Cartoon-off: I hope I trend! [Comedy Open Mic #23]

in #cartoon-off6 years ago (edited)


This is my second attempt at a comic -first attempt here. I wasn’t sure how it’d turn out, but I’m fond of my alien investors, Cedric and Anna. They were christened immediately by my daughter. I wasn’t given a choice...

So as far as motivation:

I woke up Thursday morning and discovered I was announced as a judge for @corpsvalues ’s cartoon-off contest. I figured I’d best do a comic to support the contest in spirit. For anyone reading this who might be interested but hesitant, this contest is newbie-friendly. As someone who has never considered doing comics and was 110% focused on writing, I have so much fun doing these projects. As silly as they are, they’re emotionally rewarding after a long difficult week at work. I highly recommend people to give it a go. You’ll be able to tell yourself: “I tried something new, thanks Steemit! I hope I trend with this comical masterpiece!!”

Which brings me to the inspiration source.

I woke up this morning and tried again to leave a comment on @nonameslefttouse ‘s post — I’ve tried 3 times this week, but was overwhelmed as always by the content, and scared off by a slaughtered demonic pig. Why can’t the man draw flowers, trees, the birds and the bees?! I joke, go check him out if you're interested in the weird and wonderful.

Anyway, today I read his post: How to Qualify for the Shit Post of the Day Award.

After reading it, this comic came to mind and demanded creation, so I'm dedicating this comic to him. I’m sorry, even in my comic, he didn’t make the front trending page. But I hope I do!!

Prays to Steemit Gods of Trending

Not going to happen? Oh heck, I hope I qualify for the Shit Post of the Day Award at least!

And since this is supposed to be funny for funny’s sake, take this submission too, @comedyopenmic.

My nominees are the motivational @corpsvalues and the inspirational @nonameslefttouse.

Thanks for your patience for getting this far on a rather silly post. Have a beautiful day, and don’t forget to use your witness votes.

Not sure who to vote?

Below are the good-spirited witnesses I value. They have made a difference on my Steemit journey, and that of many others.



That is fantastic. I would literally pay for a trending page that good. I may even steal a couple of those to write about.

On a side note, I didn't know you were from Australia. Also thanks again for getting me to use Grammarly

This post is way too good for the Shit Post of the Day Award. It has my name there, then my name again... Oh! And a cool comic. HA! ...sorry about the pig.

Glad you got some value in the dedication, and seriously, thank you for the inspiration. ❤️ After reading that post and admiring the $$$ potential and artistry of Leon to Lion, the direction of this post was clear. I thought...That could totally be me too!! Trending page, here I come! Only, I’m such a tight-arse that it physically hurts to pay for attention, I guess I’ll have to be organically untrendy.

And I’d be honoured to receive your Shit Post Award, an award is an award, I’m not fussy, especially when it means you drop in. ;)

You should know, I peek on your blog often, and try to reply, but they get long and I get bored of me mid-way writing them. There’s been a few unfinished ones I just don’t press post on. Instead, I lurk and secretly read when I’m in the mood to experience weird. Terrible me, but your Steemit contribution is valued by me.

As for demonic slaughter pig, it really was tongue-in-cheek. I actually had to do the mental rubber band snap thing to prevent myself from replying what I really thought piggy looked like. It’d be tasteless and I gotta keep it classy. Lol. And hey, I caught the rather pretty and harmless looking nonames pic before you removed it. I’m not scared. :P

If you thought that lion was cool, you should see the elephant I made.

As for that paying for attention stuff: I've always preferred to be like that band nobody ever heard of at the old school record store. Stumble upon the recording, the cover looks cool, whatever, take it home, best sound ever! I'm not saying I'm the best, I just prefer to be found like that and maybe someone will like what they see. "Hey! Look at me! Me! Me! Me!" isn't really my style. Organically untrendable is fun.

You're not only one who reads and runs and honestly, I don't have an issue with that. I know how it is. I can't leave comments everywhere either, but I'm still checking in. I like to hear what people have to say, even if it's cringy or whatever, I don't mind. I think sometimes part of the reason people don't say the things they want to say is because they too must keep it classy and protect their public figure persona thing, which is cool. I don't blame them. Someone might see them mingling with the freakshow! Oh no!

O.M.G ... I know Elafint the Elephant! She’s famous, she has a psychic trunk that is invisible to the eye! You’ve put an impressive amount of detailing, I don’t know which grey squiggly bit I should focus on, and the unnatural precision rendering... It’s unfair how easy it is for you...

But let’s forget about the blood, sweat and jaw-dropping talent you poured into Elafint. Let’s focus on what’s really important. This will definitely rocket-trend straight to the top, @nonameslefttouse. You just need to sell your soul and promise to give your first, third, seventh and twelfth born over to the daemon-bot who controls the SP of a horde of imps. When considering the skipped infants, that’s a lot of procreation in a given lifetime. You’d best consult your social calendar, do the maths, and weigh the risk vs reward vs libido. It might still be tempting...

Does the thought make you hot and tired?

