For those about to die, we salute you...... Steem is making you (me) stupid.

in #blog5 years ago

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Yeah yeah, it's a paraphrase - but it's my post, and I'll paraphrase if i want to....

And I'm not about to go on a shooting rampage, so don't stress.
(that's counts as way too much effort, nowadays).

But I do have a growing hunch that my time on steemit, is coming to an end.
(@drama token anyone?)

...Or should I say, will be highly curtailed. ....(Less drama, and more realistic).

Because I've realized that I'm 'dumbing myself down', by being on here.

When I first joined steemit, the people here were interesting, intelligent, funny, witty.. you get the idea, but has time has gone on, this place has become dull.
It's nothing like as vital , full of energy, as it once was, which doesn't bode well.

I'm not leaving, it's not a ship to me, sinking or otherwise...
(I've always loved ' rats leaving a sinking ship' idiom).
Although, I could never quite work out why doing something in your own self interest to survive, and seeing the future events unfold, and thus acting upon the information, was seen as a bad thing....?
It's not like the rats own the fucking ship, is it?
Rattus norvegicus is not Rattus stenaline, now is it?

Getting ahead of the curve is not a bad thing....

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I digress...

When I first came here, I didn't have enough time in the day to respond to all the interesting posts, not and make some posts myself.

And here's the thing.
I tried to do better. Everyday. Sometimes succeeding, sometimes failing - but always trying.
Because of the company I was keeping .

The quality of my posts has gone down, my humor has become more slapstick, as opposed to cerebral, the good things people that brought this out in me have gone from the platform.

@abigail-dantes - is now the only person I really engage with, nowadays.


I was researching some things last night, and I came across this piece below.
It's was nothing new to me, but it did strike a chord in me, and my own change of position regarding steemit.
And it made me aware of my own slow decent into stupid.
( I was gonna make a cutting remark of 'so i'll be down at your level soon, tarazkp', but I won't. Oh...I already have).

Here's the conundrum that I find myself in....

How much time do I put into this place?
(I'm not doing for the rewards anymore. And I'm definitely not doing for the popularity/approval, either).

So what then, am I really doing it for?
Why am I here anymore?
What's motivating me to stay?
What is my purpose , for being here?

I'm not sure, to be honest.
I know @tarazkp motivates me to stay.
Fallacious realities have been the the bane of my life, and I just won't let anyone get away with it.
(I'm changing my strategy here. btw- You'll see the difference soon enough, if I can still be bothered).

I know @abigail-dantes motivates me to do better, and she is the only person that still makes me want to do better .
To push the gray matter.
One person now, used to be twenty people, two years ago, here on this steem blockchain of ours. (there is still @denmarkguy, to - he's always interesting, and some others. Don't get offended if I haven't mentioned you).

Being competitive by nature, interesting people brought out the competitiveness in me, to do better in my self, and that's pretty much gone away right now.

Which is a bit shit, but that's the way I feel.

As for the future of steem?
I'll leave that to the happy clappers and 'the totally desperate to make it work, gang'. ( it's possibly the only roll of the dice that they'll in the 'life game' to 'make it big', whatever the fuck that means).
Good luck to them.
And I sincerely mean it.

A bit of history...

I was fortunate early on in my life. I took the IQ test (which I had to do, as I'd won a scholarship to some very elite, very snobby, private school).
It didn't matter to me then, (or now), but as I've gotten older, it did make some things clearer to me.
I was aware of how clever (and how stupid) I was.

Not many people have that knowledge to hand. It gave me a sense of knowing my place , in the grand scheme of things. (not in some stupid class hierarchy, context).
It was what it was. Not good, nor bad. Just a factual piece of information.
It wasn't from any elitist perspective, at all - fuck no.
It was from a place being able to orientate myself in the world.
Believe me, I'm as dumb as a bag of rocks in so many things.
But I knew my place.
There is nothing wrong with knowing your fucking place in the world!

You have no idea how much it saddens me when I see the postmodernist perspective (evil, by another name), of the brain washing of the 'not so smart', who are led to believe they are really intelligent.
It's a crime, in my opinion.
And dangerous.
There's nothing clever about being intelligent, trust me.

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Everyone gets dealt a hand when they are born, and a lot of it is hereditary, and there's jack shit that we can do about that.
Everyone gets dealt a different hand, but what really pisses me off, is when you're told that your holding a pair of Aces, and 'in position', (optimal), but when, in reality, what you're really holding is 2, 7 off suit, and you're 'under the gun'. ( an incredibly weak hand, and the worst position on the table, if you're playing poker, for those that don't know).

Being the best you can be, is the whole point here.

Telling someone they can be a brain surgeon, when they obviously can't, is just fucking evil.

...Some poor dude, duped into chasing that non existent brain surgeon destination for years, is being set up for failure and abject misery for his entire life.
....That same poor dude, who's been conned by the education system into believing falsehoods about himself, could have been.....

....the best fucking mechanic in the world, and had a life of success and happiness, instead of abject misery!

know thyself, for fucks sake.

Read the excerpt from the post below...
...I left out some parts that didn't fit my point of this post, (relative to myself). Not because they didn't apply, but because they only served to remind me of my own shift - towards the direction of dumbing down.

The full article's here

This is 80% of the article...

