealthy.

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My mother spends more of her money on (some totally unnecessary) chemicals, those drug-dealers aka doctors prescribe, than food. 

With Kambo, we have the opportunity to wake up the body to its full natural potential. The people who regularly receive this ‘vaccine’ do not get sick and have plenty of energy. Restoring a natural balance, it prevents the onset of complaints induced by viruses. Even cancer does not have a chance to grow, in some cases. For the best results, it is advisable to receive kambô regularly. In the case of heavy diseases, addictions or accumulated toxins from pharmaceutical medicines, it may be helpful to double the treatments for awhile. In this way, the cleansing effects of the kambô treatments will build on one another and will last longer. During a treatment, kambô immediately scans a person’s energy field and starts to work exactly where it is needed. The process is different for everyone and the course of treatment should be planned accordingly.    - Source from a scientific research

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My Personal Experience in short 

The day I received news from a dear knowledgable friend who lived in Peru, that a world class Peruvian shaman will visit Bali, I didn't hesitate to join a couple of unforgettable ceremonies, hidden in Bali's jungle for a couple of days. 

My first experience with Kambo was not very successful because I was too much in control and wouldn't let go. I couldn't purge! So, I did not enjoy the well known cleansing effects. The so called "Bad " didn't leave my body. I held back. I was frustrated but patient for another opportunity. 

My second ceremony a few month later was amazing and liberating. I wouldn't describe the 20 minutes as the most pleasant ones at all but I knew it was well worth it. I felt nauseous, struggling with the poison entering my system, like thousands of bees tickling me. Hang in there I thought and then a few minutes later, 2 litres of water I had to drink before the session, mixed with green and yellow slime, exploded out of my stomach. The feeling to be finally cleaned was euphoric. My heart wide open again. 

You might think I am crazy but I consider chemotherapy more insane. Chemicals pumped in our bodies? No, Thank you! I trust in mother nature more! 


Kambo / Sappo is NOT hallucinogenic ! 


What is Kambo? 

- Kambo is one of the strongest natural antibiotics, also anesthetics found in the world and one of the strongest, natural ways to empower our immune system

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 -Kambo is a traditional medicine which is derived from "magical" frogs, and cannot be compared with hallucinogens such as Ayahuasca and San Pedro. It is a secretion from the bright green giant monkey frog that lives in the north-west area of the Amazon rain forest. Indigenous tribes have used it as a prophylactic against malaria but also to boost your stamina and strength. Do not worry, those frogs are not injured from the collection of their secretions. 

“Kambô circulates in the heart. Our shaman said that when we take kambô it makes the heart move accurately, so that things flow, bringing good things to the person. It is as if there was a cloud on the person, preventing the good things to come, then, when it takes the kambô; it comes a ‘green light’ which opens its ways, making things easier.” — from “Kambô, The Spirit of the Shaman” by Professor Marcelo Bolshaw Gomes

Kambo or Sappo is obtained via scraping onto wooden Kambo sticks.

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- Kambo has been studied for its pharmacological potential and found to contain several peptides that trigger extreme reactions in human beings. These include the potent opioids Dermorphin and Deltorphin 

Also found in: Wikipedia: A hepta-peptide first isolated from the skin of South American frogs of the genus Phyllomedusa (e.g., P sauvagei), which is a highly potent opioid agonist with selectivity for mu opioid receptors. It is 30–40 times more potent than morphine but less likely to produce drug tolerance and addiction.

Powerful Treatment

This powerful amazonian medicine is mainly used for the treatment of chronic pain, has anti-inflammatory power, it can heal infections and regulate blood pressure. Other potential uses include treatment of depression, blood circulation problems, migraine, Alzheimers, Parkinson’s disease, vascular insufficiency, organ diseases, cancer, fertility problems in women, hepatitis, even AIDS.

This powerful medicine should never be administered by anyone other than a highly skilled practitioner. On the day of treatment, patients are advised to drink lots of water, only a light juice breakfast. 


The medicine is administered through small holes, burned into the first layers of the skin. This dried serum is mixed with water, then a small amount will be rubbed into each burn. 