Coolness in obscurity is probably the wiser choice. But maybe that’s also problematic, you’re too cool. I can only speak for myself, but I feel more comfy hanging with the dorks. Being cool requires too much calories...Oh, scratch that. I should definitely aim for cool then. It’s good for the hips and etc.

Also, it was only for Mr Serial Killer Piggy that I was fearful of getting too low brow. Most other times, it’s usually that I want to make suggestions. I respect you as an artist and a writer. I personally hate being told what to do artistically. But I will upvote in future, now that I’ve let it be known I actually read. I still struggle with upvoting and not commenting, always feels uncaring if you have had some interaction with the author. I need to harden up though.

You’re doing fantastic, you are fantastic, take care and no need to reply to this. I know how conscientious you are with replying, but I wrote this to entertain you. The length of this comment is exactly the reason I don’t reply to your posts. ;)


I think I will call it a day, this is way too much laughter for one day!


"There's potential Anna"


Killing me,literally killing me, I need air!

I owe you some chuckles, so I’m glad you got a laugh, Jack. ❤️ But don’t die just yet, you still have work to do! Have a good rest.

There is potential, I am circling... If only my husband did not have the oldest, shittest, most unrecognisable license (the thing actually has a crack in it!), I’d be an investor right now. Well, maybe not just yet. Lol

Edit: Thanks for the resteem! :)

That trending page is way better than what I'm seeing now. Haha! :D

Hello, lordkingpotato, I’m honoured you left a comment! I’ve never met potato royalty!

I ignore the trending page. With so many complaining, I’m making assumptions on what might actually be there. XD

Thank you for the upvote & visit.

Lol, I am loving your shitpost cartoon. Way better than my sh*tpost memes/giphy. Trending page sure looks enticing for Cedric and Anna, the two aliens. I’m surprised #flowerpower didn’t make it onto the trending list. 😂

I always enjoy noname’s post when I have the chance to stop by. His Ernest stories are hilarious. Will have to see what this one is all about.

Have fun being a judge in the contest.

Oh, no! I was so busy pushing out this post, I forgot to visit yours now that VP’s recovered! Every post requires so much effort, I feel like a worn and dirty dishrag by the time it’s posted. I’m usually zoned out afterwards. Will be hopping over to beeYOU land now.

As for @nonameslefttouse (tagging everytime someone mentions him in my post), I don’t think he likes quiet. Hopefully you have a chance to rattle his cage.

Thanks for dropping by beeYOU. ❤️🤗

PS: I’ve never seen #flowerpower! Lol 🌸🌼🌺

I know exactly what you mean. For me, it’s a choice between writing a post, commenting and engaging, or discord. We can’t do it all!

No worries about stopping by. I cringe at my latest sh*tpost but I couldn’t say no to a challenge? 😇

It was fine beeYOU! I smirked. As I said, I’ll try not to be enticed by the pretty ladies! XD

A smirk is good! More than what I expected to get from that post, lol. :)

I can't even pick which part of that cartoon is the funniest, but "how to cook ramen" in #survivalism been there, done that, LMAO.
The key is, when you have to eat ramen and don't have hot water to make soup, then it makes a pretty good cracker.
Thank you so much for promoting our contest: I guess you have to be the judge because you are always a winner in my book!
Seriously, this is your second attempt at cartooning? You are a natural! Somebody syndicate her!

The contest is created through your own determination. I’m actually proud of your persistence to follow through. You’re much braver than I in this. So I’m just doing what little I can as the first round co-judge. I very much enjoyed the creative process.

I was quite awed that I did all that tbh. I’d have never believed I was capable a few months back. I used to do some graphic design work as part of my role. It wasn’t expected, but the clients appreciated what I did for them made them happier than the stuff their hired Web Designer did. But it was always with the aid of stock images. It’s empowering that I can now draw my own stuff for whatever concept I have in mind. So I thank you for giving me the motivation to practice some more.

Anyway, I hope you get a few more brave souls willing to put pencil to paper. Good luck, Brian!

Bahahahahahaaaa totally keep making comics if you can squeeze that in around your writing Linny XD

Comics is something I’ll do when randomly inspired, but it’s not my focus. I think every once in a while I feel a need to draw something or work on a piece of visual art. In any case, drawing has taken over the writing on Steemit, so that needs to stop. Not sure what, or if I’ll be doing much beyond this one. Guess we’ll see how I feel. :)

Lovely to see you and thanks for dropping in.

🤣🤣🤣🤣 omg #deepshit 🤣🤣🤣🤣

#deepshit is actually a tag used by some of our deeper thinkers.
It’s not made up! Hehehehe

Thats awesome

What a fun tag!

Hi @linnyplant, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I found out that @corpsvalue doesn't exist on Steem. Maybe you made a typo ?

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Hey, @linnyplant that's right, I don't exist! Turns out you were crazy all along!

You’re just Brian to me. :P

Thanks for sharing your cartoon @linnyplant, and bringing my attention to @nonmaeslefttouse's shit post award, which I just went and read. Gold !!

You’re very welcomed. @nonameslefttouse is a great example of a dolphin who not only works hard, but remembers to share the love around. We need more of those kind of dolphins. I hope you enjoy all his posts. :)