They can read people. Actually, you might feel as if they can see through you.
.... they can easily recognize your cognition style and make you laugh either by jokes, observations, or sarcasm.
So look also for humor.
They are not interested in appearing nice to others just because they want to give a good impression. They will help you when no one is watching. Most times they they couldn´t care less about what others think. They have a good moral compass.
Be ready to hear some off-the-wall ideas about society, religion, politics, etc. They will not be polite when pointing out some truths. They defend truth above all (because truth is logic). They´ll actually like to discuss and hear eccentric perceptions because that way they can confront what they know.
They will hear carefully what you say and will pick your perceptions as puzzle pieces
They recognize truth in all perceptions, so they may quickly change from one opinion to another, because they find one truth and then they move on to another truth - so they aren´t that quick to judge unless they find logic fallacies in arguments.
As part of the truth, they value authenticity. They will not lie because they want to give a good impression. They will not smile in your face and talk bad about you behind close doors.
They have no problem in being straightforward and pointing out your shit (even if you have all the credentials in the world).
Because they value authenticity so much, they´ll have some shills every time they sense inauthenticity.
Either that be in propaganda, hypocrisy, lies, fake people, advertisement, name it.
As a result, they´ll probably pick up on some fallacies in peoples reasoning and theories. Don´t get surprised if they have no pity in doing so

Truth is more important than feelings.

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And that's all I can be bothered writing today.
I might get medieval on @tarazkp 's ass later, if I can be bothered. (see brain surgeon story above).

Am I an arrogant twat? Nah. ....but you might not realize it. all depends on the position from where you are looking at me , doesn't it?

(You can work on understanding your own level of intelligence, from dissecting and forming an opinion, on that statement above, btw...)

Know thyself.

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You're welcome.

I'm trying to help.


I had to look at the link page, looks to me like there is a lot of different and sometime funny ideas of what makes a person an intelligent one. I myself am glad I just fall in the average category, that way I can just share a few thoughts, ideas or photo's or things I did during the day or the week. It makes on-line a bit less stressful not having to be the smart one. was something that resonated, is all, in my musings as to why I'm still here.

It's becoming more vague as time goes on...

I was missing from social media from about 2005 until I re-hooked via steemit two years ago. I am becoming like the last time more jaded, not much has changed between 2005 and 2017, twelve years, you'd think the next cycle would have started, but the change has been co-opted and the cycle broken by the roost rulers.

Perhaps the next real social crypto coin will make the change steem has fallen short of. Still there are some things to see and do, and not many traditional advertisements, I just need to learn to not become a walking advertiser for others, and block my mind to the mindlessness of some

I know how you feel, matey.

Are you an arrogant twat? might not realize it.

Arrogance is good, stirs the emotions.

Know theyself.


I don't know if they give them out for psychological drama, which you'd certainly qualify for but we'll see.

"When I first joined steemit, the people here were interesting, intelligent, funny, witty.. you get the idea, but has time has gone on, this place has become dull." I agree. People also seem to be more......narcissistic than I remember. Perhaps emotional and tempermental is more accurate. No, I think it's narcissism. People think they are more knowledgeable, smarter, have all the info than anyone one else on earth. Their opinions are gold. People used to share and explore info together. Now, it's like being posted at rather than sharing a post. Sad. This used to be a great place. Better than Facebook, Twitter and so on. Now, it's pretty much the same thing in my opinion.

I drop in, read some posts and then drop back out. I spent the majority of my day off the platform. Too bad. I remember when we really enjoyed it. Enjoyed talking about stuff. Looking stuff up and sharing links. People posted stuff that made me laugh. Really laugh. Now, I go through my feed pretty quickly.

These are, indeed, important questions to ask nowadays.

So what then, am I really doing it for?
Why am I here anymore?
What's motivating me to stay?
What is my purpose , for being here?

Of course, at this point, blogging for Steemit solely for financial rewards is not a sensible thing to pursue. And despite the obvious decrease in interaction and activity on the platform there are still many aspects that make me want to keep my blog going here. Today, you have just presented me with one more:

I know @abigail-dantes motivates me to do better.

I am sorry to hear that 99% of the people you interacted with before have left Steemit. I feel lucky in that respect, as a lot of those who nowadays I think of as online-friends are still around. And of course, you are one of them. As you said before: it's a long-term relationship ;)

I know Steemit (as a system) can be disheartening sometimes. But, try to not get too frustrated about it. It simply is not worth the energy.

Have a wonderful week & thank you for letting me know that you feel motivated my by work here and our (meaningful) interaction <3

Yet again, Senora, you have focused my mind, just in your answer alone .

.....'tis a strange talent that you possess.

Do you see brooms as a mode of transport, rather than a piece of cleaning equipment? lol).


There you go. I took this photo this morning as I was about to leave the house.

Brooms - mode of transport.
Hoovers - for cleaning :P

All right. Enough! someone has to work here!!


I knew it!

All right. Enough! someone has to work here!!

that's not my fault! lol.

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When the world around me confuses me with some doctrine logic and i can't find ways to express my point of view because intelligence and logic are diminished to dumped down wishful thinking ,.. I do sometimes feel real stupid and think why do i go in to those interactions . Well i decided that there is no why , this is me being me trying to enjoy MY live . Like i still enjoy some part of steemit . Then again it works both ways , the dump , how great there numbers might become , will eventually take on thoughts spread by more awake but just as dump other people . So not taking part in social media discussions will never make the sleepers awake or change anything .

good points, sir

Great post, as always, L.

We are alike in more ways than I can take time to list here...but a couple quick ones:

I am in exactly the same place as you re: Steemit... Not sure why I hang out as much as I do here either, although that may be coming to an end for me, as well. I spend about equal times posting shorter/easier things with the hope of just sparking something (somewhere) as I do simply reposting stuff (in protest) that HF21 allows to be almost constantly grayed out.

I've always enjoyed your material, and your dedication to excellence. (I got done doing excellent here, long ago too, as I'm sure you know.) No one wants to just go on "casting pearls before swine" until the swine actually turn and attack them for it...

Stay well, my friend. God bless.

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