Immediate effects include a stinging sensation and quickening of the carotid pulse. Patients may feel a flushing fever sensation in the arms and face, followed by weakness. Users should expect to vomit and experience stomach cramps. These effects subside within about 30-45 minutes, after which the patient should rest for the remainder of the day and enjoy a good night’s sleep. In the week after administration of Kambo, people should be able to reduce or even eliminate medications such as pain killers, anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxants used for chronic conditions, and no longer rely on narcotics. Side effects may include a few sweaty, restless nights. In sum, Kambo requires patients to endure about 45 minutes of discomfort in exchange for an extended period of painlessness during which the body can readjust with potentially permanent positive effects. People with existing heart or cardio-vascular disease should consult with their physician before using Kambo.- Source : To learn more, please visit the author Guy Crittenden’s Blog  

 Image Source  from Pinterest

 Kambô: Scientific Research and Healing Treatments  by Giovanni Lattanzi  ( pdf file )  
 article translated from Spanish and edited from the original  

‘Kambô’, ‘campu’, ‘sapo’, ‘vacino da floresta.’ These are all names for the waxy secretion of a tree frog living in the northwestern part of the Amazon rainforest (in Colombia and on the border between Peru and Brazil). The scientific name for this frog is ‘Phyllomedusa bicolor’ or ‘Giant Monkey frog’. In this article, I will use the name ‘Kambô.’ Originally, 53 tribes used this secretion but now only 13 small tribes still use it. It is used to get rid of ‘panema’, the name they give to bad luck, as well as for ‘hunting magic’ and as a powerful medicine against snake bites, malaria, yellow fever and other epidemic diseases.  

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 Spiritual aspects and natural intellegance 

The green frog is connecting us with our natural wisdom, those mirrors of our negative habits, showing us what we should avoid and what we could do in order to improve our condition.  

In the article “Kambô, the Spirit of the Shaman", Marcelo Gomes writes that mambo establishes a chakra realignment, a mark for organic and psychological reorganization, from which the person changes their patterns of health. Kamboo is a fire medicine and when combined with the water that is drunk before the treatment, an alchemical transformation happens, old toxins are released through vomiting or urgent defecation. This cleansing process works not only on a physical level but also on a spiritual one.  

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Sacred plants 


I was lucky to meet DIEGO and so grateful for my very first adventure with the mother of all plants.

Let me introduce you to this video clip to understand the magic of this plant from a shaman I trust. This Interview was published on Dec 1, 2014


Diego is from Peru and has worked with Ayahuasca for over 2 decades. He has shared the medicine with 1000s of people internationally, is known as maybe one of the most popular Ayahuasca shamans there is. He has a wealth of wisdom to share about this sacred plant, his journey from the corporate world, and ultimately, how Ayahuasca helps us peel away the layers of illusion to know.......Truth.... the Inner Journey.

For more information about the Sacred Valley of Peru you can visit: and 


The sacred cactus from South America from the Andes.  

San Pedro or wachuma is a teacher plant and medicine from the Andes. Likewise Ayahuasca, San Pedro has been used in ceremonial and respectful way through thousands of years by Andean priests and medicine men for spiritual practice purpose. The journey with wachuma is one of an expanse into deep peace and kindness, joy and celebration of life.- Source 

19 years young, I was studying english in London, somebody slipped a worm in my drink at some party, Yukkk? All I can remember was me, sitting infront of hundreds of vinyls practising my first dj skills for hours, considering I had no experience at all at the time :) I had to read this article Did You Eat The Worm?  to understand what I was tripping on.

I  did eat a maggot! OMG!  

"The urban legend I was told when I first had mezcal was that it was made from a psychotropic cactus, chemically similar to mescaline- thus the name. The worm supposedly absorbed a lot of the mescaline, so if you ate it you would trip for days.If you drink the mezcal and eat the worm, you are not consuming liquid mescaline and then chewing on a psychoactive larva. All you are doing is drinking some booze and eating a maggot. Sorry, frat boys, but those are the facts" - By Chris Thompson

Some people lovingly call San Pedro, "The Grandfather" but I don't know much about it.  


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Trichocereus Pachanoi, aka San Pedro, is a columnar cactus native to the Andean mountains of Peru, and Ecuador. Some of the indigenous names for San Pedro are: huachuma, chuma, and wachuma. It is one of the four most sacred plants of Peru, along with Tobacco, Ayahuasca and Coca. San Pedro has hallucinogenic properties and is often compared to the more popular cactus known as Peyote; both are members of the mescaline family.

Result so far after 2 Kambo ceremonies 

I feel energetic, great and healthy, hoping my chronic strepthroat problem will get better. I am so thankful that at the age of 58, I have no serious diseases to conquer and that my body has so much strength to heal minor issues by itself.

One day I might tell my blessed journeys a bit more in detail but today I only wanted to share some images from my 2nd session and basic information. Maybe this article helps you to think twice to choose the right medicines for you.  



PS :  

 References for the research on Kambo 

- P.Gorman, ‘Making magic’ from Omni, July 1993
- Marcelo Bolshow Gomes, ‘Kambô The Spirit of the Shaman’
- ‘Ruolo dei peptidi antimicrobici nell’immmunita’ innata’, Universita’ di Roma.  Articles and essays
- S. A. (1984) Ph.D. dissertation (Columbia University, New York).
- V. Erspamer, G. F. & Cei, J. M. (1986) Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C 85, 125-137.  ‘Sostanze bioattive: dalla pelle di un anfibio al cervello uma  



I feel like I'm missing out!!
WARNING: this video starts out rough!!

Seems a similar purging process to my experiences with ayahuasca, but done in the daylight whereas ayahuasca ceremonies take place in very dim light because of the light sensitivity during the process.

I've never read anything like this man, and I missed the video there by Luke for sure also.

Oh I remember this now! I heard of Jeff and Luke doing these things in the last year, I had not watched this. Good share.

Oh I remember this now! I heard of Jeff and Luke doing these things in the last year, I had not watched this. Good share.

IDK why sometimes I hit reply to someone, like here, and replies to ME, instead of them, I cannot figure that out. Sorry.

It's ok ! Nothing to be sorry about . I am not sure who Jeff and Luke is

They are the 2 guys in the video that @jamesc posted. Luke Rudkowski of We are Change - and Jeff Berwick of The Dollar Vigilante.

Both are here on Steemit.


no idea why Jeff's HTML tag did not show up there.

Oh man, now I wanna kind do it again... haha

Toller Artikel. Resteemed :-)

Thank you so much ! Danke vielmals ! Die sessions waren unglaublich !

Sehr gerne. Das glaube ich dir :-)


thank you for sharing , great post !

Hello Jiinaa ! Nice to meet you . I just followed you , glad you enjoyed reading about my purge session 🤣🐸

Very interesting post! Thank you for sharing! I resteemed.

Worth a try Olga ! Better than Tylenol :) Thanks for your time reading

Very interesting! Further evidence that everything we need for healing and wellness can be found in nature.

We also need our will power wanting to heal or preventing to get ill. I am glad you liked my adventure with natures powers. I just followed you :)

Great knowledge I got in this great post. Wonder @mammasitta :)

Yeah ! That's what I intended to do, telling a little bit about my exciting ceremonies and inspire to rethink what medicines are good for us. I truly believe it's so important to get such information and what plants could help us to stay well. I get sick just smelling antibiotics.

I've never heard or read of this, nor anything quite like what you have shared here today with us, that is really something.

Great details, great post and very interesting.

Little BIG secrets ! I am so glad you find it interesting

Congratulations this post is very interesting, is to take the time and read very quiet many thanks @ mammasitta / for this information

There is so much more to tell but I had to stop. It's fascinating what nature gifts us ! We just have to find out ourselves about alternatives . I said it before. I get more nauseous of those tablets we get at the pharmacies. Thanks for stopping by .

Thanks to you for this wonderful post

You can also practice regular QiGong exercises.

I heard about but need more info on this . Thanks so much

I am already reading about . Thanks !!!

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